#dev 2020-05-04

2020-05-04 UTC
[tantek], beko, gRegorLove, KartikPrabhu, tomasparks, strugee, [jgarber] and [prtksxna] joined the channel
I've been writing docblocks for days now.
It has been very instructive, but I'm itching to actually write something that does something.
The old refactor / document vs new feature / bug fix dilemma 😢
If I'd been documenting all this time....
Either way, the fact that I can't remember what unit of measurement I'm using says I need to document better
Am I storing pressure in Hg, mbar, hPa...?
I know I'm storing temperature in celsius...
So on and so forth.
nickodd and leg joined the channel
GWG has 26 karma in this channel over the last year (140 in all channels)
gxt, strugee, loicm, swentel, gRegorLove, [tantek], jeremych_, superkuh, [KevinMarks], xsteadfastx and [LewisCowles] joined the channel
GWG++, what are you using to turn docblocks into documentation? I started using doxygen as it has wide language support and produces documentation in a format I enjoy consuming, with some interesting visualisations of functions to show me "this one is glue, keep looking", this one does something etc.
GWG has 27 karma in this channel over the last year (141 in all channels)
xsteadfastx, hs0ucy, KartikPrabhu, loicm and gxt joined the channel
[LewisCowles]: Nothing. Right now I'm just writing them.
Is doxygen the kind of thing that could also help me to understand someone else's programs?
joshghent joined the channel
Doxygen is for developer-facing documentation and reference manuals as far as I've ever seen it used, but it's theoretically possible to also include content which is not reference manual by adding static assets
what I quite like about it is that it's giving me call graphs of my code, which allows me to visually see "Oh that has a lot of failure points"
strugee, geoffo and vika_nezrimaya joined the channel
[LewisCowles]: I think PHPDocumentor is more popular for PHP code.
It might be. I try to network benefits as I work in so many languages and I'm using phpdoc syntax
afaik, my docblocks are the same for both as I don't add `@brief` or similar annotations
swentel joined the channel
I'm using WP PHPDoc standard, which don't use brief either
But, it's been really helpful in identifying redundant code, actually describing it
[jgarber], IWSlackGateway2, nickodd, hs0ucy, [tantek], [LewisCowles], gRegorLove, [snarfed], jeremych_, strugee, superkuh, [KevinMarks] and loicm joined the channel; nickodd left the channel
Anyone built anything to (semi-)automatically transition their /Amazon book product links to other providers? E.g. https://www.indiebound.org/book/ (ht: [jeremycherfas]) or https://openlibrary.org/dev/docs/api/covers (ht: [KevinMarks])
Interestingly there's a service for that: geni.us
Amazon also cut affiliate fees recently too, so the economic incentive is gone
its quite expensive
I want to make my own
Open Library has a richer dataset than amazon books
It also has an import from physical book api, but the latency can be high as the endpoint is sending them a copy
wait what's quite expensive?
and geni. us didn't seem to have any options to *not* use specific affiliates like Amazon & Walmrt
I mean I've already built the redirector and am using it at tantek.com/isbn (yes it's a deployment of asin.cc)
[tantek]: The more ideas you give me...the more on my itch list
Sorry not sorry 🙂
strugee joined the channel
[tantek]: I wonder if I have any to give you
GWG, you give me ideas like all the time just by posting about all the stuff you're working on
When I see you posting the weather...
weather? I'm still trying to figure out how to manage location and privacy
[tantek]: It is the most niche thing I do
[tantek]: As for location, I'd still like someone other than me to adopt location visibility for Micropub
location visibility? or location blurring?
[dshanske] #16 New Property: location-visibility
So blurring is 'protected' in that list.
I haven't quite figured out blurring in the sense of admitting what city I'm in but not where in it.
I should discuss that more
strugee joined the channel
Definition of city is tricky
[snarfed] joined the channel
[KevinMarks]: I created zones in my software, which are locations that, if I'm within a certain number of meters of them, it replaces the address with a label and hides the exact location
I use this for Home and Work
[tantek]1 and [snarfed] joined the channel
That makes sense
The city challenge is working out what is a suitably fuzzy description
And a suitably fuzzy set of coordinates
Let's say I have a location in London and I want to show a map of the greater area without disclosing where in London I am, how would I derive that from the coordinates?
Chop off some decimal points? I currently round to 7, I think
strugee and [mapkyca] joined the channel
I'm doing documentation on my location plugin this week, and I've tightened up some of my return arrays, so good time to brainstorm on this
so I've just come across mdx and what not
it's from the js space (using React components in Markdown)
actually hm
[mdx-js] specification: MDX language and AST definitions
I don't know if it's something _I_ could use
but I do like the idea for like automatic link conversions into h-cites in a micropub editor
versus having to click buttons
[tantek], hs0ucy and strugee joined the channel