#dev 2020-08-06

2020-08-06 UTC
hey folks using curl to archive pages to the Internet Archive, maybe switching to POST will work? see this comment? https://blog.archive.org/2019/10/23/the-wayback-machines-save-page-now-is-new-and-improved/#comment-385897
i linked the docs for the new api on the page
dougbeal|mb1, geoffo, [chrisaldrich] and KartikPrabhu joined the channel
[EdwardHinkle] #18 Add support for WebSub
[fluffy], KartikPrabhu and beko joined the channel
chrisaldrich++ for playing devil's advocate with jsonfeed
chrisaldrich has 10 karma in this channel over the last year (65 in all channels)
i think the "JSON Feed was developed because so many developers prefer JSON over XML" quote is the biggest takeaway from https://gist.githubusercontent.com/manton/7a8e4a7cd295dc2e2bc2dd4afa30583d/raw/6b8ca0ca670b3008f4c0900baeef86b1b80f6ba4/jsonfeed_indieweb.md
even though mf2-json is json it still retains the feeling of html
lahacker: I think I may blog what I said about the cleaning problem
cool, it does need a name and should be talked about -- jsonfeed is like tackling the problem from the consumer side -- microformats have poured so much time into the publish side -- yet it may actually be simpler to describe the publishing of jsonfeed -- and it may be harder to communicate the nuance of what is lost when you lost the composability component on the publish side
i feel like if there's a standard mf2->"jf2" it kinda obviates jsonfeed
lahacker: We haven't talked much about jf2 in a while either
i'll try to use XRay, Bridgy and JSONFeed to unify some kind of "cleaned" output
is your code available?
It's WordPressy PHP code
But yes
[dshanske] parse-this: Parse This Parsing Library for WordPress- Can Act as a Standalone Plugin
and that's WP-dependent?
lahacker: Only because it has WordPress dependencies. It would be easy to rewrite without them
cool i see your `includes` directory
I need to add more docblocks
But it is a labor of obsessiveness
is it modeled after XRay at all?
lahacker: Yes and no
I started it before X-Ray. But I did look to X-Ray for ideas at various points when I was iterating
so is the *-mf2.php going to get me to where i'm going?
I probably could stand a refactor
how are your tests working?
oh i see
lahacker: I need more of them
I'm horrible at unit testing
so i've been collecting tests from here and there and there's a surprisingly small number and they're all over the place
it's a perfect example of when to use Test Driven Development if you ask me
lahacker: I'm just not organized enough
you provide the HTML, provide the JSON you think it should return and then make the code work
lahacker: I know.
and of course the test suite is the one thing all implementors share
ok so as a part of doing this in a Jupyter notebook i'm trying to make it equally useful during software testing as well as documentorial (? documentational?) for the newcomer
making the tests that is
Shared tests would be helpful, I suppose
But we don't have a shared conception of what we're doing
well for now even the html->mf2 test suite is weak
doesn't cover all the cases
so for the output jf2 i'm going to dig into those places and try to converge on some kind of similarities
lahacker: I understand.
ok here's something
i was going to say
i don't have the immediate access to run your code (inside WP) so if you could find a couple or more examples of HTML, run them through your cleaner and then post the output to the wiki
or a GH repo?
i'll do the same for the others
so we can talk about them without revolving it around my notebook
lahacker: It has an endpoint. I could probably give you a token
i'll ask you when i'm ready
unless you like my idea of finding a place to throw some real life input/outputs
and don't say we need to find a name first ;)
I didn't say we needed to find a name first. It just is a filing issue
well then would you like to create a gist of your input/outputs and link to it from https://indieweb.org/jf2#Implementations
probably more accessible and up-to-date than https://microformats.org/wiki/jf2#Implementations
I'll see when I get a chance.
I think I may start with that blog post
I want to describe the problem and need
AkyRhO and [chrisaldrich] joined the channel
GWG i just grabbed Aaron's most recent entry for testing -- https://xray.p3k.io/parse?url=https://aaronparecki.com/2020/08/05/14/ -- can you gist me the output from parse this for just that page?
or email it
i just want to see roughly what the standout obvious differences between implementations
angelo@lahacker.net -- thanks
angelo@lahacker.net has -1 karma over the last year
GWG: first thing that stands out is mf2util includes replies in a "comments" property
lahacker: That was an earlier thought. It was changed to references
ah i saw that in the jf2 spec but i don't see it in XRay or your output
gwg: where are you storing these references?
