#dev 2020-04-14

2020-04-14 UTC
Working on adding my weather stations as a data source to my site. Trying to figure out how to store multiple stations and the configuration.
[snarfed] joined the channel
aaronpk we haven't sketched out a "pure web" or "indieweb" version of backfeed, have we? ie something like an extension to webmention where servers would send to rel-canonical or similar links in targets, if found, and then receivers would also support incoming wms where the target is u-syndication link instead of the target?
Didn't lobsters do this too? Same idea right?
maybe? got me
Or wait no that was just to announce the syndication maybe?
i suspect they were thinking just direct wms, not synd backfeed like this
[voxpelli] #383 Feature: Send Webmentions
Cool, we should document this
lobsters? or the pure web backfeed idea?
The new one
iirc someone was asking about webmention + rel-canonical a while ago
ttal, [bonkerfield] and jjuran joined the channel
[aaronpk] example-indieauth-server: a prototype IndieAuth server to demonstrate what is required to build an IndieAuth server
aw man i really want to write a webmention game where you have to collect monsters by sending webmentions to them, but every time i sit down to start sketching it out it starts to look overwhelming
ok i'm trying to pare this down to a manageable feature set
[prtksxna] joined the channel
aaronpk: I was wondering, do you imagine Webmentions (and the rest of the stack) being used for games and other kinds of apps regularly? (sorry if this isn’t the correct channel, happy to move)
geoffo joined the channel
probably not, but i'm thinking of this more like a fun version of webmention.rocks
Right 🙂
Do you think the other stacks
i mean it depends on the game/app
chess via webmention could certainly work :)
— Solid, Activity* — have more of a focus on other kinds of apps?
(sorry, hit enter by accident)
no idea, games aren't really my world
I don’t mean games specifically, but other apps in general — things that aren’t personal websites.
Yeah, turn based games that have to maintain some state would work. IIRC there was a tic-tac-toe demo that I saw?
well indieauth is already in use for home automation ;-)
Heh, do you use it that way 🙂
no i mean Home Assistant uses (part of) IndieAuth for their API
"we have adopted the OAuth 2 specification combined with the OAuth 2 IndieAuth extension for generating clients"
My question was if this is part of the larger vision for the stack?
Whoa! That is really cool 😄
i wouldn't say it's explicitly a goal, but it's definitely something i'm always thinking about
ah nice dev.to comments already have permalinks
Would it mean that we’d have to define some mf2 format for each new ‘game’ (state and turn) or any other application we might try to build/
ok step 1 to dev.to supporting webmentions is they need to fix their HTML! There's an entire nested HTML page inside pages right now https://github.com/thepracticaldev/dev.to/issues/7271
[aaronpk] #7271 Comment text includes an entire HTML document inside
so the one question here is whether the comment on dev.to should look like a comment on the original post or have any reference to the dev.to syndication
i *think* it will "just work" if the comment permalink has a u-in-reply-to URL of the original post
so i'm inclined to go with that
KartikPrabhu and [LewisCowles] joined the channel
[Cheuk] has 2 karma over the last year
geoffo joined the channel
[aaronpk] I took a stab at outlining how this might work. Here's the writeup, including details on the (minimal) markup additions needed to Dev.to comment pages: https://indieweb.org/Webmention-brainstorming#receiving_webmentions_for_syndicated_copies
[snarfed] joined the channel
heh, jinx, we collided a bit in writing that up. i added https://indieweb.org/Webmention-brainstorming#.22pure_web.22_backfeed just now
but yours is more dev.to-specific
I was trying to come up with a fake name for an imaginary service but couldn't think of anything clever so I just wrote in dev.to
Needs an actual name too like Alice and Bob
but for a service
foo.code and bar.code
example.com has the desirble property of being reserved for placeholder doesn't it?
question on this dev.to webmention. Does it already offer rel="me" and indieauth? If not, how would the de-duplication be managed?
KartikPrabhu joined the channel
answer to one thing is that it does support rel="me"
hmm. is u-author then https://dev.to/lewiscowles1986 or https://www.lewiscowles.co.uk it also has many rel="me" links as-if it's a canonical source
nickodd joined the channel
it does not currently mark the personal website as u-uid
probably a solid choice as the home-page might not be u-uid
tbh this is where having multiple u-author u-url values can work
if the u-author is a valid h-card, you could resolve it all the way down (like only wanting a representative h-card versus a pointer to a card)
does this in lwa after grabbing a h-card the first time
multiple authors is a thing
“multiple authors is a thing” - but not very often? I seem to recall some people looking for blog examples to document and having a hard time finidng a lot? Maybe was sknebel…
I cannot imagine what it would be for. I understand multiple people being involved in a work, but my understanding of flow is that each section / article would have a single author, perhaps an editor and maybe an editor in chief
citations maybe?
