#dev 2020-05-25

2020-05-25 UTC
[fluffy] and [chrisaldrich] joined the channel
from #indieweb, I'm still working on my page resolution thing
namely I'm adding support for things like last.fm and trakt so I can then wire up a way for me to review shows from my site
jacky: Fun
jacky++ nice! Looking forward to seeing your workflow for that!
jacky has 22 karma in this channel over the last year (83 in all channels)
beko, [prtksxna], [manton] and [snarfed] joined the channel
geoffo joined the channel
↩️ Thanks to @elgreg, I can also see that my Webmentions are fully functional once again!
swentel, KartikPrabhu and vika_nezrimaya joined the channel
↩️ I had like 5 legit comments on my blog last year. I have enabled web notifications and am listening to mentions on twitter via http://brid.gy - most of the 'reactions' displayed are coming from this. I think first spam and then twitter/fb killed the blog comment culture
↩️ Same. My blog is built with Eleventy. I also have http://webmention.io integrated. So adding microformats2 to your markup and making a POST call to an endpoint would allow you to comment on it. I don't render it yet, though. Using bridgy by @schnarfed collects tweets, too.
↩️ Take a look at https://brid.gy/ for integrating reactions (likes, reblogs, tweets, comments etc.) You can also point to https://webmention.io/ for handling Webmentions. Those are kind of pingbacks you know about from WordPress. Explained in https://indieweb.org/Webmention
↩️ Take a look at https://brid.gy/ for integrating reactions (likes, reblogs, tweets, comments etc.) You can also point to https://webmention.io/ for handling Webmentions. Those are kind of pingbacks you know about from WordPress. Explained in https://indieweb.org/Webmention
swentel: about Companion: I'm not working on it that much but I plan on returning to it, since I need to code the reply button... but it's at least usable to keep up with latest posts!
The read-unread tracking isn't there though since I'm not sure how to code it
RecyclerView makes it tricky, but the app is hella fast
Also I need to finish the posting UI since I can't add tags and edit syndication targets
yeah, unread tracking was tricky to get right, many variations in indigenous
also I need to make TextViews display pictures in HTML, currently they're showing up as placeholder small quares
there's a lot of work to do
and the most important thing: Share button in Custom Chrome Tabs, since I'm gonna be using it a lot. Will probably invoke the sharesheet, from which one can send an article to another app on repost it on their site
This is literally the most important thing there because I'm using Kittybox Companion to keep up with a certain Russian newspaper (that posts a lot of great stuff instead of retellings) and send some articles to my mom
And copying the URL is hard, but... #manualuntilithurts
↩️ I know what WebMentions are, and I know bridgy, but I haven't yet heard about http://webmention.io yet.
I just love the designs of my app and the fact that it has a dark theme
swentel: does Indigenous have a dark theme? it's a killer feature in 2020 :3
Will be shipping Instagram Import for Pixelfed this week! https://mastodon.social/@pixelfed/104227828422101618
[pixelfed 🚀] DMs, Circles, Instagram Import, MicroUI & S3 Support have been in development for a while.They will ship as beta features this week on supported instances!#pixelfed https://files.mastodon.social/media_attachments/files/029/068/557/original/6b730ffee5e6314f.png
vika_nezrimaya, yeps
dansup, cool
dansup, will be investigating the author calls (so bridgy fed can work with pixelfed) in the coming weeks (thanks to the grant of NlNet)
you got a NLnet grant too?
that makes my day, I'm on my second one and it has changed my life. Working full time on Pixelfed has really made a difference in the fedi
dansup, yep, can work on indigenous for iOS, bit on drupal indieweb, and then I can work on indigenous ios/android activipub integration, and work on general AP stuff which helps connecting networks
it's a dream come true :)
dansup, will ping you (rather in pixelfed channel) once I have a pull request, will be adding tests for it as well, so it should at least all keep working :)
will start mid june somewhere, need to finish some work stuff first hehe
thats awesome, let me know if I can help! I'm working on a tool for AP devs called FediDB, maybe it can help you https://fedidb.org/
oh interesting, will check it out
cool, thanks! will probably be helpful for the indieweb AP module too :)
[KevinMarks] joined the channel
↩️ It somehow feels more open when you can comment. I've got webmentions on my own blog
jeremych_, moppy, [chrisaldrich], KartikPrabhu and [LewisCowles] joined the channel
dansup has 6 karma in this channel over the last year (8 in all channels)
swentel has 24 karma in this channel over the last year (42 in all channels)
djmoch, strugee and KartikPrabhu joined the channel
jacky: Taking a look at Lighthouse. After login I see failed wss connection due to HTTP 400 and loading never comes back. That's all I know. Is this supposed to do more at this point?
