#dev 2020-06-29

2020-06-29 UTC
ben_thatmustbeme: It was superseded by x-ray for most
[Beto] joined the channel
[fluffy] This year IndieWeb Summit was canceled1, and some pretty good conversations took place. As usual my biggest interest was in doing authenticated, secure sharing of private posts, which has been a huge focus in how I’ve been building Publ. I wasn’t...
GWG: ^
huh, loqi sees a different opengraph summary from slack
that looks like the first line from your post from mf2 versus og? no?
loqi sees an mf2 summary?
ah, that makes sense
but the mf2 summary should be the same as the opengraph summary
yeah the mf2 summary doesn’t have the footnote marker in it either
so loqi must be getting it from e-content instead of p-summary
loqi not looking for summary?
whatevs 🙂 ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
aaronpk: Still hoping to go through the Micropub list one of these days as well.
maxwelljoslyn and [Paulo_Pinto] joined the channel
[aaronpk] so one thing I’m wondering… with how many people are starting to adopt webmention.js, is this going to start causing problems with the API constantly being hit by every blog entry? I assume you’ve got some level of caching that makes it not a major problem, but I hope this doesn’t have long-term impact issues.
i mean... it clearly hasn't been a problem yet, but that code is so old that I can barely actually work on it anymore
[scottgruber] and [mJordan] joined the channel
[chrisaldrich] joined the channel
Since I'm in a mood, can I talk anyone into implementing some experimental Micropub extensions?
I suppose I could contribute PRs to Quill again
i feel like we need a page to collect all the progress we made today on autoauth
yeah I’d love to see the implementation and simplification of autoauth even if we’ve collectively decided that autoauth itself isn’t the best path forward for this stuff
also have you had a chance to read the blog post I hurriedly wrote up post-session?
I feel like it’s not too dissimilar from one of my previous proposals but it’s nice to have some talking-about-it to have proven it out a bit.
plus being in a state where I’m much closer to being able to implement it 🙂
(as a bonus, my bearer tokens work with any auth mechanism supported by Authl, not just IndieAuth, so this works for twitter/email/etc. users too)
which is another huge point in its favor
haven't read it yet
one sec let me make a page for all this
my blog entry will still be there 🙂
sorry to be so hyper about this, not only am I excited about moving forward on this but I also had caffeine this afternoon
haha :)
[fluffy]: caffeine++ ?
How does ticket auth work if your endpoint has multiple users?
there's no concept of users in this
aaronpk: That was what I was trying to figure out.
or rather, there's nothing that requires these URLs to be owned by particular users or not
If the endpoint knows how to fetch the resource, it knows how to do it for everyone using the endpoint
let me update that example, i messed it up
garrettw_ joined the channel
okay, it looks like we do need another parameter there to tell the endpoint which user this ticket is meant for
aaronpk: The equivalent of me?
since we have at least a mention of the term audience already in micropub
and post privacy
Yes. Although it is still a proposal, but it works
i might try to hack this out
gRegorLove joined the channel
Hmm, isn’t it implied that the ticket in step 2 is tied to the user already? Wouldn’t it be up to the ticket endpoint to look up the attached user? or is this just another safety net to prevent basic spoofing?
[fluffy]: I was asking about the possibility that your endpoint is used by multiple people...
Such as IndieAuth.com
oh I see, this is the external-endpoint case, right
or multiuser site
although it seems like that’d be codified into the resource
the resource is the other side
this likely needs a flow diagram next
yeah I guess I’m just confused about which actors are doing what on whose behalf here
is going to run to the store then come back and do this
like my thinking is I don’t even see why there needs to be a separate token from the ticket
like in this token/ticket exchange thing, why not have Alice send the bearer token directly to Bob?
