#dev 2020-05-26

2020-05-26 UTC
geoffo, nickodd, [tantek], KartikPrabhu, [fluffy], [LewisCowles], swentel, vika_nezrimaya, cweiske, gRegorLove, dogfarted and moppy joined the channel; nickodd left the channel
KartikPrabhu, jeremych_ and dogfart joined the channel
jacky: since you mentioned KDE things a few times, did you look at https://invent.kde.org/plasma-mobile/alligator at all?
[schmarty] joined the channel
LewisCowles: why is this composer v2 change summary making that emoji cat cry?
woohoow, indigenous ios is transferred, time to reboot it :)
swentel++ very excited for updates to indigenous iOS! It is possibly the most-used app on my phone after the web browser. 😅
swentel has 25 karma in this channel over the last year (43 in all channels)
hehe :)
first step: get my hands on an iOS device haha ;)
but we have one at work, so I can use that one
dogfarted, jolvera, [jgmac1106] and [LewisCowles] joined the channel
schmarty. Another thing to learn.
dckc, geoffo, djmoch, joshghent and tinfoil-hat joined the channel
[jgmac1106]: I can give you access to my gitweb?
JP joined the channel
tinfoil-hat you may want to think abotu your headings semantically, why does the date published for example get an h1, the summary an h2, and your title an h3...even before microformats may want to think of your semantic html structure
I don't have crazy time now and would just be able to drop in the correct mf2...how they would get there be up to you in the future...but I think you may want to revisit your html; structure first
if I was using a screen reader I would expect the post title to have the highest heading level...not the third
okay, so I'd fix the headings first?
up to you just my opinion but yes and then add a div or article tag to wrap everything in an h-entry
do you have a good link to a howto h-entry? https://indieweb.org/h-entry <- here is just explained taht I should mark them up, but not how to do that :/
okay, I think I understand now
I'm going to try and report back
[tw2113] joined the channel
[jgmac1106]: would the <h1> entry displayed on top of the RSS Feed?
that is separate and usually in your head a a <link> somethign like: https://gist.github.com/jgmac1106/3484318b383a0604bbdef765c628c32b
Maybe I sould post for everyone. I am trying to create RSS Feeds for my Bloposts at: https://tinfoil-hat.net/blogposts/structure.html that I have to fix <h1> I got, but I have another question: How would I wrap all my feeds in a <div>, when that would mean I have to div across web pages? I have no Javascript on that page (I'm obviously no professional)
no do I, and I may suggest going to one of the HWC on Wednesday for some hands on help,
but I use a tool called granary to take all my h-feeds and make them into rss
What is HWC?
Homebrew Website Club is a growing world-wide network of meetups for everyone who wants to take back their web experience from social media silos, and own their online identities & content, or just want support with blogging! https://indieweb.org/hwc
so once your HTML and then your metadata is correct you can use tools to generate the RSS for you
oh, the nearest from me is in Berlin, that is like 700KM away and I have no car :D
everything is online now
What is granary?
granary is the social web translator https://indieweb.org/granary
so that is all I do, I have HTML + microformats and then I get a link to a feed that granary makes for me
for example: <link rel="alternate" type="application/rss+xml" href="https://granary.io/url?input=html&output=rss&url=https%3A%2F%2Fjgregorymcverry.com%2Fmypoetry%23featuredpoems" title="Featured Poems"> this way I don't even have to worry about making an XML file for RSS
[tantek] joined the channel
I'm gonna start again tomorrow with a fresh mind, it's a private project so theres no time limit. I am awake quite some time now
[jgmac1106]: thank you for your help!
[prtksxna] and [KevinMarks] joined the channel
↩️ Привет! Несколько мыслей: а) самое сложное не технологии, а, собственно, создание и культивирование хорошего сообщества; б) из кирпичиков есть PuSH, Webmention (для уведомлений), OAuth (логин на другой сайт), спеки важнее реализаций; в) проблема _identity в целом_ нерешаема
ah yeah
are tweets in russian about indieweb-related things annoying?
[schmarty] joined the channel
marinin: they seem like a good thing to me!
having trouble saying the same about this CSS Tricks post on microdata and JSON-LD for SEO in 2020. https://css-tricks.com/using-structured-data-to-enhance-search-engine-optimization/
vasilakisfil and [snarfed] joined the channel
hey [jgmac1106], re "Apple will reject any Granary feed because it uses Google App Services" in #-chat, remind me of the details? got a link? does apple block google cloud IPs? or...?
its the security certificate, not from one of 12 approved providers...one sec on the wiki
This feed uses the SSL certificate authority “Google Trust Services”, which is not compatible with iTunes., further above on the wiki it says just give them an http
jimpick joined the channel
I did not try that, what happens if I try to validate http...will give it a whirl soon
I do want to learn more about what schmarty is doing with enclosures
[jgmac1106] ahh thx ok. yeah wiki link would be good. i'd like to document it too
Kemwer_ joined the channel
[schmarty] What do you mean about the CSS tricks article?
It didn't feel like a good thing to me 😂
[jgmac1106] thx. and just to check, the wiki only mentions validators, but sounds like apple itself also won't accept feeds w/that cert into itunes, right?
prtksxna: the CSS Tricks article frustrates me because it is breathing new oxygen into some (in my opinion) very tired rhetoric around how important it is to appease search engines.
schmarty has 9 karma in this channel over the last year (63 in all channels)
jimpick, myfreeweb, mitchell and mattl joined the channel
it's like meta-seo, writing an article about seo so you can get seo for seo. yo dawg
[schmarty] Oh man! I think I am quite deep in that rhetoric myself. Just realized it when you pointed it out!
