#dev 2020-05-05

2020-05-05 UTC
strugee and [jgarber] joined the channel
I have an air quality problem.
In Europe, the scale for air quality goes from 0-100, in the US, 0-500. Why can't countries just agree on something
agreement requires communication
the whole existence of the US came from lack of communication lol
strugee and [KevinMarks] joined the channel
countries don't even agree on the metric system so.....
you can just call out the US, we know who we are ;)
KartikPrabhu: But at least I can easily convert from metric to feet
And from celsius to fahrenheit
you can convert from 0-100 and 0-500 much more easily
divide/multiply by 5
KartikPrabhu: I need to research how the scales work.
vilhalmer: there are 3 countries not using the metric system, so not just the US :P
KartikPrabhu: What are the others again?
Liberia, Myanmar (I think)
yeah I had forgotten about liberia, I thought it was just the two
well the US does not even call it Myanmar, it is still Burma in the US
so yeah "countries agreeing on things" is not a thing
can't even agree on countries!
I haven't checked how my different reverse geocoding providers handle things.
I still remember when someone complained that the map onboard one airline showed Londonderry instead of Derry.
even within the US people forget to draw the top half of my state on maps
GWG: what does 0 on the scales mean?
deltab:Not every country has one.
In Hong Kong, there is no 0.
nickodd joined the channel
Mainland China, 0-50 is Excellent
In India, 0-50 is Good
Same in Singapore and south Korea.
But some go to 400, 300, 500, 100...
a bigger number is worse?
deltab: Correct
[fluffy] and [Ramiro_Ruiz] joined the channel
So if I have in the head of my home page a <link rel="feed" href="..."> pointing to a list page with a h-feed of h-entrys with each one having their respective u-syndication link.
Hello everyone πŸ‘‹
I’ve been using brid.gy for my site’s webmentions with twitter for some month la now. My tweets have the post link and now I kind of want to tweet without the link and I read is possible so I want to be sure that I’m understanding correctly.
And after that I can keep receiving webmentions from tweets without the post links. Am I right?
Awesome, thank you!
[Ramiro_Ruiz]: you don't need to add it in the head, any link with a rel="feed" should work
gxt joined the channel
Just updated my airport code lookup to work with ICAO as well as IATA codes.
koddsson, jjuran, gRegorLove, chimo, raucao, Ruxton, j605 and [LewisCowles] joined the channel
GWG RE: Londonderry / Derry, we had consistent complaints from _n_ users that Taiwan is not in China, leading to an issue opening against a Gem, which specifically covered that unless you can get ISO to revise their names, the name would stay. In the end I forked the Gem just to shut customer-service up, but really it shows that like data, taking on geographic regions can come with responsibilities that are interesting, but a time suck
swentel, strugee, jeremych_, KartikPrabhu, hs0ucy, [Arne], jjuran_, omz13_, beko and jacky joined the channel
PSA: Recent versions of Firefox and Chrome can render SVG favicons, so you can easily do Emoji favicons like this! <link rel=icon href='data:image/svg+xml,<svg xmlns=%22http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" viewBox="0 0 100 100"><text y=".9em" font-size="90">🀯</text></svg>'>
strugee, loicm, hs0ucy and [schmarty] joined the channel
Neat feature! Lea Verou shared that some weeks ago and appears to have lost attribution along the way. https://mobile.twitter.com/leaverou/status/1241619866475474946
Now that all modern browsers support SVG favicons, here's how to turn any emoji into a favicon.svg: <svg xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" viewBox="0 0 100 100"> <text y=".9em" font-size="90">πŸ’©</text> </svg> Useful for quick apps when you can't be bothered to design a favicon! https://pbs.twimg.com/media/ETsejDIU8AEP0l3.png
[KevinMarks] and [LewisCowles] joined the channel
What do they read like? I think it's a nice idea, but without really specific markup I don't know what it'll be used for.
TIL: figure has a visual margin by default... WHY
swentie, strugee, swentel, jolvera, KartikPrabhu and [jgarber] joined the channel
[LewisCowles] Oh yeah, that gets me every time.
hopefully it'll never get me on my own site. I was experimenting with a way to add a comment that was clearly a figcaption, and it didn't take long to fix
this very second trying as hard as possible to find some leaked data
nickodd, strugee, hs0ucy and [tantek] joined the channel
TIL: WiiWare used HTML as the documentation format
and that the browser uses < 64MB RAM to display such documents
[schmarty] and [tw2113] joined the channel
If only we didn’t try to put everything we would on desktop, on mobile
strugee and geoffo joined the channel
I suppose it's a time-space trade-off. It might be possible to take a really long time to render efficient HTML, but then it would take too long; and likely be browser + version specific.
strugee joined the channel
is anyone keeping track of failed "just use RSS and add an extension!" strawman proposals? seems like that meme keeps generating new variants despite that fact that like zero of those have had any impact/uptake at all in 10+ years.
strugee joined the channel
e.g. http://interconnected.org/home/2020/04/16/rss_for_books (found via adactio post about extending h-entry for /read posts, replacing GoodReads etc.)
with one notable exception
Nope that was more than 10 years ago
[KevinMarks] joined the channel
We could counter propose microformats tunneling over rss. Put the structure in the description
yes there is a class of things you can do as a billion dollar company that others cannot
And did not come from some rando dev.
