[tantek]GWG, re: "POSSE issue I need to fix where the webmention isn't sending promptly" from #microformats, do you mean the webmention you need to send to Bridgy in order to get it to POSSE to GitHub?
GWGThis is the same way WordPress does Pingbacks, because otherwise the publishing process would take a while, so it schedules the pingback to run as a scheduled event to start immediately.
Loqi[David Shanske] Micropub 2.2.3 for WordPress has been released. It fixes a variety of warning notices. Published, updated, name, and summary properties are no longer stored in post meta. When queried, they will be pulled from the equivalent WordPress properties. Co...
[tantek]GWG, Aaronpk, [schmarty] ^ perhaps define that and add prior art in terms of podcasts?
KartikPrabhu, jonnybarnes, [chrisaldrich], [James_Gallaghe], [tw2113], geoffo, swentel, gRegorLove, gRegorLove_, shoesNsocks, [tantek], lahacker and jamietanna joined the channel; nickodd left the channel