#dev 2020-07-13

2020-07-13 UTC
KartikPrabhu, geoffo, sp1ff, b3u and beko joined the channel
↩️ Best part is that now that I have a semi-workable blog, I can return to your glorious blog entries about microformats and webmentions. ❤
I added #serverless guest #comments to articles on my #blog. But why add this when I already have #webmentions?… https://twitter.com/i/web/status/1281965711724666882
nickodd, geoffo, KartikPrabhu, wagle, gRegorLove, cweiske, [tantek], vika_nezrimaya, moppy, [Murray] and [KevinMarks] joined the channel; nickodd left the channel
Is indieauth.com down?
When I try to use github I get "An unhandled lowlevel error occurred. The application logs may have details."
When I try to use email it doesn't send
Is the drive full of logs?
[KevinMarks] I am able to login with github
Can't speak to the email aspect but apparently GitHub is having some service issues this morning 🤷‍♂️
mlncn9, gxt, KartikPrabhu and swentel joined the channel
that's why you shouldn't be dependent on silos to make your website work
also is it just me or Github started having more issues and downtime since their acquisition by Microsoft?
sounds kinda suspicious to me
they are working hard putting a social network in gh, give them some credit /s
[jgmac1106] and KartikPrabhu joined the channel
msft has big ideas for LinkedIn, GitHub, and Lynda.com integration that's my guess as to the the long term goals
KartikPrabhu joined the channel
what is LinkedIn
LinkedIn is a special-purpose silo for hosting your professional resume, history, and contacts https://indieweb.org/LinkedIn
LinkedIn is a site that's blocked in Russia
so I can't know what is it, it is forbidden for me to access it :P
to be so lucky
is LinkedIn bad?
[itsjustk] joined the channel
its not so much bad, as it is...pretty useless, its basically a reddit designed especially for recruiters to wax lyrical about themselves 😛
actually more facebook then reddit actually
But its basically supposed to be this big jobs platform
[KevinMarks] joined the channel
it was originally a social network to ask for referrals to people through intermediaries, but now it's a recruiter funded resume silo
you can still big up your connections through it
one thing it does have is verified historic employer emails, so it knows that I have in the past had email addresses at Apple and Google (even though I don't any more)
( I was one of the first 100 users of it, so it has me connected to the founders)
ketudb, mlncn9, MrHyde_, [Ana_Rodrigues], dckc, [Jose_Leiva] and [tantek] joined the channel
Am I correct that "utility" posts like RSVPs and Bookmarks and such tend to lack `e-content` microformats?
[schmarty] joined the channel
jmac: you'd have to look at examples, but i feel pretty confident that RSVPs usually have content.
"I'm going. Excited to ..." etc.
and bookmarks may have content snippets or comments.
I'll admit I was just looking at wiki examples
My reason to ask is tuning Whim's "send webmentions to everything at [given URL] that looks deserving" feature. It currently extracts all links from the first h-entry's e/p-content, and does nothing if it can't find one. I am under the impression that just using al links found under the h-entry might be more correct behavior.
(This is assuming that this feature is even a good idea at all, of course...)
(More to the point I talked about this a bit at a recent meetup at GWG suggested I needed to cast that net a bit wider)
[snarfed] joined the channel
yeah, generally you want a good reason to do anything other than "all links on the page," minus maybe header, footer, other common template links
out of curiosity, why try to prune down the links to send wms too? i'm guessing not load
Exactly, I explicitly want to not send wms to one's own navbar and such
Containing it to the content of h-entry sounds like the best idea? A post of any flavor is generally always contained in one, yeah?
not all pages will have h-entrys, you want to send links in comments/reactions for salmentions, etc
wms are expected to be idempotent, there's generally no harm in sending/resending them too widely
esp since anyone in the wild can send one to/from your site too
The failure I'm envisioning: I do this with a post on my own blog, which has a "ten recent posts" sidebar, resulting in all those posts getting webmentions, which they all happily confirm and display, meaninglessly
right. as the site owner, you get to handle that however you want. just remember that it's technically possible for a random third party to send a wm from your home page to those posts too. unlikely though, you can probably ignore that until/if it happens the first time
Interesting point
Is there prior art about conditionally checking for "benign cruft" webmentions like this? Stuff that is from legit sources, and not spam, but not meaningful and not worth display?
