#dev 2020-06-12

2020-06-12 UTC
[schmarty], gRegorLove, zootella, mattl, jimpick, myfreeweb and [LewisCowles] joined the channel
wow! that is a pretty extensive set of apps!
KartikPrabhu, gRegorLove, gRegorLove_ and dckc joined the channel
I took some time looking at it
it looks like they've managed to string them together (kinda like sandstorm) but all on "green" machines?
cweiske and [LewisCowles] joined the channel
Isn't Sandstorm mostly iframes though?
In that it's a presentational integration, but very little backend?
shared auth (I think only to an extent)
dckc, moppy, wombelix, swentel, KartikPrabhu, jeremych_, [tantek], [jgmac1106], tinfoil-hat, [pfefferle] and gRegorLove_ joined the channel
petermolnar: how much do thousands of regex affect your eco-score? :D
that's actually a fair question, and I can't answer it easily
the thing is, that until I'm absolutely certain I've not messed them up again, I'm using 302 instead of 301.
I made some serious ordering mistakes about a week ago, and it was 301; I don't want to make that again.
do you have a test for them?
list of URL -> "words the redirect target has to contain" to loop through?
test: no, not yet, and I really should, but it's funky; my generator is python, the thing handles the request is php, and the ruleset is in multiple json files
currently the request loops through all of them; eventually I'll try to make them smarter, but it's not simple at all
eg. for images, I have a glob() to see if I can find a substitute
and that's way faster and lighter, than looping through thousands of regexes
@gRegorLove How is your workflow when posting a note in ProcessWire and automatically posting it to Twitter via Bridgy? Where do you add the Bridgy webmention endpoint URLs? Or do you use another method?
tinfoil-hat joined the channel
Very interesting discussion in https://www.hanselman.com/blog/EasilyRenameYourGitDefaultBranchFromMasterToMain.aspx of the use of "master" in a git repo. To the objection that it doesn't actually mean the same as in masster-slave, several people have said, well, why not anyway? So I think that wins, for me.
[jgmac1106] joined the channel
there is master-slave replication for DMBS
Indeed. And long ago I seem to remember master-slave for disk drives. But in this sense it means "primary" or "default" or something like that, not that it has power over others. Sill, why not change it.
it actually has power over it because it declares what the slave has to do
petermolnar: yeah, guess you'd need to run such a test against the full stack
Yes, in the DMBS it does. But not in the git repo.
[schmarty] joined the channel
There are sufficient alternatives to that terminology for database replication which still accurately describe the behavior. For example "leader/follower".
[KevinMarks] joined the channel
Primary and replica make more sense
^^ I like primary and replica even more because they describe how the DB instances are used
It's sending a stream of commands that have been given to it first. And you can chain them, so upstream/downstream maybe.
[LewisCowles] joined the channel
[sknebel] apparently the trick to thousands of regexes is to build them into one large state machine, combining. That was at least how fastrouter was achieving some years ago.
So now you have a compiler for a language you can't read?
[KevinMarks] I believe it is compiled once per process from discrete rules if that was about the Regex's.
so they remain as legible as they ever were. http://nikic.github.io/2014/02/18/Fast-request-routing-using-regular-expressions.html explains the method in more detail.
currently very confused about packer.
swentel and dckc joined the channel
[jgmac1106]: if you ever need help with rewrites and migration, I have a reasonably good understanding of them by now
[LewisCowles]: for routing, this works. For redirects, it's trickier, because the target is not part of the matched elements.
however, a combined regex could be used to match any potential known redirect and a lookup table to identify the target, but at that point, I'm not certain how much better it would be.
maybe worth running some benchmarks.
