#dev 2020-05-03

2020-05-03 UTC
gRegorLove, geoffo, [tantek], nickodd, KartikPrabhu, [pfefferle], moppy, [Arne], strugee, [fluffy], SashaRose, jeremycherfas, jeremych_, [LewisCowles] and [jgmac1106] joined the channel
!tell doubleloop I think this like came through wrong, the link to Chris is to “Array”: https://doubleloop.net/2020/05/03/6836/
Ok, I'll tell them that when I see them next
[KevinMarks] joined the channel
Zegnat: ah thanks!
doubleloop: Zegnat left you a message 1 hour, 5 minutes ago: I think this like came through wrong, the link to Chris is to “Array”: https://doubleloop.net/2020/05/03/6836/
Not sure what happened there, but I resaved it and it has picked it up the link now. I posted it via Micropub - possibly either that, or I think perhaps if some of the author properties are not present, my theme might not be rendering things correctly.
Anyone in here who has worked with Travis CI and might be able to lend a hand in https://github.com/microformats/php-mf2/pull/220#issuecomment-623027312 ? No prior microformats knowledge required (probably)
RE: #indieweb-chat ffmpeg streaming. The approach I highlighted is now on https://indieweb.org/streaming with a code reference and course learning example using PHP & Laravel. It uses an approach of passive transcoding of video (changing how it is stored) rather than active and could be used to get knowledge of how to do the RAW thing for static sites. Would need a disclaimer not to try hosting via GitHub pages 😛
jeremycherfas joined the channel
how to mark up a quoted conversation... Can I embed a h-feed of h-entry within a h-entry ( meme inception! && meme yodawg! )
use-case. There are conversations from a silo or other indieweb site, I'd like to quote on my own site within an article (h-entry)
maybe it's not a feed, despite the fact the quote does have sub-entries, they are not mine...
But I'd like to mark them as not mine
h-cite for marking as not yours?
rmdes, strugee and [schmarty] joined the channel
[schmarty]: Zegnat left you a message 19 hours, 44 minutes ago: I think the rel-alternate link for feeds is broken on your tag pages, had to manually feed it to my reader because of some misplaced quotes (<3 eternal caturday)
thanks, zegnat! not sure how long those have been broken. i think a while! should be updated now.
[KevinMarks] joined the channel
h-cite is a good answer for that -
you can nest microformats to arbitrary depth, but you may not find anyone parsing them
jamietanna joined the channel
h-cite has been working for me too, see https://www.jvt.me/mf2/2020/05/1jfyb/
so I notice that if you've already published something to bridgy, it'll error out
if the post itself doesn't change, is it fair/reasonable for bridgy to just operate as if the post succeeded and return that URL?
twitter will return an error if you try to tweet the same text twice in a row
so my issue is that (for some reason I should look more closely into) my site will attempt to hit bridgy like multiple times
and bridgy doesn't keep state for sent stuff afaik
for some reason, the first call isn't like recorded but the second time is (like I can see logs for) and that fails
ah yeah it's like a pipe versus a nozzle (state holding)
I don't understand that metaphor
nozzles on a sink can hold state (in a way - they know their spin)
pipes just move stuff
they can't tell you if there's stuff inside it
thinks the metaphor was a bit too obscure lol
maybe a bucket vs a pipe?
i dunno still a stretch :P
tbh that's better lol
the state is more visible
HMMMM I think I know what it is
so when I syndicate, I send the syndication webmention _and_ right after, send webmentions to every link on the page
it's possible that that's causing a race condition of sorts
though the call to bridgy is blocking IIRC
nickodd and Jamietanna1 joined the channel
Jacky the first call to Bridgy should return the syndicated URL (with a 2xx), but if you call to it again it'll 4xx but still return the URL that was syndicated
leg, [fluffy], tomasparks, [LewisCowles] and swentel joined the channel
so my site just assumes a complete failure if it gets back a non 2xx response
it's not built specifically for bridgy but synchronous webmention-based syndication
hmm bridgy knows if I've published a post to mastodon before tho
I might do somewhere where if it's 4xx _but_ the response contains a `original` key, to use that value from the payload and assumed it's a de-duping
[snarfed] joined the channel
jacky: the common use case for resending a previously sent webmention is for when you've changed your post. i haven't built full fledged comparison into bridgy pubolish to tell if your post changed from last time, and i don't want to incorrectly return success in case it did change and i don't/can't update your silo post, eg a tweet, so i'm conservative and return 400 on subsequent wms for the same post
you're already special casing the syndication wm, so i'd suggest that you just extend that special case to your after-published logic that sends wms to all links, and exclude the bridgy synd link
but up to you!
oh that's a faster approach actually - I think I'll do that
KartikPrabhu, gxt, geoffo and [jgarber] joined the channel; nickodd left the channel
Zegnat: Did y’all get that Travis CI business sorted out?
hi1 and [tantek] joined the channel
Foursquare << Service for getting tokens: https://twitter.com/simonw/status/1257043942211596288
I ended up building a little one-off app on @glitch just for getting a personal Foursquare token: https://your-foursquare-oauth-token.glitch.me - I link to that from the documentation for swarm-to-sqlite: https://github.com/dogsheep/swarm-to-sqlite
vika_nezrimaya, gxt and gRegorLove joined the channel