#dev 2020-04-21

2020-04-21 UTC
gRegorLove: I made those changes, though I do notice that the table on the HWC wiki page doesn't have any of the newer ones, dunno if that is just because it is manual
plut4rch, [Aaron_Klemm], nickodd, [tantek], loicm, strugee, swentel, [LewisCowles], [fluffy], chrisaldrich, [Arne], [prtksxna] and [jgmac1106] joined the channel
I have an interview today with a company using really cool tech to solve an interesting problem. This interview is not a coding one, but the coding one they have is online and available, and it looks like whoever wrote it was not 100% clear about what they want.
hopefully in interview that comes out a bit, or they are using pre purchased crappy white board exercises, I would so rther pay someone to work on a real small project overtime, hire if I like the work and say thanks here is your check if I don't...but always had luxury of time and pain of not enough . money to pay
my new challenge I want to work on, break my resume into snippets and then have different views for different audiences, need to write an instructional design resume this morning, should be a radial button with the data entered just once
KartikPrabhu, [prtksxna] and hs0ucy joined the channel
that sounds very cool
[KevinMarks] joined the channel
yeah no time right now, need to get the resume out, but I think I could do it and maybe not use JS, but maybe a little, like rearrange snippets using grid areas
nobody but HigherEd uses 20+ plus page Vitas
Or put classes on each block and hide them Selectively
I thought about that and maybe easiest, but worried about screen readers...could try aria: hidden....never really worked with aria....not sure I want to start
i try to get my head around newbase60. i want to use https://github.com/willnorris/newbase60 for it
[willnorris] newbase60: Go implementation of NewBase60 encoding algorithm
i have a url and i want to make it newbase60
is it possible to get a original url back from a NewBase60 encoded string=
thx for ideas Lewis and Kevin!!
xsteadfastx: I don’t think NewBase60 is made to encode strings, only made to encode numbers
It could surely be made to encode strings, as text is nothing but numbers to a computer, but I do not know any implementation that supports this
I've not tested it with newer Jekyll and it's not ideal, but builds HTML in pieces and is fairly unopinionated
[jgmac1106]: no need to think about aria hidden. display:none would do the same. So unless you are targetting non-CSS browsers, it should not be a problem
Zegnat: so whats the point of using it as a url shortener? only if the url consists of numbers?
I think people may use it when they have unique IDs for posts. E.g. if your website can render “post numer 1234”. Then you can shorten the URL by writing 1234 in base60
ah ok... thanks for explaining
From the NewBase60 page:
> Typical URL shorteners take an arbitrary URL and return a short URL, usually on a shorter domain, followed by a seemingly random set of alphanumeric digits that usually indicate an id of an entry in a database which has the original URL.
Basically you would use a NewBase60 number as the reference to the entry ID mentioned in that description.
it's essentially PHP including some files exactly as they are. You could even do it using PHP if you didn't want a static artifact, or save the pages if you did
Zegnat:thanks alot
KartikPrabhu joined the channel
good ideas all around, I was worried zegnat with display:none, that a screen reader would still se all versions, good to know I was wrong, Lewis yeah that is what I might try...if I don't need to change verbage and can just moe or hide different parts
AFAIK display:none removes something not only from the rendering tree, but also from the accessibility tree. This is why you need special CSS if you want to visually hide something but still provide it to screen readers.
Chances are tools that build a faulty accessibility tree with display:none do not support ARIA anyway. Best to stick with the easier solution. But of course: test :D
jeremych_ and supernovah joined the channel
what do you call a front end design that works across multiple platforms and browsers?
As in, is there an adjective for it now?
loicm joined the channel
what exactly is 'working'?
and the platform bit is a bit 'invisible' since (if it's being viewed from the browser) the platform == browser
but if it doesn't have vendor specific or exclusive functionality (like WebUSB perhaps?) then it's cross-browser
swentel: cheers, that's what I've heard before just forgot it
KartikPrabhu, swentel, nickodd and [LewisCowles] joined the channel
jacky++ for drilling in
jacky has 20 karma in this channel over the last year (76 in all channels)
I'm not sure responsive covers it enough, but I don't think one word ever will
I was tempted to answer "a website" because they should all work across devices, just some better than others
[grantcodes], jacky, [Michael_Beckwi], geoffo, [prtksxna], tno, aaronpk_, [jgarber] and strugee joined the channel
zegnat has 20 karma in this channel over the last year (60 in all channels)
that makes sense I was mixing up the opacity counters I sometimes use to have different divs fade in and out on a different z-index...not display:none...I think I have my next IndieWeb goal to work on
[schmarty], aaronpk_ and superkuh joined the channel
opacity:0 I *think* drops elements from the accessibility tree as well, but I am not sure if it always does that. So that could be troublesome, yeah
aaronpk_ and [Sadik_Shahadu] joined the channel
It's still loading after 15 mins
Linux mint on Lenovo think pad
Oh oh [Sadik_Shahadu] good luck.
[LewisCowles] joined the channel
[Sadik_Shahadu] what happened prior to that?
I was in a zoom meeting
can you boot from a USB and run SMART/ATA diagnostics on the machine?
Not sure
It could be nothing, but it could be a hardware failure
I see so many failed systemd_journal Id
Linux mint erminal is not visible on screen
What happens if I try to turn it off?
Have you not power cycled yet?
Not yet.
if you can ctrl+alt+del enough times to get it to soft reset, it would be better
I thought it was gonna load and reboot. Now it's over 30mins
but otherwise hold power button for 10-30 seconds it should turn off.