In a refs array
gwg: so outside of the JSON in the gist i take it
Inside the json, outside of the main structure
lahacker: It's outlined in the jf2 spec
gwg: then why don't you have a `references` property with a couple of comments inside of it for aaron's post?
I convert h-cites to references. There are no h-cites
I have a flag that keeps the h-cites inside the properties
there are h-cites on his post
Those are comments/likes on the post
I discard those right now
ah ok
They aren't needed for either feed reading or reply context
makes sense
mf2util has it
k THANK you
gwg has 25 karma in this channel over the last year (137 in all channels)
nickodd joined the channel
I forgot about this
swentel, [KevinMarks], dckc, moppy, KartikPrabhu, [pfefferle] and [jeremycherfas] joined the channel
Can anyone point me to a good tutorial on how to enable mail sending from PHP in OSX; the ones I have found are all for Windows and most expect me to use an additional library, which feels like overkill.
hmm I would have expected that was enabled by default
[KevinMarks] joined the channel
mail sending is hard now, because of spam. Effectively your mail will be marked spam unless you set up a lot of certs and signing stuff. Using a service to send sets this up for you.
what's your use case for mail?
if you want to send on behalf of the user, a mailto: link works to fill in an email in their client
gxt and geman joined the channel
hiya everyone, great to see so many people here, I only recently found out about indieweb but wow does it feel like home, so much of what I have been contemplating myself you people have already written long wiki pages about (i.e. POSSE and PESOS) :-)
anyways, I was wondering if anyone has any experience with, or knows about any tool or way to automatically (or semi-automatically) collect/publish tweets/threads that I write, and republish/archive them on micro.blog ?
[Rose] joined the channel
Did you look at the micro.blog feed settings? You can add an RSS feed to it and everything will show up there, or do you really mean you want to have things reposted?
ah yes, I knew I had seen it somewhere, yeah that should work, if I can find a good twitter->rss tool, seems to be quite a few
hmm, is there a specific micro.blog support channel somewhere or can I ask questions about that here also? :-)
[KevinMarks] I want to be able to send myself an email when a cron job has run (or failed) and while the instructions for that say to add `MAILTO="me@example.com"` I imagine I need to somehow enable sending email somehow. Probably I wrong about that oo.
What is granary?
granary is the social web translator https://indieweb.org/granary
@geman look at that for twitter to feed
ooh, that does look like what I was looking for, and even available as a hosted service nice, thanks [KevinMarks]
[jeremycherfas] I guess we're talking linux cron? yes your server needs to be able to send email for it to work, which is generally just a matter of installing postfix if it's not already installed. The harder problem after that is generally to get the email accepted and delivered and not marked as spam.
Right. I don’t mind having to look for it in spam.
And it seems I do actually have `mail` installed. Just testing now.
yeah, if you can whitelist the sender and just want to send email to yourself you can probably skip the relay
but if I recall correctly, depending on where you are trying to do this, a lot of ISP's and some VPS providers block sending email
or rather, I think they block port 25, but I have not looked at this for some time
Thanks. I can see I am going to have to do a whole lot more reading.
swentel and [pfefferle] joined the channel
GWG, did you experience any update problems, or haven't you updated yet?
None yet
ok good
out of ideas re: that WP/yarns/IndieAuth issue, I've asked rik whether I could make a connection with his site to see if I can see something in the logs (if I also get a 403 of course)
I even looked at the diff between 3.4.2 and 3.5.0 and I don't see anything that might trigger bugs
[jeremycherfas]: setting up some smtp account to send mails is also possible. Let me know if you need help. an unconfigured mailserver may be abused as spam relay so it is possible that destination denies any connection at all - not just file as spam.
modern default settings are more sane on this topic nowadays
[michael_lewis] joined the channel
When I send emails from my personal domain, it often ends up in people's spam folders. I was told this is because I send such a low volume of emails, which seems odd because it would suggest the solution to not being classed as spam is to start spamming people. Not particularly concerned, but you've got me wondering if its something else now, like needing an SPF record or something.
not using the big 5 and no spf/dkim asks for this, yes. The explanation is not really legit tho. There is even down ranking for bad neighbourhood - so basically any cheap VPS provider.
nickodd joined the channel
As more and more domains centralize email in the handful of mega-corp hosted solutions the hosts have less and less reason to care about accepting mail from outside the walled gardens.