it's easier to work / solve for when we have data / concrete use cases
otherwise we're playing with hay :)
right, it was the comment above that triggered the question though
> tbh this is where having multiple u-author u-url values can work
yeah but that isn't necessarily multiple authors
but that's my fault for not making that clear
nobody at fault
one could have a h-card with multiple u-url values (which seems like a bad idea in retrospect but <shrug>)
I think that is what u-uid is for
it can be
I don't know, it's what I guessed at using the wiki when implementing on my own site
uid is basically the rel-canonical of an h-card, I would say
I would expect multiple h-cards with the same uid value to be mergable as they express the same entity
I'm nerdy interested in the merging of h-cards. I'd assume newest is last in merge to blat the others, and each can overlay something PATCH, but can equally see a case for treating it as a PUT or whole-document operation
or a NOOP, do nothing, we have a key entry for this uuid
damn computing
I do not think there is a way to know what is newest. So I would just merge as a set. You can have unlimited values of each property anyway
by merge as a set, one key, potentially many values?
[prtksxna] joined the channel
or one key one value where key is the set value as far as de-dup occurs. Set seems to infer a simple value type, at least in my min
Zegnat: you could check the 'Last-Modified-At' header of the page or probe for things like a `updated` on one's h-card
but that requires people to expose those values
swentel joined the channel
yeah it's turning into hay again. apologies
tbh I'd expose that info
well people changing their h-card is a thing that happens often
or rather, I know, _I_ change mine whenever I can
I'd forgotten I ever use dev.to until I saw the link earlier. IDK if I'll add it to my list of "me on the web"
but as it supports rel="me" linking back, I'll consider it
yeah same tbh
I have a bunch of links that don't support rel=me on my site
for prosperity tbh
I have some, although, there are some I have and I don't know why.
I think it's for me to remember I have them 😂
petermolnar and sscarfe joined the channel
Had to run out for a meeting. I meant that every property has its values treated as a set. Just keep adding to it. Maybe keep track of when you added certain values.
I do now wonder if I should have an updated property on my h-card. It gets updated every time I weigh myself, just to name one reason for its many updates
there's now the reader case
(how useful would this be in a reader)
depends on the kind of reader tho
could be one optimized for listing h-cards
loicm, sscarfe and [KevinMarks] joined the channel
Multiple urls is very common in h-card, especially if the email and phone listed are urls too. Multiple authors are common, but less so on personal websites, because they're personal.
So, would that case be reserved for w3c spec documents and the like?
oodani joined the channel
An Article is much more likely to have multiple authors than a Note, for example
is this treating citations as having authors?
I guess most simply: How would an article have multiple authors?
[jgmac1106] joined the channel
Because it is collaboratively written
sscarfe, freethinkingaway, FranklinDiscord[, PhiDiscord[m], zoink92Discord[m, ZapierDiscord[m], reddDiscord[m], ShokuninDiscord[, denzuko-at-workD, bitspillDiscord[, SirMemesALotDisc, thestevewayDisco, drbh[m], M9672Discord[m], eddocsillDiscord, AtiqDiscord[m], mhzDiscord[m], Gorka[m], carstenmunkDisco, foxcoolDiscord[4, doorknob88Discor, mapachurroDiscor, HenniDiscord[m], tobowersDiscord[, PamileissonDisco, johanherman[m], XierumengDiscord, iiogama[m], doodlemaniaDisco, RomaricDiscord[m, plindner[m], vinDiscord[m], wngrDiscord[m], ShadowLingDiscor, RDeckardDiscord4, cristobalDiscord, M3baidDiscord