#dev 2020-09-10

2020-09-10 UTC
[tw2113], [Emma_Humphries], [KevinMarks] and [tb] joined the channel
Got a working demo of my endpoint discovery branch in omniauth-indieauth! https://omniauth-indieauth-sinatra.herokuapp.com/ | https://github.com/craftyphotons/omniauth-indieauth-sinatra-demo
maxwelljoslyn joined the channel
[tantek], geoffo, jeremy, [chrisaldrich], KartikPrabhu and jonnybarnes joined the channel
I accidentally webmentioned last week's HWC page instead of today's. When I fixed my u-in-reply link and re-sent webmention to last week HWC page, got an error back saying "no link to this page in the source"
AFAIK, re-webmentioning a source when the target no longer links to source, should cause target to re-scrape source and update its WM display. but my erroneous post still there:the erroneous post is still linked: https://events.indieweb.org/2020/09/homebrew-website-club-west-coast-eKgjOW4KvBIK
meetable bug? maxwell bug? :S
rementioning a target* when source* no longer links to target* ... gah
beko joined the channel
↩️ IndieAuth всем! :-P
[Chaitanya], KartikPrabhu, jonnybarnes and treora joined the channel
maxwelljoslyn: Meetable bug yeah
I always forget that one
it's weird because you have to do stuff before webmention verification unlike normal where you don't trust anything about the external input until you validate the link is there
jonnybarnes, nickodd, [jeremycherfas], geoffo, cweiske and [James_Gallaghe] joined the channel
[tb] Great work! I still have not delved into the world of micropub.
swentel, geoffo, ben_thatmust, KartikPrabhu, tinfoil-hat, moppy, dckc, cweiske, leg, cjw6k, [James_Gallaghe], sebbu, geoffo_ and [tb] joined the channel
Hey [jgarber] / [jacky] any chance you guys could review my PR to omniauth-indieauth? I think it's ready now that I've fully UAT'd it with my demo app, and I'd love to get it merged so I can move on to adding PKCE and token retrieval to it (I purposely kept this PR at authentication only feature parity with what was already in the gem) https://github.com/aaronpk/omniauth-indieauth/pull/6 (cc: [aaronpk])
[craftyphotons] #6 Endpoint Discovery
jonnybarnes, [schmarty] and [James_Gallaghe] joined the channel
What is the accepted content of a the anchor text in an `in-reply-to` tag? I see some people use @ mentions whereas others state the name of the person to which they are replying.
It looks like we don't have a page for "accepted content of a the anchor text in an `in-reply-to` tag" yet. Would you like to create it? (Or just say "accepted content of a the anchor text in an `in-reply-to` tag is ____", a sentence describing the term)
[grantcodes] joined the channel
Whatever you want I think. Should probably just be human readable, the mf2 parser should pick up the url.
Thanks. I wasn’t sure based on the documentation.
nickodd and jonnybarnes joined the channel
[grantcodes]: Interested in an intellectual banquet on microformats this weekend?
[KevinMarks] and [tantek] joined the channel
[James_Gallaghe] you have to do the visual design first of what you want your /reply posts to look like overall, including the /reply-context. Check out some of the examples in https://indieweb.org/reply-context-examples#Indieweb_Examples for inspiration, and feel free to share your own design thinking.
Ah. Thanks, [tantek]. I didn’t see that page on the wiki.
The wiki is organized more from a user perspective down to specific markup / protocol details rather than vice versa
so part of the challenge is re-adjusting the perspective / asking of questions to be from the user's perspective first (what user-visible thing are you working on?) and then working downward from there, rather than from the markup perspective ('in-reply-to') and trying to reason upward from there
checking that PR nowish, [tb]
[snarfed] joined the channel
tantek has 20 karma in this channel over the last year (116 in all channels)
I also tried signed in with that Heroku app [tb] and I got this error: "no implicit conversion of nil into Hash"
I might have not updated my endpoint with the `profile`
interesting point to cache the bits around auth'n and auth'z endpoints here
I have it fetched each time (sans the profile URL) in the Elixir setup
[tb] joined the channel
Aha I bet that's it [jacky] but that's a bug in the gem then that I need to accommodate lack of a `profile` object in the response
tbh I wanna keep stats about exposure to stuff like this when I eventually do finish fortress
so I can help with reporting around adoption
we're not like 1,000 people but it's still good to keep track
[snarfed]: If a profile picture changes, would/could Bridgy send a webmention to update?
