#dev 2020-05-13
2020-05-13 UTC
moppy, [tantek] and akira_ joined the channel
akira_ hello
akira_, Meek, [chrisaldrich], gRegorLove, gRegorLove_, nickodd, gRegorLove__, vika_nezrimaya, KartikPrabhu, [jeremycherfas], [Ramiro_Ruiz], swentel, jamietanna, [LewisCowles], [aimee], jamietanna1, moppy, jeremych_, [jgmac1106], d0gfart and joshghent joined the channel; akira_ left the channel
[jgmac1106] hello

[Sadik_Shahadu], [jgarber], [Rose], jacky and gxt joined the channel; amiiboh left the channel
jacky, [tw2113], [Ramiro_Ruiz] and xsteadfastx joined the channel
[LewisCowles] openssl + windows = 😿
[LewisCowles] a file that decrypts just fine on my pc, using a symetric passphrase, won't decrypt on others. The advice. Encrypt using linux or mac
[LewisCowles] I wonder if I can blame git for this in some way. I really need to decrypt the file on windows, mac and linux
[snarfed] and nickodd joined the channel
[snarfed] TIL Flickr doesn't serve the Content-Length header on its photos 😠 https://github.com/snarfed/bridgy/issues/944
[LewisCowles] snarfed, regarding no content length, is it a valid http1.1 streaming response?
[manton] and xsteadfastx joined the channel
[jgmac1106] snarfed has to be a recent change I have used flickr embeds and bridgy forever

[jgmac1106] just encourages me to download and host locally, strengthens the Commons anyways

[LewisCowles] anyone able to know or guess what is wrong with the following line for mac OS cli using OpenSSL 1.1
[LewisCowles] `openssl aes-256-cbc -d -md sha512 -pbkdf2 -iter 1000 -in vendor/***.zip.enc -out vendor/***.zip -pass pass:$VSTSDK_KEY`
[LewisCowles] works on windows (under msys2) and linux
[Sadik_Shahadu] joined the channel
[LewisCowles] I'm wondering if I can just decrypt on one OS as part of CI and then pass to jobs on other OS's. Although when I tried that yesterday for the repository I was working on I lost access.
[LewisCowles] HTTP2 always should include a content-length. HTTP1.1 the disaster that it was, had other, particularly stupid ideas
[LewisCowles] for us it was detecting chunked encoding and parsing that. I actually wanted to middle-finger the requests and refuse to serve them
[LewisCowles] if I don't know how big it is, I don't know how long it's going to tie up a machine for
[schmarty] joined the channel
[schmarty] Salt: microformat properties are plural-by-default, so you should be able to list as many as you like.

[schmarty] i have seen org names with "p-org" as well as more detailed info with nested h-cards like "p-org h-card".

cal joined the channel
[LewisCowles] I must admit it's not as explicit as I'd like to be certain, but I really hate requests without content length as well as responses
gRegorLove and [KevinMarks] joined the channel
[LewisCowles] solved openssl. Sadly some platforms cannot use -iter or -pbkdf2 (maybe they can with more work, but I don't want to do it)
[LewisCowles] an dropping those two args from generation fixed, even if annoying to see warnings on some platforms
[LewisCowles] `openssl aes-256-cbc -d -md sha512 -in vendor/***.zip.enc -out vendor/***.zip -pass pass:$VSTSDK_KEY`
[juju] and vika_nezrimaya joined the channel
[mapkyca] joined the channel
[LewisCowles] I can ask some Laravel users
[KevinMarks] anyone want to advise? https://twitter.com/ASpittel/status/1260612610686361600

@ASpittel What's your favorite tech stack for building a blog site right now and why? (twitter.com/_/status/1260612610686361600)
[LewisCowles] flat HTML, CSS, maybe a pinch of JavaScript.
[LewisCowles] Send everything else to someone else to give them the headache of server management
[LewisCowles] Did anyone know about config.yml in .github/ISSUE_TEMPLATE ?
[LewisCowles] Seems pretty fantastic at cattle-grid'ing incoming
[LewisCowles] I feel like I just found the letterbox
[calumryan] joined the channel
Loqi ok, I added "https://sec.okta.com/articles/2020/05/sms-two-factor-authentication-worse-just-good-password" to the "See Also" section of /SMS https://indieweb.org/wiki/index.php?diff=69896&oldid=68932

[LewisCowles] Although device vendors are improving, some also have awful SMS defaults, such as displaying partial messages on the lock-screen.
[LewisCowles] not terrible if the code is right off the end, but really quite bad if the SMS code is the first thing you see (Here's.... Paypal)
[LewisCowles] Also Google 😭
[LewisCowles] who have quite some say in making the devices. I know I can turn it off
[LewisCowles] Instagram, VirginMoney, Twilio
[LewisCowles] all from a single screen
[LewisCowles] Oh due to lockdown... 🙄 well lets not make all of our life and security considerations based on the colossal screw up we're in now
[LewisCowles] Does anyone have Apple CoreAudio SDK?
[LewisCowles] I seem to have poor builds due to missing header files and incompatible API's
[LewisCowles] Apple removed it from their website
[grantcodes] joined the channel
[grantcodes] Hello? Just testing...

