#dev 2020-04-05

2020-04-05 UTC
I'll take it back. mention-tech's status page said yes, but then refreshing back to the main page said no...
gRegorLove and geoffo joined the channel
The cache finally cleared, so I've been able to log into the wiki with my TiddlyWiki subdomain. 🎉
Now onto webmention.
KartikPrabhu and geoffo joined the channel
And finally, after dinner, I've now got a personal TiddlyWiki set up with Webmention and Pingback endpoints! On to h-card set up.
TiddlyWiki << example: https://iamdave.co/
[tantek], [LewisCowles], vilhalmer, crab, KartikPrabhu and DarBA joined the channel
KartikPrabhu joined the channel
↩️ @evertp I am wondering why our tweets here dont show up as a webmention no the actual post?
leg joined the channel
↩️ I don't 100% know how it works. It doesn't work all the time. Maybe the original tweet with the link needs to not be a reply.. not not sure. This is a http://brid.gy thing
this json+ld stuff that google supports in some contexts (e.g. https://developers.google.com/search/docs/data-types/qapage) seems like such a terrible waste.
forced duplication of everything, basically.
petermolnar, KartikPrabhu, [jgmac1106] and [kimberlyhirsh] joined the channel
[chrisaldrich] I was able to get webmentions going right on doku wiki
loicm and omz13 joined the channel
need the content, but close
[KevinMarks] joined the channel
Indeed, crab.
Making an IndieWeb Wiki This weekend I have been fooling around with a wiki. I used to have a massive wiki on wikispaces. It had hundreds of members and over 700 book reviews of children's literature. Then wikispaces folded. The export tools pr...
blog posts missing the p-name.....
yippee, I think I now have a wiki that also has a blog, both with proper(ish) microformats and articles and blog posts accept and display webmentions
I can't figure out how to add the correct link to my twitter profile for Brid.gy but that is fine, now back to filling pages with content
I'm looking into a problem with my h-card
[Desmond Rivet] How to Have a Conversation on the IndieWeb
brasoo joined the channel
oh, JSON-LD is only one of three supported ways to provide structured data. microdata and rdfa look closed to how h-entry looks.
in the edu space everything is going to JSON-LD, not that it matters. People always talk about metadata and interoperability but nothing ever comes about
doubleloop: your posts don't have an author property
sknebel: yup was just seeing that! Seems to be picked up in xray OK though - http://xray.p3k.io/parse?url=https%3A%2F%2Fdoubleloop.net%2F2020%2F04%2F05%2F6742%2F&pretty=true
no u-photo
[Neil Mather] I’ll be attending and most likely working on a blog post that I need to write about owning my RSVPs, before I actually forget what I did at IWC London.
I guess xray is intelligent to also pick it up from the page's h-card?
on the rsvp but I don't see the u-photo..nvm I do
if sknebel is helping going to back away
or is willing to accept the rel=author path - but that relies on recognizing a page as a permalink, and xray might be more forgiving there
Cool - well this is an easy fix, thanks :)
(permalink recognition might fail since the posts also don't have marked up links to themselves as u-url/u-uid)
So yes, adding an explicit u-author link to your homepage is the best fix IMHO
crab: yeah, lots of ways to provide data. Really you want to be looking at what consumers you are expecting to come by your site, and what sort of markup those are able to parse.
i have no expectations really
i added h-entry support based on a mistaken assumption (that google supported it), now i'm just looking around at stuff
so i have no agenda, i'm already happy even if i do nothing else.
but i know i'm definitely not going to add json-ld structured data to my site.