*sometimes* do. billion dollar companies have far more XML failures than successes.
aaronpk, point being, one success from a billion dollar company does not make a methodology for innovation πŸ˜›
one success in nearly *two decades*
Did you read the plist vuln?
right, number of XML parsers lol
It was very box model hack
haha i guess it was more than 10 years agoo
gRegorLove and loicm joined the channel
You mean podcasts? More than 15 years ago
yes Kevinmarks I was being generous πŸ™‚
now, "more than 10 years ago" means, "before the indie web" πŸ™‚
There was a certain amount of "rando dev" there, but Apple built a good feedback loop around it.
strugee joined the channel
You could count gdata Atom extensions as a kind of success for similar reasons.
nope I'd count all of gdata as one big longfail
just made up that word and now looking for prior uses
I was strongly against it internally, but that cost me a fair bit
the bigger the company, the slower to give up on "XML all the things!"
heh this is a good usage though maybe more appropriate for #indieweb thread: (up & down) https://twitter.com/gaberivera/status/500035931240280065
@JoshConstine Ooohhh, I have a hashtag for this: #longfail
"@Samynemir: Who told Pharell Williams to wear those shorts? #LongFail #GRAMMYs @EmekaThirtyFive" target="_blank">https://pbs.twimg.com/media/B9XZ2u3IEAAPu2u.jpg"@EmekaThirtyFive
c'mon now that's definitely -chat material KevinMarks
strugee joined the channel
I was amused by the range of the hashtag
gRegorLove, GWG, chrisaldrich, I think this post by adactio is a strong nudge that we should consider holding a session to figure out a broader converged strategy for not only /read posts and a distributed GoodReads, but also /watch & /listen posts and their respective aggregations / histories / shelves / libraries (in the non-dev sense). https://adactio.com/journal/16803
[Jeremy Keith] Reading
posting here because the topic has reached dev-levels of brainstorming (and I think we understand the user scenarios).
at a minimum I'd like to chat about it at HWC West Coast this week, and until then perhaps we can have some shorter chat sessions recalling where we got last time, and how we can take what next steps
Definitely interesting in the conversation, though shelves / libraries feels like a big jump ahead when the individual posts are still very experimental
I have vague recollections at getting stuck on indicating / publishing "progress"
and that somehow overlapping with to-do / productivity
[chrisaldrich] joined the channel
I've read that post and some of the others that prompted it several times now. Still have some of them open for further thinking.
same. and good! sounds like just the thing to discuss in a real time session then!
There are also a number of people who are thinking about/building things in other platforms and essentially reinventing the wheel.
gRegorLove, you're right, "shelves / libraries" are an adjacent related but likely separable problem, more to do with collecting / borrowing
strugee joined the channel
I think it's necessary to at least discuss / document the connections between "read" and "shelves" because you can't avoid the comparison to GoodReads which has shelves
One in particular I've seen recently: https://github.com/mouse-reeve/fedireads. And they've been somewhat open to IndieWeb related ideas.
[mouse-reeve] fedireads: Social reading and reviewing, decentralized with ActivityPub
tantek, are you thinking of something smaller on the level of an HWC discussion or something longer in the vein of a https://indieweb.org/2020/Pop-ups
hs0ucy joined the channel
start with smaller like a pre-planned topic for a HWC so the folks that care about it know to show up
strugee joined the channel
We have one tomorrow
strugee joined the channel; nickodd left the channel
chrisaldrich, can you make sure any "number of people who are thinking about/building things in other platforms and essentially reinventing the wheel." are documented in /read#Brainstorming ?
I thought I may have added some somewhere recently, but I'll doublecheck.
Are there commonalities we want to note between reading watching and listening now or later?
strugee, geoffo, loicm, [LewisCowles] and [KevinMarks] joined the channel
Hwc West is a bit late for UK time if your want adactio involved
strugee and geoffo joined the channel
[KevinMarks]: Is he an insomniac?
KartikPrabhu, joshghent, strugee, [chrisaldrich] and [benatwork] joined the channel
[tw2113] and cal joined the channel
Hi, I'm trying to use the WordPress Micropub plugin, to test publishing to a wordpress.com blog.
The Micropub plugin defaults to using https://indieauth.com/auth as the authorization_endpoint
how do I tie a indieauth.com authorization to my wordpress.com account? or am I missing something?
Cal: Install the WordPress IndieAuth plugin, and it will turn your site into an IndieAuth endpoint.
Then, when you want to use IndieAuth, it will redirect to your site login.
So, if you login to your site using wordpress.com, then that will work
Cal: Also, we have a dedicated WordPress room
oops sorry, moving there...
Not a problem. Just advising the option
[fluffy], strugee and gxt joined the channel