#dev 2020-04-23

2020-04-23 UTC
kino, [jgmac1106], [Kevin_Faaborg], [fluffy], [chrisaldrich] and beko joined the channel
Hm, I'm running `composer update p3k/xray` and it's only updating to 1.8.2 for some reason
packagist shows the latest version, maybe a cache?
ah, guess I had to do `composer update` to get all the dependencies updated too.
that worked. nevermind :)
yeah i wish there was some more debug output for that
like “hey looks like you’re trying to update this, it’s being held back by these dependencies”
chimo, KartikPrabhu, [Aaron_Klemm], alexmingoia[dot], alexmingoia-dot-, alexmingoia, [KevinMarks], loicm, swentel, nickodd, [LewisCowles], [chrisaldrich], [tw2113], [mapkyca] and itsme1 joined the channel
Good morning itsme1
[jgmac1106], KartikPrabhu, petermolnar, [mapkyca], gxt, loicm, [jeremycherfas], itsme1, [grantcodes], [jgarber], [LewisCowles], [KevinMarks] and geoffo joined the channel
well GitHub is doing Http 5XX errors (a range of them) to express how upset at my use of npm they are. I think I should take the hint and avoid Node / NPM
[tw2113], nickodd, gRegorLove, [mapkyca] and jamietanna joined the channel
Jacky would you be able to share an example of your q=contact? Just want to confirm format is what I expect
[Aaron_Klemm] and [tantek] joined the channel
any reader / WebSub developers considered adding a "heartbeat" view or even subscription? could even be a dedicated separate reader
it would show no content other than the datetime of the most recent post by the person, perhaps with a calendar view so you could see who has been active this hour / today / this week etc.
you could subscribe to everyone you want to keep track of just whether they are ok by having posted something recently
without having to be distracted by the actual content
[snarfed] joined the channel
interesting! last active status is definitely useful in messaging and other more realtime services
except those are all proprietary
but yes to the usefulness!
sure. fertile ground for researching prior art
i'd be reluctant to connect it to actual health or whether people are "ok," but definitely useful in general!
I'm thinking a dumb simple solution without bothering with research into more realtime/finegrain stuff
it's kind of a different problem / use-case IMO
(also there are definitely open messaging and realtime services! matrix, jabber, etc. we just don't think about them much here since they're not web first)
the, have they posted something today and are ok? rather than, are they online now so I can chat them
haven't seen matrix/jabber etc. display presence very well IMO
for that feature specifically, maybe so
i worry about equating "how often does someone post online" with "are they ok?" i definitely wouldn't "seem ok" in that sense.
it's a first order thing
or at minimum, you'd want to base it on how often that person posts normally. and even then, it would fail when they go on vacation or camping or whatever
[snarfed]: yeah, I would be pretty dead from my articles feed :P
but framed right with enough precautions...maybe. i dunno.
sure, then you could check their home page to determine that
i see the "online now" or "recently" use case as safer
determine it how?
KartikPrabhu, it's across all public activity
even so, some of us go weeks without any "public activity"
ElenaRosse joined the channel
at least determined by posts on our web sites
e.g. posting in indieweb chat Kartikprabhu 😛
across all places you post publicly
yeah that's better but aspirational
doesn't have to be restricted to your web site
anything with a feed
and even so, some people will go weeks or longer without. so it would need some pretty aggressive disclaimers
Wiki contributions etc.
anyway. worth prototyping!
snarfed, not these days 😛
definitely these days. i know many such people firsthand
Zegnat and sknebel joined the channel
Jamietanna: just saw this, hold on
tbh it looks just like the wiki
a list of jf2-style contacts
interesting snarfed. like bunker preppers? or tropical island disconnectors?
spent two days working on my reply contexts to realize that maybe embedding the whole page's MF2 isn't a good idea lol
lol jacky I feel this is one of the things we discussed in that reply-context brainstorming sprint with [schmarty] on the afternoon of day 2 of Summit last year
oh? I was just fearful of having broken links tbh
but that made a bigger burden for me
leg joined the channel
Jacky thanks - just wanted to confirm it was jf2 not mf2!
we definitely discussed what subset of content to store / show, how to truncate etc.
we raised more questions than answers
Tbh I'd prefer to show mf2 but if that's what folks are using 🤷🏽‍♂️
ah yeah yeah
jamietanna[m]: I think it was a simplicity thing on the client
I'd prefer mf2 as well!
tbh if a content-type header, you could prob make it respond accordingly
Yeah I'm thinking I'll do that
leg joined the channel
hears content-type header and perks up
!karma conneg
conneg has -6 karma in this channel over the last year (-7 in all channels)
jamietanna joined the channel
eh I think it's fair to have it; it's less processing for some people (I have to convert things into jf2 manually on my site which is why I don't even provide it as an explicit feed type)
snarfed I'm having issues getting dev_appserver running locally - what do we have to do for bridgy local again? Would be good to validate https://github.com/snarfed/bridgy/pull/937
[jamietanna] #937 Fix: Escape HTML tags in content
[mapkyca], leg and [LewisCowles] joined the channel; nickodd left the channel
cjwillcock has 2 karma over the last year
jacky: I love content negotiation, but it can lead to some … interesting code. I think bridgy (or was it a different service?) hard-coded rhiaro’s site
tantek: none of my family (sister, parents, partner) really post anything public on the internet at all. a couple maybe once a year or so, if that. afaict only the minority of my friends or coworkers do either. private, eg messaging and email and maybe social, sure! but *public*? no.