GWG definitely not, largely due to scaling. the silos generally don’t give you any way to “subscribe” to arbitrary changes like that, so bridgy would have to regularly poll all 1.7M interactions that it’s ever sent a wm for. that’s not really feasible
it would also add an implicit promise that bridgy stores all of the wms it’s ever sent. it actually does right now (shhh), but i don’t plan fully commit to that as part of the product
[snarfed] #762 resend all past webmentions from newly blocked users
[jacky] Just re-deployed the demo with a fix that defaults the `info` hash to an empty hash if there was no `profile` object in the response
[snarfed]: Still brainstorming local avatar stores. Wondering about the broader issue.
Should one display the current avatar or the historically accurate one?
up to you!
[tb]: will check in a few
[snarfed]: I have to think about more than me in WordPress alas
Sometimes I just put a setting, but I like to explore other thoughts
Right now we're at one avatar per author url.
tantek++ for the great description.
tantek has 21 karma in this channel over the last year (117 in all channels)
maxwelljoslyn joined the channel
How do y'all store Micropub payloads on the backend? JSON as received? Munged JSON? Markdown or YAML files? Database entries?
Wrestling with ingesting Micropubs right now. The fact that "post content" can show up in one of many parts of the JSON is getting on my nerves. For application code, I think I'll end up with something to read JSON into conveniently-shaped Python objects
But planning to stick to JSON for storage so I don't disturb the differences between "content" "content[html]" and "content" : [{"html"} ...]
[chrisaldrich], jonnybarnes, KartikPrabhu and [schmarty] joined the channel; nickodd left the channel
maxwelljoslyn: i explicitly map micropub directly into my post storage (typically markdown + yaml front matter for hugo to compile)
then for micropub queries i have a big _unmapping_ step
(well, not hugo, but dynamic code, but similar storage principle. although I keep a copy of the originally submitted content so I can modify it automatically if I want
can't remember if my current code actually does....
i try to keep it minimal but there are a handful of things to deal with. for example hugo requires that "title" be a string while in micropub JSON it's an array. i map "category" to "tags" because that system in hugo better matches how i use tags. i also have special handling for tags with nested structure (e.g. ownyourswarm sends tags with nested h-card data) but hugo only understands string tags.
jonnybarnes joined the channel
I have a somewhat normalized relational schema that I transform into right now but I'm about to move away from that in favor of something more like what [schmarty] said
I'll be storing posts in MF2 JSON as-is (and transformed to MF2 JSON if they come from a form-encoded request)
And that's just going to go into a Git repository with a thin-ish REST API atop it that a Next.js site will consume whilst building the site
Thanks schmarty and tb!
Seems like there's no avoiding a hairy map/unmap step, it's just a question of whether to do that when storing the payload, or when retrieiving it for rendering, etc. I'm leaning toward the latter for now; seems that would make it easier to implement micropub update/edit features. and tb, thanks for reminding me that I should ensure my conversion from form encoding to JSON matches the equialent MF2. Still learning about the different request
shoesNsocks and [James_Gallaghe] joined the channel
the books (including "Dying for an iPhone") have arrived! https://v2.jacky.wtf/post/4c1e0ff6-c650-4ae0-b994-5b90e4ea600b
[Jacky Alciné] Even more books. For the record, I’m at a point where I probably have more books on anti-capitalist theory than capitalism itself, lol. https://v2.jacky.wtf/media/image/floating/1599766724727.jpg_KBS5QDGFOKAP6.jpeg?v=original
and I _really_ need to work on multi-photo displays lol
agh wrong channel >_<
That's a great book cover. I was fooled...
[tw2113] and geoffo joined the channel
jonnybarnes, [tantek], [jgmac1106] and KartikPrabhu joined the channel