#dev 2020-05-15
2020-05-15 UTC
xsteadfastx and [LewisCowles] joined the channel
[LewisCowles] sebsel, if a string should be an array, can you not split it on whitespace?
dogfart and [manton] joined the channel
nickodd, [tw2113], geoffo, deepcut, [tantek], KartikPrabhu, AshleySky and swentel joined the channel
[LewisCowles], moppy, jacky and KartikPrabhu joined the channel
KartikPrabhu joined the channel
[tantek] joined the channel
[LewisCowles] In 1600 the English specification people followed was far different from the English we speak today.
[LewisCowles] Specs evolve through usage. Single string, or array of strings seem like similarly shaped things over here.
[LewisCowles] Data isn't missing, it's mis-represented, in a trivially compatible way.
[LewisCowles] Email clients suffer the same problems and are very mature software.
[LewisCowles] At the end of the day, I guess it depends on how important something is.
[LewisCowles] i.e. if it's important, then permissive HTML / CSS approach
[LewisCowles] if it's not important. JavaScript / Imperative programming approach
[LewisCowles] I'd argue that throwing away trivially non-compliant things, says that the perceived value is trivial, because I'd rather have most of an important message, than have it lost.
[LewisCowles] Could be horribly wrong, but we're not talking about an invalid value or something likely to crash a bank here
[grantcodes] joined the channel
[grantcodes] Back to personal website development today and I just found out next js released the exact feature I have always wanted 😍 I'm on my way to a best of both worlds static / dynamic site

KartikPrabhu joined the channel
Loqi It looks like we don't have a page for "that magic feature" yet. Would you like to create it? (Or just say "that magic feature is ____", a sentence describing the term)

[grantcodes] sknebel: they've been working a lot on dynamically generating static content. So the newest release (if I understand it right) lets you initially generate a static html page then it can be regenerated again if there is new data without rebuilding the entire site

[grantcodes] Last release also added a lot of stuff for it https://nextjs.org/blog/next-9-3#next-gen-static-site-generation-ssg-support

KartikPrabhu joined the channel
[grantcodes] It feels really good to me, but still kinda trying to get my head around it all 😅

KartikPrabhu and Mikaela2 joined the channel
petermolnar anyone has some sort of non-cloud load balancing and/or redundancy over their web presence? Things such as anycast or similar.

petermolnar DNS failover is tricky. One either sets a very low TTL which hits performance, or accepts downtime.

ybbond joined the channel
JKing, [jgmac1106], mastermidn13 and [KevinMarks] joined the channel
[KevinMarks] if you use excel for anything, this is very handy https://twitter.com/arambaut/status/1261257821967880193

@arambaut Just discovered that if you set the Mac OS X short date format to ISO 8601 in System Preferences then that is the format that Excel defaults to. All the pain and anguish over the years that could have been avoided with just a bit of googling. https://pbs.twimg.com/media/EYDjTZRWkAAHaG9.jpg (twitter.com/_/status/1261257821967880193)
[LewisCowles], geoffo, d0gfart, [schmarty], garrettw, [tantek], nickodd, [chrisaldrich] and [tw2113] joined the channel
[schmarty] thinking about whan and "IndieWeb alternative to GIPHY" might look like and i am thinking way back to the early 2000s days of like "save a folder on your computer"

[schmarty] wow i am typo-ing all over the place today. "whan and" => "what an"

[schmarty] like a service to help you collaboratively manage and tag your own collection of reaction images / gifs.

[schmarty] yeah, you'd join with your own gif-fed

[schmarty] *gif-feed

[schmarty] if you support micropub you could even accept tags on those from other users

[schmarty] haha true

[schmarty] this part of the "Prohibitions on Content" section of the gfycat.com API Terms of Service would seem to make things... tricky. "Unless expressly permitted by the content owner or by applicable law, you will not, and or others acting on your behalf to, do the following with content returned from the APIs: ... b. Copy, translate, modify, create a derivative work of, sell, lease, lend, convey, distribute, publicly display, or sublicense to any

[schmarty] third party;"

[schmarty] since i want to publicly display these reaction images on my own website (and maybe copy to my own image hosting). not to mention that i want them to also appear on _other people's_ websites if i am reacting to their posts. 🤔

gregor1 and [jgmac1106] joined the channel
[chrisaldrich] Isn't GifFed the new Activity Pub platform for federating gifs? 😉

