#dev 2020-05-20
2020-05-20 UTC
[snarfed] joined the channel
[snarfed] that flow has been there for a while now, right? it's the one they launched mid 2018? https://blog.twitter.com/developer/en_us/topics/tools/2018/new-developer-requirements-to-protect-our-platform.html
SofiRagazza and geoffo joined the channel
slinging-divs, Erta and nickodd joined the channel; slinging-divs left the channel
[tantek], marinin[m], bmiller59[m] and geoffo joined the channel
dansup yeah and mastodon was rejected lol
dansup yeah, anyways FediDB is entering public beta next week, https://mastodon.social/@dansup/104199201995368700
Loqi [dansup] Next week FediDB will enter public beta.Can't wait to share the ActivityPub Guide and Developer Tools 😎https://FediDB.org #FediDB https://files.mastodon.social/media_attachments/files/028/882/759/original/324d1a3201c92feb.png

ketudb, loicm, nickodd, moppy and [KevinMarks] joined the channel
petermolnar I've reached the point yesterday when I was staring at my site generator code and lost track of it. It's time for a rewrite/refactor.

petermolnar It has too many wannabe smart automation and just too many features

dogfart and [grantcodes] joined the channel
gxt joined the channel
petermolnar yes and no. I has to many workarounds, things I should haver have made; for example, I have "smart" fallbacks for author name/url/etc, even though I'm the one generating the thing that needs to be parsed. It's the wrong way of doing things; I should have done those steps when I save a webmention, not when I'm parsing it. Parsing should be stupid and should fail hard if something is off, making me fixing it by hand if needed.

petermolnar as for features: I added fun stuff that makes no sense. The worldmaps for the photos is way too simple to work properly; the fediverse stats is one of those "why did I even bother", and so on.

petermolnar then there's also the schema.org experiment, trying to map everything to something according to schema.org, which didn't bring any kind of benefit in the end at all, only made my life a LOT more complicated.

gxt and [LewisCowles] joined the channel
[LewisCowles] It's fundamentally impossible to do well in everything. Somewhere between everything and one thing is a balance. I air on the extreme unix and micro-services approaches, and tend to get quite bitchy about AIO software
loicm, jeremych_, [prtksxna], [jgmac1106], ben_thatmustbeme, [Simon_Panrucke], nickodd, geoffo, chimo and [schmarty] joined the channel
vika_nezrimaya, KartikPrabhu and [schmarty] joined the channel
[schmarty] aaronpk++ thanks for the change!

misterwhatever joined the channel
GWG "To improve the functionality of [media controls]," the page reads, "we want to be able to add support for sites to recommend media content to a user that might be completely new or they might be something the user has started watching. This allows us to deliver a much better experience to users."
[schmarty] i absolutely abhor this idea!

[grantcodes] joined the channel; nickodd left the channel
[KevinMarks] joined the channel
[schmarty] i think it is kind of humorous how much of an emotional jolt i get thinking about youtube's suggestion algorithm (for example) creeping into my browser even further.

[schmarty] "Many browsers show content recommendations in their UI." - citation needed??

[schmarty] mobile safari has bookmarks, frequently visited sites, and "suggestions from messages" (links in imessage that you haven't visited yet)

[schmarty] and tbh i want to opt out of all of everything that i didn't explicitly put there

[schmarty] the idea that clicking through some page w/ schema.org markup means i'm gonna see video suggestions from that site the next time i open a new tab is very icky to me.

[schmarty] haha i am apparently in a very bad mood about this so i am gonna stop complaining about it here.

Loqi It looks like we don't have a page for "this nonsense" yet. Would you like to create it? (Or just say "this nonsense is ____", a sentence describing the term)

[tantek] joined the channel
chimo joined the channel
[schmarty] thanks, tantek (also it was when i saw `.well-known` in there that i declared myself too angry to comment further 😂)

xsteadfastx, gRegorLove, [Jeremy_Friesen] and [asuh] joined the channel
[tantek] [schmarty] jacky aaronpk I have tracked this down a bit further. appears to be an attempt to define how to do podcasting with Atom. but wow what a circuitous path. I strongly encourage you to give feedback, as "real world web developers" who have experience building / publishing podcasts and feeds, in the W3C TAG issue evaluating this proposal: https://github.com/w3ctag/design-reviews/issues/477

petermolnar that media feed api is ugly as hell

petermolnar well... anything schema.org is ugly to be fair

petermolnar saying that as someone who willingly used it for a while

petermolnar anything structured has some dependency

petermolnar including microformats

petermolnar [tantek]: your sentence is true, but doesn't invalidate mine :)

[KevinMarks] joined the channel
[KevinMarks] Remember when browsers were feed readers too?

[KevinMarks] I'll have a look at that Tantek

petermolnar [KevinMarks]: or when email clients were feed readers too

[KevinMarks] I have said for some years that we need a playlist tag

petermolnar aaronpk: anything that involves Structured Data lacks UX sketches

[KevinMarks] Weirdly we have it except that it's m3u files

petermolnar https://github.com/wicg/media-feeds/blob/master/explainer.md#user-content-a-site-recommends-a-generic-video-to-a-user - that snippet is pain to look at.

loicm and shimmy1996 joined the channel
aaronpk oh no, just found https://github.com/beccahughes/media-feeds/issues/10

[KevinMarks] Lol. I should propose my schema to mf2 thing for that

petermolnar LOL. Yo dawg, I heard you liked structured data, so I put structured data in your structured data, so you can have parser to parse parsers.

[KevinMarks] Surely if they want LD in feeds they should use RSS 1.0

[snarfed], chimo, gxt, [Kevin_Faaborg], [schmarty], [JuJu], [ColinMorris], KartikPrabhu, [jgmac1106] and dckc joined the channel
[schmarty] (from the HWC East Coast discussion) more details about what's changed in Beaker 1.0 if folks are interested: https://beakerbrowser.com/2020/05/14/beaker-1-0-beta.html

shimmy1996 joined the channel
gRegorLove I linked that on /Beaker too

[KevinMarks] just remembered my half-finished glitch site https://it-me-web.glitch.me/

[schmarty] oh yeah, that is very glitch.com-y and very good!

[jgmac1106], [JuJu], [schmarty] and [JuJu]1 joined the channel
[KevinMarks] this was the promises article that helped me get them https://web.dev/promises/