#dev 2020-09-01

2020-09-01 UTC
jonnybarnes, [jgarber], treora, geoffo, [tantek], jeremy, [rg]1, [schmarty], nickodd, [tonz], [rg]2, [schmarty]1, [chrisaldrich], KartikPrabhu, dckc and moppy joined the channel
Would anyone be able to weigh in here on what properties should be included by a Micropub server? https://github.com/getindiekit/indiekit/issues/147#issuecomment-684484035
[hirusi] To explain why something like this is desired or useful in the first place, consider two posts: - The currently published implementation would yield something like: Liked [https://example.com](https://example.com/) - However, to improve the re...
jjuran, jeremycherfas, [jgmac1106], tinfoil-hat, jonnybarnes, treora, KartikPrabhu, [James_Gallaghe], jeremych_, deltab, cambridgeport90 and geoffo joined the channel
#IndieWeb is a... rabbit-hole. Trying to get a sense of #Microsub using #Aperture and #Together.
dckc, ndegruchy, ndegruchy_ and nickodd joined the channel
hey hirusi[m]
I just checked that ticket out and it's something I'm wrangling in my micropub server as well
the approach mentioned (that using a 'references' field') might be the best bet
it keeps things a bit DRY when you have multiple posts referencing the same field (like how I'm a chronic like and repost kind of post)
[schmarty], [chrisaldrich], jonnybarnes, [fluffy] and [snarfed] joined the channel
yeah but what all properties do you include and which ones do you leave out? it seems kind of obvious to suggest that published should be included, but why? what's the guiding principle here?
also, hey jacky 👋
I'm taking `published` just as a quick example above ^
[grantcodes] joined the channel
Why not just store the full parsed microformats? Then you can choose to show whatever you want.
^ I do that (specifically the HTML tbh) and then use whatever I need
jjuran, [tantek], [grantcodes], [snarfed], tinfoil-1, jonnybarnes and tinfoil-hat joined the channel; tinfoil-1 left the channel
^ this [grantcodes]++
[grantcodes] has 11 karma in this channel over the last year (22 in all channels)
jonnybarnes joined the channel
I'm diving back into h-resume this week, both the spec, and trying to use it from a practical perspective to update mine (don't worry, not job news to report), and curious who here (if anyone) has published their resume in HTML on their site with h-resume
I probably should add h-resume markup to mine but even getting people interested enough to look at an HTML-based resume in the first place is already a challenge
I added a print stylesheet to mine, so just print to pdf and send
[grantcodes]: I get <30fps on your site D:
Probably the svg that animates in. Might be ok after that is done. Or the glass effect causes some browsers issues
[fluffy] it could also be a highly effective filter, like if you know they're looking at your h-resume, it's likely worth your time to talk with them :)
In my experience, companies’ technical recruiters aren’t themselves particularly technical
also FPS on a resume lol. clearly I asked in the right place
right, but if they happen to be, what a gem!
Yeah, lots of style recalculations
my HTML-based resume isn’t a particularly fancy example of HTML but I do use media queries to present different content for printing vs. browsers, and also it demonstrates Authl a little bit. https://beesbuzz.biz/resume
(and Publ to a lesser extent)
I didn’t want it to be freely-visible to every dang web scraper on the planet, just because that’s led to more frustration than anything. So someone has to actually know about it and want to identify themselves as looking.
is tempted to start a whole discussion how deep markup actually controls SEO, and to beware of "dark semantics"
[fluffy]: Internal Server Error -- uh oh
dangit, I thought I fixed that
Very fast loading, though :D Needs a bit more of the description department
Clearly marked up well, though
what’s really weird is the ISE isn’t even showing my usual ISE page
so, no idea where that’s coming from
ok this is weird, it’s properly raising a 401 error but then that’s getting mishandled, wtf
oh I think I know what’s happening
what is a resume
A resumé or curriculum vitae (CV) is a document that represents a person's background and skills, commonly used to secure employment https://indieweb.org/resume
what is an h-resume
It looks like we don't have a page for "h-resume" yet. Would you like to create it? (Or just say "h-resume is ____", a sentence describing the term)
This is why I need to add proper unit tests 😛
what is h-entry
h-entry is the microformats2 vocabulary for marking up blog posts on web sites https://indieweb.org/h-entry
h-resume is https://microformats.org/wiki/h-resume the [[microformats2]] vocabulary for marking up [[resume]]s on web sites.
Tantek Çelik
I keep forgetting what syntax the auto-dfn-linker bot needs, I thought "URL after 'is'" was it but apparently not
fluffy, may I include your resume link (the login version) in the /resume#IndieWeb_Examples ? asking explicitly since it is login-wall protected
h-resume << IndieWeb Example: https://grant.codes/about
ok, I added "IndieWeb Example: https://grant.codes/about" to a brand new "See Also" section of /h-resume https://indieweb.org/wiki/index.php?diff=72489&oldid=72487
jonnybarnes and [schmarty] joined the channel
[tantek] I’d rather it not be
also I just pushed a bug fix to publ to fix the /resume link 😛
totally understood fluffy and no worries
jamietanna joined the channel
tantek I'm interested in giving it a go, too - my current resume is PDF, but I was thinking recently it'd be nice to try h-resume
[tw2113] joined the channel
many years ago i did the same basic thing, except not only did i post it online, i registered michaelbeckwithsresume.com for it 😄
nickodd left the channel
jamietanna, that would be great, and great to learn about any issues you run into. hmm speaking of which ...
jonnybarnes joined the channel
ok, now https://github.com/microformats/h-resume/issues exists, am working on updating the h-feed & h-resume specs accordingly to link to their GH issues and can follow-up more on that in #microformats (if there's something IndieWeb specific I'll bounce back over here for that)
jonnybarnes, [jgmac1106], [chrisaldrich] and jjuran joined the channel
jaimetanna I used it as a chance to learn a little CSS Grid at same time.... But I need to do an obnoxious CV... Next step... Try a non-js way to display different resumes for different audiences
...currently don't know how without using CSS Animation and opacity.... Which isn't nice to screenreaders
I also need to fix my print.css to handle details/summary currently doing to different pages. Sknebel told me what to do... Just haven't done it
I get to tease people how well it parses.... Moving data like this between LMS and LRS.... Big industry
[manton], KartikPrabhu, shrysr, geoffo, [tw2113] and jonnybarnes joined the channel
This compact, amplified micro-sub is fully capable of delivering the bass when space is at a premium. Whether under or behind the seat, it can go where most subs can't. We even include an External Bass Control in the box! #microsub #terminator #compact #lowprofile #limitedspace
hehe! different microsub
so re: indiebookclub
actually lemme check github
yup this is what I was going to ask about https://github.com/gRegorLove/indiebookclub/issues/3 lol
[gRegorLove] #3 Feature: Add shortcuts for previously-entered books