[LewisCowles]GWG++, what are you using to turn docblocks into documentation? I started using doxygen as it has wide language support and produces documentation in a format I enjoy consuming, with some interesting visualisations of functions to show me "this one is glue, keep looking", this one does something etc.
[LewisCowles]Doxygen is for developer-facing documentation and reference manuals as far as I've ever seen it used, but it's theoretically possible to also include content which is not reference manual by adding static assets
[LewisCowles]what I quite like about it is that it's giving me call graphs of my code, which allows me to visually see "Oh that has a lot of failure points"
strugee, geoffo and vika_nezrimaya joined the channel
GWGBut, it's been really helpful in identifying redundant code, actually describing it
[jgarber], IWSlackGateway2, nickodd, hs0ucy, [tantek], [LewisCowles], gRegorLove, [snarfed], jeremych_, strugee, superkuh, [KevinMarks] and loicm joined the channel; nickodd left the channel
GWG[KevinMarks]: I created zones in my software, which are locations that, if I'm within a certain number of meters of them, it replaces the address with a label and hides the exact location
GWGLet's say I have a location in London and I want to show a map of the greater area without disclosing where in London I am, how would I derive that from the coordinates?