Loqipost status is anything from a super simple draft/published status to a super complicated editorial workflow that handles everything from idea to editorial approval to deleted status https://indieweb.org/post_status
[tantek]Ironically I started the second one first, then got the "It looks like this is your first time opening a pull request in this project! Be sure to review the contributing guidelines and code of conduct." notice, clicked the links and was like hey, that's not right 🙂
Loqipost status is information about various stages that a post can be in, from draft to published, and editorial workflow stages in between, like awaiting editorial approval, as well as varying visibility and whether a post is explicitly scheduled for publication https://indieweb.org/post_status
craftyphotonsaaronpk: is there a preferred precedence order if someone were to send both an h and some props, as well as action=delete and a url to a micropub endpoint?
[tantek]GWG, it seems to me that "post status" the way WordPress treats it also overlaps a bit with how GitHub treats pull requests, e.g. asking for reviews, people approving etc.
[tantek]GWG, couldn't "pending review" also be used to get someone to proofread a post before you publish it? that is, the proofreader is not going to publish it, but may edit it and then hand it back to you to verify that the edits they made were correct
GWGPending isn't as useful on single user sites, which is what we talk about the most in the Indieweb community, which is probably why editor workflows haven't come up as much
[tantek]it's totally useful for folks that know they make lots of typos and want a friend to check their posts for them (and maybe even fix typos for them!)
prologicHey all. Just curious. Anyone willing to help me out with some UI/UX / CSS work on https://twtxt.net/ ? I _could_ probably even maybe pay you a bit for your effort if you want. But any help would be appreciative as while lots of people are liking what I'm doing with twtxt.net I think it could look/feel better and I suck at UI/UX :)
jamietanna[m]GWG I've been using undelete as a scope within my Micropub endpoint (to undelete, but also to "q=source" on deleted posts) and I know micropublish.net requests the scope there too
gRegorLove, [KevinMarks], [grantcodes] and dhanesh95 joined the channel
aaronpktypeahead isn't trying to match a value in a list, it needs to trigger when you type an @ in the text area, then provide suggestions starting with the text after the @
[tantek]Slack is pretty crappy about this, especially when there are multiple matches and rather than picking the first one it puts a "?" on the link which is useless
[tantek]Facebook is crap about this because it so often only shows @-complete suggestions of people I do not want to mention and fails to actually list the people I want to mention (especially with "common" US names like David and Sarah etc.)
superkuhAfter Facebook bought it it stopped existing. Now it is a full web-app thing with no content that displays without JS, and even with a ES6 compatible JS. It requires a "modern" browser.