#KartikPrabhucheck that the URL does actually mention the target?
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#jackyKartikPrabhu: nah so like in the case of syndication-based Webmentions; I use those values to determine the 'result' of a Webmention (or a syndication)
#jackyso like if it's not provided, I just rely on the target as the 'result'
#jackybut if a location _is_ provided then I do some more sniffing (is it a synthetic page? bridgy-esque, etc)
#jackythis is the 'middle ground' I've come to avoid writing custom code for bridgy but also letting webmention-based syndication be a thing
#KartikPrabhuyeah I don't dededup the backfeed on my site yet.
#jackywhich begs another question; should we consider having syndication services in the indieweb that edit posts with syndication links versus this method
#jackyoh de-duplication of backfeed is a whole different beast
#jackyand I kinda don't want that to live in my site either
#jackyideally(!!) I'd want a webmention server that has access to my contacts (or tbh just the ability to query _for_ one, not dumping a list) to see if the authors match and if so, to build a synthetic page that links to both pages (twitter, mastodon, etc)
#jackythere's a case to be made that syndicated content should be de-duped via the `syndication` property; which might be more efficient _and_ doesn't require contacts knowledge
[KevinMarks] joined the channel
#[KevinMarks]This is the opensocial problem deconstructed. There we delegated the 'who do I know?' problem to the hosting platform. Maintaining that individually is tricky
#jackyI don't _have_ to know them; I just want to see if the post is the 'same' and do a map-reduce against them
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#sivygot my webmention PTD working as well as I can expect for now; now just need to solve storage
#sivythis is when my posts-as-markdown starts to breakdown
[KevinMarks] joined the channel
#[KevinMarks]Markdown can contain html. Put html in them
#[KevinMarks](I have done this in Hugo - front matter + html for the post)
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#petermolnarI have an interesting problem: I have a thick RSS feed, in which the description is my post content, the same as the e-content is. However... the e-content does not contain either the summary or, and this is the bigger problem, the in-reply-to link, if the post is a reply. I wonder, how are you people doing it?
#aaronpkIm not sure what this problem has to do with RSS?
#petermolnarit's not in particular to RSS, fair point; any feed would have the same issue
#petermolnarwith the potential exception of a h-feed
#sknebelpetermolnar: you could look at what granary does. if I remember right, when it turns h-feed into atom or rss it generates some additional contant
#aaronpkI guess I only expect people to follow my articles feed via RSS so I haven't put much thought into what the other kinds of posts look like in RSS
#sknebelor at least you did - seems like its not like that anymore actually
#aaronpkI recently switched to generating my own atom feed for my articles, I wanted to have more control over what's in it
#[jgmac1106]I think I want a Browser extension that if a post has a dt-published and it is over a year old I get a little pop up warning
#petermolnarif I'm correct, granary adds <thr:in-reply-to ref="" href="in-reply-to-url" type="text/html" /> to atom outputs, with xmlns:thr="http://purl.org/syndication/thread/1.0", which I'm fairly certan no reader app will use or show
#sknebelhm, ok. then I misremembered, I thought it did some form of "i nreply to <link>" text thing
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#LoqiPost Type Discovery specifies an algorithm for consuming code to determine the type of a post by its content properties and their values rather than an explicit “post type” property, thus better matched to modern post creation UIs that allow combining text, media, etc in a variety of ways without burdening users with any notion of what kind of post they are creating https://indieweb.org/post-type-discovery
#[fluffy]Titles are kind of fundamental to publ items 😛
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#[snarfed]question is maybe more, which takes precedence in PTD, RSVP or article
#aaronpkalso this event doesn't show RSVPs because there is a ticket URL. it'll just add the "RSVP" marker on comments
#[fluffy]I’ll need to figure out a reasonable way to decide when not to show p-title I guess
#[fluffy]yeah I was trying to have it show up as a comment with ‘attending’
#[fluffy]if pushl detects a URL change it sends a mention from the old URL as well as the new one, so that the 301 gets handled by the webmention endpoint
#aaronpkok this is an easy fix if the webmention from the old URL arrives before the new URL
#[fluffy]but anyway back to the original issue, since p-name is the lowest-priority detection criterion for “this is an article,” shouldn’t meetable always treat it as lower priority than all the other things it could be? or do I need to manually set in-reply-to here?
#[fluffy]I can’t guarantee the order that URL update mentions come from pushl 😞
#aaronpkhowever if the webmention from the new URL arrives first then it's harder
#[fluffy]pushl’s just like “oh hey there’s all these URLs in the feed, oh the feed also used to have these URLs let’s send updates in case it disappeared because of a move”
#aaronpkhave we documented how to do this anywhere?
#[fluffy]I would think that the order shouldn’t matter though? Like, you get an update to the new URL, then you get an update to the old URL and then see, oh, these URLs are the same, let’s remove the old URL.
#[fluffy]Meanwhile I”m still trying to figure out if I should be suppressing p-name on my end or just leaning on the fact that PTD says that p-name is the lowest-priority criterion regardless of how many things match 😉
#[fluffy]also fair warning, the URL’s probably going to be changing back to the old one, which will at least be another fun test 🙂
#[fluffy]Okay I’m suppressing p-name on note entries, and also changed the URL back, and now I’m seeing the old URL be the duplicated thing.
#aaronpkit was smart enough to match up your RSVP with your user account on meetable (which is how it does things like dedupes an indie RSVP post and if you also click the RSVP button on the interface for events that have it)
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#[fluffy]Hmm, my homepage should have an h-card on it too.
#@yenzieHey, @brianwisti, just wanted to say that there was a lightning talk about webmentions at #TPRCiC
And there was a screenshot/example.
And you were right smack there.
And for a moment, all was right with the world. (twitter.com/_/status/1276647997267419138)
#[fluffy]It’s possible I lost that in a template refactor though.
#[fluffy]And yeah I’m taking a walk right now, don’t worry about me touching my templates are the moment :)
#[fluffy]Yeah I’m definitely including my h-card but it’s sitting on its own, not part of an h-feed or h-entry or whatever.
#[fluffy]I see a potential problem is that it’s declared as h-card p-author even when it’s top-level on the page. I assume that’s messing something up.
#[fluffy]mf2’s nesting rules never made a lot of sense to me.
#aaronpkit takes a while to get used to then it makes sense
#gRegorLovenot sure if related but I don't think events.indieweb.org has latest Xray, that's why it's not getting my (weird) homepage h-card on my responses