[m], buztedDiscord[m], zegordoDiscord[m, andrewxhillDisco, malaclypsDiscord, dy5es41Discord[m, jmank88Discord[m, dostDiscord[m], ambackDiscord[m], eddyDiscord[m], Romaric[m]1, pr1meDiscord[m], n9tDiscord[m], poofDiscord[m], lamborghiniDisco, koivunejDiscord[, M011000100111010, prtfw[m], Tianyi[m], kanejDiscord[m]1, stuartDiscord[m], william_shakesDi, aaronpk[m], SenshiDiscord[m], mZ[m], sfromentDiscord[, gnunicornDiscord, OrkunDiscord[m], tangoDiscord[m], AXEL-Lee[m], zcopleyDiscord[m, npfoss[m], JayWelsh0845[m], enricomarinoDisc, drbhDiscord[m], brewskiDiscord[m, maparentDiscord[, RodolfoEDiscord[, catmanDiscord[m], olizillaDiscord[, balupton[m], DiscordBridge[m4, planetary_devDis, freethinkingawa4, RockSteadyTRTLDi, achingbrainDisco, thomasbDiscord[m, abhi_Discord[m], mikealDiscord[m], takev[m], vasa[m], gtsDiscord[m], vasaDiscord[m], MatthDiscord[m], Dazuck-3BoxDisco, edrex, vbDiscord[m], the_nikinDiscord, KisulkenDiscord[, gorhgorhDiscord[, fozzie[m], tom85[m], johanhermanDisco, OxyDiscord[m], psyonityDiscord[, SweatDiscord[m], ArunDiscord[m], NebulousDiscord[, celso[m], plexusDiscord[m], gregzuroDiscord[, doopDiscord[m], pbvieDiscord[m], watDiscord[m], nocentDiscord[m], sbpDiscord[m], bushido711Discor, JohnnyMilkshakes, grvhiDiscord[m], ChubbyBoyDiscord, phynite[m], sukarDiscord[m], nrtxrmndDiscord[, felixschlDiscor4, virtual_vagrantD, ttocslliwDiscord, TrevorDiscord[m], panDiscord[m], hubaDiscord[m], AutoAIDiscord[m], gunttedDiscord[m, gozala[m], tttDiscord[m], PermawebMatrixBr, hacdiasDiscord[m, raulDiscord[m], cam4507[m], hvergara[m], CatManDoooDiscor, LokeLDiscord[m], CocoonCrashDisco, astraiaDiscord[m, CyOp0x00Discord[, Imnotsoimpressed, chris[m], JonwelDiscord[m], yabirgbDiscord[m, a2b2x2Discord[m], peatDiscord[m], Oxy[m], combrayDiscord[m, placer14Discord[, HeysteinDiscord[, LSJI07Discord[m], bekoDiscord[m], ianfixesDiscord[, celsoDiscord[m]1, nek1113Discord[m, EdEdorEddyDiscor, ritewhose[m], Ja3ood[m], Giyomu[m], koalalorenzoDisc, Googol30Discord[, rklaehnDiscord[m, beko[m], cannabysDiscord[, xlcDiscord[m], JustMaierDiscord, FeNiXDiscord[m], MMMMaggieDiscord, atj[m], sacha[m], AuHau[m], ZipperSKDiscord[, vasa|DappkitDisc, emakDiscord[m], efnDiscord[m], RenegadeDiscord[, card[m], JaoheahDiscord[m, nilocDiscord[m], Expherience[m], Mai-HsuanKevinCh, M9uapawDiscord[m, TroyDiscord[m], sekiDiscord[m]1, SpaceOutlawDisco, MikeShultzDiscor, carsonfarmerDisc, Senshi[m], cardDiscord[m], thomasDiscord[m], JerbsDiscord[m], circlesDiscord[m, ptonerDiscord[m], jazzy-jeff^_^Dis, jamietanna[m], lauren|Microspon, lyon[m], leoalvarezhDisco, katakotoDiscord[, ngamboaDiscord[m, nlkoDiscord[m], MisterGoreDiscor, OlegStotskyDisco, wourslerDiscord[, swedneck[GMT1]Di, kppDiscord[m], manfredDiscord[m, cyluDiscord[m], NetherwolfDiscor, crestDiscord[m], Mairkur[m], gauthamDiscord[m, r5723013Discord[, fexra|TRTLDiscor, bmiller59Discord, KinnardDiscord[4, raisDiscord[m], ddahlDiscord[m], sander[m], JeffMaherVegas[m, borismusDiscord[, IgutinDiscord[m], neohexDiscord[m], yjhmelodyDiscord, EatsDiscord[m], KevlarmonkeyDisc, Lolicon[m], NastyEbilPiwateD, TyphooNDiscord[m, xtream1101Discor, OboDiscord[m], macerbiDiscord[m, jceb[m], dqxDiscord[m], pranayDiscord[m], M}Discord[m], felixschlDiscord, CryptoEmpressDis, TianyiDiscord[m4, SchwartzDiscord[, TionisDiscord[m], KirushikDiscord[, SteelixDiscord[m, HyunwooLeeDiscor, AnthonyADiscord[, nofwayyDiscord[m, Sean|FortmaticDi, DaekiDiscord[m], thesage1014Disco, sekiDiscord[m], codynhatDiscord[, UsamaIrfanDiscor, wossDiscord[m]1, KeegenDiscord[m], ivanDiscord[m], HooftlyDiscord[m, distributedjoseD, DavidFalconDisco, MachiavelaDiscor, janttoDiscord[m], ksDiscord[m], leoalvarezhDisc4, chmanieDiscord[4, Luna14Discord[m], LordFenixNCDisco, KarlDiscord[m], gumshedDiscord[m, gregjeanmartDisc, hvergaraDiscord[, CathyLDiscord[m], Tianyi[m]1, cesarosum[m], johanhermanDisc4, CantiTurtleCoin[, realChainDiscord, aidxnDiscord[m], h2Discord[m], appDiscord[m], nek11Discord[m], SuikaDiscord[m], oed3[m], icaruszDiscord[4, chmanieDiscord[m, pierrebocDiscord, pierreboc[m], hazDiscord[m], discord[m], jgmac1106Discord, ithithDiscord[m], romaric[m], corylDiscord[m], llllllDiscord[m], rappelDiscord[m], haywirezDiscord[, MesaDiscord[m], zwelsternDiscord, M123897974564Dis, emersen234Discor, JoejoeDiscord[m], blzDiscord[m], ReallySnazzyDisc, M|NecoDiscord[m], jenncloudDiscord, mattsseDiscord[m, thatguyDiscord[m, jessicaschilling, amatuniDiscord[m, te0dDiscord[m], ZipperSKDiscord4, M4star3starDisco, matsugenDiscord[, new0ne[m], dowlandaielloDis, CarboClanCDiscor, HaybalesDiscord[, talbDiscord[m], HielleMatrixBrid, aphelionzDiscord, aeddi[m], NatoBoramDiscord, mikeal[m], arjanvaneerselDi, tadpole256Discor, BossMANDiscord[m, macerbi[m], WarrenDiscord[m], JordanKrageDisco, baluptonDiscord[, AceFaceDiscord[m, angrygnuDiscord[, lyonDiscord[m], farhad312Discord, ShmultzDiscord[m, mZDiscord[m]1, HexDiscord[m], Sm03leBr00tDisco, RockSteadyTRTL[m, CantiTurtleCoinD, pvienhageDiscord, SpidermanDiscord, DoggersUniteDisc, drshamoonDiscord, gorhgorh[m]1, eddy[m], SpicoliWhiteDisc, M0zAND1zDiscord[, TristanDiscord[m, ShadowJonathanDi, AXEL-Brian[m], SomeguyDiscord[m, terryHDiscord[m], matschafferDisco, GuillaumeDiscord, JungleHeartDisco, UsDiscord[m], NooooooWayyyyyDi, pcowgillDiscord[, SteffDiscord[m], mattcDiscord[m], johanherman[m]1, RichardLittDisco, gmelodieDiscord[, ScottSmileyDisco, CharlieRaptoreum, coryschwartzDisc, pankajmendkiDisc, WellinkDiscord[m, TryptophanDiscor, braditzDiscord[4, matyas_mustohaDi, vexlDiscord[m], RomainDiscord[m], GiyomuDiscord[m], allgoDiscord[m], ReneM[m], FusonDiscord[m], WesDiscord[m], nyarlathotepDisc, AblibuDiscord[m], Elijah3321[m], PhillmacDiscord[, M4eekDiscord[m], cwchristerwDisco, DerekDiscord[m], chinsuDiscord[m], betamosDiscord[m, SnowballDiscord[, dunks411Discord[, MissLavenderDisc, shivankDiscord[m, KYZITEMELOS93Dis, gorhgorh[m], andrewxhill[m], DigitalOilDiscor, bmiller59[m], robinzzzDiscord[, Akshay[m], HarryTmeticDisco, SmileRobotDiscor, khalnayakDiscord, gnunicorn[m], ShruthiDiscord[m, ianlopshireDisco, TeamIanDiscord[m, confraria[m], EdmundMDiscord[m, sfroment[m], captain-nemoDisc, AmineDiscord[m], weedDiscord[m], RobotLordimperia, rklaehn[m], eshohetDiscord[m, tplookerDiscord[, DoppelgngerDisco, solanavDiscord[m, braditzDiscord[m, radio_aliceDisco, adinbDiscord[m], aswiththewildDis, simibacDiscord[m, zgrDiscord[m], anthony-albertor, cristobalDiscor4, msena3[m], NatoBoram[m], gabrielbaron16Di, dhenz3SpeakDisco, jwheelerDiscord[, bostaDiscord[m], sprayDiscord[m], hyde__Discord[m], JD9Discord[m], foxcoolDiscord[m, mZDiscord[m], FrenchBackBoneDi, kevinbird15Disco, paulmahoneDiscor, Clment[m], prtfwDiscord[m], LuutheCoolDiscor, MichaelTenDiscor, KinnardDiscord[7, amimDiscord[m], M[AXEL]Darr[m], QwertyWhoreDisco, AnthonyCBuddDisc, skillman623Disco, sachaDiscord[m], boomshroomDiscor, bonedaddyDiscord, alphapapaactualD, f-r-e-dDiscord[m, AlekseyDiscord[m, Ja3oodDiscord[m], cwDiscord[m], SnoochToTheNooch, Nebulous[m], kerlanTDiscord[m, jimpickDiscord[m, Dr_JayWDiscord[m, DamirDiscord[m], new0neDiscord[m], flower88Discord[, bengoDiscord[m], WidgetBotiocli1[, suleDiscord[m], maparent[m], enricomarino[m], manfred[m], Keegen[m], silent_Activist[, nebulerDiscord[m, celsoDiscord[m], IPFSFanDiscord[m, babaitDiscord[m], ExpherienceDisco, itsmekntDiscord[, KubeDiscord[m], Hsiu-PingNichola, loodDiscord[m], wossDiscord[m], chrisDiscord[m], kevinkDiscord[m], jenncloud[m], drshamoon[m], funwhilelostDisc, TH0RynDiscord[m], Discord[m]1, fredcy_, placer14[m], HuurooDiscord[m], berDiscord[m], Dby0Discord[m], rittmeDiscord[m], M8431[m], M5310Discord[m], Lilz|BetaMeDisco, TianyiDiscord[m], M3baidDiscord[m4, carsonfarmer[m], jklepatchDiscord, jonbvDiscord[m], nek1