#dev 2020-06-15

2020-06-15 UTC
[tantek], [schmarty], gRegorLove, treora, beko and [LewisCowles] joined the channel
I just spent some time cleaning HTML.
Cool! My blog now sends me daily email reports of #webmention activity! #indieweb #python #code #coderlife https://jj.isgeek.net/2020/06/15-040759/
crab and [dmitshur] joined the channel
This has taken me far too many weekends, https://github.com/shurcooL/home/pull/41, but it’s finally done and I can move on to doing something else next time! Wheee \o/
[dmitshur] #41 combine issuesapp, changesapp, and notifsapp into a single-page application
[fluffy], [tw2113], [jeremycherfas], Kongaloosh_, [LewisCowles] and swentel joined the channel
regex gurus: is there a way to write a pattern that has minimum occurence of non-capturing groups? eg. (?:/page/){,2} ?
I'm receiving a disturbing amount of /page/57/page/57/page/57/page/9/.... requests and I want to filter them out
oh, if you put a + in front of that what you have, it should match 2 or more
WordPress function or plugin that makes webmentions considered pings for the purposes of wp_list_comments('type=pings')?
moppy joined the channel
btw the + didn't work. But altering the position of the 2 and the comma did
I've been hunting down the things people tend to have problems with the most with Webmentions
and it's usually verifying that their site can receive them, insuring that their site is sending them and having a way to retry them when they fail
right now, I can't even give good visibility into any of that - only about the ones you've received
one thing I did want to experiment with is having a very dynamic feed that'd be similar to the kind of stuff you'd see in the Notification Center on macOS - a feed of action items (you've been mentioned 10 times in one post and in another "your note 'lorem ipsum' has 4 new replies" post) that would disappear once they've been engaged with
the only issue is that 1) implementing a form to 'dismiss' these things isn't something I'd want to send; that'd force clients to use HTML rendering
treora joined the channel
indiewebify.me has some of these things managed doesn't it?
not the gamification, although achievements / badges are probably covered elsewhere
IIRC there isn't any sort of badging
but it _looks_ like it sends webmentions? nothing visible happens tho
granted it was discussed that indiewebify.me is more of a high-level developer tool
I don't know what that pages does tbh
cjw6k_, treora and [LewisCowles] joined the channel
For me it was helpful to confirm I had some things like rel="me", webmention receive endpoint and authorship
GWG, gRegorLove and swentel joined the channel
[jgmac1106] joined the channel
say I send an RSVP webmention to an h-event, could I get an automated webmention back that says, "Thank you for registering, in order for your RSVP to be accepted and displayed you must agree to the CoC" and then replying to the reply triggers the display..soo many steps...hard ux...
just thinking out lout
↩️ I realized I am not available for @IndieWebCamp West this year so I will not be facilitating session, happy to do a pop up session on webmentions, badges, and gamification some time. (https://quickthoughts.jgregorymcverry.com/s/6OBnq)
Thinking about some of tools we use in #IndieWeb community like indiewebifyme https://indiewebify.me/ and how stuff like webmentions could be used as tool to drive engagement by also encouraging participants to display buttons (https://quickthoughts.jgregorymcverry.com/s/181K4H)
gxt, dckc, geoffo, wombelix, [James_Gallaghe], [LewisCowles] and [KevinMarks] joined the channel
[jacky] that sounds like what webmention.rocks does - you mean a user oriented version of that rather than an implementation oriented one?
[jgmac1106], [jeremycherfas] and [manton] joined the channel
Like some other folks here I've been playing with Quotebacks and wanted to explore using it for microblog posts. I wrote up a blog post about how this works in Micro.blog: https://www.manton.org/2020/06/15/embedding-microblog-posts.html
Embedding microblog posts with Quotebacks
nickodd, KartikPrabhu and wombelix joined the channel
hmm GWG do you maintain the IndieAuth plugin for wordpress
I need more approvers though. Why?
well, I might have found something annoying when generating a token yourself (via Manage IndieAuth tokens)
[manton]: that looks great!
it sets the 'me' value to the author url (e.g. https://domain/author/name)
and when you would use that token in a client (e.g. indigenous desktop) and want to try to connect with Aperture, it will fail because the 'me' will be different in Aperture
(at least, that's an educated guess)
[stephenpieper] #45 Microsub Channels
It only does that if you don't configure it in settings
You have to declare what user reflects the root
aaronpk, could you check something for me? Can you check what 'url' value is stored for user 10 in Aperture?
