#dev 2020-05-24

2020-05-24 UTC
[KevinMarks] joined the channel
Is there a way to tell programmatically from the status page if the wm was accepted or not?
geoffo joined the channel
not yet and that's a different (the next) discussion
there's a suggestion to use rel=status as a way to specify it concretely
[KevinMarks]: that was the idea, we just need a few more implementations on both sides
hopes to provide that from a server implementation soon
There's an interaction with resending mentions and idempotent behaviour there - do you tell them when it was an actual update, and when just a duplicate?
(I had a bug in mention.tech where it was erroring on links to bad urls, which may be a different signal)
I don't think that's needed?
like if nothing changed, it should be as if it was just created
[tantek], gxt__, nickodd, [fluffy], [ColinMorris], [schmarty], KartikPrabhu, [jeremycherfas], moppy, jeremycherfas, [Arne], geoffo, [jgmac1106], swentel, themaxdavitt, peterrother and ludovicchabant joined the channel
[LewisCowles], skebel: I tried a lot of things. If I add "expires", it will not fall back in any setup. I'll test further.
[LewisCowles] joined the channel
[petermolnar_] could it be that you need to cache bust? If you're already caching a result it could lead to confusion
[arush], [jgmac1106], [KevinMarks], nickodd, [tantek], [schmarty], KartikPrabhu and [kimberlyhirsh] joined the channel
apparently i just completely broke my twitter search script a long time ago
↩️ I have the impression the template is not showing the webmentions #indieweb ... Back to coding
https://talk.fission.codes/t/indieauth-indielogin-and-all-the-indiewebs-with-aaron-parecki/629 @aaronpk cofounder of @indiewebcamp would also like to see 'apps' that offer authoring interface (like @TrailMarks), without owning the data, be able to share it elsewhere, without requiring apps to implement silo APIs. That's what @TrailHub is for.
↩️ Yep it’s a reply that I posted on my own site, with the relevant microformats to mark it up as a reply. My site sent a webmention to your endpoint, which checked my URL for the relevant reply content, et voila! http://indieweb.org/reply (https://doubleloop.net/t/1wC)
Connecting to Bridgy for backfeed and POSSE service // Take on Rules https://takeonrules.com/2020/05/20/connecting-to-bridgy-for-backfeed-and-posse-service/ #bloggingengine #indieweb #software #standards #webmention
↩️ Is your site WordPress? I forget. There are indieweb tools for this, including http://brid.gy
↩️ Been wanting to build such a tool, which would basically just be to tie something like Netlify together with a domain provider and with some IndieWeb services like my Webmention endpoint: https://webmention.herokuapp.com/ So that the UX would be on par with something like Twitter
↩️ you’ll need to use the IndieWeb plugin to install / enable the MicroPub and IndieAuth plugins The GitHub page has links for more help https://github.com/indieweb/wordpress-indieweb/blob/master/readme.md (I don’t use WP myself)
↩️ Added a dedicated section for webmentions at the bottom of the posts template
↩️ That's really neat. Can you also grab the content and links from webmentions? Thinking of replacing my proprietary system on my blog with it.
↩️ Thanks to @devingray__, the test worked! Automatic rebuilds of my site whenever new webmentions come in (likes, retweets, replies, etc)
I noticed this morning that migrating domains may have broken webmentions on my personal site. Anyone experienced this before? https://github.com/aaronpk/webmention.io/issues/154
↩️ I've been using http://webmentions.io for pseudo-comments on mine. Lmk if that piques your interest
@iAWriter Is there an explanation of how this works? "If you run a self-hosted http://WordPress.org site, you can publish straight to it using the slim IndieAuth plugin instead of the Swiss-Army-Knife that is JetPack." I tried it and got the old publish function.
That's cool but sadly it will break webmentions on sites rely on http://brid.gy (brotli is not supported by their Google App Engine (?) app)
That's cool but sadly it will break webmentions on sites rely on http://brid.gy (brotli is not supported by their Google App Engine (?) app)
↩️ @lauragift_ Hello Gift. So I Googled webmentions and saw different results. Is there any particular one you were referring to Or any works? Want to check it out too. Thanks.
↩️ Awesome! I'll implement it soon but you can check this blog see how it's being used also https://mxb.dev/blog/using-webmentions-on-static-sites/
↩️ Need to look into webmentions for my own blog really
There's lots of people pronouncing the death of blogging. It's nice to see more counter-arguments. But, there is hope for those looking to read and be read... using the old rss We also have webmentions... Blogging's death is highly exaggerated.
Idly wondering if I can wrestle webmentions to the top 1% of peo….
@loopdouble - just saw your response to the Webmentions and Campfires post - how did you post this reply? Was it just a content type on your site? Intrigued …
↩️ Thanks. I’m adding webmentions this time.
Just tried out https://indiebookclub.biz as my first IndieAuth service. Super easy to get started with! I just wish there was an open ISBN lookup service to integrate there. Manually filling out book titles and authors doesn’t feel like 2020.
Been having a lot of fun with cutting edge web technologies many haven't even heard of lately! My latest venture is https://webmention.io/ any time an article of mine liked or reposted my static site gets updated. I'll be writing a guide soon.
↩️ @loopdouble I use Webmention on my wordpress site also to create bidirectional links between my own postings and pages, not just across sites. (https://www.zylstra.org/blog/2020/05/14249/)
↩️ oh I'm testing out webmentions on the site
↩️ I was. But I’ve since deactivated the IndieAuth plugin to remain secure.
↩️ Are you trying to sing into http://timkingwriter.com? Then we can see that iA Writer is unable to find IndieAuth authorization_endpoint and token_endpoint meta tags. The error is shown in iA Writer but is easy to miss, so we’ll improve this in a future update.