It is hard to know exactly what Google reads and does not read. If you are however specifically optimising for Google get ready for a game of cat and mouse (and probably lots of painful data wrangling in Microdata or capitulating and putting JSON-LD islands everywhere).
yeah. i'm not going to get sucked into that bog.
especially because the schema.org definitions have so many properties and types that i feel a bit dizzy.
sknebel: ahh, so in each entry I can just have a u-author that links to where my h-card is? I don't need to have an h-card in each h-entry?
what is authorship?
authorship is how to indicate who the author is for a post, and an algorithm that determines the author of a post https://indieweb.org/authorship
Neat, thanks! sknebel++
sknebel has 17 karma in this channel over the last year (56 in all channels)
[Rose] joined the channel
chapter 1:Introduction We often wonder and dream of an alternative universe. What if the web got built by preschool teachers instead of on the libertarian dreams of young white men? What if it took bake sales to fund rather than the boom and bust cyc...
chapter 1:Introduction We often wonder and dream of an alternative universe. What if the web got built by preschool teachers instead of on the libertarian dreams of young white men? What if it took bake sales to fund rather than the boom and bust cyc...
messing up my authorship a bit right now myself
muety, bmat89, [jeremycherfas], [KevinMarks], [grantcodes], gxt and [LewisCowles] joined the channel
so it seems so far my options with dokuwiki, is one template that uses too much jquery to style using panes ...and I can't use CSS to fix...and another that uses more modern CSS but for some reason doesn't work with fluffys javascript webmention script
...either way I can still organize my thoughts..all the InideWeb stuff just a distraction from the work.
[jgmac1106] what errors are you seeing from fluffy's script?
if none, check the network tab
just not displaying in the theme
hasnothing to do with the script
I had this and it was me failing to use the 'data' attributes
longthoughts.jgregorymcverry.com has everythign working but the jquery for the panes injects a ton of inline CSS and I can't figure out how to add a media query to hide the sidebar https://longthoughts.jgregorymcverry.com/doku.php?id=knowledge_knitting
I so prefer using CSS for layout
being able to resize that sidebar really upsets me
I might not look at this one. I get too invested in problems I don't need to solve sometimes
jeremycherfas has 6 karma in this channel over the last year (22 in all channels)
yeah I am trying to walk away from that theme, but when I try this: https://longthoughts.jgregorymcverry.com/doku.php?id=namespace:test_post the webmention script doesn't load
really I should just ignore it all and get my content up which is my only real goal, just using the IndieWeb stuff as a distraction bc "get too invested in problems I don't need to solve sometimes"
jgmac1106 has 11 karma in this channel over the last year (78 in all channels)
content first
[LewisCowles] ++ for patience, doggedness and eagle eyes.
[LewisCowles] has 8 karma in this channel over the last year (14 in all channels)
jgmac1106_, braso, gRegorLove and KartikPrabhu joined the channel
vika_nezrimaya, bmat89, [tantek] and [snarfed] joined the channel
aaronpk: How often does events.indieweb.org process new webventions? I just attempted to send a webmention-based RSVP for the first time via my own tools, and I'm not sure if it worked or not
it'll show up instantly if you've logged in to the wiki the the same domain the webmention is from
otherwise it goes into the pending queue
I'm mister two-domains, so that's not e
it's in the queue
weirdly enough as a RSVP: yes?!
that seems like a mistake
What's weird about it? (Serious question)
i think that is intentional
"So, for a real example, let me pause and declare my yes RSVP to the April 15 IndieWeb NYC meetup"
that RSVP as part as a full article seems odd
it may very well be the first instance of that :)
um, "oops"?
but I indeed didn't read that far D
I just wanted to show off why webmentions are cool... is this a bad example?
it's a creative example :)
lets see how it shows once approved :D
I can amend the article with a parenthetical that this use is kind of weird. :)
might be a good idea to point out that typically RSVP responses are short posts, maybe link to https://indieweb.org/rsvp#IndieWeb_Examples
I probably should have tried to send a more typical note-sized RSVP first, but with the next NYC meetup just a few days away I couldn't resist...
(bit surprised it shows up as a "blog post" too on the event page, but :shrug:)
because it is also a blog post :)
Cooooool. I didn't even know the page displayed comment-mentions too.