[grantcodes] Are you still using next.js for your current site vika_nezrimaya? I actually enjoy the simplicity of it * with the massive caveat of already understanding react - which is not simple at all 😂

[grantcodes] Weird, wouldn't let me send that message. 🤷♂️

vika_nezrimaya I'm not using anything at all for the website, since I have no website in development right now
vika_nezrimaya I'm rewriting the rewrite of the website
vika_nezrimaya didn't even start yet
vika_nezrimaya since I'm trying to figure out how to do ACME DNS validation for certificates...
vika_nezrimaya >.<
vika_nezrimaya and it's hard to do so when nosy relatives are constantly shuffling around behind my back and asking stupid questions
vika_nezrimaya ughhhhhh i wish corona didn't exist so I could go to a time-cafe and code
[grantcodes] Haha been there with the rewrites. But I just let someone else handle the certificates.

vika_nezrimaya the price is justified by the environment it gives me, I'm really productive when I could sip free coffee in a semi-quiet room with some music on
[LewisCowles] aaronpk please have a word regarding
[LewisCowles] The problem with lies is that you'll forget them
[LewisCowles] > Second, generate random lies for any security questions, such as ‘favorite food’ or ‘street you lived on’.
[LewisCowles] notes in a password manager are only viable if you can get into one. It's a big juicy honeypot
[grantcodes] But let me know if you want next.js advice, now I think it's a pretty awesome way to build indieweb websites. And like I said if you're over that first hurdle of learning react it is super flexible and can be about as simple or complex as you want

vika_nezrimaya yeah, about that... it requires this webpack mess which is too complex for me
vika_nezrimaya I'm really considering ditching IE11, Edge 18 and Opera support for nice things like ES6 modules
vika_nezrimaya in browser, like <script type="module"> so I won't have to deal with Webpack hell
petermolnar don't misunderstand my question but what kind of interactivity requires your current dependencies?

[grantcodes] 🤔 it uses webpack under the hood but unless you are doing something really specific you shouldn't need to touch it

vika_nezrimaya Environment variables. A lot of them.
vika_nezrimaya I eventually realized that my approach was flawed
vika_nezrimaya but I already had one burnout so I guess I subconsciously mistrust anything that lists webpack in its dependency tree
vika_nezrimaya >.<
[LewisCowles] The version of CoreAudio I need has a folder named AudioUnitExamplesAudioUnitEffectGeneratorInstrumentMIDIProcessorandOffline
[LewisCowles] A particularly verbose filename
vika_nezrimaya sounds like a Java class
petermolnar AudioUnitExamplesAudioUnitEffectGeneratorInstrumentMIDIProcessorandOfflineFactoryInstance would be Java

vika_nezrimaya a Java class that my former college mates would write, I mean
vika_nezrimaya or do they still name their classes A, B and C?
petermolnar 16:9 screens were made to allow longer Java classnames, the legend says

vika_nezrimaya thankfully, I don't remember
[LewisCowles] It's C or C++
[LewisCowles] hahaha
[LewisCowles] maybe C needs some Karma. All our kiddy languages depend on it
[LewisCowles] well, most of
swentel joined the channel
vika_nezrimaya rust is a contender though, or so I heard
vika_nezrimaya even Microsoft evaluated it for rewriting parts of Windows (and I remember them saying it lacks some uncommon features, while overall being a great choice for OS development)
[LewisCowles] It could be huge. It's got macros and pre-processors, much to my dismay it's not common to output pre-processed files to a build folder to make them easy to read if you, like most people were not born with a pre-processor
[LewisCowles] new rustacean has a rather nice playback speed that was fun to hack into it's build system. It's as far as I've got with rust past a *morphism example
nickodd left the channel
[LewisCowles] I think maybe my C errors were github actions somehow mixing clang and gcc 😊
[LewisCowles] damn it's hard to do anything low-level
[LewisCowles] especially across OS's with vendors that hate their users
gRegorLove, xsteadfastx, [KevinMarks] and joshghent joined the channel
[KevinMarks] AudioUnits were C++ when the rest of the OS was C. Which was fun when they threw an uncaught exception

joshghent, [tantek] and [LewisCowles] joined the channel
[LewisCowles] It compiles now (and somehow seems to avoid uncaught exceptions).
[LewisCowles] Now moving on to next part of the build. I Was interrupted by bitbucket being down, so I craftily found a cached version of a dependency, same hash and added a chained fallback. Bit naughty, really need to add vendoring, but without adequate ways to describe where some files come from and what their canonical revision is, I might skip that part.