GWG, aha
that might be a clue for that user
I may update the manual token page to emphasize it
is that the 'Set User to Represent Site URL ?' setting, doesn't seem to reflect that (even when generating a new token)
Yes, that's it
Ok I've set it none
but the me value is still set to ip/author/swentie
aaronpk, thanks!
If it is set to none, it will do /author/
no change there
Can you open an issue, I'll investigate
I still have open PRs there too
Pfefferle and I are trying for a webmention push right now though
found it
I didn't have a website in my profile
that fixes it
ok, thanks, me value is now my website url
no bug!
GWG has 25 karma in this channel over the last year (137 in all channels)
[mapkyca], [KevinMarks], [tw2113], [tantek], b3u and [snarfed] joined the channel
!tell [KevinMarks] yeah; definitely more user orientated. But the more I think about it, most users don't NEED to know about Webmentions; they'd be more interesting in "comments" and reactions. I think visualizing that might be more useful for them
Ok, I'll tell them that when I see them next
KartikPrabhu joined the channel
nickodd left the channel
jacky has 27 karma in this channel over the last year (96 in all channels)
jacky++ exactly. Thanks for reframing around comments & reactions rather than webmentions (for the user model).
There's a lot that can be improved in the UX lifecycle of comments & reactions
At a minimum, knowing if it was received, when it was "approved" (assuming there is moderation) and thus visible on the other post, and maybe even acknowledged as having been seen/read by the author of the post!
The FBM message sending/received status is a nice indicator that could be re-used
txts/IMs are not that different (or at least shouldn't be in terms of ease of UX) from comments
"[confirm] their site [app]] is sending [delivering] them and having a way to retry them when they fail" <-- Jacky, this is exactly what iMessage, FBM etc. have UX for!
[prtksxna] and [snarfed]1 joined the channel
I think the minimum might be receiving (we can't confirm this because it's not universally done and could be slower for static sites!)
like for my site; things would take up half a minute to appear (I added a max processing count because one time my site tried to re-process all 10,000 of my incoming webmentions at once >_<)
twomanytacos joined the channel
but I think that if you indicate that your site can show them in (near-) real time and that a uniform approach to status checking of incoming Webmentions come to be than we can do something!
the last bit is something I have tasked out (returning a status URL that with a bit of content negotiation) will tell people if the incoming Webmention is available for general visibility (which in turn can then be used to check the target page)
versus me constantly polling one's post
↩️ Spam from twitter? We haven't had much native webmention spam, though we have been looking out for it.
^ you're more likely to get a troll than spam nowadays
[jeremycherfas] joined the channel
[jgmac1106] and [tw2113] joined the channel
↩️ You could always receive webmentions and not display them. There are several sites which do that to gauge reactions around the web without making those reactions public.
KartikPrabhu joined the channel
↩️ I'm piggy backing on https://brid.gy/ which does all the heavy lifting. I implement a #webmention endpoint on my blog engine and the rest is just storing them in SQlite and sending an email with a cronjob #indieweb https://jj.isgeek.net/2020/06/15-220838/
↩️ I'm piggy backing on https://brid.gy/ which does all the heavy lifting. I implement a #webmention endpoint on my blog engine and the rest is just storing them in SQlite and sending an email with a cronjob #indieweb https://jj.isgeek.net/2020/06/15-220838/
[grantcodes] and [KevinMarks] joined the channel
androidpunk joined the channel
hello, im creating a website for my uncle ...but it gets messed in mobile view who can help me? https://licguzman.github.io/doctores/
androidpunk left the channel