#dev 2020-04-20

2020-04-20 UTC
_user43, [tantek], geoffo and gRegorLove joined the channel
yeah I think that's something consuming applications should be able to choose, with the default being include mf1 backcompat
beko, geoffo, [prtksxna], KartikPrabhu, [schmarty], nickodd, swentel, loicm, [LewisCowles] and sava_ joined the channel
swentel: I wonder about a difference in Indigenous and Monocle. I use Granary for a Twitter feed and Reshares are displayed fine in Monocle but only display a link in Indigenous. Is this a difference in handling data between summary and content?
plut4rch joined the channel
this is the appropriate chan :))
[plut4arch] probably best not to parse out individual things from a URI. PHP has your back in terms of using $_POST and $_GET super-globals
the path suggestion I gave was literally the path without query parameters
does the $_GET super global work with RESTful URL's?
yes, it's unfortunately baked into PHP along with $_POST unless you turn them off in the ini file
hmm i see
beko, hmm that might be the way I'm displaying the content of a repost/quotation-of (it's tricky with the nested references)
beko, the upcoming releases fixes at least a part (via a setting)
the current setting which exists in indigenous is confusing (even for me haha)
as for PHP specifics, I think it's best to google 'ietf http rfc' so you understand what the moving parts are
beko, so, I'd say, compare in the next release, if it's still weird, open an issue with how it looks in monocle and in indigenous (with the json also which you can view in indidgenous too - which is a setting)
The PHP way to talk about some of those primitives
beko, I also use granary for my twitter feed, so I think I 'see' the same problems, hopefully most are fixed in next release :)
release is due friday btw
with a couple of new features too woohoo
ahhh thank you for those looks and references LewisCowles, I will be sure to study up a bit
LewisCowles do you think if i try and do all of this without a framework I am going to run into security issues pretty fast?
[jgmac1106] joined the channel
I can't speak to that. It sounds like FUD (Fear Uncertainty and Doubt) to trap you into an ecosystem, but will depend on a lot of things
maybe a mix? symfony does a lot of heavy lifting for you, but you're still free on how you want to build your application, without having to think (much) about security for instance
especially if you think about using composer to manage packages or libraries, changes are big that you end up with something from symfony in the vendor folder anyway :)
hs0ucy joined the channel
mixing and library based development is wonderful when you need it.
they still have the mindshare trap a lot of the time
plut4rch joined the channel
I suppose even languages have this problem
[xavierroy] joined the channel
swentel has 20 karma in this channel over the last year (40 in all channels)
loicm and tomasparks joined the channel
There are definitely a couple reasons to go with a framework in PHP if security is important, unless you take the time to learn a lot about PHP internals yourself. For the longest time, default cookie values were seen as insecure. Frameworks would often have much saner defaults, but if you thought PHP had sane defaults and just used cookies/sessions you could get into trouble
swentel: Would you consider, since you are doing a trip UI, a simple exercise UI?
But as with a lot of that sort of security thinking, there is also value in spending some time thinking about what threats even apply to you. If you are building a personal site, maybe next to none of the security offered by frameworks will even be used by you.
plut4rch joined the channel
GWG, if you can tell me what properties to send, sure
and what the inputs should be
I have a release scheduled for friday
and since those UI's can go fast, it might make it in ;)
swentel: start, end, name, notes, distance, type, I would assume
that's for the trip ui as well no? or really a different one?
<knows just enough and no where near enough in a perfect balance to do probably really bad stuff on his personal website...haven't done anything in a bit as I hit limits of knowing.
GWG, or make the route optional?
well swentel I could excercise in place with a jumprope, gpx data not too useful
if that is what gwg meant by excercise UI?
Well, some forms of exercise have a motion component, some don't.
So, I suppose you could have a UI that offers stationary exercise vs mobile exercise
Also, if on a treadmill..no trip data, but distance data
ok, I'll make route optional then
this is a test trip on my site now: https://realize.be/node/2106
send from indigenous
[swentel] Test trip
pretty cool :)
just a walk around the block ;)
hs0ucy joined the channel
I just acquired a treadmill.
Do you do h-measure so the unit of distance is recorded?
I use miles, you probably use km
and it better have a parsec option
Trackbook uses km I think
well, it allows me to switch
but haven't looked at the gpx file it generates in depth
aside from getting the lat/lon/elevation properties
I think tracbook controlled by global phone settings, mine are miles
I never had to specify
gwg strange benefit (for me) of having multiple h-feeds on a page using fragment links, I can do an announcements of new posts without cluttering my page with webmentions
swentel: If I just want to note I ran 4 miles at 3 miles per hour, that is the simple UI idea
If I want to also include a route...