113Discord[4, megadogberthehim, scandichainDisco, Exca1iburTheWise, cesarosumDiscord, gkimbwalaDiscord, daveatQCDiscord[, neilDiscord[m], aaronpkDiscord[m, UserDiscord[m], richtercamdenDis, test123Discord[m, kanej[m], RealSnazzy[m], RyonezCoruscare0, touzaikokonDisco, richarddavisDisc, KinnardDiscord[m, jimpick[m], sblinnDiscord[m], armaniferranteDi, Valium8862[m], CryptoEmpress[m], denzukoDiscord[m, mykiwi, JustMaier[m], xylanDiscord[m], JorropoDiscord[m, TimeOnDiscord[m], EKLynxDiscord[m], pps96Discord[m], PerinDiscord[m], RDeckardDiscord[, modigDiscord[m], kppDiscord[m]1, kbo8999Discord[m, sethforkDiscord[, DioBrandonDiscor, icaruszDiscord[m, fozzieDiscord[m], MairkurDiscord[m, AraratDiscord[m], marcocastignoliD, peterkDiscord[m], Lilz|BetaMe[m], celso[m]1, rittme[m], tom85Discord[m], Rick[m], bltavaresDiscord, aeddiDiscord[m], obernardovieiraD, erlend_shDiscord, l^discordDiscord, snoopdoggydogDis, DreamingInCodeDi, MasonDiscord[m], EugeneDiscord[m] and AltFreqDiscord[m joined the channel
<< has tons of multiple author posts
Multi author sites and multi author posts are a huge part of edu blogging community
could I have a link to one please?
... And if academic writing moved to personal sites instead of PFF all would be multiple author, yeah one sec
I think jgregorymcverry.com/questiontheweb is one
jgmac1106 has 12 karma in this channel over the last year (82 in all channels)
People do a ton of collaborative writing and multi author sites in the education world
So I cannot as a reader know who contributed which parts.
If it is a poorly written document you can. A good multiauthor piece should have one voice
I suppose I'm familiar with the process for a research paper, where it's the sum of efforts, with a role for someone to add one-voice. Thanks for enhancing my awareness.
... But most begin on gDocs so revision history... How I assess collaborative writing
In that long poem you can tell Lewis.. Added a css selector for each author to play with fonts
I like that
I think this may be OCD though
from my part wanting to see that
Newspapers have shared bylines. They do not dileneate who wrote what
separating all the foods on the plate with solid barriers
Gwg ran into this working on parse this... No mf2 way to handle two authors on a bookmark Hee hee
Read Bakhtin and Kristeva.... And nobody is an original author
well it does throw into question who is the outer context. Who's copy is canonical
RE: outer context. Two people cannot interact without a third space to define the context of their interaction
it actually holds up quite well until you have life-partners
Up to authors to decide where rel canonical goes... Just like first author order
For our last poetry hour radio show I made the author a "group name" rather than list five people
Podcasts are a good example.... They often have two hosts
There are podcast extensions to feeds for contributors as well
Yeah I never know how to mark up guests
Usually stick in a minimal h-card or just fall back on "no consumers so who cares"
If you have a transcript you could mark it up like the chat here
... While thinking "you care do it right first even if no consumers do not exist so you don't have to fix later"
.... Ohh neat idea
That works for who said what (assuming the transcript gets that right)
[LewisCowles]: sounds like you would like a `git blame` for written text? ;)
May start using Google Meet for remote podcasting for the transcript capture
sscarfe joined the channel
fup on the Cloudflare issue: Something seems to be really broken with the particular setup. Owner has no idea where this is coming from but telling me that half of the WordPress admin seems to be broken. Moving away from Cloudflare is considered already. Well if anything blocks wp-admin all the time even for the owner I can imagine there is more amiss with this installation.
