#dev 2020-08-05

2020-08-05 UTC
I'm trying to understand how it's determining if it's (Gobo) something posted by a man
I mean it admits when it doesn't know the gender of the poster but then it just hides the content altogether
[fluffy], geoffo, sp1ff`, nickodd, [tantek], sp1ff, [tb], KartikPrabhu, swentel, dckc, moppy, gxt and [KevinMarks] joined the channel; nickodd left the channel
Kappa, HbHighland2, dckc, geoffo, vilhalmer, [chrisaldrich] and sp1ff joined the channel
did something change on the brid.gy about recieving webmentions? Mastodon publish doesn't seem to make it through. Problem may be on my end.
[Chaitanya] joined the channel
beko: Ryan reported this issue with Mastodon a few months back: https://github.com/tootsuite/mastodon/issues/12915
Probably, cause of that publishing hasn't been working with brid.gy for Mastodon
[snarfed] #12915 reproducible HTTP 502 error in OAuth /oauth/authorize
sp1ff joined the channel
[Chaitanya]: thanks but that's only the interactive "send for publishing" function on the page itself. Publishing via webmention worked fine last time 6 days ago.
an RSVP also didn't show up so I send the Webmention manually. Afraid something broke on my end again *sigh
[tb] joined the channel
Heh didn't take long for the bots to start descending on my IndieAuth token endpoint
[schmarty], [Rose] and [KevinMarks] joined the channel
[tb]: as in actually trying to login or do they just throw random requests at it?
I see a few requests to hit my `/login` endpoint and then after one request to `/indieauth/authorize` that redirected to `/login` it just threw something random at `/indieauth/token` 😄
oh. so nothing serious :)
Yeah, at least it exposed a bad constant reference I had in my error handler on the token endpoint that wasn't in the path of any of tests haha
chrchr, sounds like Chaos Engineering :D
Speaking of which, that's on my todo list for this but haven't really given much thought on how to chaos test an app running on Heroku
it probably involves docker xD
Looks like Heroku doesn't even allow low-medium load tests against hobby dynos
Heroku is really more of a stopgap for me anyway though, wanted to focus on writing my backend hub first
Ultimately I think my push into IndieWeb will converge with my desire to Homelab someday 🙂
same 😁
Heroku still seems to be about the cheapest option at the moment though — all in it looks like it's going to cost me $14/mo or so with 1x hobby dyno for the app, 1x hobby dyno for the worker, and then free Postgres, Redis, and Elasticsearch
Beyond that though the economy of it starts shifting back towards DIY on less managed providers, Google Cloud Run seems pretty promising for running the containerized parts
Or for 2x Heroku standard dynos I could just rent an an entire server from OVH!
[Ana_Rodrigues] and KartikPrabhu joined the channel
[aaronpk] I just ran across something that uses `response_type=id` — the receiver tests on webmention.rocks!
swentel, [chrisaldrich], [pfefferle], lahacker, Kappa and [tw2113] joined the channel
↩️ The creator of this already made a very nice blogpost about it. https://mxb.dev/blog/using-webmentions-on-static-sites/
gRegorLove joined the channel
Kappa, from development perspective you can go either route: reply back and forth with new posts each time (and include the URLs, manually if necessary, of all the prior conversation to send those webmentions--this gets messy after a few times though and will add a lot of cruft to your feeds potentially) OR you can do all the replies in a threaded manner under the original post and rely on parsers to do their job to show the correct bits.
As an example, here's a parsed version of one of my sub-comments which only shows the comment and not the original content in the top level h-entry: https://pin13.net/mf2/?url=https%3A%2F%2Fboffosocko.com%2F2018%2F07%2F01%2Frefbacks-support-for-my-website%2F%3Freplytocom%3D57527%23respond
[Chris Aldrich] I suspect that spammers are spending more time focusing on other surfaces now, besides anti-spam measures have come a bit further in almost 15 years. We’ll see what happens. I know some who are working on the vouch spec, which I suspect will cut wa...
ben_thatmustbeme joined the channel
You notice that even Loqi can parse the proper piece of the fragment on a given URL from the example above: https://boffosocko.com/2018/07/01/refbacks-support-for-my-website/?replytocom=57527#respond
[Chris Aldrich] I suspect that spammers are spending more time focusing on other surfaces now, besides anti-spam measures have come a bit further in almost 15 years. We’ll see what happens. I know some who are working on the vouch spec, which I suspect will cut wa...
though it appears for those in Slack that slack can't parse it properly. 🙂
KartikPrabhu joined the channel
Thanks for the tips. I think I may prefer to use a comment section/leave a reply section to reply incoming webmentions
whatever is simpler and works, and may not go through the salmentions route.
It's late at night in my timezone, gotta work on it later/in day time.
Thanks for the help, Chris. [chrisaldrich]++
[chrisaldrich] has 9 karma in this channel over the last year (64 in all channels)
good luck Kappa, we're around if you have other questions....
KartikPrabhu and [KevinMarks] joined the channel
Well, I spent a fair bit of time tonight working out how to do a table with a header and some toggle above it so that the table body scrolled but the top furniture didn't.
Because you can't just do tbody {overflow:scroll ;} for some reason.
gbmor, [Chaitanya] and [tantek] joined the channel
For anyone who may be using Twilio's JS SDK, I'm sure you have have nothing to worry about, but might want to double-check: https://www.theregister.com/2020/07/21/twilio_sdk_code_injection/
It's not like any of Twilio's code is used for anything security like SMS MFA (which you shouldn't be using anyway) or authentication like Authy