that's the short-lived one to limit the risk of sending it to nearly arbitrary places
okay so it’s a “this message will self-destruct” thing
also I don't want to generate tokens and have to keep them around before I know if someone is going to use them
and the actual token grant flow requires some extra stuff on the social reader’s side, but that’s not a huge deal
it's easier to generate a shortlived code that I can delete if it's never used
fair, my tokens are always `itsdangerous` signed blobs :)
(which sucks for revocation)
you could certainly use that scheme here as well, it just has other tradeoffs
it'd be a good implementation for the tickets since you always want those to expire quickly
i'm not a huge fan of self-encoded access tokens because they are effectively an immediately out of date cache of the state of the system
I’m not sure what you mean by that
well the access token represents that someone has access to some data
if you change the state of that access (revoke, change permissions), then the self-encoded token is now out of date and can't be updated
right, that’s what I meant with “sucks for revocation” :)
in Publ’s case the token only includes the validated identity and nothing about the identity. All auth decisions are made in the request router.
that simplifies things
you'd be surprised how much stuff people want to pack into access tokens tho
so like if you were to log in to https://beesbuzz.biz/blog/ all your token says is “me=https://aaronpk.com” and it’s signed by my server
aaronpk: Oh?
roles, groups, user profile info, etc
it doesn’t matter what your access level is at the time that you get the token, because it’s the request router which decides what the group membership is
and yeah, people do unfortunate things with cookies/tokens.
in that case you gain very little benefit of using self-encoded tokens at all tho
like the age-old antipattern of storing the username and password in it
(which is at least not as bad as the even older antipattern of storing the username and password in hidden form parameters)
but anyway, yeah, the downside to the way my tokens work is I can’t revoke someone’s token if it leaks without resetting my signing secret (and thus logging EVERYONE out), but I can always revoke their access.
and that’s just the default stuff, someone could set Publ to use a more traditional session table or whatever.
that’s standard Flask functionality.
okay so I’m thinking about the UX for how this will actually work in a manual ticket-granting flow, and I’m not really liking it. I feel like the entire initial ticket should be in URL form, so that it can be pasted as a single thing into the reader app.
so like, the ticket could look like https://example.com/auth/?tid=2398479274932&resource=http://example.com/blog/ or whatever, and this could have whatever arbitrary fields are necessary for the token grant
or maybe it should use a scheme like `ticket://` to prevent the user from clicking/visiting it themselves
the last thing I want to do is give people curl commands to run so that they can provide a bearer token to their feed reader.
or maybe it’s a POST to https://example.com/auth/?tid=128379739127921 with `authorization_type=token` as data or something
beko joined the channel
and if it gets a GET or is missing the correct POST data it can put up an error message saying “Please provide this URL to sign in to your feed reader” or whatever
I dunno how much I’m making sense here. Is there an appropriate way to hash out these things on the wiki itself? I don’t feel like talk pages get used much.
... we don’t have talk pages
I guess I can put my own proposal in my user namespace :)
or just keep it on my blog like I usually do.
Everything is a talk page
... zen moment of the day ...
The purpose of the wiki is to brainstorm ideas... why would we have talk pages if the whole wiki is talk?
Sometimes things feel like they’re declarations of protocol rather than discussion of emerging ideas
I mean I know that when the spec is actually formalized it goes into a W3C proposal or whatever
and the wiki links to that. But still, there’s this psychological barrier to me, anyway.
oh wait okay I just reread the thing and my UX concerns are moot
rather, what you’re proposing is different than how I was thinking about how things could work, in that I was thinking this wouldn’t require the reader to be part of IndieWeb
like I was thinking of user-driven interactions that didn’t require Alice to send a ticket to Bob’s endpoint, but instead made a ticket available to Bob as soon as Bob’s identity was known (regardless of authentication mechanism)
whoa scollback
I’m always hesitant towards protocols that require someone to have their own website/domain/etc.
back from the store now
remember this is just one piece of the puzzle, this is not supposed to solve all your authentication concerns
sure 🙂
This does seem to be a pretty good protocol for IndieWeb-specific stuff that would work within the IndieWeb. I guess my proposal is somewhat orthogonal in that it’s a thing I want to be able to graft onto legacy readers and arbitrary auth mechanisms.
and there’s no reason I couldn’t support them both
your step 2 is an alternate to my steps 1-3. We have the same step 4.
er, my step 4 is the same as your step 3 🙂
yeah because we all agree on using bearer tokens to fetch feeds :)
yes. 🙂 Just different approaches to providing those bearer tokens.