[jgmac1106], myfreeweb, jimpick, mattl, [pfefferle], djmoch, [LewisCowles] and [prtksxna] joined the channel
petermolnar following your rebuilding of gallery pages closely, I am a few months behind (like to December and holiday concerts) on my img posts
↩️ In the HTML5 universe, URL can be one's id which can be auth using indieauth while reputation can be backed by any number of agencies with the second party picking the one they are comfortable
[prtksxna] and [schmarty] joined the channel
Here's something I've been stewing on that I may want to make bandwidth to work on but could use some feedback
lol I am having trouble writing it succinctly
then write a non-succint post about it? :D
[grantcodes] joined the channel
sknebel: I am not quiiite ready to commit to a post yet 😅
I am thinking about the ambiguity behind statements like "my site supports micropub" when it comes to vocabulary, data types, etc.
I think it should be possible, and maybe even a good experience, to have a micropub client work iteratively with your site to "work around" properties that your micropub endpoint doesn't support.
KartikPrabhu joined the channel
Eddie and I discussed something like that a long time ago
Sounds a lot like https://github.com/indieweb/micropub-extensions/issues/8 - at least from your succinct version 😜
[dshanske] #8 Query for Supported Properties
My basic thinking on it is that a micropub endpoint might not handle a property, or might not handle it "well", if the definition of "well" changes. The result being missing or incomplete info on the published post.
hmm yeah, I've been stalling on implementing that in Indigenous too hehe
grantcodes: yeah! This discussion was interesting but I think it leaves the human out of the loop too much. Also I might change what I think "supports" means later and feel like my micropub endpoint is now doing it wrong.
So as a micropub client creator you probably have a sense for what you expect to see in a published post.
What if the client parsed your post after the fact and looked for missing info
And would offer to work around a micropub endpoint or site template that isn't handling some property well by pushing it into the content and pre-marked-up mf2 html?
I thought the current (maybe not great) way to do that was for any client that sends experimental data that may not work to also send a plain text version as a summary
I think I should have taken sknebel's advice and made a post about this first 😂
[schmarty]: I know why I have a hacky way of excluding draft-y posts from my main feed
Plain text might work for some things, but I am imagining features with links and media, too
As an example, when micropub-based photo posting app /Sunlit rolled out, it sent images not as photo properties, but as img elements in the content
(it still might?)
beko: not yet (at least, not the prod instance)
I really should hide it until I'm done with the MVP
jacky: no worries. I was just curious after stumbling over an article of yours.
beko: what was the problem you saw?
I see that you logged in (but I don't see anything beyond that tbh, I need to work on my logging)
[tantek] and [schmarty] joined the channel
↩️ I like your ideas here and there are many of us who have been discussing it in various nooks of the internet over the past couple of years. It’s a movement and a discussion that has been slowly brewing, but seems to be coming to a boil. [more...] https://boffosocko.com/2020/05/24/reply-to-webmentions-and-campfires-by-kevin-cunningham/
[LewisCowles] and gxt__ joined the channel
there's services that collect links for music to various sources (i.e. YT/Spotify/... links). Anyone link to one of those from their site/otherwise have a favorite?
[chrisaldrich] joined the channel
ooh i need that
welp. a negative result is still a result, right? tried out a possible way of improving the UX for web sign-in using the autocomplete attribute: https://martymcgui.re/2020/05/25/a-hole-in-browser-autofill-support/
KartikPrabhu and oenone joined the channel
[schmarty]: that's annoying :(
I wonder if there's a way to prime that field
jacky: I see endless spinner (loading) and in debugger Can not connect to server wss://lighthouse.black.af/live/websocket?_csrf_token=foo (400). I assume you have no websocket running for secure ws?
ah wait.. tis is FF again.
nope, disabling that new privacy stuff didn't help. Sorry :)
yeah I'm able to repro it here
I think I might be a bit aggressive with the settings there
beko++ for catching this
beko has 2 karma in this channel over the last year (10 in all channels)
for some reason that's not being caught by sentry
Catched nothing xD Just clicked around having no idea xD
^ this is 80% of qa
QA? One day… one day a project with proper QA… usually it's just "it compiles, let's ship"
I do my best to prevent that :)
Talking about my own work now ;)
lol yeah
going to up the logging for ws
I think I know what it's busted
yup - I see it
not going to fix it right now
KartikPrabhu joined the channel
to update from above, after looking at a few examples it seems all those services actually offer that as a service to the artist so they get a url they can share with links to all the different places you find their music, not as a general lookup service. (for movies/shows that kind of thing exists, but I guess its more about finding it at all, not in the favorite service)
but still an interesting question where to link for music where I can't just link a file
sknebel: tricky. I have the same problem with books. Usually I seek out the writers website but it's not that simple. craigalanson·com for example has a whole manifest of "Terms and Conditions" about linking to it that I won't even bother trying to understand it at all. Same for terrypratchettbooks·com - and I dislike to link to yet another silo tracking the **** out of users (or will probably do so
some year later when funds run dry)
Wikipedia is usually a save bet .)
wikipedia also has those ISBN special pages one can at least use for books that have an ISBN to link to all kinds of places, including library catalogs
gRegorLove joined the channel
[LewisCowles] and geoffo joined the channel
[dshanske] #3 Support Alternative Location Sources
Not yet
dogfarted, oenone, dogfart and [tantek] joined the channel