[Ramiro_Ruiz]So if I have in the head of my home page a <link rel="feed" href="..."> pointing to a list page with a h-feed of h-entrys with each one having their respective u-syndication link.
[Ramiro_Ruiz]Iβve been using brid.gy for my siteβs webmentions with twitter for some month la now. My tweets have the post link and now I kind of want to tweet without the link and I read is possible so I want to be sure that Iβm understanding correctly.
[LewisCowles]GWG RE: Londonderry / Derry, we had consistent complaints from _n_ users that Taiwan is not in China, leading to an issue opening against a Gem, which specifically covered that unless you can get ISO to revise their names, the name would stay. In the end I forked the Gem just to shut customer-service up, but really it shows that like data, taking on geographic regions can come with responsibilities that are interesting, but a time suck
swentel, strugee, jeremych_, KartikPrabhu, hs0ucy, [Arne], jjuran_, omz13_, beko and jacky joined the channel
@blinryPSA: Recent versions of Firefox and Chrome can render SVG favicons, so you can easily do Emoji favicons like this! <link rel=icon href='data:image/svg+xml,<svg xmlns=%22http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" viewBox="0 0 100 100"><text y=".9em" font-size="90">π€―</text></svg>'> (twitter.com/_/status/1257621851473350657)
strugee, loicm, hs0ucy and [schmarty] joined the channel
[LewisCowles]hopefully it'll never get me on my own site. I was experimenting with a way to add a comment that was clearly a figcaption, and it didn't take long to fix
[LewisCowles]I suppose it's a time-space trade-off. It might be possible to take a really long time to render efficient HTML, but then it would take too long; and likely be browser + version specific.
[tantek]is anyone keeping track of failed "just use RSS and add an extension!" strawman proposals? seems like that meme keeps generating new variants despite that fact that like zero of those have had any impact/uptake at all in 10+ years.
[tantek]gRegorLove, GWG, chrisaldrich, I think this post by adactio is a strong nudge that we should consider holding a session to figure out a broader converged strategy for not only /read posts and a distributed GoodReads, but also /watch & /listen posts and their respective aggregations / histories / shelves / libraries (in the non-dev sense). https://adactio.com/journal/16803
[tantek]at a minimum I'd like to chat about it at HWC West Coast this week, and until then perhaps we can have some shorter chat sessions recalling where we got last time, and how we can take what next steps
gRegorLoveDefinitely interesting in the conversation, though shelves / libraries feels like a big jump ahead when the individual posts are still very experimental
[tantek]I think it's necessary to at least discuss / document the connections between "read" and "shelves" because you can't avoid the comparison to GoodReads which has shelves
[tantek]chrisaldrich, can you make sure any "number of people who are thinking about/building things in other platforms and essentially reinventing the wheel." are documented in /read#Brainstorming ?