And they do cover different use cases.
Or at least they feel like they do.
What’s your thoughts on how the token will flow from Bob’s token endpoint over to Bob’s microsub or whatever?
or have you not gotten that far yet?
completely depends on Bob's microsub server and isn't really the business of this spec
I had a feeling you’d say that 🙂
for example in wordpress, these endpoints are all part of the same software, so no spec needed
wordpress meaning .org or .com?
wordpress plugins
oh, does wordpress have a social reader plugin?
what is Yarns?
Yarns Microsub Server or Yarns for short, is a Microsub Server plugin for WordPress https://indieweb.org/Yarns
ah, cool
same would be true if this were used for private webmention verification
This is feeling like a combinatorial explosion of moving parts to me, where it’s getting difficult to implement just one piece of the puzzle when it’s up to the specific implementations of the different pieces to work together.
the benefit of splitting it like this is it means fewer specs to follow if you have a tight coupling
okay, so is the intention that there’d be a future spec for the separate parts to talk to each other down the road?
like when there’s implementations in the wild, we revisit it?
for those that need it, yes
but not every implementation will need it because they might be tightly coupled
i'm feeling pretty good about this, i think i'm going to build it into my site to test it. that'll be a good real-world test of adding support for this
worth moving it to an actual top level wiki page in a "Brainstorming" section
i will as soon as i have code
right now it's too theoretical
if you're ready to start coding, it's good enough for a brainstorming section
that's ok for brainstorming!
i suppose so
yeah, I’ve updated my blog entry with my thoughts on this stuff. 🙂 tl;dr is I’ll be happy to support it when there’s something to support, it seems pretty straightforward.
"straightforward" is what i'm going for here
^^^ fluffy, brainstorming is a good way to distinguish proposals, ideas, of any random state, from things being prototyped, from actual specs
what do you think of the idea of Publ just immediately sending a ticket grant to anyone who signs in, if they have a ticket endpoint?
like, that fits Publ’s security model perfectly
that seems reasonable
I’d worry about that feeding into invitation spam, maybe
depending on Bob’s UX I guess
their software may or may not surface that token to the user, which you wouldn't know
okay yeah this actually works really well, if I’m going to build Subl (my long-put-off next-gen feed reader) with this stuff in mind then Subl can also be a ticket endpoint, yessss
there’s a few UX things I want to do where Subl is going to be the reader AND the subscription thing and I want it to be pretty much standalone, but I do intend for it to also work as a microsub endpoint eventually
(and it’ll also be a micropub client eventually too)
I’ve been thinking about Subl for as long as I have been thinking about Publ. I mean, the names even go together. 🙂
ok moved to here under a brainstorming header https://indieweb.org/IndieAuth_Ticket_Auth
geoffo joined the channel
I’ve updated my blog post 🙂
and hopefully clarified some stuff
Yeah, this looks good
things are finally coming together!
i think so! we'll see!
hopefully i can get something working tonight
And this definitely feels WAY easier to move forward on than AutoAuth.
meanwhile, I feel like there should be a way to formally propose the tiny Atom extension I’m suggesting. Or maybe there’s an existing allowed link rel that is more suitable.
rel=“alternate” is so ridiculously overloaded at this point…
I wonder if Ben Trott would be willing to chat with me about this tomorrow 🙂
Hmm, the link relation registration process seems straightforward enough. Looks like some of y’all have already gone through that with some of the IndieWeb rels 🙂
depends on where you use the rel 🙂 if in HTML, then the microformats wiki, which we're working on transitioning servers
and separately there's been a request (and subsequent plan) to move the rel-registry from the wiki into a github repo, that's also still in-progress (so many things)
yeah I specifically want to use it in atom/rss feeds
to provide an informational URL where someone can retrieve a bearer token after logging in.
