#dev 2020-05-01

2020-05-01 UTC
HbHighland, jgmac1106, [schmarty], geoffo, dopplergange, [jgarber], wagle, nickodd, [jeremycherfas], swentel, [Arne], [jansauer], loicm, leg, KartikPrabhu, gRegorLove, hs0ucy and gxt joined the channel
[schmarty] joined the channel
🎉🎉 congrats GWG++
GWG has 25 karma in this channel over the last year (139 in all channels)
[tantek], nickodd, [KevinMarks], gRegorLove and swentel joined the channel
oh snap Gatsby just pushed out "incremental builds" which might address an issue i've had with every static site generator I've tried. https://www.gatsbyjs.org/docs/page-build-optimizations-for-incremental-data-changes/
namely: maybe you can finally run a build and only rebuild pages that should change based on new data!!!!!!!
[schmarty] joined the channel
Does not 11ty have some form of incremental builds?
[snarfed] joined the channel
now that I'm running three meetable instances where there are at least some overlapping events between all of them, i really want an "import event" feature that copies the event info from an h-event on another site
Zegnat: i was not aware of an incremental build feature in 11ty!
aaronpk: What are the other two?
Zegnat: looks like 11ty incremental builds are WIP: https://github.com/orgs/11ty/projects/3
aaronpk: Sounds like a job for webmentions though
aaronpk: i like the idea of passing in a URL to import. the UI can be as simple as copy/paste URL _or_ make a bookmarklet :D
[schmarty]: hmm, I may have been confusing it with their --watch support
[pfefferle] joined the channel
Which seems to do some form of incremental already
ah. hugo and jekyll have a similar "watch" thing, but it typically requires a running service and keeps files in memory
yeah i'm thinking paste in a URL and it will essentially pre-fill all the form fields from what it finds at that URL, similar to the existing "clone event" method
Ooh...OAuth Happy Hour
"Mr. Parecki....I found this W3C protocol you edited...called IndieAuth...."
Not going to do that
haha go for it
i'm following up on something from last week's HWC -- is p-attendee intended for marking up yes RSVPs or more for "those that have attended" after the fact?
https://events.indieweb.org/2020/04/online-homebrew-website-club-west-coast-gCtysFHMyZCP shows jacky under RSVP even though he wasn't in attendance
[LewisCowles] joined the channel
whereas gregorlove actually posted the complete list (sans microformats) in his article response
Those are RSVPs, they don't update based on who showed up
and i'd like to find a way to get that accurate list of attendees cached locally on my own site (particularly at my re-post of the event) at https://lahacker.net/events/tEY3D
[Angelo Gladding] Join the Zoom call: link to come We will provide a Zoom video conference link 20 minutes before the meetup here and in the IndieWeb chat. Notes will be taken in the meetup's etherpad. Homebrew Website Club is a meetup for anyone interested in persona...
Hm, trying to find the attendee mf2 stuff now
@lahacker if you own the instance, you could add a vendor extension to "own" the "who attended", but without that, allowing you to update "who attended" seems like it could cause security friction and would need concepts that I don't know exist
aha, thanks. was looking on rsvp for some reason
yeah so gregorlove was the p-organizer
and his blog response, really well done by the way, has the real attendance list
seems like a nice flow to document
gregorlove has 13 karma in this channel over the last year (84 in all channels)
I could imagine a UI where the organizer/admin can check the people who RSVPed that showed up, then show that list with the p-attendee (or u-attendee)
But it doesn't look like we have examples of publishing the attendee microformat, at a glance.
gRegorLove how are you building your list?
what's the consuming use case for this? is it for the repose?
My post was all manual. It's an article.
it'd be for my repost to have up-to-date and accurate attendance information
or "official" attendance information i should say
ah very cool idea. I wonder if an automated system would make it possible for private RSVP's (if that is a thing) to abstain
from potentially being made public on someone else website
so gregorlove you're talking about a UI for the organizer to use on meetable, correct?
private RSVPs wouldn't show up on the list publicly in the first place...