loicm joined the channel
swentel: o/ Is caption on image upload working for indigenous-android? Did nothing for me and I wonder if this is a bug in the Micropub plugin or the app.
hs0ucy and [prtksxna] joined the channel
beko: The wp-admin stuff doesn't load for me at times too, even with the page rules. Hard refreshes usually helps there, but kind of frustrating.
beko, works for me at least, this is the payload I received: Array ( [content] => Array ( [0] => Test ) [published] => Array ( [0] => 2020-04-14T14:04:00+0200 ) [post-status] => Array ( [0] => draft ) [mp-photo-alt] => Array ( [0] => cookie ) )
beko, or is this about the name in the media endpoint screen (so the single upload)?
swentel: Tried with attachment on a note. Got filed as photo, which is fine I guess, but the caption was lost.
KartikPrabhu joined the channel
beko, hmm, do you use the media endpoint to upload?
[prtksxna]: you're using Cloudflare? I don't. Just stumbled on this when CF started eating my Webmention as spam.
sscarfe joined the channel
swentel: I seriously don't know what was used in the background.
let me double too with that
*double check
It may be the plugin having this not implemented at all or sth like this. There are so many options I'm still learning
works with media endpoint too
not sure how many plugins support mp-photo-alt, I know it's relatively experimental
[LewisCowles] joined the channel
beko: this is definitely CloudFlare interaction with GutenBerg. I'm fairly certain they need to whitelist the json api and /wp-admin/ to remit
jamietanna joined the channel
swentel: I think mp-photo-alt is pretty much micro.blog only? (because micro.blog committed to using formencoded instead of JSON)
[LewisCowles]: wew. I've a hard time to wrap my head around this. Something that big messing up with a software used by such a huge number of websites nowadays.
beko FYI you may get alt text on `mp-photo-alt` or `mp-photo-alt[]` depending on whether you send one/multiple images, so worth checking if both are handled
but Drupal server as well
and Indigenous sends it too
jamietanna: ty, will check once I've some minutes. Currently in the middle of moving my office xD
(personally not a fan of this expansion of formencoded. it's already annoying enough to get everything clients might want to send covered)
well, it's good for a11y
loicm joined the channel
so I really like this one
I support much more weirder stuff in the client hehe
I am guessing sknebel would have wanted the alt to be JSON POST only, not also in form-encoded, because it just makes form-encoded ever more complex?
I never bothered much with captions. Recently we had an outage of our CDN so we got served like zero pictures at all. That was an interesting experiment so accessibility kinda popped up on my radar :D
Re form encoded params with square brackets, I want to say over the weekend I saw that it's part of the URI spec, but can't find where I saw that - will dig for it after lunch
yep. the spec already provides a way to set alt text and from what I gather intentionally kept formencoded as the simple but limited path (which makes supporting the bits in the spec relatively easy)
jamietanna: I don't think it is. but the micropub spec prescribes the use of []
But no, square brackets are not a part of it there.
So it may be that not all endpoints have implemented the micro.blog specific extension
I don't see much complexity in it, but that might be just me :)
KartikPrabhu joined the channel
I just managed to mix up delta's in the first implementation of Drupal hehe
it's yet another thing. I personally had enough issues of implementing the full JSON variant of the spec + basic conversion of the formencoded standard format just to find that clients don't want to speak that that I've mostly given up on MP, because adding yet another way of doing the same thing is not particularly interesting for me
and it's not even generalized, so are we getting a zoo of extensions for everything that would be nested object in JSON?
hmm yeah, I would be in favor to for instance deprecate form-encoded, both server and client side
converting the normal properties from formencoded to json is luckily relatively easy (take all the params, put them in a json object, pass that to your json implementation that actually does data), so I didn't mind adding that to my endpoint that I build "json-first"
sknebel: That's how I do it as well
file uploads get in the way a bit for things that don't use the media endpoint even if you stick to micropub-spec things
yeah, the drupal server handles that part too
For form encoded, I upload the file, and then put the URL in the JSON object.
jeremych_, kingpapa and [grantcodes] joined the channel
Yep, I am in the pro json camp too. Also for updates and more complicated functionality it is required. Luckily in node the conversion from form encoded it pretty easy - apart from non standard properties like `mp-photo-alt`
It's easier to standardize
Why are there both ways to start with? I'm sure I knew before but forgot. It's theoretically easier to implement?