↩️ Not at all. Steps I took: 1. Install IndieAuth in self-hosted Wordpress 2. Test IndieAuth on website 3. Open iA Writer and select story 4. Open preferences 5. Add WordPress for publishing 6. Select http://WordPress.org 7. Paste my web address into field 8. Click Authorise
↩️ Yeah I had that installed, at no point would iA Writer try and auth. after it was setup. Even checked it on the indieauth website as installed correctly. Oh well.
↩️ Il ne fonctionne pas avec Facebook malheureusement, mais je penses que cela pourrait t'aider https://brid.gy/
Hi Loqi 👋
wow looka t all that!
*look at*
[LewisCowles] joined the channel
requiring JSON 😢
the escaping really matters between shells and OS's
hamnox[m] joined the channel
okay not JSON fault in this case. Damn winblows and it's CRLF vs LF
travis-ci should strip carriage returns from strings
this database of tweets is over 10 years old o.O
663558 tweets
boom all fixed
what a mess. this is what happens when code starts out as a quick hack 11 years ago and just keeps evolving
seems like it has been working pretty well despite so many changes to twitter! of course, i don't know how much time you spend on maintenance...
guessing more than the company of Twilio who have left a repo to rot, which has been giving me brain ache all weekend aaronpk++
aaronpk has 63 karma in this channel over the last year (219 in all channels)
[Twilio-org] rapid-response-kit: This Twilio-powered Rapid Response Kit gives you the elements to build and deploy communications apps quickly and easily.
It's fairly interesting as projects go
[tw2113] and [tantek] joined the channel
if anyone is using jquery-form, this might be interesting to follow: https://github.com/jquery-form/form/issues/571
[webmasterlv] #571 Latest Chrome update breaks plugin response handling
(it's a fun drupal debug weekend damn)
is Drupal still using jQuery?
we hope to get rid of it in 9.1
Do you know what. All my Drupal knowledge is from pre 7, with some 7 shims. Not touched 8 or 9, although I probably should cast an eye on the off-chance I ever am asked to oversee or touch Drupal things. Has the "ever major release breaks things" abated, or at least been dragged out?
oh d8 to d9 is lovely now
d9 is the same as d8, but with the BC layer removed
upgrading modules or custom code is as good as painless now
and there are tools to help removing deprecated code
jquery has 1 karma over the last year
you need more karma comrade
I think webmention.rocks needs more glitter and confetti https://twitter.com/heydonworks/status/1264536704876150784
you've ushered in an era of the Web that was unprecedented lol
LOL noo I wanted to do something like this for lighthouse
Do it!
it was going to be on the manual webmention submission page
adds it to the to-do list
also aaronpk, lol, how do you do task management for all of your projects?
I have it recorded as issues on my gitea instance so I can just push and pop things to milestones
i don't have a good system lol
but I can imagine since everything you have in mind isn't documented online; there's like a massive `TODO.txt` somewhere lol
From IndieWeb channel.
non utf8 makes me cry/scream. The amount of random bugs I deal with because someone managed to shove randomly encoded bytes into others products is tragic. Makes it so much easier to work with other people, if the whole chain is using the ~20 year old standard that allows us to all play together https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/UTF-8
No idea why some languages / OS's use UTF-16
jacky, I maintain a to-do text file which is synced to my nextcloud instance so I can access it from anywhere
just to stave off the pending problems lol
works somewhat, but not ideal
swentel: oooh see I lean on the Nextcloud Calendar stuff with tasks to do that https://apps.nextcloud.com/apps/tasks
but mainly for personal / interpersonal things, not code (as of yet)
ah yeah, never been too much on tasks, it makes me nervous when there are too many :)
lol that's very fair! I try to avoid that by making multiple lists (domestic, finance, fitness, mental etc etc)
if something belongs in both, I try to break it up
revisiting them once a week is necessary too; prevents cruft
hehe, yeah can imagine
swentel, if you fancy a tool that can generate text and has some tactile interface, wekan now exports HTML 😉
got merged upstream for all the feels yesterday
> AssertionError: "Sorry, that's not a valid choice" not found in 'b\'<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?><Response><Say>Sorry, that\\\'s not a valid choice.</Say><Redirect>http://localhost/simplehelp/handle?b\\\'name=Tommy+Tutone&opt_1=Call%3ACall+Jenny%3A4158675309&opt_2=Info%3ALost+and+Found%3AI+got+your+number\\\'</Redirect></Response>\''
What having multiple possible encodings when one is perfectly fine seems to result in
I got webmentions working on https://metaluna.io! #IndieWeb tech is a bit wild west, but it's really cool.
nickodd left the channel
marketers-- for their involvement in otherwise good documentation ruining it
marketers has -1 karma over the last year
[KevinMarks], [chrisaldrich], geoffo, [fluffy], [jgmac1106], [tantek], [schmarty] and [LewisCowles] joined the channel
to spend 6 years and make a worse API is astounding. Especially the odd behaviour and tests I'm not sure should ever have passed
Tests now showing zero errors. Waste of day? I'll find out tomorrow when I try to deploy to Heroku
I have this pending task to have something like xray (or consider contributing to xray) to parse sites that don't have mf2 but use things like open graph or twitter cards into it
I have this in koype but it's like _annoying_ code to maintain (I lean on another library to 'unfurl' content) and tbh it'd be nicer to keep that externalized
with the added benefit of always working with mf2
a hesitation I have is that when it comes to more personal sites, people would be less inclined to lean on mf2 if there's something that 'bridges' their sites
yeah that's why i have xray as a standalone library/service with a full test suite