i like that idea
better to keep all <link> rel values the same (microformats rel-registry)
although how they would then use that token with a reader is another question
bad enough that there's the tension with HTTP LINK rel
yeah, this is specifically for the use case of “I have a feed reader that supports me providing a bearer token through a configuration UI” 🙂
aha yes
I do like the incremental feature enablement methodology. I think that helps shake out / explore a lot of UX approaches
yeah. the UX I have in mind is: feed reader knows that it can use a bearer token to get better access, it prompts the user for the bearer token and that prompt can include a link to the provided page.
who was asking about bims earlier?
Today was a real 180
th day of the year 😉
Brief Interview for Mental Status?
what is newcal
newcal is a proposal for a new calendaring system, used for bim storage files as supported by Falcon https://indieweb.org/newcal
yeah because I found the need to invent a new calendaring system just so I could have an "easier" storage system / index for my blogging "CMS"
something something programmer tendencies
oh yeah, I'd already previous invented CASSIS which isn't technically a "new" programming language since it's "just" an intersection of two existing programming languages
but then again I’ve made calendar systems part of the worldbuilding in my comics
sssooooo I’m not really one to talk here
yeah, scroll just down from there to the "Open Source ... " heading and you'll see that CASSIS was a preceding building block
I still need to implement my new geocoordinate system...
we need an xkcd for coordinate systems like:
in my college networking class one of the more open-ended questions was asking how one might go about managing IPv6 address registrations and I came up with a location-based scheme which also allowed for galactic coordinates. I indicated that once we get inter-galactic we might want to consider a larger address space, assuming TCP/IP is even feasible at that point.
(I am old enough that it was still called IPng at the time though)
the networking professor was also still looking forward to a widespread deployment of TCP Vegas since that would completely improve everything
(narrator voice: it didn’t)
update: i did not finish the code within one negroni
nickodd joined the channel
i am slightly regretting my decision to do this in my website instead of a scratch file
i have to do more things properly this way
woohoo it worrks!
[georgenancejr] joined the channel
Does anyone know if there is anything like a web browser that tries to do what Pico 8 does ?
A “fantasy” browser for the web
tantek, I had a physics professor who was big into calendar reform: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hanke%E2%80%93Henry_Permanent_Calendar
aaronpk, any good coding project should be at least two negronis right?
↩️ Found this https://github.com/danfragoso/thdwb
[danfragoso] thdwb: 🌭 The hotdog web browser and browser engine 🌭
!tell sknebel i made it work! details here: https://indieweb.org/IndieAuth_Ticket_Auth
Ok, I'll tell them that when I see them next
okay now i am done!
second day 2 project complete, only 5 hours late
It's alright. As the archiver of the video, you could always record a demo and slip it into the original and maybe no one would notice. 😉
Congratulations though!
pacific time advantage! it's only 10pm!
Not here
You might even be able to bang out another small project?
aaronpk: Thank you for dating them
nope nope nope
lol GWG i was thinking of you when i did that
aaronpk: It really does help me.
aaronpk: I still want to talk Micropub at some point. Wonder if it is worth a pop up
Maybe we can schedule a half day popup session with manton
aaronpk: We could get through a lot.
I think, just putting some things on the calendar to talk about things, would clear out a lot of things we keep meaning to do
Since we're clearly not going to have the regular pace of in person IndieWebCamps this year maybe we should try to schedule more frequent specific focused popup sessions
aaronpk: That is what I was thinking. I know [chrisaldrich] may do LMS....but I know we have people who want to try to iterate on Micropub, Microsub, IndieAuth....
I think that idea of having a talk, deciding we're going to work on supporting X on our sites at the same time could work.
I really enjoyed doing that with swentel.
Maybe a monthly pop up on a particular weekend timeframe that works across a variety of timezones?
I think it would work if we plan it right.