[LewisCowles] joined the channel
skipping self-wms is common, but i don't see anything about it on https://indieweb.org/Webmention , https://indieweb.org/Webmention-developer , or https://indieweb.org/comments
[Alex_Cabrera] and geoffo joined the channel
Maybe I *should* skip self-wms... it'd be easy enough (and it would test Whim's blocklist feature, so hey). I kinda don't want to because I like the purely accidental "related posts" feature that self-wms otherwise create!
jmac: this is an interesting webmention-handling case! webmention-the-spec only requires that the source page link to the target page, but whether the target system should actually do something about that is very complicated and i would argue very under-documented.
[KevinMarks] joined the channel
if someone sends a webmention to every link on a tag page, that could be annoying
I mean the community consensus right now seems to be "If it's valid and we're not blocking the source domain, scan the source content for microformats and then display it as best we can, the end"
I'd be interested to learn of more complex deployments than that
This is mind blowing. With GPT-3, I built a layout generator where you just describe any layout you want, and it generates the JSX code for you. W H A T https://twitter.com/sharifshameem/status/1282676454690451457/video/1
[chrisaldrich], [tw2113], [fluffy], nickodd and [tantek] joined the channel
if only it was CSS instead of JSX 😛
[manton] joined the channel
Thought some of y’all would be interested in this… We are working on a rewrite of our photo app Sunlit. It supports Micropub and will be completely open source. Hope to wrap up a few things and make the code public soon. https://www.manton.org/2020/07/13/sneak-peek-at.html
[Manton Reece] Sneak peek at Sunlit 3.0
Sunlit++ that's great news [manton]++
Sunlit has 1 karma over the last year
[manton] has 18 karma in this channel over the last year (55 in all channels)
twomanytacos and shoesNsocks joined the channel
!tell [schmarty] there's a Glitch version of the ProseMirror editor that might be remixed to make it a micropub client for your overarching project: https://prosemirror.net/examples/basic/
Ok, I'll tell them that when I see them next
Ooh thanks chrisaldrich!!
b3u, KartikPrabhu, justache, [grantcodes], geoffo, [KevinMarks] and [tantek] joined the channel; nickodd left the channel
Snarfed, I got a report that explicit linking of GitHub @-names in an issue, e.g. as I did in https://tantek.com/2020/191/b2/ when POSSEd to GitHub via Bridgy, does not provide any of the usual @-mention UX, e.g.: (1) disables github's normal UI for usernames and (2) more importantly, disables the notification and email filtering behavior of mentioning someone by name (my POSSE copy of that issue has been subsequently edited to remove the
literal link to the profile)
so I'm wondering if there's a better solution from the Bridgy/GitHub interaction perspective
[Tantek Çelik] CSS Media Queries Level 5
so I've seen this happen to me a few times and I _think_ this is where the Markdown bit of GitHub is starting to show
like should bridgy just "demote" mentions like that into native mentions on GitHub?
oh, the problem is that they're *already* links? interesting
Yeah so GitHub doesn't touch them
[snarfed] joined the channel
[tantek] #872 Bridgy publish to GitHub should turn profile URL links into mentions
technically it's a GitHub bug (shouldn't matter *how* an author made an @-mention link, it should work the same), however it's something we could work around.
Thanks for the GitHub issue reminder, yes that would be one workaround
feel free to revise or file another if you know how it should work! (sounds like we're maybe not quite there yet though?)
I may try a plain "@-mention" next to see if GitHub has fixed not autolinking those
if not then that issue 872 is still the best workaround we have so far
tbh I think GitHub's right here. It's treating plain-text as Markdown, their internal format of choice versus allowing arbitrary linkage to something else. Like with the format you've given, you could make it look like it linked to @jalcine but send it to https://github.com/totally-not-jalcine when the link's clicked since it keeps it as a link
needs to check that
hm it just doesn't notify
(like revisiting the earlier comment)
[fluffy], [tw2113] and [chrisaldrich] joined the channel
I'm talking about the link being same
should notify regardles
of how the link was constructed, or frankly of the linktext either
ok interesting GitHub update
plaintext @-mentions of usernames do appear to get auto-linked by GitHub
[tantek] #393 Media Queries Level 5: prefers-reduced-motion, prefers-contrast, prefers-color-scheme
[tw2113] and garrettw joined the channel