geoffo, nickodd, [tantek], KartikPrabhu, [fluffy], [LewisCowles], swentel, vika_nezrimaya, cweiske, gRegorLove, dogfarted and moppy joined the channel; nickodd left the channel
[jgmac1106]tinfoil-hat you may want to think abotu your headings semantically, why does the date published for example get an h1, the summary an h2, and your title an h3...even before microformats may want to think of your semantic html structure
[jgmac1106]I don't have crazy time now and would just be able to drop in the correct they would get there be up to you in the future...but I think you may want to revisit your html; structure first
tinfoil-hatdo you have a good link to a howto h-entry? <- here is just explained taht I should mark them up, but not how to do that :/
tinfoil-hatMaybe I sould post for everyone. I am trying to create RSS Feeds for my Bloposts at: that I have to fix <h1> I got, but I have another question: How would I wrap all my feeds in a <div>, when that would mean I have to div across web pages? I have no Javascript on that page (I'm obviously no professional)
LoqiHomebrew Website Club is a growing world-wide network of meetups for everyone who wants to take back their web experience from social media silos, and own their online identities & content, or just want support with blogging!
[jgmac1106]for example: <link rel="alternate" type="application/rss+xml" href="" title="Featured Poems"> this way I don't even have to worry about making an XML file for RSS
@marinintim↩️ Привет! Несколько мыслей:
а) самое сложное не технологии, а, собственно, создание и культивирование хорошего сообщества;
б) из кирпичиков есть PuSH, Webmention (для уведомлений), OAuth (логин на другой сайт), спеки важнее реализаций;
в) проблема _identity в целом_ нерешаема (
[snarfed]hey [jgmac1106], re "Apple will reject any Granary feed because it uses Google App Services" in #-chat, remind me of the details? got a link? does apple block google cloud IPs? or...?
[jgmac1106]This feed uses the SSL certificate authority “Google Trust Services”, which is not compatible with iTunes., further above on the wiki it says just give them an http
[snarfed][jgmac1106] thx. and just to check, the wiki only mentions validators, but sounds like apple itself also won't accept feeds w/that cert into itunes, right?
[schmarty]prtksxna: the CSS Tricks article frustrates me because it is breathing new oxygen into some (in my opinion) very tired rhetoric around how important it is to appease search engines.
[tantek]Yeah! If someone here understands Russian, it'd be great to start a Russian translation to capture the context of those tweets on the wiki:
[LewisCowles]b) of the bricks there are PuSH, Webmention (for notifications), OAuth (login to another site), specs are more important than implementations;
[snarfed]based on my own limited experience with non-web-based JS development and tools, that article is 100% accurate and came to the correct conclusion 😢
[LewisCowles]I'm not doubting Lea's expertise. I call her an expert and focused more on the pain of trying something, having it not work. It's more that, I might have looked at the source to see "Oh this has types" and then realised. The author of this has done something to upset me. Not everyone who uses JS, uses TypeScript or transpiles every single thing they touch. It's a broad brush, that we wouldn't accept if the ecosystem was "French speakers"
[LewisCowles]I wonder if any part of this could be used for conferences or less serious use-cases, using Bluetooth LE to exchange information with people at workshops etc. The BluetoothLE portion is de-centralised device-to-device, which is cool
KartikPrabhu, [LewisCowles], [KevinMarks], [tw2113] and chrisaldrich joined the channel
[chrisaldrich]I'm curious if there's a product that will take an incoming feed and proxy a page with microformats and then force send a webmention? Something along the lines of Granary +
[chrisaldrich]This could be useful for silos/services like that don't support wembntion/microformats yet, but which do have usable RSS Feeds for comment-like functionality...
[snarfed]seems like at least one of the sending services like telegraph should be able to do this for at least h-feeds, which would give you half of it, and the harder half
[chrisaldrich]This also reminds me that I've wanted a tool that would allow me to self-send webmentions to a particular post on my site that would forgo the check of my URL on the "sending" site, so that I could collect mentions of my content that didn't necessarily have my URL linked, but were obviously relevant.
[schmarty]chrisaldrich i've been thinking about something similar to this for backfeed from a silo where i don't wanna build a whole thing 😄
[schmarty]me: "i should capture when folks made copies or derivatives of my things as webmentions!" devil on shoulder: "just write a script to stuff them into your webmention store!" angel on shoulder: "you should do it right with proxy pages!" me: 😵
[chrisaldrich][schmarty] yes... essentially a bookmarklet that instead of posting a bookmark on my site would create a comment on the mentioned post...