[snarfed] joined the channel
swentel joined the channel
[Rose] and [KevinMarks] joined the channel; nickodd left the channel
[KevinMarks] there's https://gifcities.org/

[KevinMarks] the custom emojis get cached on each mastodon server, right? Can you address an imported one?

cjav_dev and [tw2113] joined the channel
[schmarty] oh gifcities is very good! KevinMarks++

[schmarty] needs a caching layer in front so large GIFs can be transcoded to mp4, etc. 😂

[Molly], swentel and ARH joined the channel
[KevinMarks] gif as video codec was something I thought we were done with 15 years agi

[tantek] schmarty, can you switch Kapowski to use https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/Category:Animated_GIF_files ?

[schmarty] tantek: ha!! Probably??

[LewisCowles], [tantek] and [snarfed] joined the channel
[snarfed] interesting network partition going on right now. https://superfeedr.com/ has been down hard for me on comcast residential for at least the last hour or two, serving 502/503s, but it's up and working fine from other networks, eg my shared host and my college
jamietanna joined the channel
aaronpk here's a feed from a bunch of our blogs mentioning various indieweb terms https://stream.indieweb.org/

[grantcodes] joined the channel
[grantcodes] Heh ran a first - very not optimized - static export of my previously dynamic site and it took 17 minutes. 😅

[chrisaldrich] joined the channel
[tantek] hmm, this would have been good for IndieNews: https://ia.net/writer/blog/new-pdf-preview-better-web-publishing-improved-editing

[chrisaldrich] iirc pfefferle has a plugin on github for WP to auto syndicate anything tagged #indienews to crosspost to news.indieweb.org.

[chrisaldrich] I thought about doing it by tag, but I also post lots of bookmarks and reads as IndieWeb which would create a lot of duplictation.

[chrisaldrich] About a year ago I created a category/feed on my site called IndieWeb that has my IndieWeb related content (esp. articles), and I've relegated all the other smaller stuff (and especially links to others' content) to a tag called IndieWeb.

[chrisaldrich] I'd have to look, but I might be able to get away with autosyndicating everything in that Category, but I'd never think of doing it with the content in the tag.

jamietanna I like the thought of anything tagged as #indienews - but if I'm posting that, the editor I'm using likely has the ability to populate the actual syndication UI, so I'd just tick IndieNews there :thinking:

flex14 and dogfart joined the channel
[chrisaldrich] I'm essentially using a checkbox with a syndication target to do that syndication now. It's functionality that's built into the WordPress Syndication Links Plugin now.

[chrisaldrich] The benefit is that it's easy for Micropub clients that include that to provide one click syndication as well.

[tantek] !tell aaronpk iA Writer Micropub support is probably worth a blog post, e.g. with screenshots on the setup flow, using it, and the result on your blog! And of course a summary table of the growing "Micropub ecosystem" of clients and servers. That's the larger story to tell (and yours to tell as spec editor!)

Loqi aaronpk: [tantek] left you a message 1 minute ago: iA Writer Micropub support is probably worth a blog post, e.g. with screenshots on the setup flow, using it, and the result on your blog! And of course a summary table of the growing "Micropub ecosystem" of clients and servers. That's the larger story to tell (and yours to tell as spec editor!)

[chrisaldrich] It also may be a bigger win if ThreadReaderApp's micropub functionality comes out relatively soon as well since that will be an implementation that shows off a similar, but dramatically different use case for Micropub.

[tantek] also https://indieweb.org/Micropub/Clients#iA_Writer could use screenshots

[chrisaldrich] we should start a fleet of micropub support requests to build some runway for that "every week" event in the future... 😉

[chrisaldrich] If I can find the time this weekend, I'll try to document the WordPress workflow from a user perspective.

[chrisaldrich] has anyone tried iA Writer from the WordPress side yet?

lahacker joined the channel
Loqi It looks like we don't have a page for "iawriter" yet. Would you like to create it? (Or just say "iawriter is ____", a sentence describing the term)

Loqi Micropub clients are sites and client applications that publish to servers via Micropub https://indieweb.org/iA_Writer

[tantek] iawriter is /iA_Writer