#dev 2020-06-02

2020-06-02 UTC
geoffo, nekr0z, [tantek], KartikPrabhu, [prtksxna], [chrisaldrich], treora, [LewisCowles], dckc and moppy joined the channel
I tried including that JS / web component for the blackouttuesday and apparently they don't work when inserted onto my site. I'm wondering if I have an aggressive CSP maybe.
swentel and [LewisCowles] joined the channel
[tantek] by supplying a report-uri you can gain visibility
You could also look into the console in-browser as every visiting client would be told
wow so this is trash
but the intent pages are completely gone
as part of that twitter upgrade on June 1st
KartikPrabhu joined the channel
I noticed this because I used to use that page to resolve h-cards for people
but now that's shot in the water
how do I document that on the Wiki?
can archive.org show what was there so you can link to pastebin of before change and after, with some text summarising?
[New]sgkirby/sendmentions Send webmentions and pingbacks to URLs in content https://github.com/sebastiangreger/kirby3-sendmentions
[LewisCowles]: it could - I don't think I have an older copy of my profile tho
๐Ÿ˜ž need someone that saved one as a fixture or unmodified to make a fair comparison probably need several.
They are trash though. Banned my new shiny lurking account within 15 minutes
apparently following left-leaning people is "automated activity"
and only providing more data to the corp will prove I'm human enough to continue
I've added it to the Wiki as a pattern. It's about as trustworthy and reliable as asking for someone's credit card details to prove they are over 18 and whoever was involved in coding it should be ashamed of themselves
[KevinMarks] joined the channel
swentie joined the channel
Agreed. The theory is SUPER important. But so's learning how to navigate the compromises that come with real-world development. Something I've suggested before is they let ME set an exercise. I'd then be the shittiest client ever. So run a Kobayashi Maru for dev students! https://twitter.com/DrMattJakeman/status/1267749638163107841
swentel and [jgmac1106] joined the channel
maybe I should give Kirby another spin...I have the licenses...I got close to my 2020 goal, have webementions on my site...but so far from having any publishing ability
weird year ate up much of my learning time.....Kirby was really close to what I want to eventually get to, and if native webmentions don't work I can use Fluffy's stuff
or the eleventy route see so many people go that way...guess that is my decision continue with rolling a 40% working site by myself, Kirby, or maybe SSG and eleventy
I wish I could link to it
but the conception of tombstoning is a viable thing, it seems, in the SSB community
can you screenshot?
there is a kind of repudiation too I think, where you can remove a post from your cache explicitly
[New]sgkirby/commentions A versatile comment system and integrated Webmention endpoint for Kirby 3. https://github.com/sebastiangreger/kirby3-commentions
twomanytacos and vilhalmer joined the channel
Comments/#webmentions plugin Commentions for @getkirby finally reached v1.0: more versatile, better UIs/APIs, same focus on data ethics and privacy; huge thx @fabianmichael for joining the effort! https://sebastiangreger.net/2020/06/commentions-comments-and-data-ethics
sgreger has 2 karma in this channel over the last year (3 in all channels)
[jeremycherfas], jeremycherfas and [prtksxna] joined the channel
I'm looking at ancient versions of my website; <meta name="CONTACT" content="one-of-my-long-dead-email-addresses">
https://www.metatags.org/all-meta-tags-overview/meta-name-contact/ - "The meta tag Contact is not used anymore." - Why?
Meta name contact < Meta Name = "contact" The meta contact name is used to add an email address. This can be the email address of the person who created the website. Unfortunately spam robots use this email address to send you unsolicite...
cjw6k, [jgmac1106], geoffo and dckc joined the channel; takev[m], confraria[m] and beko[m] left the channel
[prtksxna] did you know we put in proposals at WMF all hands 2 years ago to add indieauth and webmentions? I think they are on the gift calendar
[LewisCowles] joined the channel
and I am on the advisory board of GOIF [Sadik_Shahadu] will have very exciting news soon, we need to connect as they want to help do design testing in lofi situations
I saw [Sadik_Shahadu] here, and then on the Wikibase channel and was like is this the same person ๐Ÿ˜„
[jgmac1106] You did? ๐Ÿ˜ฎ To add those to MediaWiki?
