#dev 2020-05-06

2020-05-06 UTC
Light1, nickodd, swentel, loicm, [KevinMarks], gRegorLove, strugee, [fluffy], RagazzaMia, jeremych_, [jgmac1106], [LewisCowles], KartikPrabhu and [tantek] joined the channel
Interesting point about using payments early in service development to avoid / reduce spam: https://twitter.com/pinboard/status/1257959130985201664
Doing payments first is the way to avoid the rapid growth problem entirely (and depending on your service, spam problems). I charged a tiny signup fee for Pinboard purely as an anti-spam measure, but it ended up getting me endless free publicity. 2009 was a different time. https://twitter.com/RoamResearch/status/1257849892434669571
loicm, strugee, hs0ucy, [LewisCowles] and swentel joined the channel
Also known as: the MetaFilter model. It was done way before 2009.
Some real nuggets in the Original RoamResearch thread too.
jolvera, gxt, geoffo, nickodd, [mapkyca], [jgmac1106] and [manton] joined the channel
Hi everyone! There have been some discussions about supporting standalone "pages" via Micropub, but I don't think those discussions have ever been captured anywhere outside of chat. I'd like to move this forward so I posted this to GitHub: https://github.com/indieweb/micropub-extensions/issues/25
[manton] #25 Standalone pages
Let me know if I'm missing anything or if there are current solutions. Instead of a specific proposal, I mention a couple ideas that I hope we can discuss further.
[manton]: I'm literally working on this for my site lol
this is good
I should probably put my notes there
gRegorLove, swentel, [Aaron_Klemm], [Rose], [calumryan], loicm, hs0ucy, [tantek], [chrisaldrich] and nekr0z joined the channel; nickodd left the channel
what is a page
page is short for web page on the IndieWeb, and is usually primarily known by its name and kept updated in place in contrast to posts which are primarily datetime-based; a page that is browser-editable with viewable revisions is a wiki-page https://indieweb.org/page
hello everyone! I'm trying to figure out whether I got my atom feed and websub pings set up properly. So far, I have no luck using public hubs and websub.rocks, and I can't figure out if the problem is websub.rocks, the hubs I'm trying to use, or my feeds and pinging tool (last two most probably). Would appreciate any advice on testing.
jacky, feel free to add your notes on your site page feature to /page#Brainstorming
nekr0z, how far are you able to get with your site and websub.rocks?
there's apparently a bug in it
[tantek]: Well, I can subscribe to a feed, and it says it has subscribed. But when feed gets updated it receives no notifications
nekr0z: well i fixed it! thanks for the nudge
aaronpk: welcome!
it was a stupid mistake when i tried to upgrade some framework stuff in march
[Jeremy_Keith] Looking on archive.org for the clearleft design that had vertical text. I think in early 2000's. Have I mis-attributed that, or was that clear:left?
[Ana_Rodrigues], [KevinMarks], [Rose], KartikPrabhu and [manton] joined the channel
[jacky] Thanks for adding a comment! Good timing that you're working on it too.
I also wonder if @GWG has run into this working on WordPress integration. Are WordPress pages ever exposed through any of the IndieWeb plugins?
[manton]: No.
Never figured out how to create a page using Micropub.
A page in WordPress is a type of post
It just has specific properties.
It is hierarchical
It is usually posted without a date property, at the least in the URL
It is not part of a feed usually
I caught a glimpse of the h=page idea. Not against it, but it opens the door to confusion.
I'm against it because it's not clear why a page can't "just" be an h-entry
[tantek]: I think it is an h-entry, but something has to signal it isn't the sort of date based feed content
Page isn't in PTD
loicm joined the channel
Not sure it should be. Or rather, what's the consuming use-case?
I use PTD on the backend of micropub to determine what type of post is being published.
I like aaronpk's slug idea, to me that makes the most sense because the page name is its distinguishing feture
That generates the feeds by type and such
[snarfed] joined the channel
tantek has 24 karma in this channel over the last year (120 in all channels)
But I sometimes expressly set slugs on posts.
So, what distinguishes there?
slug vs mp-slug?
GWG, sorry, full context from aaronpk's comment in GH. The starting "/" distinguishes it as a page without any date info in the URL
*named page
Oh....I missed that when I skimmed it
nekr0z++ for finding a Websub rocks bug!
nekr0z has 1 karma in this channel over the last year (3 in all channels)
btw this could also allow expicit micropub editing of your homepage by passing "/" as the slug
[tantek]: Then I withdraw my question and would implement that
also there's an important point here, the "type" of something is VERY different from where it is
[tantek]: What if your homepage is a feed?
you could have a "page" that is a "photo"
Yeah, I think the fact that "page" does not fit anywhere in Post Type Discovery should influence how we do this.
For the "/" solution, though, we'd still need something separate for other parts of the API, such as `q=source`. So some post type needs to be communicated in a parameter somewhere, I think.
[manton]: / in a slug parameter?
right if that was the distinguishing factor, then the query to find those kinds of posts is more like "find all posts where the slug begins with /"
I'm not sure if anyone allows q=source&slug=x right now thouggh
it's also not "=", it's "starts with"
aaronpk: I don't think anyone is doing any filtering by slug in any endpoint right now
Syntax aside
cal joined the channel
does an indieauth access token ever expires?
cal: It can
it's like oauth, where it's up to the server to decide
so if I try to create an h-entry post, I may be access token expired error? what http code is that?
under indieauth, if an access token has expired, I would require the user to re-authorize again, to get a new authorization code?
cal: I keep meaning to implement expiry
thanks GWG, so for now just request user to re-authorize... just trying to explore the boundaries
cal: Yes, there is nothing the client needs to do
[tantek] joined the channel