#dev 2020-09-03

2020-09-03 UTC
[chrisaldrich], jonnybarnes, geoffo and maxwelljoslyn joined the channel
jonnybarnes, beko, [schmarty], nickodd, jjuran, [asuh], KartikPrabhu, [Serena], dckc, moppy, gxt, [jeremycherfas], [James_Gallaghe], ndegruchy and [Murray] joined the channel
I added a #Webmention receiver to my blog. So if somebody links to one of my articles, I might get notified. If approved, this mention will appear in the comments section. https://palant.info/2020/09/03/added-webmention-support-to-the-blog/
[jgmac1106], [tb], [Murray], geoffo, [James_Gallaghe], nickodd, twomanytacos, jonnybarnes and [tantek] joined the channel
↩️ In my opinion, we're way ahead of 28% but I'm not too bothered to create and close a bunch of tickets on #IndieAuth. That implementation is solid and took quite a bit of work, time, and effort.
[chrisaldrich] joined the channel
!tell lahacker looks like you need to set up an h-card template so your name shows up properly from notes when they're cut/pasted from the etherpad when you use the {{lahacher}} format. See details at: https://indieweb.org/Template:sparkline#How_to_make_a_small_h-card_template to fix the redlink at https://indieweb.org/events/2020-09-02-hwc-west-coast
Ok, I'll tell them that when I see them next
chrisaldrich i'm {{angelo}} on the wiki; i just updated the event page
lahacker: [chrisaldrich] left you a message 11 minutes ago: looks like you need to set up an h-card template so your name shows up properly from notes when they're cut/pasted from the etherpad when you use the {{lahacher}} format. See details at: https://indieweb.org/Template:sparkline#How_to_make_a_small_h-card_template to fix the redlink at https://indieweb.org/events/2020-09-02-hwc-west-coast
you can also have both fif you want - just make a redirecting one for the second nick
[Murray] joined the channel
[Rose], fauno and fauno_ joined the channel
nickodd left the channel
Does anyone have a good example of a personal website giving attribution to the person who took a photo if not the author of the page?
I think [jgmac1106] is sometimes using and crediting CC-licensed pictures?
[snarfed] joined the channel
[Jan_Lukas_Else], [schmarty], geoffo, jonnybarnes, [tantek] and [jgmac1106] joined the channel; petermolnar left the channel
on every single pcture I use, gets especially complicated when I make derivative art from multiple sources with multiple licenses
I just cheat and use Alan Levine's flickr attribution tool...I worked on an IndieWeb version but that was early days and I stuck u-photo on everything
realized I would need three versions a u-featured for featured photos, u-photo for photo posts, and plain HTML for photos embedded in posts
jonnybarnes and ndegruchy joined the channel