yeah, one sec
What is challenge?
challenge is an event-like post which serves as a (typically open) invitation for people to post achievements towards some goal, like running a total distance, or posting photos at some frequency (every day), supported by silos like Strava and micro.blog https://indieweb.org/challenge
Neat! I know https://samwilson.id.au/ used to run their blog on MediaWiki. Had a neat set of extensions they had built to be able to do so
[Sadik_Shahadu] ๐Ÿ‘‹๐Ÿ‘‹
[Sadik_Shahadu] joined the channel
Glad to meet you here too [prtksxna]
can't lie switched to dokuwiki found the admin tax on wikimedia just too high
switchign to chat
[tantek] joined the channel
jacky, ugh sorry to hear about the Twitter intent pages and yeah that's pretty annoying. we can doc it somewhere on /Twitter
[prtksxna], tinfoil-hat, [itsjustk], [Ramiro_Ruiz], dckc, garrettw, nekr0z, [Murray] and [KevinMarks] joined the channel
benward's legacy is gone?
Ben Ward built lots of the indieweb- and web-friendly bits of twitter
[tantek] joined the channel
ah gotcha
yeah at this point, we'd _need_ to use the API to reach in
which isn't very "HTML is my API"-y
to be fair, rabble and blaine built the OG twitter which had XFN and feeds and other api integrations. The api-first model lasted a bit after they left
NoraFruit, gRegorLove and [Rabble] joined the channel
yeah so to kinda catch up from the chat
[Rabble] has some early work on a potential bridge for the indieweb to the ssb land
the software seems similar to that of the one running https://viewer.scuttlebot.io
did you get a URL spec consistent? That was under discussion last time I looked
IIRC ssb is now in the IANA approved schemes (don't know if that's explicitly relevant)
well, it means we have a way to do rel=me stuff at least
very recent!
but yeah that'd be a big step (at least for having a ssb + web identity)
โ†ฉ๏ธ Yeah... oh well... gotta change the world again again i guess.
I know @soapdog was working on it
I don't know about the logic for SSB profiles
@hash is an identifier, a feed basically defined by a keypair
%message is an individual message within a feed
and &something is a blob
we don't have strong linking of profiles, which we call #sameas but it's clearly needed, we just keep implementing it then debating it and then not having it rolled out.
looks liek there's still some awkwardness about ssb: vs ssb:///
the SSB community's right now in a bit of a phase of rethinking things, in particular this project has gotten a lot of interest: https://github.com/cinnamon-bun/earthstar
[cinnamon-bun] earthstar: A distributed, syncable key-value store
_that's_ what I've seen
[Rabble]: I'm going to toy with this and see if there's some stuff I can contribute to!
the PR that is
awesome, sssb-viewer is pretty old, weโ€™ve got a partially replaced code base in ssb-reader but it doesnโ€™t do the display stuff https://github.com/planetary-social/ssb-reader
[chrisaldrich] and [snarfed] joined the channel
hey jacky do you have a link or any more context on the "twitter upgrade on Jun 1st"? it may have broken bridgy scraping twitter likes too. https://github.com/snarfed/bridgy/issues/949
[armingrewe] #949 Twitter likes not being picked up?
nooooo :(
I have to find it (I saw it mentioned off hand) but I noticed it since jun 1st (perks of posting every day lol)
all second-party tho
KartikPrabhu and [schmarty] joined the channel
ooohhh looks like you can't get a tweet's favorites at all now, at least not without logging in ๐Ÿ˜ 
i already yolo scrape with logged in sessions a bit more than aaronpk, so that may be the answer here too ๐Ÿ˜Ž
[jgmac1106], [KevinMarks] and [tantek] joined the channel
hmmm, does this mean brid.gy will no longer be sending likes from twitter as webmentions?
What is streaming?
streaming is a method of content delivery where the user can start viewing or listening to media without downloading the entire file in advance https://indieweb.org/streaming
nekr0z: no decisions yet, more research to do first
help is welcome!
[snarfed]: yep, I first asked here then found the issue discussion on github, sorry
KartikPrabhu, [KevinMarks], jeremy and jjuran joined the channel