#dev 2020-09-07

2020-09-07 UTC
[KevinMarks], cambridgeport90, geoffo, KartikPrabhu, jonnybarnes, fauno_, [tantek], [tw2113], [chrisaldrich], [fluffy], treora, beko, nickodd, [jeremycherfas], [LewisCowles], cweiske, swentel, [James_Gallaghe], moppy, [Murray] and [jgmac1106] joined the channel
Someone fixed their Micropub auth problem by setting the permission function to always return true
I worry if I don't solve the problem people will become negatively frustrated
[jeremycherfas] joined the channel
Can frustration be positive?
[jeremycherfas]: As in do something unfortunate
geoffo, jonnybarnes and [fluffy] joined the channel
Positive frustration leads to things like BLM protests and sweeping social change
swentel, [snarfed], jonnybarnes and [tantek] joined the channel
We’ll have to agree to disagree. A positive response to frustration is great and can effect huge changes. But it is borne of a desire to remove the frustration, which is not desirable.
discomfort can be useful for remembering and growing empathy, to help motivate advocating and advancing social changes that benefit those less fortunate
oops sorry that's more a #indieweb-chat topic
jamietanna joined the channel
GWG what's the Micropub auth issue? Is it WP specific?
jamietanna: Appears so
also GWG I think maybe having the profile image redirecting could be useful, but I wonder if it always redirecting could be a pain for clients who would want to cache
oh that's a shame - guessing we're not sure what's up yet?
jamietanna: I think it is a weird combination of server configuration and code. That's why some people have no issue
jamietanna: As for the profile image redirect, I am setting cache control headers which should, on supporting systems, cache the redirect.
According to RFC2616, a 302 response is only cacheable if indicated by a Cache-Control or Expires header field
nice, that sounds like a good plan
Still puts it in the retrieving site's ballpark
The alternative was to download the profile image and serve it
ndegruchy, KartikPrabhu and [schmarty] joined the channel
okay how do i get the little copyable anchor icons like github readmes have
i need that on my website
i keep expecting it to be there but it's not
like on headings?
it appears on hover
I have a thing like that on publ.beesbuzz.biz that’s all done in CSS if you’re interested
all css? yes plz
do you also want it for paragraphs?
well, mine are always visible but it’s easy enough to make it not be
just headings
This feels like a very old discussion, where we discussed automatically giving every heading and paragraph its own fragment permalink that was revealed upon hover
so like, I have <h2 id=“foo”><a href=“#foo”>Foo Header</a></h2> in the HTML
hm right... i need to change the HTML here
and then in the CSS I have some ::before and ::after rules, and you can do like h2:hover a::before { content: ‘¶’ }
is there any way to do it *entirely* in css?
aaronpk, depends on the effect you want
there are many variants
oh i think i've tried this before, you can't create an anchor link in css
if you literally want GitHub style, then you DON'T want to hyperlink the text of the heading the way [fluffy] does
in http://publ.plaidweb.site/style.css see the .permalink rules, although they’re a bit messy
oh yeah you can also do <h2 id=“foo”><a href=“#foo”></a> Foo</h2> or whatever
depends on what you’re going for
yeah there's no way to do it without changing the HTML huh
right that sort of thing, with it being visibility:hidden by default, then a hover rule on the h2 that sets the a href to visibility:visible
I don’t like having things that appear/disappear only on hover so my specific rules are a bit different than what I said above, I just change the opacity of the `#` mark
presumably your HTML already has the link, that's the assumption
the problem is i'd have to change my markdown processor to add something into the HTML, which sounds hard
You could keep the HTML the same and use `text-decoration: none` for h2 a, or something
and that you only need the CSS to hide it normally and show it on hover
i could post-process the HTML in javascript, heh
Publ does let you change the heading templates so that you can format the headings however you want, link-wise
not a bad idea, those links are only for users anyway, not bots
if you want the github-style "one click to copy to your clipboard" you'll need JS anyway.
I’m not a fan of javascript post-processing but that’s a fair point
though it sucks to make a markup feature require JS
the other problem is right now there's not enough space between the left of the header and the edge of the container to insert an icon so i have to move it or show the thing at the end
yeah, right-click to copy link is usually good enough IMO
yeah position:absolute is your friend for this
only if you set position:relative on the h2 🙂
well i don't want it hanging off the side
well, yeah
where do you want it
originally you said GitHub style so now we're talking about something else
i might scoot my text over to make room: https://i.imgur.com/IPiSoKI.png
this is what i tlooks like now https://i.imgur.com/6TeuH7w.png
GitHub style just seems like it adds some left margin on everything, and then there’s a :hover rule to put the little link icon off to the left, probably using absolute positioning
and I’m not going to dig into their probably enormous stylesheets but I’m guessing the rules they use are something like: h2:hover a { position: absolute; left: -1em; display: block; content: ‘🔗’; } and h2 a { display: none; }
er sorry h2:hover a::before
hm no they’re actually injecting `<svg>` tags into the HTML
so it’s like `<h2><a id="foo" href="#foo"><svg>...</svg>Foo</h2>`
and then presumably there’s an h2:hover rule to make the svg visible
you’ll probably want to change the HTML anyway, in case your markdown ever allows links within the heading itself
[Emma_Humphries] joined the channel
this is why i haven't done this before, so many dependencies in the chain
jonnybarnes joined the channel; nickodd left the channel
the hard part is *something* has to generate the id on the heading for permalinking
yeah that too
if you want the links to actually *work* as in a browser to scroll to the heading, you MUST generate them server-side
forget the JS approach
i can manually add one in markdown, so i think i'm going to settle for only adding tthis icon to headersr that have an id in the sourrce
neat trick: visibility:hidden keeps the containing element in the dom so tthe hover event still works
i was wondering how github was doing it where you can hover over the empty space where the icon will appear
ok this works reasonably well!
[chrisaldrich] joined the channel
i should have done this ages ago haha
omg this is so nice
looking forward to seeing the demo at HWC West 🙂
[tw2113], ArjunAa, ndegruchy, geoffo, jeremy and [Murray] joined the channel
also looks forward to that ^ Hover links for headings have been on my list for _ages_, will be interested to see how you've done it 🙂
jonnybarnes, [tantek] and gRegorLove joined the channel