[petermolnar_] come again? The routing still has to match to a target handler. I think they do use a lookup table / hashmap of sorts
petermolnar I might take you up on that offer and erase much of my htaccess file and start over
[LewisCowles]: I followed the idea and reverted back to previous iteration, where I have static lists and arrays as first line of tests and only fall back to complex regexes if there's no other way
if feels faster
which was expected
it was simply easier to have everything as a regex, but indeed it was an overkill
ah, I was only talking about the more complex regex cases.
apologies it didn't work out
My redirects are fine. The problem I have is in hand-migrating the posts. When they get there, the rewrites will find them, but they aren't all there yet.
swentel, [jgmac1106], nickodd, geoffo, [tantek], [chrisaldrich], [KevinMarks] and gRegorLove joined the channel
↩️ Interesting. I use Bridgy the other way, to get webmentions from tweets. My tweets are synced as toots with https://crossposter.masto.donte.com.br/ but I would like my site to push both tweets (already done) and toots, with different contents. I have to dive in Mastodon API.
so this is what the dashboard looks like for lighthouse: https://v2.jacky.wtf/post/f7b6de40-a53f-4cf3-95d1-d349a37713be
[Jacky Alciné] Sneak peak of the top of the dashboard I’m using in https://lighthouse.black.af. I think I deployed it already to the staging site (it’s automatically set up with Gitea and Dokku). https://v2.jacky.wtf/media/image/entry%24f7b6de40-a53f-4cf3-95d1-d349a37713be/Screenshot_20200612_104419.png?v=original
I haven't gotten the real time bits down yet (though those counts will update in real time)
this _should_ work for any site that at least has indieauth setup. I might need to add some sort of fall-back to a provider if I can't find anything
(or lean on a provider to do that for me! soon)
twomanytacos and geoffo joined the channel
jacky: i've got some example data from webmention.io's webhook notifications in Morris (which just catches and stores that data where my Hugo build can parse it for my templates to use) https://github.com/martymcguire/morris
[martymcguire] morris: PHP webhook for caching webmention.io webmentions for static sites.
jacky++ this lighthouse design is super interesting! so if i can sign in with indieauth it will send webmentions for me?
jacky has 22 karma in this channel over the last year (90 in all channels)
_ideally_ lol
I know I have tests for the endpoint but it's on-demand right now
do i need to notify it of new posts? (i keep wanting to build a websub-powered sender)
I want to change it to either have polling of a site or listen on websub
i guess IRL websub is just an enhancement on polling 😄
yup! lol just more specific
actually [schmarty] lemme pick your brain a bit more
my hope was that in order to make it seamless that once you sign in, we'd find the feeds on your site that you expose as well as the WebSub endpoint
I was planning to have lighthouse ask to subscribe to "live changes" to your site as well as listening to your feeds
(that being websub subscription to your domain as well as either polling against feeds or the websub endpoints for each feed)
does that sound like something that'd reduce a bit of work for you w.r.t setup (b/c you're in the static space and some other people I'm targeting for Lighthouse are in that space as well)
jacky: that sounds exactly like something i have been daydreaming about for literal months (years??)
there are so many things you can do when you can easily discover and robustly watch a feed.
:D :D that's where I hope to land with this
when i had bigger POSSE dreams i started work on a thing i called Syndication Party. i ended up building just the IndieAuth parts on Glitch and getting distracted with other proejcts.
but the idea was for it to poll (websub) for new posts and look for ones that i have flagged for syndication
that plus some out of the box custom Web components for presenting reactions and comments in a Disqus-y way
then it would interface with bridgy or whatever API to syndicate each post
ooh that's a bit like bridgy?
then use micropub edits to remove the request-to-syndicate
and add in the actual syndication link
i think feed updates + micropub edits will get a lot done
hmm that bit regarding editing a post to update the syndication links is nice
tbh that'd remove a _whoile_ chunk of code in my site just to handle things from bridgy
(or just syndication logic)
jacky: that was my hope! i have another handful of fun ideas to do with it but never came back to sit with the effort required to get a good robust feed watcher and websub implementation going.
[snarfed] joined the channel
superfeedr has 1 karma over the last year
superfeedr++ indeed. i still pay them ~$2 or $3 per month to ping webmention.io with mentions of my site. not sure i ever get any. 😂
superfeedr has 2 karma over the last year
(and they are my websub hub)
so, this is what came out of my redirect/gone/etc refactoring from today: https://pastebin.com/K7h19R70 - the 404.php ; https://pastebin.com/uRvKG63m - the actual dataset it iterates over with various methods. Some parts of me are proud, because it's working quite nicely, but deep down I'm quite ashamed that I need it.
I could have used a github gist for this instead..
lots of shortlinks!