That 10AM Pacific one seemed to work for a lot of different timezones.
Having a couple of weeks' notice (and Friday newsletter announcements) helps too... Having a specific sub-topic also draws a more focused crowd.
And focus will help on some of those particular topics...
I think I want to try this idea of focused subtopic popups
What are popups?
It looks like we don't have a page for "popups" yet. Would you like to create it? (Or just say "popups is ____", a sentence describing the term)
I know it is developery, but I'd like to have one to cover each of the things we have issue trackers on
hmmm... I thought I added that....
IndieAuth, Micropub, Microsub
What is pop-ups?
It looks like we don't have a page for "pop-ups" yet. Would you like to create it? (Or just say "pop-ups is ____", a sentence describing the term)
I thought you did too
Must have a different keyword
I just found that.
or hyphenated? what are pop-ups?
What we need is to fill this out
What are Pop-ups?
It looks like we don't have a page for "Pop-ups" yet. Would you like to create it? (Or just say "Pop-ups is ____", a sentence describing the term)
Hmm...doesn't work for categories?
We would have to define a redirect to that maybe and then it would find the definition.
What are Pop-ups?
Pop-ups are IndieWebCamp Sessions that occur as standalone events, rather than part of an IndieWebCamp https://indieweb.org/Pop-ups
There we are
This may be the best place for immediate brainstorming though: https://indieweb.org/2020/Pop-up/Sessions
I think developer focused popups are fine!
So do I...I just don't want to scare people.
If [chrisaldrich] is doing some LMS stuff...I think it balances a bit
That's the point of a popup tho!
[christopherche] joined the channel
Focused topics where people who want to attend can and people who have no interest don't feel left out
At least now I can find the Popup page
I think as long as they're messaged up front which audience is being catered to while still leaving them open to people who would like to attend...
You just don't want a beginner showing up to a dev heavy session and being disappointed...
But that sort of messaging is easier to do with the idea of a pop-up....
Yeah that's my point
Ticket Auth looks interesting. Is it a new endpoint, rel=ticket_endpoint?
Just like we encourage people to attend IWC sessions and not feel bad about leaving, it's the same here
it's like the popup sessions turn into a year round IndieWebCamp
aaronpk: I could go for that
gRegorLove: For now I made that its own endpoint, but the token endpoint is shared with the existing IndieAuth token endpoint
I'm not tied to that idea tho
I don't see the endpoint on your site?
my sure is only the issuing side
avocado.lol/user is the one with the ticket endpoint
ah, headers. got it.
Feel free to add clarifying details on the wiki if you want!
Some pop up stubs have been added to kick things off: https://indieweb.org/2020/Pop-up/Sessions Add yourself as interested/possible organizer!
I like this approach, seems more promising than the WWW-Authenticate Autoauth method
I like that it's a much simpler building block
there's still some work to do to fit it in to the whole end to end flow from a UX perspective
I want to see what it would take to make it work as a whole
but the fact that this one part is useful on its own and easier to understand is promising
Okay bedtimeeee night!
I should too
It's late here
declares bankruptcy :)
opengoody, cweiske, gRegorLove, swentel, [fluffy], lahacker, moppy and [KevinMarks] joined the channel
aaronpk: to be fair in the comparison, a fully integrated thing doesn't need the polling/callback client->auth_endpoint part of AutoAuth either. without that, it's just 3 requests between two components too
sknebel: aaronpk left you a message 3 hours, 43 minutes ago: i made it work! details here: https://indieweb.org/IndieAuth_Ticket_Auth
↩️ There are other issues, the biggest being gatekeeping comments to Twitter users, and the lack of edition. I've seen a lot of indie blogs giving webmentions a try: https://webmention.net/draft / http://webmention.io
jjuran joined the channel
↩️ and you can use http://brid.gy to turn tweeted comments into webmentions too
↩️ and you can use http://brid.gy to turn tweeted comments into webmentions too
garrettw and [jgmac1106] joined the channel
<<I would by happy to attend a micropub session to lurk and see if I can pick up a few tips to fix Known....though a lot of that if TinyMCE and HTML Sanitization collisions
<< gwg we are doing a pop up LMS and #DoOO session, just haven't booked it yet. We found most people in this space didn't want to meet on weekends
.grrrr I can not figure out anyway to put the title above the image and the author below: https://codepen.io/smashingmag/pen/xxGKLZO
gxt_, hs0ucy and [grantcodes] joined the channel
What image?
