[jeremycherfas]!tell [manton] [Zegnat] I adjusted the template to include `read-of` and `read-status`. The parsed mf2 looks OK to me but I would be very grateful if you would take a quick look. Thanks.
[tb]Uh oh I have some debugging to do on my IndieAuth server today — it's returning an `unsupported_response_type` error to IndieLogin.com for some reason
[tb]Part of my really wants to shave the yak more on this now that I've grafted IndieAuth onto Doorkeeper and just extract it all into an IndieAuth-only engine for Rails
[tb]Was a stupid copy paste error when I was redoing my authorization views for the vanilla OAuth2 provider I have alongside my IndieAuth provider — I copied the updated views to the IndieAuth ones and forgot to change the post URL on them to the IndieAuth one, so they were all hitting my POST /oauth2/authorize endpoint haha
[manton]I wonder if most read-of posts should also use p-uid for the ISBN (maybe as a hidden span) but that shouldn’t be required, and might be difficult to get widespread implementation since it will be a little fiddly.
Loqi[gRegor Morrill] Want to read: Welcoming the Stranger: Justice, Compassion & Truth in the Immigration Debate by Matthew Soerens, Jenny Yang (ISBN 9780830845392)
aaronpkso if you want to find matching h-cites of a matching ISBN, you can't use the `url` property for that since what people actually link to for a given ISBN isn't consistent
[jeremycherfas]And though it provides `EAN/UPC` That isn’t linked to anything. If you search for the number though, Amazon.com is generally the top hit. I prefer not to link directly to Amazon, so I provide and affiliate link to bookshop.org
jackytbf, if there was some sort of thing that I could hit with a ISBN and a mf2 property, it'd update my post with the proper mf2 for a post, I'd be super interested in that
[tb][jgarber] Worked like a charm again! One thing I noticed was that it didn't seem to handle the case of a `<>; rel=webmention` value, which came from me coercing all the `<a>` and `<link>` `href`s into link header format so I could parse everything the same. Not sure though if RFC5988/8288 actually allow for that anyway though so it could just be me abusing it 🙂
[tb]But I was like, why write my own separate relative URL logic for the `a` and `link` tags when the link header parser already does exactly what I need!