#dev 2020-06-01

2020-06-01 UTC
[LewisCowles] joined the channel
cypress or phantomjs or selenium could test for this. All they need is two fixtures accounta@me.com and accountb@me.com
TBH they could save themselves a check and not accept any real-world emails, or generate one based on a correlation id to the lease / grant
yes that's what I said in the post :)
is that what you meant by generated proxy address?
no the generated proxy address is apple's thing
synonyms would have helped me to place that. I was just ctrl+f 'ing not finding it. words--
words has -1 karma over the last year
i used strings like "real_email" instead of email addresses in the form fields
Yeah I'd read the whole thing, which was why I ctrl+f searched. Late night scanning is usually to blame
in this case I'm blaming the cluster-f that is English
esperanto ftw (joking ofc)
words has -2 karma over the last year
geoffo joined the channel
more anti-words, because we can all do it. I'm slowly combing my blog to remove `n't` `'s` `'ve` in an attempt to improve my use of language. The arm64 and aarch64 seem to be not running under a 64-bit arm kernel. I've had such a day of "He is how the world is subtly broken"
and just now I meant to type here and I type He... sleep++
sleep has 1 karma in this channel over the last year (2 in all channels)
KartikPrabhu, beko, deathrow1, dckc-, Rixon, mykiwi, voxpelli, Salt[m], marinin[m], jamietanna[m], edrex, hamnox[m], fredcy_, [schmarty], [tantek], [chrisaldrich], moppy, gRegorLove and dogfart joined the channel
↩️ MicroSUBとか人権ないやろ()
[jgmac1106] joined the channel
jacky I wanted a bookshelf too I am hacking on my example using this: https://codepen.io/samkap/full/EQmobN I wanted to do spines and vertical titles...but past my CSS Knowledge
jeremych_, dopplergange, dckc, [LewisCowles], dogfarted, geoffo and twomanytacos joined the channel
↩️ As we say in the App Store release notes, it only contains small bug fixes over 5.5. If you really want to know: we fixed a crash when sharing to Micropub on iOS 10–12 and macOS 10.11–14, and corrected IndieAuth client URLs to use HTTPS.
[jgmac1106], dopplergange and genehack joined the channel; viaken left the channel
`:focus-within` css selector is amazing. It may be enabling problematic behaviour, but at least there is now consistency for sighted users who are not cursor users
Yeah, I love it!
As someone who browses the web using their keyboard a lot, :focus-within can be used to really up that game
I thought it would have taken longer to implement the fix I wanted. That is a real super-power of a DSL. Amazing
Dies ist ein Webmention-Test, durchgeführt mit der Seite https://webmention.rocks/. Was Webmention ist, steht hier. Jetzt wird es leider etwas eintönig. Googlen Sie lieber nach Bildern von Eseln. Test 1 Test 2 Test 3 Test 4 Test 5 Test 6 Test 7 Test ... http://micro.wolfwitte.de/2020/06/01/1766/
[aimee], cal, gRegorLove, [KevinMarks], [tantek], KartikPrabhu and [Cal_ThreadRead] joined the channel
Hi, trying to implement Micropub for ThreadReaderApp… thanks for bug reports and feedback
I’m realizing I misunderstood the “me” param for IndieAuth
Welcome Cal!
so, to authenticate in IndieAuth, given a blog url
how should I specify the “me” param?
do I inspect the blog url for “rel=me” attributes? (but there could be many?)
the "me" param is to indicate to the authorization server the value that the user typed in
the AS can do what it wants with that information, including ignore it
which is what the wordpress plugin does, which is why it worked with wordpress in your testing
I realized that 😳
(also micropub.rocks)
that’s why I thought it was just for informational purpose
(wrongly assumed)
it kind of is, it's meant to be a hint about who is trying to log in
but basically whatever the user types into the sign-in box as their URL, that's what you'd set the "me" param to
it makes more sense once you realize that some authorization servers may support multiple users, and some may support users without a preexisting relationship even. those could use a hint about who is trying to log in
so, on microblog I tried that but got this message: “You tried to sign in as https://cal.micro.blog/ but that is not a verified site URL for @cal.”
i get 404 not found visiting that URL
sorry, I used https://chao.micro.blog/
it’s pointing me to this: https://help.micro.blog/2017/web-site-verification/
hm i tried it with https://aaronpk.micro.blog and it's working
Aaron Parecki
oh wait
hm no that looks fine
[manton] any ideas?
yeah i just went through the flow with aaronpk.micro.blog successfully (after changing the "me" in the URL)
not familiar with micro.blog … how do you add rel=“me” to the <head>?
it does it automatically
or rather, rel=me has nothing to do with any of this
oh ok
just the authorization_endpoint and token_endpoint
oh weird, it’s working now… maybe it just took some time to set up, because it was a new blog
i wonder if maybe chao.micro.blog isn't working cause it's brand new?
so just use me=<blog url> for all micropub sites, right?
(in auth request)
A Ruby gem for sending Webmention notifications. (from 28/05/2020) #twitterbot #ruby #rails #rubyonrails… https://twitter.com/i/web/status/1267463434016301069
dckc, plindner[m], fredcy_, Salt[m], atj[m], Rixon, marinin[m], edrex, jamietanna[m], mykiwi, hamnox[m], bmiller59[m], takev[m], confraria[m], beko[m], [chrisaldrich], [fluffy], [schmarty] and [manton] joined the channel
Catching up… Thanks [Cal_ThreadRead] and [aaronpk].
Let me know if there's anything I need to look at.
[Cal_ThreadRead] joined the channel
[manton] thanks
I just pushed out the change [aaronpk] suggested. Can you please check if it works for you now?
Great, thanks! Checking...
Works! I didn't test posting, but that fixed signing in.
[jgmac1106] and [John_Payne] joined the channel
woohoo, thank you!
leg, jeremy, [LewisCowles], [tantek] and KartikPrabhu joined the channel
heh my apple sign in post apparently got reposted by someone on mastodon with enough of a following to cause a huge spike in GETs to that page
KartikPrabhu joined the channel
I referenced it to some people an hour or so ago. It was a good write-up.
aaronpk has 62 karma in this channel over the last year (221 in all channels)
geoffo and [snarfed] joined the channel
ugh yeah they still have no solution to that DoS problem
[chrisaldrich] and [jgmac1106] joined the channel