It's not about setting up perfect signed email and all the new techs. It's not about having the same clean IP for a decade. It's just the same old network effect combined with profit motive.
This is more of a mangerial change in the last 5 years than a technical one.
same for everything. I noticed webmentions bouncing when the target is behind cloudflare. Requests are blocked because "they look automated". well d'uh
KartikPrabhu joined the channel
I'm thinking of the flow behind a `Reply`. So contextual content like the h-card of the original author, the specific content being replied to, the date-time the original author's content was published... do these things need to be implemented by a Micropub server and passed on to my static site? Like, if I wanted good UX, it would be the Micropub server attempting to find this info, correct? (Except a quote of the
content being replied to)
geman: threadreaderapp can collect your thread and post it to your micro.blog account also!
hirusi[m]: Yeah usually the micropub client is not the one that's going to collect that info, although technically it could, I don't think any do in practice
its usually up to the server to expand the post to include the reply context
That makes sense. Ultimately, you still rely on the server to understand that info and pass it on
So the server has to support it
Hmm, interesting
More and more I do this, to me, it makes sense for someone to build a client+server rolled into one for the best UX.
I don't know if there's a Micropub server I could use that does this. My limitation being I run a static site. Very few options for this kind of workflow
There's plenty of people who have static sites using micropub, what's the particular challenge you're having?
Wondering how best to build a UI for a reply form on my Micropub client.
[grantcodes]: On postr, does the `getRefs: true, // (Boolean) Enables parsing of referenced urls` option do what I think it does? i.e. parse a permalink for reply context, for example?
[grantcodes] joined the channel
hirusi: Yes it does
It might just be the setup on my personal site, but there's a bug somewhere where that context data it collects gets deleted sometimes
I might have to change my recommendation from Indiekit to Postr! Your endpoint also syndicates content and returns permalinks to syndicated content right?
@hallouberspace gibt es die Möglichkeit für IndieAuth den Header REDIRECT_HTTP_AUTHORIZATION zu erlauben? (IndieAuth Spec: https://indieauth.spec.indieweb.org/)
Yeah there's plugins to do syndication
But I don't recommend the instagram one now.
Last I checked, Instagram does not allow creating posts using their API?!?!
If I'm *only* giving a u-url that I'm replying to, do we still need to nest it inside u-in-reply-to or is u-in-reply-to supposed to directly hold the URL?
Thanks, all. In the end, after a bit of digging, I discovered that I didn’t need to do any more setting up if I just want to get notifications here on my own machine from the terminal. Turns out cron had been dutifully sending emails all along, and I just didn’t know where to look for them. So for now, all is good.
dckc joined the channel
No, it used the private API that the apps use, but they've tightened that up too
If it's just a url, you can just use `u-in-reply-to` http://examples.tpxl.io/#reply
Oh I love this site already! Is this on the wiki? Sorry things are spread out quite a bit between mf2 and indieweb wikis, it can be a little difficult. 😅
grantcodes has 9 karma in this channel over the last year (20 in all channels)
[jeremycherfas]: good. anyway let me know if you need help. This stuff is kinda my job :)
No, nothing like that is really on the wiki, which is why I made it 😛
Or it's there but all over loads of pages
[manton] joined the channel
Will do beko++
beko has 3 karma in this channel over the last year (11 in all channels)
KartikPrabhu and geoffo joined the channel
grantcodes: no what I meant was if its linked to anywhere in the wiki, might be a good idea to link to it.
Ah, email on the same machine is a simpler problem, yes.
Oh yeah, not sure if it's linked from the wiki
[MitchWagner], gxt and [Murray] joined the channel
grantcodes++ this is a great resource 🙂 wish I'd found it a few weeks ago 😄
grantcodes has 10 karma in this channel over the last year (21 in all channels)
↩️ Versuche mich mit dem IndieAuth-WordPress-Plugin im Web auszuweisen, dieses benötigt den Header. Hier wird es bspw. beschrieben: https://wordpress.org/plugins/indieauth/#%0Ai%20keep%20getting%20the%20response%20that%20my%20request%20is%20unauthorized%0A
Frosti joined the channel
Hi, I've been working on coding a website in glitch, but I'm having trouble using .php, what services/techniques do you use to edit/code?
