#dev 2020-05-16

2020-05-16 UTC
flex14 joined the channel
This could be good or bad for the IndieAuth plugin
[Molly] and miklb joined the channel
miklb: jeremycherfas left you a message on 2019-11-15 at 11:26am UTC: If you still need an exist.io code, let me know
been a while :-)
\o/ miklb!
how are you [tantek]
Hi, miklb
howdy GWG!
Nice to see you around. Hope you are staying safe.
doing ok miklb, been thinking about how to make it easy to syndicate to IndieNews
I am. and same to you. Been doing a little work on my v2 jekyll indieweb theme. Now as a jekyll theme gem.
easy for who [tantek] ?
for me with my own notes and articles
right now the manual friction is high enough that I nearly never post to indienews
[tantek]: I made it too easy at one point.
I remember GWG, hence why I asked about my brainstorming thoughts here
At the time, I believe the issue was that Indienews has no moderation or such.
I'm not sure I agree with that. The assumption that "moderation" is needed is an assumption of surplus labor that adds to the minimum sustainable recurring cost of a system
I thought the issue was a default / UI that didn't reflect the implied culture intended by IndieNews as an aggregation site
what is IndieNews
IndieNews is an indieweb news aggregator, similar to Hacker News, which only accepts submissions via webmention https://indieweb.org/IndieNews
miklb_, miklb, d0gfart and geoffo joined the channel
I'm considering an extension to my webmention endpoint to verify/double-check on response webmentions to a particular page
this is my idea for checking if webmentions presented on a page are actually for it
the idea of checking for them fails if the site runs their own webmention server because then they can lie about it but at that rate, that's two red flags
trust but verify :)
KartikPrabhu and [snarfed] joined the channel
jacky i'm trying to follow the problem you're describing
you're worried about...DoSes? ie floods of responses from someone who generates lots of valid likes or replies?
[snarfed] hey, I shipped and deployed some bug fixes for the issues you reported!
dansup awesome, thank you!
jacky ah i understand now, nm.
[jjdelc] joined the channel
sorry for the lack of clarity; I started in #indieweb!
[tw2113] joined the channel
own your activities!
oof I just noticed my site's like doing a "webmention update" and it's slamming bridgy
my fault
KartikPrabhu and nickodd joined the channel
Pixelfed is now a Nextcloud competitor, and Google Drive ;) https://mastodon.social/@pixelfed/104176796135918013
[pixelfed 🚀] Introducing Pixelfed Drive, a new way to organize and store your photos (with or without posting them).Available soon! #pixelfed #drive https://files.mastodon.social/media_attachments/files/028/732/722/original/36202f5264399c51.png
refactoring the logic to handle folders and aliases was the funnest part, I could nerd out on the details for hours lol
moppy joined the channel
tbh with some permissioning / OCAP-y stuff; that could help people move away from Google Photos and the like
[KevinMarks] joined the channel
Is anyone else currently getting bridgy errors? I get a 500 error when trying to publish this note: https://doubleloop.net/2020/05/16/this-is-amazingly-enjoyable-background-music/ (clicking 'Preview' in the the 'Ready to publish' form in bridgy web interface)
[Neil Mather] This is amazingly enjoyable background music
[mapkyca], d0gfart, [jgmac1106], jeremych_, leg, JKing, [tantek], [manton] and [KevinMarks] joined the channel
sth. up with Brid.gy? Getting 500 on publish.
oh, I see. doubleloop yeah same here
[snarfed] joined the channel
sorry for the trouble, all! looking
[juju] and [JuJu]1 joined the channel
ok beko doubleloop et al, bridgy publish is hopefully fixed. sorry for the trouble!
snarfed++ awesome, thanks so much!
snarfed has 49 karma in this channel over the last year (90 in all channels)
nickodd and [schmarty] joined the channel
snarfed has 50 karma in this channel over the last year (91 in all channels)
[tantek], geoffo, swentel and [chrisaldrich] joined the channel; nickodd left the channel
[Rose] Did you ever finish a Micropub endpoint for Grav before you switched gears? https://indieweb.org/Grav#Micropub
[Rose] joined the channel
I had a workaround. Where a PHP file would create the directory and put a file in it.
[jeremycherfas] joined the channel
I was just thinking, I need to get back on that track. My podcast listens are done with PHP but I had made some progress on Micropub before getting distracted.
viaken joined the channel
Thanks [Rose] and [jeremycherfas]. I was putting together some Micropub client support requests into a few publishing services (after we've seen some traction with iA Writer and ThreadReaderApp) and some are very education related where Grav has some reasonable traction and might provide some additional motivation. 🙂
geoffo, dogfart, [schmarty] and KartikPrabhu joined the channel