#dev 2020-08-04

2020-08-04 UTC
[tantek] joined the channel
wow [KevinMarks]! that's great. which API are you using as that sounds like it still works and is worth switching to (instead of the immediate save curl thing)
that was on https://web.archive.org/save/ but I may have been logged in by defaulr
hm, looks like it works logged out too, but same 'The capture is estimated to start in 674 minutes.'
so check in 11 hours?
sp1ff` joined the channel
so the old API is supposed to enqueue in the new api
geoffo, [fluffy] and KartikPrabhu joined the channel
Sierra One: A Yankee Stretch Story – with a moonbay for microsub Paltus http://warhappens.com/sierra-one-a-yankee-stretch-story/
[manton] joined the channel
[KevinMarks] Excellent, thanks! I’m going to switch over to that version of the Wayback API.
I may add Wayback in as an option
[pfefferle] joined the channel
GWG are you still awake?
Yes, I probably shouldn't be
I prepare a presentation about the indieweb
and I want to show an indie reader
but it is not possible to loginto monocle with wordpress
I can use quill
but when I try to login to monocle I see an “The token endpoint could not verify this access token”
That's strange....I was able to do it with yarns and IndieAuth the last time I checked.
When is the presentation? I'll do some checks
A presentation or slide deck is an online version of the visual portion of a demonstration typically presented in person at a conference, workshop, or other event https://indieweb.org/presentation
tomorrow evening
I tried it with yarns and aperture
Odd... I'm using it with indigenous right now
I really want to figure out why some servers have issues and some can't
As a stopgap, you could enable the remote auth option
to use indieauth.com?
deathrow1 joined the channel
To show it in a presentation I would prefer a web client instead of indigenous 😉
i actually got that err after updating and just rolled back, didn't have time to look into it
my local ownyourgram fork just stopped authing with WP after updating to latest indieauth
what was the last version that worked?
It looks like we don't have a page for "last version that worked" yet. Would you like to create it? (Or just say "last version that worked is ____", a sentence describing the term)
[pfefferle]: Check 3.4.2
[chrisaldrich] joined the channel
uh, oh... it's not just me apparently with indieauth issues...
Ruxton: I was about to say that [chrisaldrich] had a similar problem
But I need some data as to why...I can't reproduce it
yeah I'll take a look later in the week and see what I can dig up
pretty certain I can reproduce it
I rolled back to 3.4.2 which was the last version where I didn't have a problem...
I haven't been able to log any useful troubleshooting data. It's getting late here and I've got to be up early for east coast meetings in the morning....
oh nevermind
That just disables the remote code imported from Micropub when I removed it
hmmm, still not be able to login to monocle 😞
My live and test sites are on completely different servers and both work
now it seems to be yarns?
Hmmm...I never tested it on Apache
And things were going so well
my hosted site is nginx, but I was authing an apache hosted site
do I also have to revert the micropub version?
[pfefferle]: I thought you were working against microsub
Micropub should have nothing to do with it
possibly? mines on 2.1.0, newes is 2.2.1
Ruxton: He's trying to get Microsub working. Micropub shouldn't affect that
I guess I will go over the code... but with no clues....
works now 🙂
my hoster has porblems with the authorisation header
the check seems to be broken
I will investigate the check system then
Although right now, it is way past the time I should be asleep
Honestly..that authorization header is always the problem
thanks for the quick help!
GWG has 24 karma in this channel over the last year (136 in all channels)
Ruxton has 2 karma in this channel over the last year (6 in all channels)
chrisaldrich has 8 karma in this channel over the last year (63 in all channels)
KartikPrabhu joined the channel
works like a charm 🙂
(if it works 😉 )
KartikPrabhu, swentel, dckc, [KevinMarks], moppy and [tantek] joined the channel
What is UI
User interface, often abbreviated as UI, formerly called human interface (HI), refers to presentational and interactive design elements of potentially any tool, but usually electronic tools, specifically their hardware and/or software https://indieweb.org/ui
UI << “building blocks” for UI: 2020-08 [https://www.designedbycave.co.uk/2020/LEGO-Interface-UX/ The UX of LEGO Interface Panels] (actually UI not UX because for one the panels are all static)
ok, I added "“building blocks” for UI: 2020-08 [https://www.designedbycave.co.uk/2020/LEGO-Interface-UX/ The UX of LEGO Interface Panels] (actually UI not UX because for one the panels are all static)" to the "See Also" section of /user-interface https://indieweb.org/wiki/index.php?diff=71848&oldid=64122
gxt, KartikPrabhu, GWG, treora, jeremy-, [Murray], dckc, geoffo and [tb] joined the channel
Ah yay my Twitter developer application got approved
[jgmac1106], [Murray], KartikPrabhu, [KevinMarks] and nickodd joined the channel
↩️ @sioc is the closest I can think of. But doesn’t seem there is a lot of news about it. Webmention is also fascinating https://alistapart.com/article/webmentions-enabling-better-communication-on-the-internet/
nickodd left the channel
leg and [schmarty] joined the channel
[tb] joined the channel
aaronpk: Congratulations on making another awesome list
leg1, leg, [KevinMarks] and [tantek] joined the channel
nice! meetable++
meetable has 1 karma in this channel over the last year (4 in all channels)
what is gobo.social
It looks like we don't have a page for "gobo.social" yet. Would you like to create it? (Or just say "gobo.social is ____", a sentence describing the term)
What is Gobo
It looks like we don't have a page for "Gobo" yet. Would you like to create it? (Or just say "Gobo is ____", a sentence describing the term)
Gobo is an open source [[social media]] aggregator / [[reader]] that has various filters. https://github.com/mitmedialab/gobo
↩️ Pour les commentaires il y a les mentions web, qui te permettent de rappatrier les réactions sur le web à tes billets de blog sur ton site. Un exemple implémentation simple avec @GoHugoIO via un service: https://anaulin.org/blog/adding-webmentions/
Petition to rename the protocol to "les mentions web"
"billets de blog" also sounds rather good
I got a demo of Gobo and it looks like quite an interesting reader/aggregator, that focuses on various social media, however has response buttons (like web actions) which use links to go to site-specific reaction mechanisms (e.g. Twitter "intent" pop-ups). It's also open source
the backend is in Python, FYI [KevinMarks] [fluffy] KarthikPrabhu
[fluffy] joined the channel
ah neat
[mitmedialab] gobo: 💭 Gobo: Your social media. Your rules.
right now it has the usual one-off account creation flow, however looks like it could be modified to allow IndieAuth sign-in as well
and a natural fit for Micropub and Microsub
I should look at that and see if it has a UX that’s along the lines of what I want in a reader. I’d rather contribute authenticated feed stuff to that than to build my own dang reader.
I mean I’m still tempted to add authenticated feed stuff to Feed-on-Feeds except that I know just how much of a pain in the ass it would be to do well
it looks like it is barely maintained and open to someone taking the initiative
… oh, yeah that’s a pretty abandoned-looking codebase
however it is live and running and you can play with it at gobo.social
my understanding is that the folks that created it are open to having other folks come in and help move it along
… I’m not seeing any rss/atom subscription stuff in here, just twitter and mastodon and facebook
and the UX is still just the firehose-of-information timeline thing I hate so much
looks like a nice initiative that I have no interest in as a user 🙂
[asuh] joined the channel
the filters are the interesting part. haven't seen anything else that has that
ben_thatmustbeme, jjuran and KartikPrabhu joined the channel
Feed subscription in python is a mostly solved problem