#dev 2020-05-20

2020-05-20 UTC
congrats jacky, that's good to hear!
[snarfed] joined the channel
that flow has been there for a while now, right? it's the one they launched mid 2018? https://blog.twitter.com/developer/en_us/topics/tools/2018/new-developer-requirements-to-protect-our-platform.html
it's the first time I'm seeing it!
I think it's because I'm using a brand new twitter account
afaik it's for everyone now
SofiRagazza and geoffo joined the channel
I was looking at this Media Feeds API. Has anyone had a look at that?
slinging-divs, Erta and nickodd joined the channel; slinging-divs left the channel
hmm tbh making new twitter apps was very easy
like I made a new twitter account and got all of this working in hours
granted I did verify an email _and_ phone number
[tantek], marinin[m], bmiller59[m] and geoffo joined the channel
That's new
it used to make you go through a manual review process
yeah and mastodon was rejected lol
yeah, anyways FediDB is entering public beta next week, https://mastodon.social/@dansup/104199201995368700
[dansup] Next week FediDB will enter public beta.Can't wait to share the ActivityPub Guide and Developer Tools 😎https://FediDB.org #FediDB https://files.mastodon.social/media_attachments/files/028/882/759/original/324d1a3201c92feb.png
ketudb, loicm, nickodd, moppy and [KevinMarks] joined the channel
I've reached the point yesterday when I was staring at my site generator code and lost track of it. It's time for a rewrite/refactor.
It has too many wannabe smart automation and just too many features
dogfart and [grantcodes] joined the channel
There is such a thing as too many features?
gxt joined the channel
yes and no. I has to many workarounds, things I should haver have made; for example, I have "smart" fallbacks for author name/url/etc, even though I'm the one generating the thing that needs to be parsed. It's the wrong way of doing things; I should have done those steps when I save a webmention, not when I'm parsing it. Parsing should be stupid and should fail hard if something is off, making me fixing it by hand if needed.
as for features: I added fun stuff that makes no sense. The worldmaps for the photos is way too simple to work properly; the fediverse stats is one of those "why did I even bother", and so on.
then there's also the schema.org experiment, trying to map everything to something according to schema.org, which didn't bring any kind of benefit in the end at all, only made my life a LOT more complicated.
gxt and [LewisCowles] joined the channel
It's fundamentally impossible to do well in everything. Somewhere between everything and one thing is a balance. I air on the extreme unix and micro-services approaches, and tend to get quite bitchy about AIO software
loicm, jeremych_, [prtksxna], [jgmac1106], ben_thatmustbeme, [Simon_Panrucke], nickodd, geoffo, chimo and [schmarty] joined the channel
[schmarty]: looks like a bug with meetable, it saw the webmention, then saw the "rsvp: no", but didn't confirm the in-reply-to URL
vika_nezrimaya, KartikPrabhu and [schmarty] joined the channel
aaronpk++ thanks for the change!
aaronpk has 62 karma in this channel over the last year (214 in all channels)
misterwhatever joined the channel
I was looking at the Media Feeds API. Has anyone had a look at that for inspiration?
for twitter?
It's a browser thing.
Enables web developers to show personalized media recommendations on the browser UI
I know we were talking about hmedia not long ago
And playlists and such
hmm this is a google thing
lol I wonder if it's a way to implement Google Reader in Chrome
ugh it's json-ld stuff
> The site will return the media feed document which MUST be a valid JSON+LD document.
I agree on the ugh, but I do like prior art.
yeah def
The same thing could be done with a browser plugin
this is centralized around video?
For now.
it doesn't look like there's room for anything else
like it has very TV-esque language
It looks like Google is pushing it through the WICG
"To improve the functionality of [media controls]," the page reads, "we want to be able to add support for sites to recommend media content to a user that might be completely new or they might be something the user has started watching. This allows us to deliver a much better experience to users."
wait so
is this like extending the controls / logic / info that youtube videos do but to like arbitrary video feeds?
(tbh this sounds interesting but it also sounds like "how do we feed more content / engagement to users?")
It seems to be so that suggested content or playlists can work at the browser UI level.
i absolutely abhor this idea!
[grantcodes] joined the channel; nickodd left the channel
[schmarty]: I can understand that. I don't like the idea so much as I want to be inspired about playlists and such by it
lol I can't tell if that's comical [schmarty]
[KevinMarks] joined the channel
i think it is kind of humorous how much of an emotional jolt i get thinking about youtube's suggestion algorithm (for example) creeping into my browser even further.