GWG, [LewisCowles], ben_thatmustbeme, KartikPrabhu and [KevinMarks] joined the channel; nickodd left the channel
yeah, I jumped on the let's have a short domain + short slug for every entry
that was when I still thought it could be useful
[chrisaldrich] joined the channel
yeah i switched mine to stop autogenerating short URLs for everything, now I have a URL shortener app at aaronpk.com that i can use to make short links to whatever, not just my own posts
[tantek] and [Paulo_Pinto] joined the channel
If I generate webmentions from a RSS feed through a IFTTT action that runs once a day, at a particular time, how are treated webmentions already sent? Are they going to be sent again, creating SPAM? I tried to find the answer but I am confused.
[Paulo_Pinto]: they will be sent again, which is OK - re-sent webmentions usually indicate something has changed in the article, but they are not forbidden.
as for how they will be treated is up to the receiver
[petermolnar_] thanks. That means unchanged articles are still sent. Ok.
!tell [snarfed] it looks like there's no sense of a canonical URL for a like for Twitter links (makes sense tbh) or ones from the Mastodon bridge (not too sure). I have some logs about this: https://brid.gy/log?start_time=1591999931&key=agdicmlkLWd5cmULEg1QdWJsaXNoZWRQYWdlIj5odHRwczovL3YyLmphY2t5Lnd0Zi9wb3N0L2VjMGY5ZDA4LWY0MmMtNDZhYS04YTNlLTRlYjI0NTdlZGEwNAwLEgdQdWJsaXNoGICAkKWImogLDA (for twitter) and (https://brid.gy/log?start_time=1591999935&
Ok, I'll tell them that when I see them next
key=agdicmlkLWd5cmULEg1QdWJsaXNoZWRQYWdlIj5odHRwczovL3YyLmphY2t5Lnd0Zi9wb3N0L2VjMGY5ZDA4LWY0MmMtNDZhYS04YTNlLTRlYjI0NTdlZGEwNAwLEgdQdWJsaXNoGICAkKWYt4AJDA) for mastodon
looking at the web blogs, that link might be broken
Yeah, link spanned lines for me in irc
Ooh, just noticed in Monocole the "someone liked..." when it can't find the author
Well shit. This db plugin won’t let me save an edit to this comment to change the Comment-Type to webmention because another field is required, despite obviously not being required when the comment was created. Shit.
Even those who should know better make really bad design errors
design << Be critical / skeptical even when seeing design examples from those who should be experts: https://twitter.com/bobbie/status/1271548505253789696
As Anna points out, this @sfchronicle bit on the covid risk of different activities is BLOODY AWFUL ABOUT COMMUNICATING RISK Note, low risk activities are RED and high risk are GREEN Low risk to the LEFT and high risk to the RIGHT https://www.sfchronicle.com/bayarea/article/From-picnics-to-pools-coronavirus-experts-rate-15334210.php https://pbs.twimg.com/media/EaVygFGU4AAoYIM.jpg
ok, I added "Be critical / skeptical even when seeing design examples from those who should be experts: https://twitter.com/bobbie/status/1271548505253789696" to the "See Also" section of /design https://indieweb.org/wiki/index.php?diff=70331&oldid=70314
[snarfed] joined the channel
jacky: oh interesting, you mean in the JSON that Bridgy Publish returns? true! i can fix that.
and yeah, neither twitter nor mastodon have permalinks for likes afaik, so bridgy generates its own using fragments, eg https://twitter.com/foo/status/123#liked-by-456
finished analyzing smam/ac success rates
oh also jacky, minor bug report, your like page titles are "Liked a like." eg https://v2.jacky.wtf/post/ec0f9d08-f42c-46aa-8a3e-4eb2457eda04
Hm, Aperture isn't finding any entries in https://pine.blog/u/sonicrocketman/feed.json
[schmarty] joined the channel
it's okay to like a like
lmfaoo yeah I need to fix that
I think that's like item #6
like, ohmigosh
I've been spending more time on my webmention thingy (namely on the relay support)
schmarty lol yes! but this is a like of a post
↩️ And there isn’t. Of course there isn’t. This should be working, as the post is properly displaying a webmention already, so why not this second one?
I got into the db and changed Comment-Type from Comment to Webmention but it still doesn’t display. There must be some other indicator in the db.
aha, was just looking for a validator
mf2 subscription worked great, though