↩️ Failed to shutdown binary freezing
Just turned it off now
Wondering what will happen if it turn it on again😢
voxpelli, mattl, Kemwer_, aaronpk_ and genehack joined the channel
Wooo it worked!🤗 It worked
justache and danyao joined the channel
Thanks [LewisCowles] 👍
NP. Glad it's working. This isn't a tech support forum. I was obviously happy to help, but there might be better advice elsewhere on the internet and it's not the core purpose of this channel or any channel I'm aware of on IndieWeb.
Do you have a personal website?
aaronpk_ and [KevinMarks] joined the channel
Opacity 0 won't remove the bounds from the document, so it only really works for elements on top of each other
aaronpk_ joined the channel
↩️ Yes. I do.
↩️ sadik.goifnetwork.org
↩️ Wonderful
[aaronpk], aaronpk_, Kongaloosh, swentel, Loqi_, gRegorLove and IWSlackGateway joined the channel; nickodd left the channel
I was looking at this for a regex to extract a bearer token and was curious about the underscore https://github.com/Zegnat/php-mintoken/blob/master/endpoint.php#L212
gRegorLove: when it generates the token the token string is actually the ID and hash: https://github.com/Zegnat/php-mintoken/blob/master/endpoint.php#L75
separated by an underscore
gRegorLove: Mintoken does not need to match generic tokens with all symbols allowed by OAuth spec, uonly needs to parse what it creates itself.
rather than the string itself being a value in the database
Cool, thanks
Basically securing against timing attacks when database lookups are involved. At least in theory
Loqi_ joined the channel
That token design might be a case of my trying to be overly clever, gRegorLove. But I like the idea of using well tested security functions from username/password authentication and applying it to my tokens
I could shorten the tokens a lot by dropping the underscore and encoding the whole token byte string in something like base64 instead of hex, but meh, this gave me more clarity when building and testing
leg and tno joined the channel
Good info, I'll have to consider that for the ProcessWire token endpoint (that I haven't worked on in too long, sigh)
[LewisCowles] joined the channel
How do you generate random tokens?
[snarfed] joined the channel
I seem to do an SHA256 hash on a seed then base64 encode it
begs the question of where you get the seed
[Zegnat] joined the channel
alternatively just shell out to something like `pwgen 40 1 1`
or like `openssl rand -hex 64`
IWSlackGateway joined the channel
For PHP, some good info here: https://paragonie.com/blog/2015/07/how-safely-generate-random-strings-and-integers-in-php Note 2015, but I think it's still correct?
[Zegnat] and [KevinMarks] joined the channel
[snarfed]: I use the wordpress random password generator
[LewisCowles] joined the channel
[jacky] the hex part of that should maybe be changed. By reducing the values to hex it makes it one of a few characters which reduces the space I'm sure
ignore that
[aaronpk] joined the channel
wait ignore your statement? lol
I use 64 because it's nice and big
I thought it was restricting the character representations, I just read something and that one isn't the bad one
that one takes the bytes and represents as hex so 128 chars
[prtksxna], tno, aaronpk_, rmdes and [jgmac1106] joined the channel
[swentel] #97 Allow iframe from YouTube and Vimeo
hoping tests on all environments will pass :)
deathrow1 joined the channel
Question about sending a "Please delete an earlier webmention" webmention: Do I understand correctly that so long as the source URL returns HTTP `401 Gone`, the content no longer needs to contain the new webmention's target URL?
loicm joined the channel
did a tiny fix on the assert
jmac: yeah I think so
aaronpk, would you accept a parser too for youtube channel rss feeds? I'd extract the thumbnail for instance and push that into 'photo'
you only have title and url now, which is fine in a way of course :)
otoh, clients can of course handle that too, hmmm
nvm that question, I'll experiment with indigenous first
Hm I'm not sure putting the video thumbnail in photo is right
hmm true, description could probably go into content/text
that's more realistic
will see what I can do with the client first
girlfriend is pushing me, but the feedback is awesome :)
i guess really you'd want the content to have the video iframe
although some youtube videos can't be played when embedded in an iframe
aaronpk_ joined the channel
oh yeah, depending on video settings
tno and [LewisCowles] joined the channel
maybe this is a better way to handle iframe videos in readers
[mapkyca] joined the channel
video thumbnail = poster
if rss even has a spot for that..
hmm authorship question again
[LewisCowles] joined the channel
actually i guess i don't need to do that yet
i decided i'm going to interpret "has" to mean anywhere in the tree, not just the top level though https://github.com/indieweb/authorship/issues/2
[aaronpk] #2 Clarify step 7 "has 1+ h-card"
aaronpk, swentel, I wrote that previously linked wiki page about video in jf2 specifically because I want adding YouTube to XRay. Code may very well still be usable: https://github.com/Zegnat/XRay/tree/youtube
Barnaby's mf-cleaner lib makes that "has" really easy, btw
yeah i did it a little differently than that but same idea
i did it as a recursive function instead of a sort of flattening operation
[chrisaldrich] joined the channel
gRegorLove: fixed!
aaronpk: Curious what you do with Zegnat's brainstorming
yeah i'm not sure
changing what xray returns for the "video" property is a big change
i think i need to come at it by looking at how i want monocle to behave
[tantek] joined the channel
Working across browsers? That’s called “standards based”, in contrast to proprietary or proposals based
okay that was a productive morning
gxt and KartikPrabhu joined the channel