#dev 2020-04-01

2020-04-01 UTC
[chrisaldrich], jenelizabeth, KartikPrabhu, [LewisCowles], gRegorLove_, jjuran, jeremycherfas, raucao, nsh and sscarfe joined the channel
is it valid to embed p-given-name and p-family-name inside p-name?
<span class=p-name><span class=p-given-name>Mild-mannered</span> <span class=p-family-name>Crustacean</span></span> or so
looks like it.
loicm and [jeremycherfas] joined the channel
but apparently you can't nest a p-summary inside the e-content? how annoying.
oh, maybe it's only some parsers that don't handle it.
is it recommended to have h-entry with hAtom fallbacks, the way people do h-card with hCard fallbacks?
is there any real point?
i did h-card/hCard for my main page, and marked up all the posts with h-entry so far.
[LewisCowles] joined the channel
crab. I think the point is that p-summary is for lists. Surely it would lead to repetition if placed within e-content?
[LewisCowles] i'm not sure i understand why. please explain?
lists of articles, like a blog index or archive page.
As-in it's to provide a short teaser to read the content. It doesn't need to be a part of the content
are you saying you would generate the index with only a summary of each post, and post pages without a summary?
i guess i just don't understand your point. i know it doesn't _need_ to be part of the content, but it's convenient for me if it could be, on a post page.
hmm. i guess the problem is that i'm thinking of the summary as the first sentence of my content, and you are not.
right. it makes a bit more sense that way.
👍 it can be, but doesn't have to be
You could extract the first paragraph or sentence using DOM API
document.querySelector('.e-content > p:first-of-type')
Then if you need to make sure it's a sentence, regex that sucker
I'd suggest using the content as summary requires more writing talent than I have
So I'd sooner treat it as a separate thing.
I don't use p-summary for blog posts at all. Just the date and title. It's simpler and works for me
[jgmac1106] joined the channel
I use p-summary in my blog posts, most readers will either display x words of a post or if a p-summary present display that
If you use Bridgy to syndicate Bridgy would just send out the p-summary, and yes it stays out of e-content
Kaja joined the channel
i don't suppose it's valid to set class=p-summary on a <meta> element.
jenelizabeth joined the channel
meta is a valid html element that can carry the class property, I don't see why not
but it is supposed to be used when other HTML elements can't represent same data
superjen96 joined the channel
I include a p-summary but then have it set to display:none on my posts, readers still pick it up, but I do not diasplay ut
crab: parsers should find nested properties, yes. if you found an example with one that isn't, would like to file that as an issue.
p-summary on a <meta> element is going to parse the node's textContent, so empty string
gRegorlove, A: what are you doing awake ? B: this was about nesting p-summary inside e-content, what would be the reason.
A. Insomnia
[Abhijit Menon-Sen] How are Unix pipes implemented?
[Abhijit Menon-Sen] How are Unix pipes implemented?
argh, sorry for the repeated message.
B. I used p-summary in https://gregorlove.com/2019/04/chris-aldrich-mentioned-it-was/ for shorter content to Twitter, iirc
gRegorlove: i could be doing something wrong, or misinterpreting the results, but that looks like the java one doesn't see the summary, but the ruby one does.
Chris Aldrich mentioned it was his #indieweb anniversary today, which made me wonder when I first encountered indieweb. Turns out it was six years ago! I remember being excited about the idea of federated comments. I had no idea I would be getting in...
i don't know what parser indiewebify.me uses for h-entry, but that does see the summary either (or at least, it doesn't say anything about the summary when validating that page, as i expected it to alongside the other properties it does detect).
I do the same, with my p-summary, I was explaining I set them to display:none
indiewebify is the php parser, also running at php.microformats.io
[Abhijit Menon-Sen] How are Unix pipes implemented?
sscarfe joined the channel
Ah, yeah, Java parser should be picking that up. I honestly don't know when Java parser was last updated, probably been a while
ok. i can just ignore the java parser.
Yeah, p-summary inside e-content is valid, so ruby and php parsers are right there (and Python, I'm certain)
TBH, i'm not actually using any of this for anything. i just happened to see "google supports microformats" somewhere, and realised i could markup my stuff with h-card and h-entry pretty quickly.
it's only after i'd already done it that i realised that the microformats google supports aren't the ones i'd added support for :-)
We have #microformats too, btw, if there's specific parsing questions or issues
I like your homepage and that little drawing
thank you :-)
I love your homepage. Very funny, but still informative of purpose
crab has 1 karma over the last year
crab has 2 karma over the last year
I didn't know I could nest p-summary in e-content... Will start doing that
hs0ucy, sscarfe, [g33kcentric], swentel and mastermidn13 joined the channel
does this seem right: https://quickthoughts.jgregorymcverry.com/2020/04/01/hey-k12-educators-moving-online-want-a trying to nail down page weight of gDocs wasn't easy nomral console tools didn't work
[Greg McVerry] Hey #k12 educators moving online, want a greener, more accessible web? Do you collaborative editing in a wiki not Google Docs, Just checked same article in both places. 56 MB for the gDoc and 17.12 kb for my wiki! Massively smaller
[jeremycherfas], loicm, hs0ucy, confraria[m] and [LewisCowles] joined the channel
[jgmac1106] it's very likely the media within your doc was being measured in one, whilst only the data stored in the wiki case?
