#dev 2020-05-08
2020-05-08 UTC
[chrisaldrich], KartikPrabhu, nickodd, swentel, [LewisCowles], loicm, jjuran, jeremych_, [jgmac1106], [KevinMarks], hs0ucy, ben_thatmustbeme and geoffo_ joined the channel; OberstKrueger[m] left the channel
Zegnat anyone know if there is a simple way to test a new TravisCI config for https://github.com/microformats/php-mf2/ or is my best bet to just make a commit & PR to trigger a run and go from there?

[jgmac1106] how could I do something similar from my own website, have links to media as hotspots to regions on an image: https://www.thinglink.com/scene/1315166870969516033 feels be intimidating

jeremycherfas Blank page with no js; is that what you want?

[jgmac1106] no I want to link media files to specific regions of an image

[jgmac1106] probably way too hard but I wanna keep that one....web is littered with tons of art that is now nothign more than a 404

jeremycherfas I remember in the old days, people would slice up an image into the cells of a table, and some of those cells were links;

jeremycherfas I did that myself, to make a page that looked like a card index have index tabs that "worked".

[jgmac1106] table with a background img.....would still work...awful on mobile but maybe I could think of query that could resize....hmmmmmm

[jgmac1106] Can I do same with CSS Grid? link an entire cell and have a background img on the grid?

jeremycherfas Maybe

jeremycherfas I don't know enough about CSS grid.

[jgmac1106] may play with this idea this weekend...too intriguing need to walk away now before suddenly it is dark and I did nothing

[jgmac1106] be hard though with resizing on mobile with a background img, may have to do a media query to strip links and display in a ul there...

jeremycherfas Wouldn't the background img just be 100%?

jeremycherfas That looks cool too [jgmac1106]

[jgmac1106] yeah, but if the links were in grid cells...ohhh this is where i wish I knew more of the mathy kind of CSS Grid

[jgmac1106] yeah but how do you know the cords just peck and guess? knew it be above me, but may have a website goal, need to do a Grid activity or much of the knowledge will fade

[jgmac1106] I could lay grid lines in photoshop to determine regions...not something one could do often, seems quite labor intensive, but this maybe doable

jeremycherfas No need to hunt and peck. If you draw what you want on gridded paper. If you look at the CSS for that demo, it is pixel based.

jeremycherfas As I recall, in the old days PS had a function that would automagically slice and dice an image for you for exactly that purpose.

[jgmac1106] cool...bad weather weekend project...we could even wake up to snow

[jgmac1106] okay now a new path: https://www.techwalla.com/articles/how-to-make-an-image-map-using-photoshop

jeremycherfas There it is. Still there after all these years.

[jgmac1106] jeremycherfas++ thx for brainstorming with me...I need to stop.....ugggh lame OGP stockphotos

jeremycherfas No worries; fun to dig deep into the memories.

[LewisCowles] jeremycherfas++
swentel, [KevinMarks], bear and [tantek] joined the channel
jolvera, [chrisaldrich] and geoffo joined the channel
[KevinMarks] Another way to do it would be svg, either by redrawing it or by overlaying shapes to define the links

[LewisCowles] imagemap++ I'm so surprised you liked them tantek
[LewisCowles] The first WYSIWYG pages I made were image maps because microsoft publisher 97 only exported for web as image maps
[LewisCowles] They sure are. I was certain they had accessibility issues though
[rjpc] joined the channel
[rjpc] Hey all! Curious about some "not secure" warnings about images I'm getting browsing the wiki. Do you think it's worth it having those images under https? I feel the "not secure" warnings on certain browsers can scare people off. Anyway, glad to help in any way and two cheers for the indie web
[LewisCowles] rjpc, if you have your own site setup to use via indieauth, you can login and make edits
jeremycherfas I've not used it to do this job, and it is yet another thing to add friction, but pandoc can create good HTML from a word file.

[LewisCowles] I think otherwise links in meta might help
[LewisCowles] jeremycherfas. Ah Interesting. I'd not considered that. It's going to take me ages to go through existing posts in editor flow
[LewisCowles] and there are only about 50 of them
jeremycherfas No, wait. I may be wrong on that.

[LewisCowles] TBH I'm not certain it has feature parity with even the limited HTML I'm using
jeremycherfas It doesn't seem to be there on the dropdown at the pandoc live demo site. Need to check full documentation.

[LewisCowles] i know unoconv moves between HTML and docx
jeremycherfas Pandoc might not do it in one step. But it will go docx -> markdown -> HTML

[LewisCowles] oh that is wonderful
jeremycherfas How clean is the unoconv output?

[LewisCowles] it'd preserve my headings
[LewisCowles] and get rid of some noise
[LewisCowles] unoconv is a mess, it's the kind of output that needs manual processing
[LewisCowles] I use it to convert government PDF's to docx, so that they are text searchable
jeremycherfas Yeah; presentation probably doesn't matter that much with those. I reckon the two-step process is probably the best you will get.

[LewisCowles] Right now I'm dual screening, so I'm taking the HTML I author flat, opening it in a browser, and copy->pasting to word to check
[LewisCowles] it's not ideal
jeremycherfas One other suggestion; go from HTML to Markdown. Convert the markdown to docx (easy!) look at the docx in Word and go back to Markdown with Pandoc. That would give you good HTML

[snarfed] and fuzzyBear joined the channel
markopasha, hs0ucy, gRegorLove and [chrisaldrich] joined the channel
[snarfed] joined the channel
Loqi Salmention is a protocol extension to Webmention to propagate comments and other interactions upstream by sending a webmention from a response to the original post when the response itself receives a response (comment, like, etc.) https://indieweb.org/Salmention

jacky https://brid.gy/about#webmentions says it

Loqi u-syndication is a way to discoverably link from your original posts to syndicated copies on other sites like social media silos https://indieweb.org/u-syndication

[tw2113], [jeremycherfas], swentel and [KevinMarks] joined the channel
[KevinMarks] Mention.tech looks for h-entry iirc

xsteadfastx joined the channel
[chrisaldrich] This New Yorker cartoon kind of captures how I feel about how my website may look versus the view source version that people hopefully never look at... https://media.newyorker.com/cartoons/5eb2ba0869e8cb02813d5f98/master/w_600,c_limit/A24226.jpg

[tw2113] joined the channel
fuzzyBear joined the channel
fuzzyBear hey guys
fuzzyBear nybody still up? I got a daft question if somebody wishes to indulge a student
fuzzyBear consider this function
fuzzyBear function reverseStringOne(string)
{ let reversed = ""; //Where the reversed string will be held for(index = string.length-1; index >=0; index--){ //Starting the loop at the end of the string, ending when the string hits 0, we are decreasing the count reversed += string[index]; //Adding each letter to the reversed string } return reversed;//Returns the string reversed }
fuzzyBear (that didnt work)
fuzzyBear function reverseStringOne(string)
{ let reversed = ""; //Where the reversed string will be held for(index = string.length-1; index >=0; index--){ //Starting the loop at the end of the string, ending when the string hits 0, we are decreasing the count : reversed += string[index]; //Adding each letter to the reversed string } return reversed;//Returns the string reversed }
fuzzyBear ahh
fuzzyBear cheers man, read my mind
xsteadfastx joined the channel
fuzzyBear https://pastebin.com/cvbKP8gT
fuzzyBear @[tw2113] yeh man,
fuzzyBear I hope that link workd
fuzzyBear in the second method I used the string higher functions which I am still trying to get my head around
fuzzyBear does the order which you write out the return string.split().reverse().join() go in that order
fuzzyBear lol
fuzzyBear i get your point man
fuzzyBear cheers bud