The measurement, I suppose, could be a global setting
Imperial vs Metric
[LewisCowles] joined the channel
Zegnat++, I see your point. Right now I am not sure their API is using cookies or sessions
Zegnat has 19 karma in this channel over the last year (59 in all channels)
it's not using a routing library, so I think they have time
Yesterday I had a swell time making static HTML versions of my wekan boards. I've still got to populate a zip file with the css and any images, but I'm rather glad it works without the JS and makes it read-only
Hmm, Wekan looks interesting
I've used it for years, but it only has JSON import / export without a REST API. I like their UI. The steps so-far are ticketed on their issues
it should allow me to output to a zip I can overlay on a file-system, which will allow me to share boards in my new venture
[Michael_Beckwi] joined the channel
I get very little use out of Kanban for personal use, but I am keen to get work off of Jira. Might need to check this out
you have to get really good at using statuses to abandon JIRA. Also I'm fairly certain card history doesn't come with this yet
geoffo, hs0ucy and plut4rch joined the channel
oops sorry for ?utm
hah wow it's like that web 2.0 thing from 10 years ago
nickodd, andysylvester, hs0ucy and tex joined the channel
Hello everyone, sorry for interrupting everyone, I ask you for a minute. My family is experiencing difficulties due to Covid-19, I kindly ask you if you can help me by activating my Tik Tok invitation code so that we can receive the necessary help at this inopportune time. My Code 251313031
petermolnar and KartikPrabhu joined the channel
the code linked has made me feel better. It shows it's a scam by googling tik tok then the code. It's awful the spam, but equally as awful if someone were so desperate it were real. This one is not
lennykravitz and [KevinMarks] joined the channel
This is interesting. I wonder if any of these should imply a name in mf2. https://sarahmhigley.com/writing/whats-in-a-name/
that sounds like pieces that are far more specific than h-entry or even h-card
KartikPrabhu joined the channel
There may be a case to be made for textContent to replace elements with their accessibility name, and not limit itself to replacing images with alt only, but I would not go as far as to figure out accessibility names to imply mf2 properties
On the OAuth as a play thing, we did QuickTime Streaming as an interpretative dance in 1999
Each component was played by the engineer responsible
gRegorLove, hs0ucy and swentel joined the channel
GWG, more properties added for trip, will be in the release this friday
[swentel] #359 Add more trip properties
[jgarber] and [tantek] joined the channel
continues to make progress on that xray mf1 issue
[Molly] and loicm joined the channel
What direction did you ended up going with it, aaronpk ?
i'm going to make it so that the post has only mf1, it doesn't matter whether the link is inside the mf object
the problem is it's gonna take a bit of wrangling to make that happen
Hmm. A custom parser I am playing with exposes the html node for every microformats object. I wonder if that would help here? Then it is just a matter of checking if the h-entry node has that class on it. If it has not, it was mf1 backcompat parsing.
i'd rather have the php parser return some debug info somewhere
right now i'm settling for re-parsing and disabling mf1 parsing since the parser already supports that
nickodd left the channel
this does mean i won't reject pages where the link is outside of an mf1 object
i guess that's just the compromise here
ah yeah, the compromise is: if there is a link in the HTML but it's not in the mf1 entry, then XRay no longer returns the parsed document
oof php 7.4 support in xray is gonna be tough, i'm going to have to update htmlpurifier and picofeed first too
lahacker, rmdes, andysylvester, leg and [jgmac1106] joined the channel
aaronpk: What about 7.4?
apparently htmlpurifier uses a bunch of features they deprecated in 7.4
i suspect updating htmlpurifier will then drop support for older php versions, so that'll be a fun decision to make
[Aaron_Klemm] and deathrow1 joined the channel
I sent a webmention to webmention.io a few days ago which returned a 303 and the body indicated pending, but it didn't show up in https://webmention.io/api/mentions?perPage=500&target=https://tomcritchlow.com/2020/04/15/library-json/ It looks like my sending truncated the trailing slash of the target, which I think explains the 303 status?
I just manually re-sent it using the form and it showed up in the canonical mentions URL
303 sounds like maybe you sent it to http instead of https?
nothing in webmention.io returns 303 itself
Hm, no it was https
Let me check my code for 303s
oh i lied
Unfortunately I didn't log the status URL or what it 303'd to
it returns 303 if a browser sends the request so that webmention forms work
Interesting. I see 303 with other webmention.io, but they're definitely sent by cron not browser. Let me see if those other ones showed up.
I'll start by fixing my URL truncation bug
i think it looks for the "Accept: text/html" header so maybe your client is sending that?
but in any case it's just the response code that's different, it still processes them the same
Accept: application/json, application/xml, text/html
which not even sure commas is correct there? Heh
Not sure why I have application/xml there
it looks like it checks for the presence of text/html at all
just in case :)
[KevinMarks] and plut4rch joined the channel
interesting, unsure if this is normal markdown functionality, but urls are not automatically converted to links on the indieweb events page, see "Links" on https://events.indieweb.org/2020/04/online-homebrew-website-club-west-coast-Q8s6bDkwQGlT
I don't think markdown does auto-linking
I like the detailed schedule, Salt[m]. We should definitely track that on the wiki too so it doesn't get lost. I started https://indieweb.org/Homebrew_Website_Club#Online_Format a couple weeks ago
Small suggestions: move the first photo up to after intros / before discussions; "adds event to wiki" isn't needed anymore, the newsletter pulls from the event site.
oops, meant that for #indieweb-meta