#dev 2020-06-13

2020-06-13 UTC
jsonfeed now fixed, looks good in the Monocle preview
geoffo, KartikPrabhu and [schmarty] joined the channel
[tantek] joined the channel
Hmmm. Should consider renaming repo “master” branches to “main” https://twitter.com/mleibovic/status/1271625826237366273
Today our engineering team did an audit of all git repos and started renaming any master branches to main. Embarassed we didn't make this move earlier, but proud of how quickly the team took action to fix this (with zero debate) once it was raised.
it's on my list
i'm a little overwhelmed at how many git repos i have
i never understood "master" anyway
[chrisaldrich] joined the channel
eh! why is "main" better than "master" ?
oh! is it the "master/slave" issue?
cause it’s descriptive
when i was first learning git i was like what is this master thing
master of what?
of the universe? ;)
honestly I kinda feel like it would be best for everyone to pick their own name to make it more obvious to newcomers there's nothing magic
Same. “master” in git never made sense to me
vilhalmer: omg yes, i feel like that would have sped up my learning of git a lot
it suffers from the classic "is this an example or important" syndrome
that is a good anti pattern to document
like when people name arbitrary things the same as some command or other file
it happens a lot in specs too
I see this in readmes all the time
especially in docs anything arbitrary should be named something so ridiculous that it can't possibly be part of the tool
and/or called out
KartikPrabhu: new core branch: grayskull
I first thought of it as the master copy, a la audio mastering, so it made sense to me. In favor of renaming it, though.
all this sounds similar to how I have never understood "foo/bar/baz" stuff
gRegorLove: if everyone used it that way I could see that, but it turns out there are different ways of using git yet the default branch is still called master
Totally, just mentioning why it wasn't confusing to me initially
<- weird user, not average XD
git suffers from being too flexible
relatedly, i saw this same discussion happening in the audio sphere
the “master/slaver” terminology is also used in audio engineering workflows
lol autocorrect?
We're setting up a git repo in a client's Azure DevOps so I set up branches production and dev
See that's a lot clearer
zootella, myfreeweb, jimpick and mattl joined the channel
↩️ I’ve unapproved all webmentions until I can suss this out. shit started appearing in the wrong places.
KartikPrabhu joined the channel
having a separate endpoint to handle sending endpoints from receiving is a little confusing in retrospect
I didn't want Lighthouse's endpoint to be super intelligent and be like "oh this source looks familiar, lemme send it out instead of receiving"
but this is probably why you have telegraph and webmention as two separate things, aaronpk
nickodd joined the channel
I wouldn't give myself that much credit
But yeah sending and receiving webmentions are pretty different tasks. If anything id go with the way pine.blog did and make receiving webmentions part of a reader
webmention is just plumbing, receiving comments and sending comments are the user facing features and it turns out they have very different considerations even tho they both use webmention
right re: plumbing
but I also understand that bit w.r.t receiving comments; I wonder if allowing a reader to add a hook to listen to incoming Webmentions could give that same feel / vibe
_or_ allowing a particular feed to be flagged as the "incoming" one so the reader would know to take and handle entries of that feed according
that said, I'm like 70% done with this move to lighthouse. might mess around with it against the staging instance before sending it live (trying to keep the dev-staging-prod habit down even if it's only me testing it)
side-note: it's kinda terrifying how much information JWTs can hold
I'm using https://jwt.io to debug them and like I _understand_ why people would use them; just too much
hmmmmm tbh now I'm curious about what you mentioned aaronpk re: pine.blog accepting Webmentions
because then I can just add a compatible reader as a relay whenever I get a webmention in lighthouse and I'll get that interactivity for free
versus making a custom endpoint
if someone _really_ needs an endpoint, they can shim out the act of making a webmention endpoint tbh
I'll handle that when I get to it
all I need now is an API so people can get webmentions and they'll be okay
[LewisCowles] joined the channel
WordPress people: is there no way in wp_list_comments() to have multiple types in the type= argument? As near as I can tell, by default it accepts all, comment, pingback, trackback, and pings; and with the Webmention plugin installed it also accepts ... https://bix.blog/2020/06/12/wordpress-people-is.html
[aaronpk] [jacky] (and anyone else using / running their own) RE: short links
Could some of this be added to the wiki?
