#dev 2020-04-19

2020-04-19 UTC
geoffo, gRegorLove, dckc and [snarfed] joined the channel
fluffy: bridgy support for private webmentions would be awesome! whether autoauth or whatever. i wouldn't lead it, since i don't really use private posts or wms myself, but i'd happily help anyone who wants to work on it
gRegorLove joined the channel
[snarfed] cc @aaronpk @sknebel. we've been talking about reviving this idea and actually handling non-public responses (eg twitter replies from protected accounts) with https://indieweb.org/private_posts . see https://chat.indieweb.org/dev/2019-05-09#t15574194...
nickodd, Hypernought, MasonDiscord[m], bltavaresDiscord, JorropoDiscord[m, kitt, kanej[m], cesarosumDiscord, Exca1iburTheWise, gkimbwalaDiscord, xylanDiscord[m], berDiscord[m], rittmeDiscord[m], carsonfarmer[m], drshamoon[m], chrisDiscord[m], DamirDiscord[m], Nebulous[m], gabrielbaron16Di, MichaelTenDiscor, anthony-albertor, KinnardDiscord[7, SmileRobotDiscor, DoppelgngerDisco, robinzzzDiscord[, shivankDiscord[m, nyarlathotepDisc, vexlDiscord[m], AblibuDiscord[m], matyas_mustohaDi, pcowgillDiscord[, matschafferDisco, SomeguyDiscord[m, ReneM[m], AXEL-Brian[m], TristanDiscord[m, drshamoonDiscord, SpicoliWhiteDisc, BossMANDiscord[m, arjanvaneerselDi, dowlandaielloDis, HielleMatrixBrid, M123897974564Dis, romaric[m], llllllDiscord[m], corylDiscord[m], cesarosum[m], sekiDiscord[m], Sean|FortmaticDi, Canti0001[m], Luna14Discord[m], thesage1014Disco, chmanieDiscord[4, pranayDiscord[m], KeegenDiscord[m], SteelixDiscord[m, HyunwooLeeDiscor, kppDiscord[m], crestDiscord[m], ptonerDiscord[m], MikeShultzDiscor, MisterGoreDiscor, Senshi[m], EdEdorEddyDiscor, carsonfarmerDisc, HeysteinDiscord[, LSJI07Discord[m], sekiDiscord[m]1, peatDiscord[m], nrtxrmndDiscord[, OxyDiscord[m], vasa[m], SpaceOutlawDisco, gozala[m], catmanDiscord[m], dostDiscord[m], jmank88Discord[m, cristobalDiscord, JayWelsh0845[m], celsoDiscord[m]1, malaclypsDiscord, ShadowLingDiscor, RomaricDiscord[m, M3baidDiscord[m], HenniDiscord[m], foxcoolDiscord[4, drbh[m], SirMemesALotDisc, FranklinDiscord[, jmac, gRegorLove, vika_nezrimaya, [LewisCowles] and [jgmac1106] joined the channel
!tell aaronpk: re your validation question: on one hand I think it'd be nice to have pages with broken microformats show up as if they didn't have any, on the other hand I'm not sure if you can reliably tell them from pages with good mf2 and the link only appearing e.g. in a comment - would hinge on that for me
Ok, I'll tell them that when I see them next
TIL github has "template repositories" - https://help.github.com/en/github/creating-cloning-and-archiving-repositories/creating-a-template-repository - seems useful for quickstart website examples etc
[mapkyca] joined the channel
Do we have anything that allows the previewing of Microformats? I'm adding MF2 support to someone else's site, and want to preview the newly created `h-event`.
I've managed to get it loading in Indigenous for Android which gives me a nicer preview, but wondered if we had any alternatives
Hmm, now that I know of. It is kind of up to every reader to see how it wants to represent mf2 data. There is no true 1 rendering
[jgmac1106] joined the channel
That's fair - I guess it's for some examples to show it off, preferably without it being in a reader. but np!
swentel has anything changed recently re image uploads in Indigenous? I've raised https://github.com/swentel/indigenous-android/issues/357 as I'm seeing two requests to my media endpoint - one to (successfully) upload the image, but then one to create a post, even when I'm using the `Upload` screen which I wouldn't expect a post to be created
[jamietanna] #357 Image upload "fails" to separate media endpoint
petermolnar joined the channel
aaronpk: sknebel left you a message 2 hours, 49 minutes ago: re your validation question: on one hand I think it'd be nice to have pages with broken microformats show up as if they didn't have any, on the other hand I'm not sure if you can reliably tell them from pages with good mf2 and the link only appearing e.g. in a comment - would hinge on that for me
i should add events support to monocle tho
sknebel: not sure i understand what you mean there
it is probable
it'd be not so good if the fallback would mean that e.g. a link in a webmention comment displayed on page would cause it to verify
so accepting links outside the mf2 "main object" has some risk
[szpak] Thanks that you looked into that. The new error message is slightly more meaningful, but the reader still can be confused how to fix it. One of the articles found in the search engine is https://indieweb.org/microformats . It explains some things ...
maybe ignoring mf1 would be a compromise? I expect that to be way more common in broken in-the-wild examples
or some heuristic to recognize "broken" vs "properly formatted, but link is not in content", but that sounds difficult. but I don't have good insight into what actually happens
one problem is the parser doesn't indicate whether data was found via mf1 or mf2
right, and you can't just turn it off
so i'd have to check manually somehow, i guess a few xpath queries could do it
I don't have a good sense for how the noise of plain mentions would be. especially since I assume senders aren't commonly going to send mentions for links they don't intend to
maybe accept them and put some info in the output that site owners can decide to not render mentions where the url was outside the content if they find htem to be "bad quality"?
i'm kind of liking the option of "if the link isn't found in the parsed mf content, and if there was only mf1, downgrade to a regular non-mf mention"
true, I guess that could be done with just searching for a h-entry class
yeah i guess i have to check for lack of mf2 rather than presence of mf1?
now i wish the parser would tell me whether it found mf1 or mf2
ah the php parser can disable mf1!
geoffo, nickodd, petermolnar, [LewisCowles], [mapkyca], [jgmac1106], swentel, [jeremycherfas], andysylvester, deathrow1 and gxt joined the channel; nickodd left the channel