#dev 2020-04-30

2020-04-30 UTC
[tw2113], KartikPrabhu, [tantek], geoffo, beko and [prtksxna] joined the channel
what is Hexo?
It looks like we don't have a page for "Hexo" yet. Would you like to create it? (Or just say "Hexo is ____", a sentence describing the term)
nickodd joined the channel
I think I need more weather icons
[jgarber], mblaney, djmoch, tomasparks, geoffo, deathrow1, KartikPrabhu, [jansauer], IWSlackGateway1, gRegorLove, loicm, swentel, [KevinMarks], jgmac1106 and [Arne] joined the channel
I nicked them from the Met office
Do that from 1 to 32
[mapkyca] and gRegorLove joined the channel
Introducing RedwoodJS (https://redwoodjs.com), a new JS web framework I’ve been working on for the past year! Today we are releasing v0.1.0. We’re bringing full-stack to the JAMstack!
justache, [LewisCowles], stkhbhd_, vika_nezrimaya, Rixon, fredcy_, takev[m], OberstKrueger[m], beko[m], jamietanna[m], bmiller59[m], Salt[m], confraria[m], mykiwi, ReneM[m], atj[m], edrex, plindner[m], jceb[m] and [jgmac1106] joined the channel
[LewisCowles] I love how hard and expensive it is to make a good assessment, keeps me in business (barely)
there was a rasch modeling book in the Springer list Chris shared, does a decent job moving from classical test theory, item response, and computer adaptive testing using Rasch
lol1, hs0ucy, IWSlackGateway, swentel, [KevinMarks], loicm and [LewisCowles] joined the channel
I got the whole list. I'll try to flag it.
NinjaTrappeur, [grantcodes], chander, pockets, nickodd, geoffo, [jgarber], [tantek], [fluffy], [schmarty], [sri], [LewisCowles], [Aaron_Klemm], [mapkyca], [tw2113], gRegorLove, [snarfed] and [Arne] joined the channel; mblaney left the channel
yo question
(has a post pending actually)
I’m thinking about “instant feedback” for my social reader. I’ve already considered some things like immediately showing a post in a channel once it’s been submitted but realistically that occurs when:a post is successfully published to its...
it's about microsub and websub
is also trying to get better about writing on his site about problems and soliciting answers / feedback there to get better at using what I build
[fluffy], [grantcodes], [benatwork], leg, [mapkyca], KartikPrabhu, swentel, crazed, loicm, [Kevin_Faaborg], dopplergange and [pfefferle] joined the channel
migrations has 1 karma over the last year
making it easy to apply diffs to how my site mf2 is stored
especially since I have 11k+ posts now :)
vasilakisfil, petermolnar, Mikaela, jjuran and raucao joined the channel; nickodd left the channel
aaronpk: is there a way to tell quill to send `x-content-type` instead of `p3k-content-type`? I guess that's you having private flagging :)
i would accept a feature request :)
probably not with x- tho
I'm still thinking through how I want to do it myself - just curious how/why it worked for you
[jansauer] joined the channel
So far it's been working for my limited use case :-)
[tantek], [Aaron_Klemm], [benatwork], [MitchWagner] and [tw2113] joined the channel