Loqimicropub media endpoint is a Micropub endpoint that exclusively handles file uploads and returns a URL that can be used in a subsequent Micropub request https://indieweb.org/Media_endpoint
[LewisCowles]PR submitted https://github.com/indieweb/indiewebify-me/pull/86 for-now I'm using u-logo. I will be blogging about this at some point though. Perhaps it will only be me that cares, so it shouldn't be in a standard and I'll use u-x-avatar or u-x-icon.
[LewisCowles]Interesting finding from 2017, I've only just got round to implementing for my site is self-hosting google fonts and making them same-domain.
[LewisCowles]So if you use google fonts, open the css in a few browsers, and yoink it out. Run a diff on the css so you can machine hint to de-duplicate noise. Then find replace /v[0-9]+ with '' and the prefix which is the same between font files to be '/fonts/{font-family}'
[LewisCowles]fluffy++ for webmention.js. Most of the CSS to display icon of logo, avatar, photo was lifted from that. It's the first real-world usage of `ex` unit measure I've seen
[g33kcentric]im thinking of seeing if i can reach back into my mind 10 years ago at uni and fork indigenous to put a few more post types and a markdown WYSIWYG in it π
[g33kcentric]arrr wicked! I'll give that a go, i want to get webmentions working properly first tho! I think i cracked receiving them at lunch time, just go to work on posting them π
[g33kcentric]arr fair, i havent gotten around to setting my reader up yet, i used it when i had the drupal site and using your brill modules, but got to set it up myself now
aaronpkXRay sends an accept header which contains activity+json, so that software like mastodon will return the JSON version of a post rather than the HTML
ZegnatI am not sure I understand the problem? If XRay is asking for activity+json, and that is what you are getting from WordPress, what is parsing incorrectly? Does the activity+json not include everything you expect?
ZegnatIt is interesting. XRay says it prefers application/activity+json over text/html, but this WordPress issue and the fact that microformats might include more information, argues for the oposite
aaronpkthe theory was that most things that return activity+json don't also return microformats in the HTML, so xray *should* ask for activity+json first
aaronpkalso with wordpress specifically, most of the time the microformats on the page are broken because they're mf1 or poorly configured themes, so getting the activity+json version would return better data
aaronpkin these particular cases, these wordpress installs do have proper microformats which also contain more data than the activity+json version, which is super rare
aaronpki guess one solution is that the wordpress site would have to know that the microformats are higher res than activity+json, so if a consumer is requesting microformats and activity+json then it should prefer sending back the microformats version instead
aaronpkoh wait i'm misremembering what xray is doing too... it's actually looking for a rel=alternate that's on the page and then going and fetching that instead, that's like a whole step up from conneg
aaronpkso yeah i really don't know what to do here. it's like I want to use that rel=alternate link only if there are no or bad microformats found on the page...which is tough
ZegnatYou already request application/mf2+json first, so if the WP plugins fight it out and that one gets to win, maybe it should return and all is fine?
bekoHuh? So my wordpress with valid mf but also ActivityPub is super rare? xD uh oh - hope I don't have to ditch one in the end :D
cam4507[m], msena3[m], tom85[m], thestevewayDisco, olizillaDiscord[, [jeremycherfas], vasa[m], Discord[m]2, tadpole256Disco4 and sekiDiscord[m] joined the channel
ZegnatMaybe? Which plugins should let AP take a step back? It seems like AP should only take a step back if the HTML is going to contain valid mf2, which has been a problem with WP in general?
KinnardDiscord[4, KeegenDiscord[m], sscarfe, AuHau[m], enricomarino[m] and eshohetDiscord[m joined the channel
@swentelJust pushed a release of Indigenous which now comes with a built-in anonymous account. The reader has some default channels and you can even change the endpoints without having the need of an IndieAuth enabled site! #indieweb (twitter.com/_/status/1242890812884688897)
[LewisCowles]After nearly a decade of getting people off of JIRA, at my last place we used it, and it didn't use markdown, but rather textmate style, which I didn't know was a thing until a colleague pointed out it was an older standard for plain text documents