Get me out of here!
@*marinin[m]* - tweets in russian about indieweb things are exciting
[fluffy], flex14 and [jeremycherfas] joined the channel
Yeah! If someone here understands Russian, it'd be great to start a Russian translation to capture the context of those tweets on the wiki: https://indieweb.org/#Translations
conversations about starting new things on the wiki -> #indieweb-meta 🙂
probably should start a wiki translation, for sure.
I don't know Russian, but Google translate seemed remarkably cogent
Hello! A few thoughts:
a) the most difficult thing is not technology, but, in fact, the creation and cultivation of a good community;
b) of the bricks there are PuSH, Webmention (for notifications), OAuth (login to another site), specs are more important than implementations;
c) the problem of _identity as a whole_ is unsolvable
that is the google translation of the tweet
Interestingly, the URL translation feature does not work, which is frustrating as heck
yeah, the bricks should be "building blocks", otherwise it is what I wrote
Sorry Marinin I missed that
marinin[m] has 1 karma in this channel over the last year (6 in all channels)
wow the state of JS dev: http://lea.verou.me/2020/05/todays-javascript-from-an-outsiders-perspective/ (note the author, look her up if you're not familiar with the name)
deathrow1 and gRegorLove joined the channel
Lea's post was what I blogged about
[tw2113] joined the channel
Lea’s always been very knowledgable from my experiences
[snarfed] joined the channel
based on my own limited experience with non-web-based JS development and tools, that article is 100% accurate and came to the correct conclusion 😢
I need to fix my Webmentions. And once I do, I’ll go back to https://lighthouse.black.af; port the code over and move my site to lean on that instead of doing it internally so I can iterate faster, lol. (https://v2.jacky.wtf/post/d0dfa4b6-2f5b-4fae-b18e-86e844279484)
I'm not doubting Lea's expertise. I call her an expert and focused more on the pain of trying something, having it not work. It's more that, I might have looked at the source to see "Oh this has types" and then realised. The author of this has done something to upset me. Not everyone who uses JS, uses TypeScript or transpiles every single thing they touch. It's a broad brush, that we wouldn't accept if the ecosystem was "French speakers"
or other groups of communicators
[chrisaldrich] and [KevinMarks] joined the channel
India has OpenSourced it's contact tracing app for this crisis. https://techcrunch.com/2020/05/26/aarogya-setu-india-source-code-release/
I wonder if any part of this could be used for conferences or less serious use-cases, using Bluetooth LE to exchange information with people at workshops etc. The BluetoothLE portion is de-centralised device-to-device, which is cool
KartikPrabhu, [LewisCowles], [KevinMarks], [tw2113] and chrisaldrich joined the channel
I'm curious if there's a product that will take an incoming feed and proxy a page with microformats and then force send a webmention? Something along the lines of Granary + Brid.gy?
[KevinMarks] joined the channel
The UK one is open source too
This could be useful for silos/services like Hypothes.is that don't support wembntion/microformats yet, but which do have usable RSS Feeds for comment-like functionality...
Of course this may just be reimagining a lot of what bridgy already does anyway....
As an example, I can get a feed of annotations on almost any web page/site using a URL like https://hypothes.is/stream.rss?wildcard_uri=https://boffosocko.com/* I just need a way to add microformats and push Webmentions out the other end...
You could maybe make that with unmung, but that will be a page for the whole feed, not a post
[snarfed] joined the channel
[snarfed] #420 extend blog webmentions feature to all web sites
seems like at least one of the sending services like telegraph should be able to do this for at least h-feeds, which would give you half of it, and the harder half
the new service would just have to convert from rss/atom to h-feed
and doesn't granary already do that conversion?
rss is only output, not input
atom is both
thanks kevinmarks, it's pretty close though it doesn't find author information since it isn't well marked up.. maybe the Atom version is a bit better? http://www.unmung.com/feed?feed=https://hypothes.is/stream.atom?wildcard_uri=https://boffosocko.com/*
I was actually pulling up unmung after I posted my question an yours about the UK open source appeared. kevinmarks++
kevinmarks has 15 karma in this channel over the last year (59 in all channels)
(and i don't know that telegraph or any others actually do the auto-fetch-and-send yet)
Something like this at least lowers the bar for silo services that still support older feed types....
This also reminds me that I've wanted a tool that would allow me to self-send webmentions to a particular post on my site that would forgo the check of my URL on the "sending" site, so that I could collect mentions of my content that didn't necessarily have my URL linked, but were obviously relevant.
KartikPrabhu and [schmarty] joined the channel
chrisaldrich i've been thinking about something similar to this for backfeed from a silo where i don't wanna build a whole brid.gy-like thing 😄
Then standalone annotations like https://hypothes.is/a/OF9PKJYPEeqxPQftviLfcQ which has neither microformats or my URL, but which is obviously about a particular post could be backfed to my site.
[schmarty] have you sketched out an implementation?
chrisaldrich: nay! i just realized i need / want it this weekend while migrating my thingiverse content to my site.
me: "i should capture when folks made copies or derivatives of my things as webmentions!" devil on shoulder: "just write a script to stuff them into your webmention store!" angel on shoulder: "you should do it right with brid.gy-backfeed-like proxy pages!" me: 😵
hm i feel like there’s a telegraph feature request for this
[voxpelli] #13 Ping stuff from a feed
snarfed I was thinking about that as an option too.... in fact, I'd re-read that over the weekend...
[schmarty] yes... essentially a bookmarklet that instead of posting a bookmark on my site would create a comment on the mentioned post...