Also maybe try the `order` property. I think it works with flexbox & grid
[Murray] joined the channel
[jgmac1106] can't see image or author, but love the card flip animation :thumbsup:
i might have been mucking about in the codepen one sec
hmm, actually that links to a smashingmag pen, not a fork so maybe not the right one?
I have treid flex-direction: column but that messes up the transformation on the roation. It is a flex layout with the grid….seems complicate…but trying to see if I can do this no JS
I don’t really understand the CSS but if I switch card-body to a grid and lay it out things get messy, and changes to the flex layout mess it up…will keep trying…or use js
did get to learn about transform-style…so bonus even if I do fail
so if I change .card-front to flex-direction: column; it seems to work fine, but not sure what you were seeing as an issue on the transformation
Hmm, I guess one thing it does is cause the cards to be quite large, so their hitboxes overlap. If you're not hovering right in the center of the card there's a chance as it swings around it triggers the other card, steals focus, and causes the animation to falter, but that's a size thing
[jgmac1106] joined the channel; cweiske left the channel
murray has 2 karma in this channel over the last year (4 in all channels)
I was using card-body
goo am channel
also, “good”
[KevinMarks] joined the channel
hs0ucy joined the channel
[jgmac1106] :thumbsup: glad that helped
https://codepen.io/jgmac1106/pen/abdLLbY I think it is done…well content….I went with a defined columns an increase the grid-gap…ohh yeah means i need a media query…not done yet'
very nice
I need to start the work day…gotta remind myself…not late…this is second demo….played baseball outside with kids before my sinuses were ready and lost all my hack time
just as a useful shorthand, if you're setting a grid to multiple equal-sized columns you can use the repeat(3, 1fr) syntax
I *think* that you can even set the column number then to a CSS variable (definitely can in Sass) so that you just need to change that in a media query
*or* you could use auto-fill
there are a lot of ways to do anything in Grid hah
autofill in minmax often get me in trouble different broswerss…I really want to spend time learning more about CSS variableas
yeah Grid helps lower the bar…it did for me…I am just starting to learn it
yeah, tbh I get so used to using Firefox (which has superb grid support) that I end up having to rewrite code during testing when I load it in Chrome
dckc joined the channel
except for something with auto-fill or auto-fit…one of the two do not work in FF . I messed up my article cards…but I may replace my article cards with these add a p-summary on the back I kinda get addicted to cards…easier for me to imagine designs
well I goota stop indiewebing and getting some work…luckily it is digital literacies week so I can say Iam working on a “mentor text” for an example
how terrible a person am I to rewrite the php mf2 parser?
rewrite?? lol why
Aren't there better things to spend time on? I feel like the parser is one of the few components that's the least opinionated. Compare XRay for example which bakes in plenty of opinions which I definitely understand if people don't agree with
geoffo, nekr0z and [snarfed] joined the channel
aaronpk has 65 karma in this channel over the last year (234 in all channels)
(but also let a thousand flowers bloom and all, if you're doing it to learn, or for fun, etc, you get to if you want to!)
fredcy_, Salt[m], plindner[m], JK_na, edrex, samwilson, marinin[m], jamietanna[m], Rixon, mykiwi, atj[m], KartikPrabhu, nickodd, HbHighland, [fluffy], [jgmac1106], b3u, omz13, [hibs], [tantek], [chrisaldrich], gRegorLove, twomanytacos, hs0ucy and [christopherche] joined the channel
New here and so thankful for all this community does. Here’s my question: I’ve tried to follow [the directions ](https://indieweb.org/rel-canonical) but can’t figure out how to get canonical urls automatically added to tweets that have been cross-posted from micro.blog. Any suggestions?