Is the desire to provide them one to save typing, get analytics about link-usage or something else. I don't like the extra hop, so I try to think of the reasons why anyone wants to use a shortener. To my strange brain it's another potential point of failure between me and the resource I am linking to.
what are shortlinks
shortlink is the use of a short-domain to create a link that redirects to (often much) longer link, popularized on Twitter, and used in permashortlinks for indieweb POSSEing https://indieweb.org/shortlinks
I don't use short-links tbh
I use vanity URLs for some things (like my youtube or twitch pages) but that's about it
the wiki may need gardening. shortlinks links to permashortlinks which has more detail, but does not cover this
what are shortlinks
shortlink is the use of a short-domain to create a link that redirects to (often much) longer link, popularized on Twitter, and used in permashortlinks for indieweb POSSEing https://indieweb.org/shortlinks
oh I just did thatl ol
wow there's a whole page on short domains
what are short domains
short domains are commonly used on the IndieWeb for personal URL shortening, or clever domain hacks https://indieweb.org/short-domains
tbh everything on permashortlinks could be linked from a region on short domains
Oh no, now there's something wrong with git master branches? Do we stop mastering audio, too? Do I give up my master's degree? Do I burn my The Beatles "Past Masters" set? Do I stop using MasterCard while I'm at it?
nekr0z: did you read into the material/content around it or are you just reacting for the sake of it?
[[tantek]] Hmmm. Should consider renaming repo “master” branches to “main” https://twitter.com/mleibovic/status/1271625826237366273
[jeremycherfas] Very interesting discussion in https://www.hanselman.com/blog/EasilyRenameYourGitDefaultBranchFromMasterToMain.aspx of the use of "master" in a git repo. To the objection that it doesn't actually mean the same as in masster-slave, several people have...
language matters _a lot_
jacky: I did. And git master branch is exactly the same as audio master tape - the master branch. There's no other way to call it. It is created by default when you git init and git commit to an empty repo (so no, it's not the matter of "blatantly copying some age-old tutorial"
you're saying there's no other way to call it but as others have shown online; there's _many_ ways
I tend to use names like `mainline` or `production` when I remember to rename things
Language matters, but sanity and common sense matter, too. We went through the stupidity of renaming everything because it didn't sound right and reminded of past oppressions twice last century in Russia, and it was stupid both times.
so it's "common sense" to stick to main?
also people who work on tools around Git managed to make such a change and it seems like it's very low effort too
Our team at @GitHub just changed our project's main branch to `main`! We're not the only ones, and there's growing momentum to change the default across the company. 😱 It's no defunding the police, but it's nice to see progress against such entrenched practices.
it's just a branch name
I'm totally with you if it makes sense for you to have "prod" instead of "master", but spending time thinking what to rename master to just because you shouldn't have master?
there's also very smart people who've highlighted that it's in fact not common sense to use "master"; that's more cargo culting than anything else
at this point, it reads a bit more of a resistance to what the community is moving to and more about wanting to stick to provably oppressive language
this isn't really dev-y so I won't continue on that here
Yeah, I remember reading that some time ago and thinking that in a sane society the metaphor should long be gone and little childred should know "master-slave" from tech, only later getting the historical meanng from history classes.
But then someone told me I should not be using the word "sane" either.
jacky++ mainline++
mainline has 1 karma over the last year
jacky has 23 karma in this channel over the last year (91 in all channels)
still has to go and rename a few repos
hasn't been top priority yet
[tantek] joined the channel
same. main++
main has 1 karma over the last year
I would like git + github to also have some setting to allow people to elect the name of their primary branch
I don't know which name I'd pick, but I'm happy to have less of that language
KartikPrabhu and dckc joined the channel
I want something like embedly but powered by like xray
I keep thinking about this and I don't know if it's something that needs to be client-side (it can fall-back to being a h-cite)
moppy and [KevinMarks] joined the channel
I made some h-card hovercards with unmung but they're a bit crap
Kyle Mahan
jeremych_, gRegorLove, KartikPrabhu, wombelix and [jgmac1106] joined the channel
anyone have a good tool idea for converting html to wikimedia mark up? I want to put all my courses on wikiversity but write them in HTML
[KevinMarks] joined the channel
You can put some html in
A quick ask from my Tweeple. I'm testing webmentions on my site and I need a few people to 'like' this post below so I can see if it's working right. I swear I'm not 'like whoring,' it's for debugging! Thanks https://www.neuralmarkettrends.com/blog/responsive-images-hugo/
↩️ Ok, it works @PavelPscheidl! Webmention has been successfully sent, now I need to CSS it so it shows up correctly on the blog. Thanks!
