#dev 2020-08-03

2020-08-03 UTC
[tantek], [schmarty], oodani and [dmitshur] joined the channel
found this (in HTTP/1.1 spec):
> All general-purpose servers MUST support the methods GET and HEAD.
> All other methods are OPTIONAL.
If you send an article via webmention twice to indienews, does it post twice?
it shouldn't
what is a private group
A private group is a group where the posts, members, and any other content in the group is only viewable by members of the group, a common social silo feature (like on Facebook) https://indieweb.org/private_group
private group << Before you go building this, please be aware of the hazards of group dynamics and group psychology, as described in this article: 2020-07-02 The Guardian: [https://www.theguardian.com/technology/2020/jul/02/whatsapp-groups-conspiracy-theories-disinformation-democracy What's wrong with WhatsApp] (applies to much more than WhatsApp)
ok, I added "Before you go building this, please be aware of the hazards of group dynamics and group psychology, as described in this article: 2020-07-02 The Guardian: [https://www.theguardian.com/technology/2020/jul/02/whatsapp-groups-conspiracy-theories-disinformation-democracy What's wrong with WhatsApp] (applies to much more than WhatsApp)" to the "See Also" section of /private_group https://indieweb.org/wiki/index.php?diff=71823&oldid=71103
GWG: i'm pretty sure it will update the post
aaronpk: I'm trying to redo the POSSE scheduling code.
I know Bridgy doesn't do updates, so asking it to won't change anything
I'm trying to fix the logic.
I'm still afraid of a mistake like I made years ago.
When I imported old posts and an auto-posting system syndicated them as if they were new
beko, Yes, [dmitshur], [tantek], geoffo, geoffo_ and [tb] joined the channel
If any Rails folks here have ever been interested in IndieAuth on top of Doorkeeper, completed my spike today https://github.com/craftyphotons/singulus/commit/3ad02913b113221c73dfc2c208a7ca0c57e2c12f
Fairly happy with it so far, needs a lot of tests and probably a fair amount of refactoring now
superkuh, [tantek], swentel, KartikPrabhu, gxt, [KevinMarks], moppy, [arush], dckc, [jgmac1106], geoffo, [Chaitanya], nickodd, [schmarty], [tw2113] and [chrisaldrich] joined the channel
colors << [https://whocanuse.com whocanuse.com - contrast checker with checks for visual impairments]
ok, I added "[https://whocanuse.com whocanuse.com - contrast checker with checks for visual impairments]" to the "See Also" section of /color_palette https://indieweb.org/wiki/index.php?diff=71831&oldid=70394
hey aaronpk (cc: GWG), I updated the one-sentence summary of IndieAuth to "IndieAuth is the most implemented decentralized identity protocol, built on top of OAuth 2.0." (in the pop-up event description) because I believe this is currently true
most number of implementations, most widely deployed in terms of number of servers actually running it
we need to not hold back about these facts
i'm not good at self-promotion :)
It helps to separate technology / ideas from sense of self πŸ™‚
also a good side-effect of making efforts into community efforts rather than solo πŸ™‚
KartikPrabhu joined the channel; nickodd left the channel
has anyone who runs these "send webmentions on your behalf as a service" things considered adding an "archive all potential webmention destinations" option that automatically sends everything a post links to, to the internet archive for archiving as of the time you (tried to) send a webmention?
[tb] joined the channel
That's an interesting idea, might make that a fast follow to my own webmention implementation once I finish the mvp
Wayback Machine only appears to have a retrieval API though, suppose you could just post to the same URL as their save form though
Pretty sure this is documented somewhere
my site does it, I hadn't thought of adding it to telegraph
How are you submitting the URLs programatically?
[schmarty] joined the channel
that stopped working
now it says "You need to be logged in to use Save Page Now."
leg joined the channel
wait what
actually when i try that in a browser it just hangs too! totally broken
leg joined the channel
I'm going to assume this is a regression and not a deliberate breakage
i assume the logged-in version failing is accidental or temporary, but that error message seems very intentional
I can see them rate-limiting but blocking completely makes no sense
yeah I got a "502 Bad Gateway" from attempting it in a browser. that looks more like a mistake
yeah but if you try that curl command (adding the Accept header), it replies back with `{"message":"You need to be logged in to use Save Page Now."}`
Ah that's too bad 😞
Can I pick your brains at some point on my IndieAuth implementation? There were a couple tradeoffs I made where I was confused about something in the spec or due to the fact that I was extending it on top of Doorkeeper that I was curious to get some thoughts on
One of the major ones was that I completely removed the client validation from the token revocation endpoint, which I wasn't sure on since the OAuth2 specs have it in there as a requirement but it didn't seem like much use for IndieAuth clients
correct, all indieauth clients are oauth "public clients" and don't have a client secret
not sure if that's what you mean by "validation" tho
Oh I meant the part of RFC 7009 that says "
in SectionΒ 2.3. of [RFC6749].```
```The client also includes its authentication credentials as described
checks what 7009 says about public clients
oh it references 6749
```According to this specification, a client's request must contain a
valid client_id, in the case of a public client```
yeah it sounds like it's fine that the revocation request doesn't include any client authentication
Yeah I don't see how it would really serve much of a purpose in this case to me
Cool well I'll maintain that behavior then β€” my other question was around how I'm doing authorization. Right now what I'm doing (and this is largely a product of me extending Doorkeeper's architecture) is to upsert an OAuth client on the backend whenever an IndieAuth authorization request comes in https://github.com/craftyphotons/singulus/blob/main/app/models/indieauth/pre_authorization.rb#L50-L62
I figure that also gives me a place to store any information I discover about the client
i'd probably only create any records if the user is logged in
Yeah they need to be logged in to get that far
you want to avoid someone being able to spam the authorization endpoint and make it do stuff
but yeah if they're logged in that seems fine
iA Writer continues to dislike my setup 😞
It actually makes it all the way through the authorization flow for me now but once it gets the token it claims that the token doesn't have valid permissions
have yuo implemented scope?
