@mapkyca↩️ Maybe. Tbh I can’t remember exactly how indieauth works, I think it’s built on OAuth. Known also supports OIDC, which might make passing credentials around a little easier (twitter.com/_/status/1306123672487428096)
jonnybarnes, [Chris_Bongers], [James_Gallaghe], jeremycherfas and moppy joined the channel
Ruxton*sigh* stumbled into a gaping spam hole (could dump a list of many thousands of emails into this page and it'd send them all), been trying to contact the company responsible for nearly week, be nice if they acknowledged it :(
jeremycherfas!tell aaronpk Is it OK to delete `storage/framework/cache` in Compass? My server is running out of space and that directory is about a third of the total.
@soapdog↩️ ✨ BLOGS, RISE FROM YOUR GRAVE: fuck social networks, all of them. We should own our platforms and data. Instead of silos we should go back to blocks and webrings. WebMentions alone makes all the discovery and connections much easier today.
2/ (twitter.com/_/status/1306187825122086918)
Loqiaaronpk: jeremycherfas left you a message 4 hours, 5 minutes ago: Is it OK to delete `storage/framework/cache` in Compass? My server is running out of space and that directory is about a third of the total.
jeremycherfasI don’t mind deleting it by hand when my server host tells me I need to do something.
gxt, raucao, KartikPrabhu, [KevinMarks], geoffo, [kimberlyhirsh], [chrisaldrich], ndegruchy, swentel, [tantek] and [jgmac1106] joined the channel; nickodd left the channel
[grantcodes]Don't think I have that problem and made a backup. I didn't do anything about the times that I already have my location data though, so I'm likely to get a bunch of duplicate data I think
[grantcodes]No idea. I'm using the really big json file it exports and looping through it, converting each location and posting them if they are above a certain level of accuracy
@kixiQu↩️ I have created an alt for my personal site posts because I don't want to completely cross the streams of tweets and such. This was my first test and wow the folks at http://brid.gy have made it so easy! (twitter.com/_/status/1306368311253295104)