#dev 2020-03-22

2020-03-22 UTC
[Michael_Beckwi], [tantek] and wagle joined the channel
My thoughts on https://www.swyx.io/writing/farewell-netlify ... Wish @swyx the best and I wonder if Webmentions works here.
Tc, NotAWalrus, superjen96, jenelizabeth, leg, KartikPrabhu, nickodd, [tantek], dhanesh95, waterbadger, plut4rch, jacky, [jeremycherfas] and swentel joined the channel
As a matter of good practice, is it a good idea in CSS to keep all elements together, with separate media queries for each, or two keep all media queries together, with all the things that change at that breakpoint within the one media query?
[jgmac1106] joined the channel
I have been trying to reorganize my style sheet. I keep my media queries with their rule....never seen anyone organize by break point but that sounds like a cool idea
If I use media quaries, I usually try to go by breakpoint. Or better: I write all the CSS for mobile view, and then add the one breakpoint for desktop where I define any overwrites I need.
zegnat has 15 karma in this channel over the last year (52 in all channels)
KartikPrabhu joined the channel
I’m torn. Still new to breakpoints, so don’t want to get into bad habits.
jenelizabeth, NotAWalrus, ReallyNotAWalrus, [jeremycherfas], nickodd and [jgmac1106] joined the channel
I need to rebuild my wiki, since wikispaces is gone, what wiki would use? mediawiki too much work to mantain
DokuWiki, PMWiki, and WikkaWiki, I am looking at
I used to use tiddlywiki and [chrisaldrich] is a fan too.
ooh thanks will check out
[chrisaldrich] joined the channel
[jgmac1106] I saw a note from the lead dev of tiddlywiki the other day about doing free mass hosting of wikis for education (because of covid). Maybe worth looking into for class wide distributed use?
His envisioned use case would make it interesting to add webmention natively.
I am just going with dokuwiki now as it is in installatron and I need to stay focused on doing my classes
leg joined the channel
Is there a Javascript only implementation of webmention yet?
[chrisaldrich]: what exactly do you mean?
I'm mostly aware of php implementations because that's what I've used and haven't looked at what else is out there in ages...
Tiddlywiki is html, css and js, so if there's something simple preexisting they could modify, that would help to be able to point them to.
for what part?
Though most installs are private, so no public facing urls to discover to send and receive.
tiddlywiki is mostly client-side, so it's limited what it can do vs what it's server backends (of which there are afaik multiple) can do
or are you talking about the node.js backend?
Yes you're definitely right, but I have been looking at the node.js stuff lately though it's a bit beyond my pay grade presently.
there are likely a few nodejs pieces around, not sure how up-to-date though
isn't morris a php based tool?
What is morris?
Morris is a self-hosted PHP service for storing Webmentions from webmention.io in a JSON format that static sites can use to render them without querying webmention.io on each build https://indieweb.org/Morris
I've only seen a few people with public facing websites using tiddlywiki (and most are node.js to my knowledge)
The only one I've seen with Webmentions is leveraging webmention.io
That was quick [jgmac1106], now to fill it up...
I wish wikispaces....handled their exporting better.....I had hundreds and hundreds of book reviews
What is Lazymention?
now wondering if a wiki makes sense for all his long form writing...stay on target..stay on target
lazymention is an open source service you can run on a Node.js server to send Webmentions from static sites https://indieweb.org/lazymention
I think first nvALT and now The Archive have largely replaced my wiki, which was always a haphazard collection of notes, quotes, references and what have you. I’m trying to be more mindful of using my Zettelkasten as an outboard brain, but it takes effort and ceaseless tending.
nvalt has 1 karma in this channel over the last year (2 in all channels)
What is nvalt?
Notational Velocity is a note taking application, which was designed to be extremely simple https://indieweb.org/nvalt
Are you on the beta for the replacement aaronpk?
Wiki gardening can be a time consuming task...
[jeremycherfas] by The Archive, do you mean The Internet Archive?
yeah but great place for collaborative learning and curating...when it isn't a headache just to mantain
No, The Archive app. Plain text and designed for zettelen.
alas.. iOS.
Before either of those I got quite deeply into Tinderbox, which made it easy to publish static HTML, but the pricing- earlysubscription, and expensive - forced me to give it up.
I only use the OS X version
I think I'm more curious lately about wikis for personal/educational use, but particularly public ones that can interact...
There are Zettel fans who use many other tools; Sublime text, emacs, others. The process is supposed to be software agnostic.
I suppose I'm looking for something that can be BOTH the "garden" and "the stream" as a personal website (framing from https://hapgood.us/2015/10/17/the-garden-and-the-stream-a-technopastoral/)
Haven’t seen wikis really interact before. Other than maybe http://fed.wiki.org/
[chrisaldrich]: that is kinda the thing I am looking for too. I haven’t been able to find anything so I am just slowly looking into building it myself
I believe wikis are best as either personal tools or massively collaborative ones. There’s a medium site where there just aren’t enough gardeners to people trampling the lawns.