This looks great
Thanks for the eyes on this
Out of curiosity, how often does events.indieweb.org check its pending queue? I assume there's an automated process?
correct, manual review
anyone logged in to the wiki can do it
I did not know this
but also if you log in to the wiki as fogknife.com then your responses won't go into the moderation queue
I have so many questions
So I'm logged into the wiki... can I see the pending queue? (Recognizing it's likely empty now)
it's on events.indieweb.org
in the menu
So it is. ok
yes it's at the top of events.indieweb.org
So... aaronpk, when I shared a mockup of an inbox-based webmention-moderation UI a week or two back, you (and others here) convinced me that it wouldn't fly, because the task of slogging through manual moderation is just too onerous. Y'all suggested a stance of "accept everything not blocked, and make blocking easy" instead
And I'm wondering how the pending queue here is an exception to this?
this isn't a personal website
By that you mean that the load is shared?
a few things
more people to handle moderation
but also webmentions are republished on the event pages, so the risk of republishing spam or malicious content is higher
also this is not going to have back and forth conversations the way you would on twitter or with a personal website, so the volume of incoming webmentions is lower
brasoo joined the channel
Yeah, ok
I think that this little public demonstration to one side, it will make sense in the future to send RSVPs from jmac.org instead of Fogknife, anyway. It's about something I am personally doing in the future, not something my blog is doing
An interesting lesson
KartikPrabhu joined the channel
hey [dansup] any chance you're around? i'm trying to debug oauth client issues with pixelfed
Ryuno-Ki joined the channel
snarfed I'm here :-)
or has anyone else here successfully used Pixelfed's OAuth before?
petermolnar joined the channel
Hmm.. any clues what would stop my posts having the usual like/repost/reply actions next to them in social readers?
probably a missing url property
or you're signed in to the reader with a site that doesn't have a micropub endpoint
aaronpk++ ah thanks! yeah they're all missing the url property
aaronpk has 61 karma in this channel over the last year (213 in all channels)
(I love breaking things.. it's the best way to learn how they work)
geoffo, [tantek] and loicm joined the channel
will take a look snarfed!
jaklt joined the channel
↩️ Realistically, webmentions are a form of (indirect) comment, and therefore have the same moderation/anti-spam requirements as comments, and, well, welcome to the modern internet. Still a good idea.
mastermidn13 and [KevinMarks] joined the channel
gah. I have https/http catch 22 going on. I want to use the location API, which requires the site serving to be https. But then I need to fetch a resource from a http origin, and it gets blocked as mixed content.
is there a way to tell fetch that I want it to use http ?
[LewisCowles] joined the channel
stick a proxy in-front
only browsers have mixed-origin rules
Yeah. I was trying not to have to use server side code for this. What a pain.
There may be http headers or other options I'm unaware of
it's not my http server, it's a 3rd party api
and their cert is not good
I meant from your initial document
but it sounds like a proxy may be the only way to go
Here you may be able to cheat
it's a json file. The "live-ness" might be something you can trade off and bring it into your site at a period
weather can change in seconds or less, but it's uncommon to see it reported as fast
yes, the updates are 3 hourly
I can make my own proxy site, sure. I was just hoping to avoid that part.
proxy site, potentially 86400 serial connections per-day
cached json, under 3000 per year
that way I can hide my api key from the client too
TBC I'm recommending just grabbing a copy once per 3 hours
I have a site that works on localhost but not on a server.
is the key site-specific?
if it is, then you may have minor spelunking faking browser headers
it's literally a referer
please roll that key
apologies for trying it, I just wanted to know if the met office site was broken, or if it were a site-specific key
caching it makes some sense
I think they never set up tls on the api
It looks like they are using Akamai
so it may cost more to have vanity cert, or it might be something overlooked.
Government. Nobody gets much thanks for it
so if I serve from http, it works http://where.kevin-marks.com/maptime/weather.html but then I can't use the location API to see wher you are.
two ways to solve that conundrum. pass location from a page that is https via query param so it's bookmarkable, or look towards https with proxy or cache
so long as there is state I think whatever you choose isn't the end of the world
it makes it less black-box
mastermidn13, geoffo and [tantek] joined the channel
I could server it form my phone to itself over http, that's a splendidly bonkers workaround
mastermi_, mastermidn13 and [Cheuk] joined the channel
Finally get around to try using micro.blog, however, the cross-posting to LinkedIn seems borken?