#aaronpktho "content" is the one that's the easiest to just smash together and have it actually make sense
#[fluffy]yeah, I was just wondering because I wanted to refactor my template to move the indieweb ping stuff outside of the e-content block and I have both intro and extended body text, and for whatever reason I didn’t want to add another layer of div for the e-content that contained both of them but didn’t contain the pings. But then I remembered, divs are cheap 😛
KartikPrabhu and [chrisaldrich] joined the channel
#[chrisaldrich]fluffy, I recall Inoreader (a popular RSS reader) made some changes in Dec/January to better display posts that didn't have titles. I'm hoping that more feed readers begin supporting these types of posting patterns.
KartikPrabhu and [jgmac1106] joined the channel
#[jgmac1106]yeah that was directly because of asks within the micro.blog community. They are specifically using the JSON blog feed in inoreader I believe
#[jgmac1106]when I added a blog to dokuwiki I didn't have the know how to figure out how to retool templating to get rid of a bunch of stuff just using dt-published as the title of posts for now
gxt___, nickodd, gRegorLove__, gRegorLove, Joseph, [mJordan], [fluffy], [tantek], [chrisaldrich], gbmor, dckc, moppy, leg, djmoch, [jgmac1106] and jamietanna joined the channel; gbmor left the channel
#[jgmac1106]what would it take for a micropub application not to publish top a site without micropub support but just make an html file downloadable with nothing more than the h-* that would be neat
#sknebelSince I'm missing it on Twitter: filter UIs in readers really should have a preview of "if you add this filter, heres a timeline of the posts you'Ve recently seen that'd have filtered"
#[jgmac1106]aaronpk yeah I actually use it in that way....I would also like an mf2 parser where I could stick in a link and get nothing but the HTML inside h* that would be neat too
#[jgmac1106]never thoguht about how Kapowski did that...I think she iss the gif tool...can't recall all the Bayside he built in
#sknebel(i was considering putting some specific emoji I ever conciously notice in bad posts on the mute list, but would have liked to double check my perception there)
Anthony1, [Benjamin_Turne], [Ana_Rodrigues], patdryburgh, jonnybarnes, cassiecodes, paulopinto, anaulin, rebelle, [hibs], incanus and [snarfed] joined the channel
#[tantek]sivy, I can totally related. I'm literally stuck on webmentions storage design and spent a bunch of time discussing that with folks at IWC 2019
#[jgmac1106]things I want to automate...add rel="next" and rel="prev," dt-published, if I do that I would be happy..after that publishing my archive page..
jonnybarnes, [mJordan] and [manton] joined the channel
#ben_thatmustbemegiven tantek's discussion, wonder what he thinks about me having parsed every h-card an linked people's accounts back on my personal site
#[tantek]and this is why you have building blocks rather than a monolithic protocol
#[tantek]so when you discover that a piece of the protocol is broken, you don't have to wait to revise the whole protocol
#[tantek]you "just" drop the bad building block and make a new one
#[tantek]dev-conversation thread carried on from the #indieweb et al
#[fluffy]sure, I wasn’t sure if this was dev or just indieweb territory but that’s reasonable
#[fluffy]I am totally fine with moving this conversation here!
#[tantek]another good reason to *not* be federation-centric
#[tantek]taking a crappy centralized UX and federating it just means you've now made more people suffer with maintaining a crappy UX
#[fluffy]but yeah like… I feel like if we only think about IndieWeb users for the time being, we can think about building the protocol the right way. And I do feel like AutoAuth already has all of the structure for ‘the right way’ whatever that way may be.
#[fluffy]Like, again to use Publ as my own tunnel-vision aspect of this: someone applies AutoAuth credentials to their IndieWeb social reader, their reader grabs my feed, gets a WWW-Authenticate: header, gets a bearer token, Publ goes “oh hey you have a new subscriber” and I choose which ACLs they get added to
#[fluffy]“gets a bearer token” being shorthand for “goes through the entire AutoAuth flow”
#[fluffy]anyway so from my POV I can see that this person is following me, and I decide what they can see in addition to public posts, without them requesting permission or them even knowing there’s permission to request
#[fluffy]they just magically start getting the private posts because their reader does the song and dance
#[schmarty]fluffy: that does feel like a pretty neat experience