#dev 2020-05-14
2020-05-14 UTC
dogfart, [tw2113], [chrisaldrich], [Kevin_Faaborg], Boris1, chrisaldrich, gRegorLove_, gRegorLove__, beko, [Aaron_Klemm] and [Katherine] joined the channel
[Katherine] i’m kind of confused about github pages. i have a website that is hosted on github pages right now, but i was wondering if its possible to host two websites through github?
gRegorLove__ joined the channel
KartikPrabhu [Katherine]: I haven't used github pages too much, but I think it does one website per github account as per https://pages.github.com/

[Katherine] yeah.. it seemed kind of vague if there was a way around it. oh well haha
KartikPrabhu maybe you can use subdomains? but I am not sure

KartikPrabhu you can always make two github accounts :P

KartikPrabhu because its "free"

KartikPrabhu aaronpk: [Katherine] was interested in posting through SMS which you have in Quill (?) I couldn't find docs on that though

aaronpk I think the docs only are there once you're logged in https://quill.p3k.io/email

nickodd joined the channel
[Katherine] posting via email seems ok too!
[Katherine] so basically it seems like i would need to set up Known and then set up Quill separately to integrate with it?
gRegorLove__ joined the channel
KartikPrabhu I think Known should already be setup to work with Quill (through micropub)

[Katherine] oh, great!
[Katherine] ill figure out the SSH setup on dreamhost tomorrow…
KartikPrabhu :thumbsup:

[chrisaldrich], jeremycherfas, swentel, [LewisCowles], xsteadfastx, moppy, dogfarted, rick, petermolnar and [KevinMarks] joined the channel
[KevinMarks] The workaround for github pages is to create an organisation, then you can have another site for that.

jeremych_ joined the channel
[LewisCowles] poor github lol
[LewisCowles] not because of indicative vote, more the multi account thing
[LewisCowles] for $5 a month, rent a VPS with digitalocean and upload flat HTML. It's $1 more than digitalocean, but you can have as many domains as you want. YMMV on how much you want to store there, but GitHub also advises no large files etc
KartikPrabhu joined the channel
[KevinMarks] it does make more sense for those kind of random sites to be organisations. Which reminds me I should not auto-renew all the random domains I bought around brexit and the election

jeremycherfas You never know ...

[KevinMarks] gah, hover.com have updated their site and now it's slow and annoying

gxt joined the channel
[LewisCowles] I think it's a digital thing that people hoard domains. I own some I do nothing with, just to own them, and I redirect others to the exact same site as some others to get some extensions
[LewisCowles] still, at least I'm not a burglar is one of my fun excuse making things for odd habits.
petermolnar [LewisCowles]: let me introduce you to https://www.reddit.com/r/DataHoarder/ - although point taken, most of the digital "hoarding" is rather proper archiving. Renting random domains is indeed hoarding.

[LewisCowles] I do hoard old software, but I try my best to get it working and document bits of it too
[LewisCowles] I have old visual basic source code, which only runs under dosbox + windows 9x or dos. Not just games, actual software. It's a hobby of mine and I think it helps me make better choices as a software engineer
[LewisCowles] also helps for deployments. Something was niggling at me yesterday about Apple Source code, and a VST SDK. got them, patched to work with newer GCC & clang (tiny edits), and then I was golden.
nickodd, [Rose], [jgmac1106], d0gfart, geoffo and marinin[m] joined the channel
marinin[m] hi everyone! long time no read
KartikPrabhu joined the channel
jeremycherfas o/

geoffo and jamietanna joined the channel
jamietanna snarfed looking at https://brid.gy/reddit/jamietanna I've had some attempted WMs that I don't see as things that should've been attempted - any idea if this is expected?

[snarfed] joined the channel
jamietanna ah makes sense!

jolvera, gRegorLove, djmoch and dogfart joined the channel; nickodd left the channel
sebsel The 'Get IndieAuth' button opens https://wordpress.org/plugins/indieauth/

[tantek] and JKing joined the channel
d0gfart joined the channel
[KevinMarks] and d0gfart joined the channel