Not specifically, just a general idea
Would probably be good to see more published examples before adding a feature like that
[aaronpk] there are two parts to this
1. publishing an attendee list (possibly manually)
2. reading / updating event with an "attended" status
I agree that a private RSVP (still can't find if that is a thing) would not show up on the event page
but If I attend and do not pay particular care and attention when recording who is there, the information could "leak" into the public
a bit like the Facebook outing people scandal
hmm actually i think we may have something here
searching "facebook outed me" has many such cases
attending our events won't "out" someone of something they want to hide. I don't think. But as it's a de-centralised platform for social interactions, I think it has some merit as a consideration
I am attending {event} has many contexts
yes i don't think anyone was talking about that
the question started with when someone has publicly RSVP'd
if the event page had a p-organizer pointing to gregorlove.com i could have my site sniff the event page a couple times in the following week to check for "addendum" response posts from said organizer
in that post i could sniff for an embedded event w/ p-attendee's
and lewiscowles it'd be up to the organizer to do any "outing"
which would be covered by CoC
and is already partially reflected when we take photos the organizer mentions that you can turn off your camera
if meetable already has a designation for "organizer" this may be fairly easy
puts an additional burden on organizer i suppose
this doesn't seem rsvp specific, right? anyone can post something about someone else that they didn't want known, deliberately or otherwise
i understand the context collapse FB example, but this isn't that
this seems like a mostly non-technical problem?
manually tagging people via who attended seems to to me. As far as has been posted I'd seen talk of organisers but nobody using markup for that, which was why I suggested an automated case would be fine if it took care of.
nickodd left the channel
nobody said anything about manually tagging people who attended??
the manual case was the one I mentioned could be dangerous
> My post was all manual. It's an article.
perhaps I misunderstood that
lahacker, that process sounds fragile, though. It also puts more meaning on my article than intended. It's an h-entry, not h-event, so wouldn't have p-attendees.
lewiscowles i linked to three resources -- the canonical IWC event page, my re-post and the organizer's followup
gregorlove i wouldn't have suggested adding the content had you not already done so
sorry, which content?
one has a longer list than the other which was what got me thinking
the attendance list that you created in your post
it's the sole reason I mentioned
which seems like a solid thing for an organizer to do
which was facilitated by the etherpad
which could become a flow for HWC moving forward
Nobody is saying anyone HAS done anything wrong
I was just asking if anyone considered
aaronpk: Where are you with tying multiple events together, like sessions at an IWC?
GWG: still need some design ideas
Yes, a separate topic worth considering is that my post includes people who attended that did not RSVP. At least one of them also wasn't in the etherpad, though they have attended several meetups before
And in the context of IndieWeb events again I don't think it's an issue
but for the spec.. I think it is
never tried to solve the manual case
lewiscowles i get what you're saying -- i'm saying it'd be up to the p-organizer to perform those protections in their own way -- gregorlove already has a public list of attendees, whether i automate it or not, he did the "outing"
in gRegorLove case I believe there is consent
It just triggered a part of my brain and now I wish it hadn't
i do that when i enter the chat
aaronpk: Oh? Assume there is an issue. Will read it
well i was just about to open an issue on aaron's meetable repo and it dawned on me the problem was a bit bigger than just a couple of class names
[aaronpk] #91 Nested events, or sessions within an event
I don't post regular HWC notes, so I'm probably less likely to change them from notes/articles to something with more meaning. Personally I'm content with a human-readable list. Not opposed to it, just not a priority for me.
We have definitely had people abstain completely from group photos at in person events. Online events are not that different. So make sure to try and get explicit consent, I would say, if anyone is planning to do after-the-fact attendee logs
I do like the idea of having some sort of log of who actually showed up. I think we discussed that for in-person events as well.
i might personally update my copy with attendee information as an edit to my re-post of the event and resend a webmention -- if i were to organize an HWC meetable could chose to do something with that webmention
i think putting your name in the etherpad could be a form of consent
"we've got an etherpad for notes -- put your name if..."
maybe this is getting #-meta
shoesNsocks and [Rose] joined the channel
i'll skip filing a meetable issue for now -- this would really apply best to sessions and camps -- seems like the current frequency of the HWC would give us an opportunity to experiment
[tantek], loicm, [LewisCowles], KartikPrabhu, jamietanna, dckc, garrettw, mitchell, NinjaTrappeur, vasilakisfil, dopplergange, jeremycherfas, deathrow1, beko, crazed and [jgmac1106] joined the channel