[tantek]and then I wonder if Quill could prompt you when you write more than two paragraphs with a yellow note or something that said something like: It looks like you're writing an article, make sure your first paragraph summarizing the point you're making, and consider adding a title.
aaronpkone of the challenges with the way things are set up is i'm going to be printing only plaintext in the list view, not HTML here. cause munging HTML is hard
LoqiIt looks like we don't have a page for "article preview" yet. Would you like to create it? (Or just say "article preview is ____", a sentence describing the term)
[tantek]article preview is a specific form of article [[summary]] that borrows from common [[link preview]] patterns, and is the display of an article’s featured image (if any) and first paragraph, for example in a list of articles. IndieWeb Example: https://aaronparecki.com/articles
[tantek]Quill << Brainstorming: I wonder if Quill could prompt you when you write more than two paragraphs with a yellow note or something that said something like: It looks like you're writing an article, make sure your first paragraph summarizing the point you're making, and consider adding a title. could be a whole separate feature or script for textarea inputs for posting. Quippy 👀 📎
Loqiok, I added "Brainstorming: I wonder if Quill could prompt you when you write more than two paragraphs with a yellow note or something that said something like: It looks like you're writing an article, make sure your first paragraph summarizing the point you're making, and consider adding a title. could be a whole separate feature or script for textarea inputs for posting. Quippy 👀 📎" to the "See Also" section of /Quillhttps://indieweb.org/wiki/index.php?diff=70267&oldid=58327
aaronpkooh since i'm actually generating this from my markup on https://aaronparecki.com/articles i don't have the full post contents there anymore so summary it is!
[snarfed]aaronpk++ article previews have been a strongly encouraged default in wordpress for a long time. took me a minute to come around but i've liked and used them for a while now
@isellsoapDo you know of any major news website that implemented Webmention? Got excited yesterday thinking about how this would play out if we would implemented it for @sz articles. (twitter.com/_/status/1269906721587318785)
@isellsoap↩️ Thorough deep dive, super interesting read! I’m about to implement Webmention on my own web presence and I will take great care after reading his analysis. (twitter.com/_/status/1269980202245001222)
petermolnarI've been staring at 404 hits from my logs ( `grep ^petermolnar access.log | grep ' 404 ' | grep -E '0[78]/Jun/2020' | awk '{print $7}' | sort | uniq -c | sort -n` ) for the past days, trying to catch the ones that still pop up
[fluffy]404 mitigation is important which is why I made sure to make it as easy as possible in Publ. Entries will automatically redirect around category and slug changes, and entries and category views can also claim legacy URLs directly or via regex.