[tw2113] and [Chaitanya] joined the channel
grantcodes has 11 karma in this channel over the last year (22 in all channels)
[chrisaldrich] joined the channel
For now, a simpler problem is a better problem.
gRegorLove, swentie, swentel and [tantek] joined the channel
GWG excellent find! Much to think about..
↩️ I have been running https://webmention.herokuapp.com/ on paid dynos for years now, and it constantly runs, 24/7
before I click the links, what's the topic GWG?
Both xray and granary look for application/mf2+json
as in they consume it?
interesting, who is publishing it?
what is application/mf2+json
It looks like we don't have a page for "application/mf2+json" yet. Would you like to create it? (Or just say "application/mf2+json is ____", a sentence describing the term)
For one, the WordPress mf2 feed plugin
Not sure who else
application/mf2+json is an experimental MIME type for the canonical JSON output of a [[microformats2]] parser that is consumed by at least two independent implementations ([[XRay]], [[Granary]]), and published by at least the [[WordPress mf2 feed plugin]].
what is WordPress mf2 feed plugin
It looks like we don't have a page for "WordPress mf2 feed plugin" yet. Would you like to create it? (Or just say "WordPress mf2 feed plugin is ____", a sentence describing the term)
^ GWG could you redirect that to the right page about that plugin?
I'm not sure we have a page for it
GWG we should have a page for every IndieWeb-related WordPress Plugin
what are WordPress plugins?
WordPress Plugins are recommended plugins that can help make your site more IndieWeb friendly https://indieweb.org/WordPress/Plugins
^ GWG see there, looks like there's an existing redlink for it. Could you click on it and make the page?
What is WordPress Microformats2 Plugin?
It looks like we don't have a page for "WordPress Microformats2 Plugin" yet. Would you like to create it? (Or just say "WordPress Microformats2 Plugin is ____", a sentence describing the term)
!tell GWG,aaronpk,snarfed I should have cc'd you on this but here you go: https://github.com/microformats/microformats2-parsing/issues/52
Ok, I'll tell them that when I see them next
[tantek] #52 Should we specify a MIME type / Content-Type for canonical JSON from parsed mf2?
nickodd left the channel
what is tag-of
A tag reply is a special edit response to a post that tags that post with one or more tags, including possibly (or only) person-tags https://indieweb.org/tag-of
!tell GWG are you able to post /tag-reply posts from your site?
Ok, I'll tell them that when I see them next
[manton] joined the channel
GWG this is related to what you asked about last night, doing an mf2 pop-up (presumably for development). We have a bunch of mf2 issues that need work on them to advance them, and one of the first steps there is to identify where an issue is in the process and what next steps to take.
[chrisaldrich] joined the channel
A while ago I created labels for tracking where an issue is in the process but they've not really been used, and I've been blocked myself on not having the ability to post tag-reply posts to add labels to GitHub issues, but I've now added myself as interested and working on that: https://indieweb.org/tag-reply#Tantek
[tantek]: Technically I can do tag replies... don't often. UI is basic
GWG: [tantek] left you a message 13 minutes ago: I should have cc'd you on this but here you go: https://github.com/microformats/microformats2-parsing/issues/52
GWG: [tantek] left you a message 7 minutes ago: are you able to post /tag-reply posts from your site?
[tantek]: I will go through the various issue lists in the coming days so we have something.
I mentioned I've been meaning to do that
GWG, does "don't often" mean you have done a tag reply in the past?
we're looking to document IndieWeb examples!
and if there is a UI for posting a tag reply that would be great to screenshot and add to /tag-reply !
GWG, when you take a look at the issues for mf2 (parsing, h-entry, etc.), do you mind if I request that you try to use your own website to do all your interactions with the issues? E.g. reacji, comments, labels (tag-reply)
as part of eating your own cooking 🙂
[tantek]: Only in testing... never live
[tantek]: That's another UI I am not happy with, but will do
I keep wanting to build an issue archive that looks vaguely like an issue tracker
it's a start!