And the token that was given back to iA Writer indeed has the scopes it asked for
Which were `create` and `media` in this cae
Trying to find some other places now to validate my auth endpoint against, and I need to write a full acceptance test suite for this now.
Oh actually that leads me to my last question. For my `response_type=id` flow, I force a scope of `profile` no matter what they give as `scope` in case they decide to use the access grant to get a token instead of just POST back to the auth endpoint again
Is there any issue with doing it that way? I know that's mostly just because I'm trying to reuse Doorkeeper's `code` flow for `id`
that's something i want to fix in the spec actually... i think `id` was a mistake because it's still actually the authorization code flow
indieauth-token-verification (0.2.1): Perform the access token verification portion of the IndieAuth process by communicationg with a toke https://rubygems.org/gems/indieauth-token-verification
Oh hah gotcha
Does anything out there actually use `id`?
i suspect not
i think most things just don't include response_type in that case
I use it at times with [fluffy]'s site
I wanted to use it for my site just to confirm people
wait is this `response_type=id` right?
ah yeah then yeah, providing that is good
but like specifically the value `id` is in question, not the mechanism
ahhh yeah
opts for verbosity tbh
the thing is it still _is_ response_type=code
I think the reason I like it is it standardizes a way for the client to get the user's profile
ah so it's more of a contesting of just making it implicit
thinks aggressively
cause you still get back an auth code
the difference is actually in the scope
But yeah I literally force it over to the `code` flow in my implementation and just force the scope to `profile`
makes sure this is on the list for saturday
btw [tb] are you joining?
[fluffy] joined the channel
[jacky] What context are you doing a response_type=id? I'm not specifically requesting/handling that anywhere
Ah what's Saturday? I need to keep up better!
Oh nvm found it
oh wait never mind, I do specifically do response_type=id in authl
Yes I'll be there!
but just because that's what the indieauth spec says to do
Hehe that's why I did it
Either way though great work with IndieAuth [aaronpk]. It was a fun time yesterday reading through the spec and implementing for my site, and learned some things about OAuth along the way
Oh I guess the one thing I need to do for `id` then is invalidate the access grant once it's POST'ed to the auth endpoint
Oh yeah I didn't do that yet πŸ˜„
Now that I have IndieAuth implemented though it's time to get back to my Micropub server and get my initial iteration of webmentions sorted out!
geoffo joined the channel
may be worth tweeting @ internetarchive to ask them about the "save one page" problems, both in browser 502 and the weird error message from curl
So in lieu of submitting to internetarchive, are there some good self-hosted internetarchive-like apps that one could deploy and that follow any standard protocols around this kind of thing?
what is indie archive
IndieArchive is a project to collaboratively grow an archival copy of pages replied to (possibly also mentioned) in indie web posts https://indieweb.org/indie-archive
and just got a "500 Internal Server Error" from the save link as well
"nginx/1.15.8" if that makes any difference
tantek++ thanks!
tantek has 21 karma in this channel over the last year (119 in all channels)
Also just discovered https://github.com/pirate/ArchiveBox as I was searching around
yw [tb]!
now trying the W3C validator as a method of "calling" the save link for internet archive
I think the validator uses curl so ...
oh, weird, it got a "`500 read timeout"`
What if you used a full on chrome headless session? πŸ˜„
Oh! ArchiveBox has a save-to-IA function
Maybe some clues here
[manton] joined the channel
Annoyed by this Wayback Machine change. Micro.blog can save every post to the Internet Archive and it’s broken now. Looks like it always times out.
[KevinMarks] joined the channel
[tantek] mention.tech sends all urls it sees to archive.org
[chrisaldrich] joined the channel
I tried it manually and got β€œSaving page https://highlightpoetry.com
The capture is estimated to start in 634 minutes.”
[tb] joined the channel
I was playing around a bit with that ArchiveBox project I linked above and it's pretty neat
I think I'm going to deploy that thing onto a small cloud instance somewhere and use that for my archive