The XML document formats are a bit bloated. I'm just not sure if the JS to power the google + requests is 56MB (It could be, I just remain hopeful they are not that wasteful)
5.6 MB wouldn't surprise me at all
yeah I could be wrong on my measures, my usual tools weren't working, with my understanding, I would like to correct what I said if I am off by a factor of 10
share the method of attaining the number
just a page with a bit of texts, a table, and a few hyperlinks, no video or images
along with the quote
then it never needs to change, and you get to issue another post, rather than an edit
we're all human
the amount of times I've been off by an order of magnitude or more
will delete until I can describe my methodology, especially since I am unsure of the size of gDocs and I was doing my best with console topols
right, but that IS your methodology
well it's spelunking
but that is a methodology
yeah wanna do it proper after I get some teaching done
Gaffen, KartikPrabhu, sscarfe, hs0ucy and [jeremycherfas] joined the channel
Hmm. My webmentions seem to be acting up. Don't mind me just testing https://shindakun.dev/posts/sdl2-test-03-part-01/ #indieweb
[tantek] joined the channel
↩ī¸ Congratulations! I'm curious if you have plans to offer other IndieWeb building blocks like Micropub, Microsub, or IndieAuth? Given your offerings, I'm tempted to add @Typlog to the options at https://indieweb.org/Quick_Start. https://boffosocko.com/2020/04/01/55770003/
Webmention is a web standard for mentions and conversations. Whenever someone likes or mentions your posts/episodes on social network, Webmention is notified and will send them back to your website. 1. Turn off Disqus If your site is currently using ...
↩ī¸ @ChrisAldrich We are currently support IndieAuth via Twitter and GitHub. Take an example: https://lepture.com
typlog is kinda what I want the hosted version of koype to look like
def taking some cues
[grantcodes], [LewisCowles], gRegorlove and [calumryan] joined the channel
I just signed up for a Met Office API key
[jgmac1106], [chrisaldrich], jenelizabeth, [tantek] and [Rose] joined the channel
Ooh, that sounds like fun. And as I'm in the UK I'll be a happy guinea pig
[Ana_Rodrigues] joined the channel
[amit] and nec joined the channel
what is Typlog?
It looks like we don't have a page for "Typlog" yet. Would you like to create it? (Or just say "Typlog is ____", a sentence describing the term)
[Rose]: I'm prepping for the loss of the Dark Sky API by supporting more regional weathers. I do the US National Weather Service now.
[jacky] joined the channel
What is Typolog
It looks like we don't have a page for "Typolog" yet. Would you like to create it? (Or just say "Typolog is ____", a sentence describing the term)
There's a typo in Typolog ;)
that was the joke 🙂
ah .. damn :)
sleepy, almost bedtime hehe
Typolog is /Typlog
[KevinMarks], willnorris_, Zegnet and voxpelli_ joined the channel
wants to try his hand at Android development again
jacky: Writing what?
tbh it'd be something 'simple'; an authenticator app for my site
jacky: Interesting
I already have a _lot_ of experience with that kind of stuff too lol
it's just a matter of doing it
raucao joined the channel
Why an authenticator app?
for second factor presumably?
[tantek]: They have those, why a new one? I am curious to learn
Essentially, what is the unique nature of this one?
presumably more secure since you know exactly what code is running?
I can understand that
[jgmac1106] joined the channel
nah to remove passwords / the TOTP solution on my site
jacky: Okay.
[snarfed] joined the channel
oof, no, code is not more secure just because you wrote it yourself and you can see it
all else equal, less and simpler code is indeed more secure
but big co's have security experts write and review their code, and a bunch of other resources, which will generally outweigh code written by security amateurs like most of us
the one saving grace may be that homegrown custom code is generally a very small and low value target, so most attackers won't bother with it
The best security is not running code at all and doing things with your eyes manually that can be done manually.
when possible, sure! manual until it hurts
Takes me about 15 seconds to go through 2 days of POST data from pingback/webmention on my sites.
snarfed, I think we're generally agreed.
The practical problem we're seeing now however is that BigCo code has gotten so bloated that *despite* their superior security expertise and review, they have much more likelihood of "lurking bugs" than small simple OSS code (which has also likely been security reviewed, since it's OSS)
eh maybe. yeah the tradeoff of size vs experts does go back and forth
but OSS definitely _doesn't_ imply security reviewed. i bet the fraction of indieweb OSS code that's been _truly_ security reviewed, for example, by actual security experts, is small to none. by lines, estimated guess, i bet it's under 1%
as a data point, sadly none of mine has, despite its age and my resources. i wish it had been! code reviewed, yes; security reviewed, no.
has any of yours?
petermolnar joined the channel