[KevinMarks] yeah on my personal wiki most of it is just html rather than rewrite something
[schmarty] joined the channel
jacky++ whew very good responses about main++
jacky has 24 karma in this channel over the last year (93 in all channels)
main has 2 karma over the last year
[Murray] joined the channel
Interesting to log in and see people discussing master/main/others. Just changed my main site to "trunk", largely to see how hard it would be (I chose "trunk" because it fits the "branch" metaphor and was what originally made sense when I was learning Git). Turns out (for me at least) it was super easy, so will just go with that from now on
Do wish that I could set git init to something other than master though too
jacky has 25 karma in this channel over the last year (94 in all channels)
that's what I used locally
someone wrote a script to do this for GitHub repos as well https://gist.github.com/PurpleBooth/6983e5c4def4f8721d4a697a3f4606a7
↩️ I’m getting an error when I try to send a webmention to that URL from https://adactio.com/links/17004 > Internal Server Error > Undefined index: photo https://adactio.com/notes/17007
[Murray]: instructions for having `git init` use a different default branch name at https://stackoverflow.com/questions/42871542. For me, it was as simple as https://github.com/willnorris/dotfiles/commit/ad6289135ef749e05c396f8985bc5192fd5518cb
oh that's great
maybe this is a good saturday morning project
[tantek] joined the channel
really hope GitHub makes this a one button click for repo owners rather than requiring everyone to do all this command line businesses
I think in GitHub you could do it completely through their UI. Haven’t created a fresh repo in a while, not sure if they just default a branch or not
Oh, interesting, GitHub repos created through the site actually start branchless
And the first branch you push will be the one displayed in your repo by default, even if you were to push a branch called “master” directly after.
So looks like GitHub is pretty name agnostic. They could change some of their git commandline instructions around and it’ll be gone from their platform
they do have a way to create repo contents on the web, like if you use the button to create a README file. what happens then?
jjuran_ joined the channel
Ah, didn’t test that one, lets see
Initialised with just a default licence file: creates a master branch
As in a branch called master
nickodd joined the channel
it looks like the above link I referenced causes some problems when cloning. Apparent git template is not just used when calling `git init` but also `git clone`. Maybe? Anyway, I'd suggest testing it pretty well if you make that change
Midasse and [Murray] joined the channel
willnorris++ thanks will take a look over and keep the potential issues in mind
willnorris has 4 karma over the last year
ARH, [KevinMarks], swentel, jjuran and geoffo joined the channel
I thought git's use of "master" was more like the general concept of master not like the database world of master/slave, but it looks like its origins were actually master/slave after all https://twitter.com/ben_a_adams/status/1271471019971293184
@rianfinnegan @shanselman Git was made to replace bitkeeper; so I assume that's where "master" comes from and yes it comes from "master and slave repository" https://github.com/bitkeeper-scm/bitkeeper/blob/master/doc/HOWTO.ask#L231-L232 https://pbs.twimg.com/media/EaUr2J3XsAAZO3I.png
here we go
1 down, 236 to go
geoffo joined the channel; nickodd left the channel
i feel like there are some nuances to this
i'm trying to script as much as possible but it's tricky
for example, this bumps the repositories to the top of the list on my github profile, so i should actually do them starting with the oldest otherwise my old repos will be on top
might as well take this opportunity to delete some real old ones too
[aaronpk] Wordpress-Delicious-XML-Importer: Import your Delicious.com XML export into Wordpress custom post types
i don't think there's any value in this repo anymore
bets on whether github launches a feature to rename branches from the website soon?
it'd be cool if they somehow shimmed it so old remote specs still work but you got a message from the server reminding you to update it
oh yeah they could totally do that
like how they handle renamed repos
wonder if i should hold off on doing all of these in case they make it super easy soon
is on a github repo deleting spree
some of these are legit 10 years old
wow 4 years ago i shut down the first version of monocle https://aaronparecki.com/2016/04/26/3/monocle
[Aaron Parecki] Monocle is Offline
↩️ Hey Jeremy! Just fixed a bug in my Webmention plugin. It didn’t check correctly if a photo is present in the h-card. After fixing this, I was able to add the Webmention using the little form at the bottom of the article.
well i only have 157 repos on my github now
[chrisaldrich] and jjuran joined the channel
um how have i been doing this for 3 hours
we're gonna call this a "spring cleaning" of my github account
down to 137 repos, started at 237
gRegorLove and shimmy1996 joined the channel