#dev 2020-04-09

2020-04-09 UTC
gRegorLove, [chrisaldrich], TGiske, zenen, dougbeal|mb1, beko, chrisaldrich and mitchell joined the channel
what's the community consensus on taking bits from other people's websites?
design is still in the realm of open-source ethics, right?
ping [schmarty]
[prtksxna] joined the channel
zenen: I usually cite where I get inspiration / ideas from
jacky: that seems fair, cool
[schmarty] joined the channel
gRegorLove: I did not. I should! Need to update it for CircuitPython 5 and make it less of a hack.
nickodd joined the channel
Kongaloosh was talking about wanting to do something like that with articles from posts. I remembered you'd done that. Still using it?
KartikPrabhu, sivy, [benatwork], [jeremycherfas], HbHighland and [LewisCowles] joined the channel
!tell zenen I think when borrowing design, it also helps to keep the wrote copy local to your PC, and then experiment with a design
Ok, I'll tell them that when I see them next
swentel and sscarfe joined the channel
the wrote copy?
[g33kcentric] joined the channel
not wrote copy (text or design assets). That's what I mean about experiment with design. Make it your own (not changing words in copy either)
so first iteration could be use placehold.it or similar to put in generic graphic replacement assets
then a fun ipsum generator
then adjusting dimensions, or deleting elements
try what it would look like inverted
think about what it would look like off; no-CSS, unmet breakpoints or reduced support
I'll be honest I built up such a process that I use it to get me and others to tell me not to design
[prtksxna], petermolnar, swentel, [KevinMarks], sscarfe and [jgmac1106] joined the channel
What is xfn?
XFN (XHTML Friends Network) is the network of visible links across blogs that claim various XFN relationships with/to each other https://indieweb.org/XFN
f****** gutenberg
wordpress has -1 karma over the last year
gutenberg has -1 karma over the last year
5.4 breaks a plugin with a rather gnarly problem. The WP editor displays content in a sandboxed iframe. In order to display plugins that use JS I load their JS and inject it into a "block" which is a sandboxed iframe, which redirects infinitely back to itself loading the frontend, then the sandboxed iframe ad-infinitum. When I stop including the JS in the iframe, that problem abates only to find their public API has "revised". and I need
to unpick which parts have changed between the last release and this one
is there a :face_without_symbols_on_mouth: ?
jeremych_ joined the channel
most of them
although if I do wind up in the face-mask crowd, I might get one with symbols on it
it could be like those dog-jackets to notify people of demeanour
the one with symbols on is "blunt, with a low tolerance for discomfort"
TGiske joined the channel
Dog jackets?
Some people buy their pets special jackets or leads with colours to signify how to interact with them. The worst being "don't"
The best being bring your good boy and little ones over
damn memes of dogs are gendered. good boy -> pet dog
I know they are not the same and apologise
Interesting; never come across that myself.
petermolnar and [KevinMarks] joined the channel
the amount of clothes your pet wears is directly proportional to how much I want to punch you in the face
[g33kcentric] joined the channel
strange dev topic though…will have to mark up my desire
Ok, I'll tell them that when I see them next
!tell aaronpk we really need to finish the “not-it emoji” application. where does it live now?
[grantcodes] joined the channel
Zenen if you're copying bits of code make sure you reach out to the author about licensing, you will not be allowed to reuse by default
sscarfe, hs0ucy, jenelizabeth, [Suw] and [schmarty] joined the channel
gRegorLove: the one place I have the PyPortal microsub photo viewer working is on my desk at work, so I am not using that at the moment
what is pyportal?
It looks like we don't have a page for "pyportal" yet. Would you like to create it? (Or just say "pyportal is ____", a sentence describing the term)
[KevinMarks] joined the channel
!tell LewisCowles I didin’t pick up your img on this: https://lewiscowles.co.uk/blog/credibility/ excited to read thx for sharing
Ok, I'll tell them that when I see them next
My dogs wear coats to keep them warm in winter
swentel: probably not enough IndieWeb relevance for a wiki page yet, but it's this device: https://www.adafruit.com/product/4465 (disclosure, I work for Adafruit)
Oops that's the tiny one. This one is the "regular" size: https://www.adafruit.com/product/4116
[jgmac1106] I'm sure it was in jest, but I'm not sure where the emotion over practical or non-harmful pet-clothing comes from
[LewisCowles]: jgmac1106 left you a message 4 minutes ago: I didin’t pick up your img on this: https://lewiscowles.co.uk/blog/credibility/ excited to read thx for sharing
[schmarty], ah ok :)
sscarfe and [jgmac1106] joined the channel
I moved to chat, I just like big furry winter dogs...like all over emotional responses it comes from deep seeded personal bias
gxt joined the channel
kevinmarks all that dog talk I had to do a dog poem, and today’s theme is concrete poems, what do I have to do preserve spaces again for this: https://github.com/jgmac1106/homepage/blob/master/notes/2020-04-09-1.php should I use an html entity…you tolg me something like option+ spacebar
hs0ucy joined the channel
gonna try pre
loicm and nickodd joined the channel
beter but now I have a fat dog, gonna mess with my width
jeremych_ and flex14 joined the channel
set pre width to a hundred, just gonna add an img of that tnot fat dog as well
you can also set pre `overflow: auto` and provide a max-width / max-height to allow for scrolling of code or things where the effect is desirable
[grantcodes] joined the channel
hmm, does indigenous ios support multiple accounts?
I think so right?
KartikPrabhu, gRegorLove, gxt, sscarfe, TGiske, [fluffy], [jgmac1106] and [tantek] joined the channel; nickodd left the channel
still hoping for an iOS indigenous update with the new no-sign-in features!
Better option, switch to Android, jk aside [eddie] crazy busy with two under two. I think he opened up development to others. Can't recall
myravery joined the channel
I'm still wondering if it makes sense / is feasible to capture the things I listen to and watch on my own system
like end-goal is to have it be contextually present on my site but :thinking:
I have this thing slated such that if I write a post that takes as long to read as the song I was playing as I was writing it (delta 30 seconds), then I'd link it somewhere on the page
aaronpk: jgmac1106 left you a message 10 hours, 36 minutes ago: we really need to finish the “not-it emoji” application. where does it live now?
either and/or doing it for TV (b/c I def want to get back into like "live posting" as I watch something); makes it easier to give some sense of a review
the latter would be trickier b/c I could be just posting something out of band and not necessarily related to the show
[asuh] joined the channel
[grantcodes] and Princy joined the channel
↩️ @levijwest told me about visiting a cracking museum in Columbia dedicated to these. Maybe in the now shifting geostrategic order others will take the microsub path blazed by the Italians in 1930's, followed by the Yugoslavs in the 1980's and now practiced by the Iranians.
Kartik, KartikPrabhu, alina and [schmarty] joined the channel