#dev 2020-03-21

2020-03-21 UTC
gxt, jenelizabeth, inkjama, superjen96, KartikPrabhu, jeneliza_, [tantek], nickodd, gRegorLove_ and [g33kcentric] joined the channel
So what's people's opinions on slugging their post URLs with the amount of posts that day Vs the amount of posts ever.
dhanesh95, swentel, gxt, [jeremycherfas] and rekam joined the channel
I do neither.
No opinion whatsoever.
[jgmac1106], [g33kcentric] and [KevinMarks] joined the channel
It depends if you want calendar navigable urls - where the year month and day parts all work (like blogger does) or all you care about is sequence, and want to do next/prev easily.
Also the amount ever can mount up. Maybe not at twitter scale where they ran out of js number space, but they can get a bit long.
Well I am currently doing the year month day and then n where n is the amount posted that day
Anyone know of a page of sample HTML with all the standard tags, like H, P, LI etc etc? I want to have something on which to check my CSS. I know there’s Zen Garden, but is there anything else you would recommend?
[Sadik_Shahadu] joined the channel
Maybe a page that other templates use?
lwh joined the channel
I like that page of yours [KevinMarks] What did you make it for?
And I think I can adapt the Shoelace page. I really want to see the headings, for example, in context.
rekam and [schmarty] joined the channel
[g33kcentric] - i believe aaronpk follows the /year/month/day/nnn-... convention where nnn is number of that post for the day, starting from 1.
Yeah that's where I get it from :) I think I'll stick with that, ta :)
I made it for my essay on contrast
[frank] joined the channel
Ah yes; I remember that.
[jeremycherfas]1, [Sadik_Shahadu]1 and [LewisCowles] joined the channel
[KevinMarks] pa11y or p411y is a nice tool for contrast checking in CI. Can stop people being phools as long as you can get a server going after build-step
I think it's pa11y
I find it easier with vision issues - is to force all sites to use my chosen fonts+colours and accept the layout breakages in exchange for being able to read most main content
There is a tool I use for similar purposes lwh. It's called user css & Javascript, and lets me inject behaviour and styling per-site
The trouble is that designers treat the contrast guidelines as a game of "how close the edge can I get?" |rather than starting with black on white and tweaking a bit
[KevinMarks] I think it's more that a lot of designers and programmers, think about their own feelings and needs a lot more than those of customers.
At my last employer when turning off IE11 I asked could we not present a basic experience for most browsers, single-column nothing flashy, and was made to feel like professionals cannot do that.
Like the best jazz; gotta know which notes not to play. (I’m told.)
I'm not even sure it's a matter of suppression. I was surprised to hear C Heilmann say recently that Microsoft "have to" support high-contrast. It's a real eye-opener to a lot of invisible features and work done by tech giants
Ultimately I do feel like the web needs regulation in order to fully legitimise it
It can be at it's most extreme white on black or black on white. I'm mostly irked by text over image without at least a semi-opaque background
WordPress Gutenberg had an interesting take on this
So far I’ve been very happy with using Tailwind’s CSS alone, without actually installing it on my project. Now I want finer control of the type size scale, I’m either going to have to install the whole thing, which is almost certainly overkill for me, or else understand breakpoints better and do it myself.
The WordPress Gutenberg block I was referring to is Cover. It actually seems less usable, but more configurable when I tried it just-now.
It also maintains the control of a semi-transparent overlay, background colour for text heading and foreground colour for text.
While it doesn't stop users producing unreadable "designed" text, it goes some way to providing the langauge and presets to challenge
leg, dhanesh95, nickodd and [manton] joined the channel
k foster I do same thing with my note urls and want to lay them out on a calendar view...some day
IndieAuth – A federated login protocol using one's own domain name https://indieweb.org/IndieAuth #Indieauth #LoginProtocol #OwnDomainName
[tantek] joined the channel
[LewisCowles] been helping me brainstorm how to automate /year/month/day/nnn for rel and prev.....thats kinda my working on goal, need to learn next map
[schmarty] and dhanesh95_ joined the channel
If it should only point to the syndicated content, why do we say in https://news.indieweb.org/en/submit about marking up with a `u-syndication` to the non-syndicated permalink?
Question about semantics - should a `u-syndication` point to the syndicated content, or the syndicator, i.e. `https://brid.gy/publish/meetup`
I've been meaning to ask about it for a while, and hawx reminded me in https://me.hawx.me/entry/d7d85eab-42c7-4512-b9f5-d04088b1c7fa
[Joshua Hawxwell] I got this working here https://me.hawx.me/entry/5f00a0fc-52f3-4c5d-bc60-98ae5fba7317. It is pretty basic, I just collect any u-syndication links on the thing I'm liking/replying to and check if they match a tweet/flickr regex, like https://indieweb....
it's supposed to link to the syndicated copy of the content
it's like "find this content on these other places"
It’s saying that href thing *is a* syndication of the current h-entry
yes that's a better way of saying it
Gotcha, I'll look at amending my site to present that correctly then!
gxt, rekam, swentel and [g33kcentric] joined the channel; Scarecr0w and nickodd left the channel
[jacky] what have ya thought of so far? I would probably just have a JSON file or table in dB get updated by a cron job or a custom API endpoint
The centralisation thing I mean, not audible
def a custom API endpoint
by some internal service I put on my server
I haven't figured that out because it's more about the services
So you would have your "trackers" ping to the endpoint,
[chrisaldrich] joined the channel
yup or it'll poll them
that way
I don't have to worry about it on my site's side
NotAWalrus joined the channel
the goal is to have all of the media that I use similar in response structure so I don't have too much work to do
rekam, [Michael_Beckwi], KartikPrabhu, gRegorLove and [chrisaldrich] joined the channel