hs0ucy joined the channel; nickodd left the channel
unweidly stylesheets or lots of smaller stylesheets? opinions or pros and cons on each
Put your CSS in your HTTP headers.
maybe just <style></style> in the HTML…or go crazy and just use inline...I do lots of weird stuff….means lots of riles…my main style sheet is too long now for me to be efficient…that I never organized it logically
..plus always checking for selector collisions…started to make more smaller stylesheets…was asking if there are any consequences or pros and cons to either
jgmac1106: with many smaller stylesheets the browser has to make a connection to get each of them. Further, depending on the ordering some CSS rules could be overridden in the cascade
thank you
putting all your CSS in the HTML makes it impossible for the browser to cache them for other pages
have it working here: https://codepen.io/jgmac1106/full/abdLLbY but something else in my stylesheet breaks it here: https://jgregorymcverry.com/bookshelf
probably the cascade. any rule declared afterwards takes precedence
you also have to be mindful of which selectors you are using. if you style using "id" it will always supersede a style using class etc...
similarly, inline styles will always override anything in your CSS file
[KevinMarks] joined the channel
when I downloaded it was a .scss extenstion and I saved it as a .css file
I was half joking about the <style></style> and inline….but I often get there when cascading doesnt work in a way I want
.scss might not be the same as plain css
scss has extra syntax that may need preprocessing into real css
KartikPrabhu has 4 karma in this channel over the last year (11 in all channels)
KevinMarks has 18 karma in this channel over the last year (73 in all channels)
jgmac1106: the scss in your codepen has @extend which is a SCSS thing
yeah switched extensions to see what happens
weird…this is the the same project, it’s own stylesheet no other css and I am not evening using my head and header yet: https://jgregorymcverry.com/mybookshelf
jgmac1106: the hover style on .bookcard is broken. You can see it in FF dev tools
TIL about the ftfy python library. My son has some very borked customer data
but `print ftfy.fix_text(u"Léonard Jörg José Renée")`
`Léonard Jörg José Renée`
thx KartikPrabhu will try to hunt it down…I am not changing anything…ned to get better at Dev tools
I don't think you have a valid CSS file
(I worked it out myself - it's been translated from win1252 to utf8 to MacRoman to utf8)
on codepen use "view complied CSS" option which should convert all the SCSS to CSS
ohh tabk you
this helping me a ton…never understood how to use .scss files…
jumping to scss is not a good idea unless you are comfortable with css first
also, a lot of the extra features SCSS added are now in CSS too
okayish with CSS if that is something someone can be…need to start learning how variables work next…I think…till then continue breaking as I go
it is enough to record foran IWC West demo…this is what I wanted (codepen) this is where I got my website
…but also just enough to bug me until its right…forcing myself to wal..no I am not..yipeee: https://jgregorymcverry.com/mybookshelf
[JuJu] and [tw2113] joined the channel
Interesting. It doesn’t look like Lighthouse is actually sending out Webmentions. Ugh. (https://v2.jacky.wtf/post/7588b56f-b16b-4bbc-95e4-0909b3ad60cd)
20 minutes later
better late than never. I am so close on my bookshelf page….adding a second media query so things change at 800px and 1100px
…one day I will finish a demo on actual demo day…now going to help my son in his roblox class he started…..
[schmarty] joined the channel
KevinMarks: wow that encoding fixer!!!!
yeah, ftfy is fun. more powerful and more generic version of UnicodeDammit from beautiful soup
hah, those are great names
what is SCSS?
It looks like we don't have a page for "SCSS" yet. Would you like to create it? (Or just say "SCSS is ____", a sentence describing the term)
what is Sass?
Sass is a Stylesheet Language that extends CSS and is compiled into CSS before publishing https://indieweb.org/Sass