I've been wondering that myself too
Form encoded is very easy to do.
Look at all the people who were able to do simple micropub integrations with a manually provided token?
Form encoded was there for the simplest of use cases: you have an HTML form of a note, you submit it, you have now created a POST.
Dunno, I feel like most people who are knowledgeable enough to send a form encoded request to a custom endpoint with tokens can probably send json without too much extra learning.
But I think the idea was that everything outside of an HTML form was supposed to be JSON. But of course once an option exists …
right. from what I understand, the idea behind formencoded was that you can get a quick update posted etc with really simple code (potentially a standard HTML form, or anything that can send POST). and then JSON for more complex things, where you're building UI anyways
Also is it ever that simple that it can be a html form? It would still need tokens and endpoints.
Seems like a nice idea in theory, but I wonder how many implementations are _that_ simple, especially on the client side
JSON isn't out of the box when it comes to the Web (outside of a Web browser)
in mobile landscapes, it's sometimes another library
and in other languages as well (IIRC Ruby has this req)
leaning on what HTML / HTTP has by design makes sense and adding support for other things
[Michael_Beckwi] joined the channel
But HTTP has no real concept of arrays or nesting when it comes to POST payloads. How languages arrive at { a: [1, 2] } is all over the place, I think I have seen ?a=1&a=2 ?a[]=1&a[]=2 and even ?a[0]=1&a[1]=2.
That is why Micropub requires JSON as soon as you start talking about nesting of anything
when leaning on what HTTP / HTML has by default, some behaviours are not provided just by using the standards though. Check out how Ruby deals with objects that make more sense in JSON (Zegnat making the point as I type it)
Zegnat was that a python flask example?
it's making my eye twitch
the last one is the only example of lists I've seen tbh
PHP does the numbered indices. But I think Flask can’t read those by default because it wants to do getList('a[]') ? Or something? I would have to re-research it, and not too keen on that :P
sscarfe joined the channel
lol no worries :)
someone started to make a parser for flask to do it, but their response was "Why would you want that" and "for interop" was not a good enough reason
geoffo joined the channel
I also like how neither RFC referenced by PHP (RFCs 1738 and 3986) include the string "urlencoded". It really is one of those situations where you just need to wish people luck :P
PHP RFC's are hilarious, but I love them. Well over 20 years at the mast and they still haven't delved into obscure choices like. What if we made a whole other way of saying if(!something)
kitt joined the channel
Not a PHP RFC, actual IETF RFCs
The PHP doc for http_build_query lets you pick between 2 RFCs for its form-urlencoded data.
I apologize. I mean. PHP implementations of RFC's (mostly talking about non-core library implementations)
I like having explicit choices
%20 or +, isn't that one?
it matters for some ERP software I've had to deal with.
maybe not indieweb relevant though
hs0ucy, [jgmac1106] and [prtksxna] joined the channel
beko: Yeah, I recently started using CF
beats me. I missed the memo about centralizing the internet ;-)
Heh, yeah, for sure. But DreamHost is just too slow sometimes and I can’t shell out more money
Post on Facebook. It'll be even cheaper.
And slightly less objectionable than CF.
[prtksxna]: No idea about their plans. Do they beat e.g. micro.blog?
beko: About the same price, but its a shared host so you can host anything and (mostly) as much as you’d like.
But I am considering switching to a different CDN 🤔
I hear good things about BunnyCDN but no first hand experience.
beko: Thanks, I’ll check it out
yw, let me know how it holds up :)
personally I just go with some root server and LXC for my stuff so I can really play with whatever has my attention for a while :D
bunnycdn is pretty good :)
nice, a second opinion :D hej jacky o/
$240 for "Perfect for a blog or a simple personal application" is kinda steep
Oh, I don’t know, I bet we pay a lot for the editor we use at work
I'm not against buying software.
and I guess it isn't out of line for e.g. premium wordpress plugins etc
but your work also isn't running a personal blog - I'm more willing to compromise there :D
When there is “Request Demo” but no price ;)
I don’t know, I bet we could run on WordPress if we really wanted to.
with Blocks®
[kimberlyhirsh], [Rose], nickodd, [bonkerfield], [fluffy], sscarfe, KartikPrabhu, [grantcodes], [snarfed], [jgmac1106], gRegorLove, cal and swentel joined the channel; nickodd left the channel
Has anyone worked with Pipedream (https://pipedream.com/) esp. with regards to connecting to IndieAuth apps? Finally blocking out some time to implement Micropub on ThreadReaderApp, and I am considering using Pipedream as a fun quick way to do it.