"Many browsers show content recommendations in their UI." - citation needed??
hmmm Firefox's start screen with Pocket
I don't know about Chrome
Safari with bookmarks
but yeah def citations needed
mobile safari has bookmarks, frequently visited sites, and "suggestions from messages" (links in imessage that you haven't visited yet)
and tbh i want to opt out of all of everything that i didn't explicitly put there
(that last bit feels a bit invasive lol - that's like my TV suggesting dinner based on what's in my fridge)
the idea that clicking through some page w/ schema.org markup means i'm gonna see video suggestions from that site the next time i open a new tab is very icky to me.
haha i am apparently in a very bad mood about this so i am gonna stop complaining about it here.
oh definitely - that's way too much info leaking
To be clear, I don't want my browser popping up new videos on me.
what is this nonsense
It looks like we don't have a page for "this nonsense" yet. Would you like to create it? (Or just say "this nonsense is ____", a sentence describing the term)
This nonsense is "A Little Nonsense Now and Then is Relished By the Wisest Men."
Extra points if you got the reference
[tantek] joined the channel
wow spicier than usual morning in dev lol
chimo joined the channel
[tantek]: I didn't know it would be so controversial
took a quick look. y'all criticisms seem to be spot on. [schmarty] jacky aaronpk
also yet another use of .well-known
thanks, tantek (also it was when i saw `.well-known` in there that i declared myself too angry to comment further 😂)
xsteadfastx, gRegorLove, [Jeremy_Friesen] and [asuh] joined the channel
[schmarty]  jacky aaronpk I have tracked this down a bit further. appears to be an attempt to define how to do podcasting with Atom. but wow what a circuitous path. I strongly encourage you to give feedback, as "real world web developers" who have experience building / publishing podcasts and feeds, in the W3C TAG issue evaluating this proposal: https://github.com/w3ctag/design-reviews/issues/477
[beccahughes] #477 Media Feeds API
Don't hold back. State your well reasoned experienced opinion plainly, directly, critically. If/when you think something is harmful to the web or web developers, please say so.
[KevinMarks], as your name is strongly associated with podcasting history, and you have background in feeds / Atom development, I think your perspective here would be particularly valuable (on that Github issue 477)
There is a timeliness aspect to this and comments in the next couple of days would be particularly useful to TAG evaluation
"Media feeds are currently limited to video content. Audio-only content such as music or podcast are out of scope for now."
yeah feel free to list any/all problems you see, both in bad design, and fundamental architectural errors / anti-patterns
that media feed api is ugly as hell
[tantek]: is it typical for a proposal like this to mostly gloss over the UX aspect?
well... anything schema.org is ugly to be fair
like, it's not terribly clear how they expect this to turn up in a browser
just "This allows us to deliver a much better experience to users"
saying that as someone who willingly used it for a while
which feels like a big "hey look at us we're fighting for the users"
petermolnar, yup, feel free to critique any dependency on schema
anything structured has some dependency
including microformats
aaronpk: right
aaronpk, users matter, you can cite the priority of constituencies
and from what I've seen in these situations from the Chrome team; they'll implement 20%, spec propose and continue implementing
petermolnar, except compare with Webmention spec, which made use of microformats optional, loosely copuled
then push on channels for people to adopt and use their implementation as a reference (thus homogenizing it around their impl)
jacky, this one looks more uphill because they have to fight RSS podcasts
would they? I can see them pushing this into their newly launched netcast clients
[tantek]: your sentence is true, but doesn't invalidate mine :)
[KevinMarks] joined the channel
Remember when browsers were feed readers too?
I'll have a look at that Tantek
also I don't feel confident commenting on that ticket largely because I don't have a more personal "real-world" example of this being over-kill
like even my primary feed right now is busted (currently patching)
OTOH it seems like this might enable more websites to provide a youtube-like experience without building the whole UI themselves?
[KevinMarks]: or when email clients were feed readers too
aaronpk, you can admit to the user/author problem being a good one to solve, while noting how horrible the specific approach of the spec is, and offering up the alternative of using existing simpler building blocks instead.
my question was more do these kinds of proposals typically lack any sort of UX sketches?
I have said for some years that we need a playlist tag
aaronpk: anything that involves Structured Data lacks UX sketches
KevinMarks, there are a bunch of playlist tags / polyfills / web components out there, and that seems like something you could point to as prior art instead
Weirdly we have it except that it's m3u files
regrets starting this
loicm and shimmy1996 joined the channel
[hober] #10 Atom with embedded schema.org info
Lol. I should propose my schema to mf2 thing for that
LOL. Yo dawg, I heard you liked structured data, so I put structured data in your structured data, so you can have parser to parse parsers.
Surely if they want LD in feeds they should use RSS 1.0
[snarfed], chimo, gxt, [Kevin_Faaborg], [schmarty], [JuJu], [ColinMorris], KartikPrabhu, [jgmac1106] and dckc joined the channel
(from the HWC East Coast discussion) more details about what's changed in Beaker 1.0 if folks are interested: https://beakerbrowser.com/2020/05/14/beaker-1-0-beta.html
shimmy1996 joined the channel
I linked that on /Beaker too
just remembered my half-finished glitch site https://it-me-web.glitch.me/
oh yeah, that is very glitch.com-y and very good!
[jgmac1106], [JuJu], [schmarty] and [JuJu]1 joined the channel
this was the promises article that helped me get them https://web.dev/promises/