Medium size
TiddlyWiki is one of the closest things I've seen to potentially having pieces of both, but needs better differentiation for public/private.
[jeremycherfas] that size/scope issue is definitely something to consider.
I do like the ability to quickly copy a "Tiddler" from one site to another as well as the ability to transclude them into progressively bigger pieces.
I’m still on the mailing list, and I keep seeing all sorts of interesting things to do with plugins and macros and things. But I won’t be tempted back. Zettel just suits me better.
Zettel is on my to do list, I just need an extended block of time to delve into it at enough depth beyond the simple basics I've got presently.
jamietanna[m]: oops looks like your bridgy-twitter-content is inside your regular e-content so it's all doubled up in my reader!
Another thought is that Scrivener, which also has those abilities, can export static HTML. So can nvalt, through Marked.
aaronpk thanks, I've literally just spotted that when I looked at the Webmentions on - will fix that now, thanks for the report 👍️
very cool though!
to HEAD a page or not to, that is the question!
nickodd left the channel
Kinda depends on what you are looking for, jacky.
If your HTTP client lets you cancel the request at any point, I like to go with GET requests but cancel them if the Headers already contained what I needed ;)
vilhalmer and gRegorLove joined the channel
[chrisaldrich] seems a mf2 template for dokuwiki would be doable: https://www.dokuwiki.org/template
I just need to know if the page exists!
I don't think I just need headers tho
It depends on your definition of page exists. If you are just looking for a 404, HEAD request should be fine right?
yeah - I guess I should be more specific
this is me reworking bits of my webmention receiving logic
and I'm thinking about doing a HEAD before GET
but tbh doing just a GET should be enough
for verifiying? yeah i'd say skip the head request
chances are the page exists, and a head request wastes a request because you need the page contents to verify the webmention
Also, there could still be a link on that page no matter what HTTP code is returned
geoffo, swentel, leg and ReallyNotAWalrus joined the channel
hmm, aaronpk does aperture support searching in posts in a channel?
hmm, I could actually check the code of course
i dont' think i've done any search yet
oh ok, good to know, someone opened an issue in indigenous, but I don't test against aperture anymore, so I don't know the answer immediately
I should probably setup an account again there so I test myself easier
it is probable
KartikPrabhu, [jeremycherfas], antonedotdev, [Rose] and [manton] joined the channel
Micropub question… When creating a draft, does anyone ever return other app-specific JSON data in the response? For example, post IDs or URLs for editing the post on the web. (I was thinking about changing the Link header that comes back for drafts to not necessarily be the final published URL, but that seems like it could create other problems.)
petermolnar, [jgmac1106] and gRegorLove joined the channel
tbh I can't see why not
like the URL of the post, be it a draft, should still be usable, no?
RllyNotAWalrus joined the channel
[jacky] Thanks. Yeah, this is basically if an app wants to let the user check or preview a post after the draft is created. I think I'll add something like `preview-url` in the JSON.
hmm tbh that's a interesting case for authorization of posts
why not send them to the post's URL but have that show them the preview if they're logged in?
There's not currently a way to know if they are logged in. No cookies shared by default between a published blog post (which could be any domain name) and Micro.blog itself. I could probably add some JavaScript, but not sure how I feel about adding that to everyone's sites.
ah right i forgot you're dealing with static sites
I guess WordPress.com and other platforms must have a little JS to achieve this.
yeah the little toolbar that appears when you're logged in to wordpress is similar i think
Yep. You're right, that would be ideal, but I think it's outside the scope of what I'm trying to do for this. Hmm.
yeah and has other implications too, so is worth thinking about separately
Although… Now that I think about it, I could only add the JavaScript for the 404 page.
I'll have to table that for another day. Thanks for the feedback, y'all.
[chrisaldrich]: I'm looking for the same (garden and stream in one)... although getting by alright with one system for each at the moment
Wikity had the kind of interaction element to it too - you could copy a post from someone else's wiki into yours.
yeah wikity was a wordpress fork of cunningham's fedwiki
I think I still own fedwiki.me , cool idea, but the ux just not there for my students, wikity was very approachable
(Also how I found out about the IndieWeb, through Wikity somehow :D)
wikity has 1 karma over the last year
You could do the copying of people's wiki posts to your own wiki pretty easily with just the building blocks, right? A 'copy' action (like like or repost), that just copies the wiki post content wholesale into your own wiki via micropub. Maybe sends a webmention too to say 'i copied your wiki post'.
kind of a callback to schmarty thinking about how collections of tutorials could work.