#dev 2020-08-31

2020-08-31 UTC
cambridgeport90, [tw2113], beko, jonnybarnes, KartikPrabhu, [chrisaldrich] and nickodd joined the channel
↩️ Sounds lovely. I really like the indieweb trend with /now and webmentions. Feels retro, but also personal, and adds something to the network.
jonnybarnes and KartikPrabhu joined the channel
[Zegnat]: thanks! :)
After 5 whole months of slow-and-frustrating-work (lol), I'm finally onboard the IndieWeb train! https://rusingh.com/micro/
superkuh, moppy, jonnybarnes and [jeremycherfas] joined the channel
!tell [manton] [Zegnat] I adjusted the template to include `read-of` and `read-status`. The parsed mf2 looks OK to me but I would be very grateful if you would take a quick look. Thanks.
Ok, I'll tell them that when I see them next
jeremy, jeremy-, [James_Gallaghe], jonnybarnes, fuzzbomb, [grantcodes], [Murray] and [tb] joined the channel
Uh oh I have some debugging to do on my IndieAuth server today — it's returning an `unsupported_response_type` error to IndieLogin.com for some reason
Hrm I think my coercion of `response_type=id` requests to `code` under the hood isn't working as intended
KartikPrabhu joined the channel
I'm still waiting for the spec revision for that
Only because I have other things
twomanytacos joined the channel
hey cool github put rel=me on the twitter link on your profile
Part of my really wants to shave the yak more on this now that I've grafted IndieAuth onto Doorkeeper and just extract it all into an IndieAuth-only engine for Rails
dckc joined the channel
You might see a bunch of requests from my dev site on IndieLogin.com this morning aaronpk
i don't really look at it :)
geoffo, [tantek], nickodd, MrHyde, [jgmac1106], Zegnat and jonnybarnes joined the channel
Ah yay I fixed it
Was a stupid copy paste error when I was redoing my authorization views for the vanilla OAuth2 provider I have alongside my IndieAuth provider — I copied the updated views to the IndieAuth ones and forgot to change the post URL on them to the IndieAuth one, so they were all hitting my POST /oauth2/authorize endpoint haha
Oh btw [jgarber] I wrote a full endpoint discovery thing for webmentions this weekend (including an automated spec suite against all the discovery tests from webmention.rocks) and used your gem again https://github.com/craftyphotons/singulus/blob/main/app/services/discover_webmention_endpoint.rb
[fluffy] and [manton] joined the channel
[jeremycherfas] Looks good. 👍
I wonder if most read-of posts should also use p-uid for the ISBN (maybe as a hidden span) but that shouldn’t be required, and might be difficult to get widespread implementation since it will be a little fiddly.
i wouldn't overload uid like that
uid is meant to be the reference to the post
[jeremycherfas] joined the channel
Am I wrong to use it on the link in the h-cite?
cambridgeport90, [tw2113], jonnybarnes and [James_Gallaghe] joined the channel
[aaronpk] Hmm. I was just copying that from e.g. this post: https://gregorlove.com/2018/06/want-to-read-welcoming-the/
[gRegor Morrill] Want to read: Welcoming the Stranger: Justice, Compassion & Truth in the Immigration Debate by Matthew Soerens, Jenny Yang (ISBN 9780830845392)
oh i see
it's in the h-cite hmm
i missed that, thought you were talking about on thte h-entry review
only slightly strange thing about that is that there's no indication that it's an ISBN
according to http://microformats.org/wiki/h-cite `uid` needs to be a URL or URI
[Tantek Çelik] Test #IndieWeb : Parvenir à « POSSEr » un article vers Twitter
i guess this is the reason for URNs
[schmarty] joined the channel
lol [schmarty]
i used to think that "URL" was a very silly term / word but years of web development practice normalized it for me.
"urn" is still very silly to me 😂
I saw that URN on bookstore.org but thought it would be more useful to link to the book itself rather than give the isbn/urn
linking to the book sure, but "uid" provides a stable identifier for it
Are there any other real-world examples that use p-uid? I don’t think I notice it very often.
there's some mention of it in /authorship
[chrisaldrich] and [snarfed] joined the channel
bridgy puts silo post ids (etc) in it
[Ana_Rodrigues] joined the channel
it's a use-case, which URNs never actually interoperably solved
disconnect between admission of a real problem / use-case, and the leap to an unproven proposal (happens a lot in standards work)
isn't this a perfect use for them though?
there isn't a real URL for an ISBN, but ISBNs exist in a single ISBN namespace
so if you want to find matching h-cites of a matching ISBN, you can't use the `url` property for that since what people actually link to for a given ISBN isn't consistent
Sorry, bookshop.org
And though it provides `EAN/UPC` That isn’t linked to anything. If you search for the number though, Amazon.com is generally the top hit. I prefer not to link directly to Amazon, so I provide and affiliate link to bookshop.org
jonnybarnes and strugee joined the channel
URNs could also be used to anchor to Web3-y stuff (ssb URLs, dat links etc)
a URN could be more effective than leaning on something like a http-to-$protocol hub too
jonnybarnes joined the channel
The “don’t just link to Amazon” problem is why I ended up creating special book URLs on Micro.blog, like this: https://micro.blog/books/9781501173219
They have no branding or any links to Micro.blog, so they are hopefully more useful to link to from any blog.
nickodd left the channel
[manton]: I didn't know about that! Cool
[tw2113] joined the channel
WorldCat has 1 karma over the last year
That’s also a good option.
jonnybarnes joined the channel
ooh nice
this is something I feel like I was needing to do on my own site if I ever did link to books
tbf, if there was some sort of thing that I could hit with a ISBN and a mf2 property, it'd update my post with the proper mf2 for a post, I'd be super interested in that
[tb], [chrisaldrich], jonnybarnes, [Ana_Rodrigues], [tw2113] and geoffo joined the channel
Yay I think all of my test webmentions that I just sent out to the discovery tests on webmention.rocks worked
[snarfed], jonnybarnes and [jgarber] joined the channel
[tb] Nice! Glad to see that gem getting some use. Let me know if you’ve got any ideas or feedback.
Will give your code a closer look later, too.
[chrisaldrich] and KartikPrabhu joined the channel
[jgarber] Worked like a charm again! One thing I noticed was that it didn't seem to handle the case of a `<>; rel=webmention` value, which came from me coercing all the `<a>` and `<link>` `href`s into link header format so I could parse everything the same. Not sure though if RFC5988/8288 actually allow for that anyway though so it could just be me abusing it 🙂
I suspect that’s invalid, but I’d have to double-check those specs.
Yeah I just inject the target URL webmention into it in that case as according to the webmention spec so it works either way
But I was like, why write my own separate relative URL logic for the `a` and `link` tags when the link header parser already does exactly what I need!