[Michael_Beckwi] joined the channel
whoa never heard of this before, is it like IFTTT?
but like, by writing code?
yes! Like a developer friendlier IFTTT or Zapier
it's not entirely clear, but it looks like it's a service they run rather than something you run on your own servers?
right it's a service they run
but workflows are basically free to copy
sort of like Glitch, but for small pipe-like modules
i know [grantcodes] has a node.js IndieAuth library so that might be a quick way to start the auth stuff there https://www.npmjs.com/package/indieauth-helper
cool, will check it out
once you get the access token, a micropub request is a relatively simple form post, so that should be pretty straightforward to do there too
Yeah the indieauth and micropub helpers should be usable in there 🙂
Also found this the other day which looks like a slick self hosted workflow tool https://github.com/n8n-io/n8n
[n8n-io] n8n: Free and open fair-code licensed node based Workflow Automation Tool. Easily automate tasks across different services.
that's neat too, looks like a newer version of node-red
I just saw an issue by aaronpk that asked not to promote the `e-content p-name` for notes.
should I remove p-name from my notes?
sebsel: that advice was from the old implied name mf2 parsing rules that meant every object would be forced to have a "name" property. leaving off the p-name meant more often than not, the "name" property would be full of junk from surrounding elements, hence the guidance to use p-name with e-content
but now that the parsers have updated, (and it's been a long time), there's no reason for adding that class anymore, and now just makes more work for people on the consuming end to de-duplicate the "name" and "content" properties
yes, I have been in that position myself when I worked on readers a few years ago.
good to know that parsers have changed!
done :)
raucao joined the channel
Getting some feedback from my girlfriend who's testing indigenous, and the only thing that she really misses is 'bookmarking'. Been breaking my head around it the last few hours, but can't really come up with something with the existing spec at the moment, so ideas welcome :)
what do you mean?
Also, not the micropub way, while she understood what was happening, that's not how she's using her site
like she doesn't want to bookmark things to her website?
well, she's coming from feedly, which has this feature
so she somehow expects this in this reader too
because she's used to it of course
hm i don't know what bookmarking in feedly does
is that like adding it to a bookmark list in feedly?
I guess, and it acts like a channel which shows your bookmarked posts from any source/channel
sounds like the "read later" idea that a few of us have experimented with
what is read later
Read later is an indication on (or relating to) a website that one wants to save the URL to come back and read the content at a future time https://indieweb.org/read_later
hmm yeah, I have that too
but the catch is that I need to watch out to not clean up as soon as the item is read
but, yeah, I could post to her site and then dynamically insert a bookmark channel from the posts
Do micropub bookmarks then support queries by post type
ah crap
you could also push it into a channel in the microsub server
hmm true
kind of like a "move this item into a different channel" command
I have a move option already too
maybe this bookmark idea could be a different UI around the move feature :)
so yeah, moving is probably the best option
Indigenous has an option to configure a 'read later' channel, so an item moved in there gets marked as unread automatically. But the bookmarks channel won't trigger that
Ah photos don't get posted from slack do they? Thought that got updated at some point
Ironically, I tried this myself
created a 'favorites' channel
https://grant.codes/media/2020/04/14/together-bookmarks.jpg - my bookmarks in together. Not exactly optimized but it works
but the posts got cleaned up ;)
[grantcodes], is that a channel in your server? of is it a feature of together, storing it in localstorage or so?
(not exactly sure what I'm seeing)
No, those are bookmarks on my site
aaah, right
Pull into together via micropub queries
The idea is super powerful, but need more people to start using it 😛
[EdwardHinkle] #4 Query for Post List
hmm yeah, indigenous has that too, but like you see, you don't have all context of the original microsub post
I do like the idea of using bookmark micropub, then copying it into the bookmarks channel
I have that mechanism anyway for my notifications channel
and it would only be an option in the drupal server then, no new spec or so for microsub, or indigenous being the only client having that feature ;)
I'll try that first
loicm and ben_thatmustbeme joined the channel
hmm right, aperture has a micropub option too per channel
I completely forgot about that feature, even though the Drupal allows configuring a channel on incoming webmentions
but I don't have that option in the drupal internal microsub server
aah, too many ideas :)
alina and moppiner joined the channel
No reason you couldn't get the extra context with the method I'm using.
I really like my website as the source of forever saved content and microsub for reading, not saving.
gxt joined the channel
true, makes sense
fibonacchoz, KartikPrabhu, [KevinMarks], hs0ucy and vika_nez` joined the channel