jamietanna: happy to help? mind posting details?
snarfed, sure, the family use-case is handled by direct messaging already. the "heartbeat" reader is not for that, no need to coarsely solve an already more fine-grain solved problem
similarly for close friends, you're already messaging/calling with them
sure. this was just re, how many people in general post publicly online regularly
this is not for that, sorry that wasn't obvious. no need to solve a solved problem
honestly i'm not convinced about using posting regularity for this "are you ok?" use case at all, public or otherwise, so i'll backa waay slowly
LOTS. and I'm using "post publicly" very broadly here
it differs for different people, e.g. some do wikipedia edits (which as a per author contributions feed), some do github commits, etc. little bits of public activity, feeds, what we consider things we might otherwise post / want to post on our own sites
it's an indicator, it doesn't solve the full "are you ok?" question, it solves a big part of it in a nice, easy to aggregate, passive way
you can build more from there, e.g. when someone otherwise active goes dark, a UI could highlight that, and then you could take direct action, reaching out, messaging etc. like you would today
and it's less the "regularity" and more the "how recently did they do something that shows they are active" hence why I framed it as a "heartbeat" of sorts though I suppose that does imply regular=good, irregular=bad
will try to think of another metaphor
swentel and loicm joined the channel
[Ryan Barrett] Indie Map
tantek: understood
jacky ^^^ hard-coded content negotiation ;)
snarfed, I think there are community use-cases too, e.g. if it was more clear that we had "lost" someone who was quite active.
That's odd Zegnat - am I reading that as Known simply rejects requests if you try and perform content negotiation?
it can be an important way to watch out for warning signs for community health, i.e. if we start losing a bunch of folks who used to be excited, it might indicate that there was something that turned them off / drove the away, not enough to raise a fuss about it, just enough to stop bothering.
maybe that's more meta though
jamietanna: I don’t know, I just vaguely remember the conneg hardcode for 1 site
snarfed - https://github.com/snarfed/granary/pull/203 is raised as requested :) Also realised it's failing because I was inside my virtualenv - stepping out of it allowed me to run Bridgy locally again
[jamietanna] #203 Fix: Escape HTML content before embedding in a post
Fair enough Zegnat
jamietanna fwiw that known conneg comment is from dec 2016
looking at the PR now!
Ty! Not sure why coveralls isn't happy - I'm surprised I could cause a - 0.0001% coverage drop, but 🤷🏽‍♂️
[tantek]: you talking about like monitoring one's post frequency to see if they're maintaining it?
like not necessarily a health check
but like "hm, they've been posting less than usual"
Thanks for the merge snarfed - is there anything I can do to help kick off a redeploy of bridgy?
tbh I think a websub server could be a place to capture this
(since if used, it sees when and how often stuff goes out into the air)
nah, thanks, i've got it
jacky, eventually, sure, frequency analysis would be great. MVP is just detecting when they've vanished, when the frequency drops to 0
or a way to quantify that would be time-since-last-post/activity
hours, days, etc., then sort that highest to lowest to see who you might need to check up on
i may need someone to make me a disco chicken/honey badger meme of this 😎 https://snarfed.org/fb-api.png
oh dear
hmm can we say in microformats that a url will lead to say, a video ?
jamietanna done! feel free to try
That's done it thanks snarfed 🙌🏼
[snarfed]: that email marks the end of an era, belongs framed in the indieweb museum
hah yes sadlyf
jamietanna++ woo, thanks for the PR!
jamietanna has 13 karma in this channel over the last year (34 in all channels)
jamietanna[m], quick question re: https://github.com/swentel/indigenous-android/issues/341 is this in a channel that is a granary feed?
[jamietanna] #341 "Click on Author" does not work (with Aperture?)
or some other aggregation?
indienews might probably be affected by this one too
what is POSSE to Facebook
POSSE to Facebook is the act of syndicating (at least some of) your content from your own site to Facebook https://indieweb.org/POSSE_to_Facebook
^^^ snarfed perhaps add that screenshot there as a tombstone?
heh, sure
[chrisaldrich] joined the channel
Here's a thought about Indiewebify.me, in the "results" page for testing your site, it could display various achievements as badges! E.g. many (most?) of these would apply: https://indieweb.org/badge#Discourse
and maybe even have a list of additional "grayed out" badges to "unlock" and how to do so
cc: [jgmac1106] because I know he has opinions about badges
for those of y'all with custom media endpoints
do y'all delete media as you remove its reference from a post on your site?
I have a test around this but I just considered the case where I might want to use the image elsewhere
for now, I won't remove the media asset but I am wondering if I'm creating a situation where I'll have a crap ton of photos lying around
you know your workflow, but seems unlikely, and disk is cheap
Swentel I'll do some digging and get back to you tomorrow!
right that's what I'm thinking w.r.t cheap disk [snarfed]
the thing is, I plan to make it so that I don't rely on my in-built solution for a media endpoint (I'd want to use a fixed folder in nextcloud for it)
Jacky I keep all the files, haven't so far been bothered about space concerns
jacky: no connection between the two parts
on my site
hmm okay
then I'll follow suit just to make debugging / rationale easier ;)
[Aaron_Klemm] joined the channel