I mean that would be great too
I may use your UI as inspiration 🙂
[tantek]: The thing is that when the GitHub issue is closed, I want my copy to know and vice versa...not sure that would work
GWG, we'll get there
we don't have to solve all the interactions at once
we can start with at least the interactions that work today
[Chaitanya] joined the channel
GWG, if you would like to backfeed support from Bridgy for when an issue is closed on GitHub, please add your support to https://github.com/snarfed/bridgy/issues/915
[tantek] #915 Explore support for Bridgy Publish to GitHub POSSE special responses to issues: close, re-open,...
though I suppose that's the POSSE equivalent, hmm I wonder if we need a different issue for backfeed of closing/opening/locking/unlocking issues
building a useful and intuitive social reader is not easy
especially if it aims to be something that can stand in for things people use everyday
consider starting with less
just as Twitter did
2006 Twitter, not 2020 Twitter
GWG, that issue is not a blocker for you per se
since you can still mostly own your issues
[dougbeal] #833 backfeed for github status changes
You are correct
It looks like @Automattic is dusting off their old p2 / o2 theme projects for a new remote working platform? Here's hoping that they consider Webmention support for true distributed cross-site @​mentions. https://boffosocko.com/2020/08/06/improve-your-remote-collaboration-with-p2-wordpress-blog/
jamietanna joined the channel
even the less factor is something to be widdled down
like to get to less, it comes from a bit of an amorphous stone no?
right, that's the challenge with the "less" framing
less than what?
Twitter started as almost a silly minimal experiment
like an MVP but more informal, playful
Twitter didn't start by asking what to carve out of an amorphous stone
like, "How can we make something better than MySpace, but less?"
that was one of the "things people use everyday" back when Twitter started. maybe *the* thing
hm okay
[snarfed] joined the channel
GWG [tantek] just fyi granary doesn’t consume application/mf2+json, it emits it
[snarfed]: [tantek] left you a message 58 minutes ago: I should have cc'd you on this but here you go: https://github.com/microformats/microformats2-parsing/issues/52
that test code checks that it emitted it properly in Content-Type
snarfed, still good to know! I'll update the page thank you!
snarfed, it looks like from the docs that Bridgy will publish tag-reply posts but not backfeed them just confirming before I file the issue
e.g. for GitHub labels
in particular
anyone have particularly opinions about "untagging" vs "removing" or "deleting" a tag?
are there systems that allow you to remove a tag that someone else put on your post (e.g. a photo) and then block that tag from ever being added again?
I think if you untag yourself in a FB photo it can't be added back?
GWG ^ these are the kinds of questions we have to answer if we want to enable backfeeding the removing of labels to issues posted on your own site
gRegorLove indeed. do they call it untag or remove?
that might be a good reason to keep untag as the reversible action. e.g. GitHub labels you can label/unlabel repeatedly
I've seen this in practice with the "Agenda+" label in various W3C Working Groups
a-ha that's interesting
[tantek] correct, bridgy can currently publish label tag-replies to github but not backfeed them
backfeed is covered in https://github.com/snarfed/bridgy/issues/833. when i researched 2y ago, i couldn’t actually find that the API exposed individual label events that bridgy could consume. feel free to research and update that issue if it’s been added!
[dougbeal] #833 backfeed for github status changes
"I want to untag myself" as an option in some places, not sure I understand the difference though https://www.facebook.com/help/196434507090362
snarfed, yeah I found that catch-all (833) for backfeed, though it lists things we haven't even brainstormed yet so I'm not sure it's helpful in that regard.
I mean for these purposes. Since tag-of does have specific recommended markup etc.
and implementations
going to file a separate issue just for backfeed of tag-of
sure. please also copy in the 2018 research that it wasn’t available in the API, and any new research you do
ah I linked to the issue 833, hope that's enough?
(where you last noted the research)
sure! thanks
also just fyi for everyone here, i haven’t had time for new feature development on bridgy/granary etc (or even nontrivial debugging) for the last couple months or so, and realistically it’ll be another 1-2 mos before i do have any time for it. so PRs, research, issues, and any other help is welcome, as always!
[schmarty] joined the channel
snarfed has 49 karma in this channel over the last year (87 in all channels)
[KevinMarks] joined the channel
Twitter was also AIM away messages without the chat part
needs to update his async webmentions to detect payloads from wm.io
right now if I get a completed 'async' webmention from webmention.io; I kinda ignore it since there's no top-level "url" key (and that's mainly for compat with bridgy)
KartikPrabhu and [tw2113] joined the channel