#dev 2020-10-01

2020-10-01 UTC
gxt, [chrisaldrich], [tantek], beko, nickodd, KartikPrabhu, deltab, lahacker, swentel, [James_Gallaghe], moppy, peterrother, [Ana_Rodrigues], dckc, locutor99, [mapkyca], joshghent1 and sebbu joined the channel; nickodd left the channel
Have any here used a headless cms to publish static site content? I’m using Hugo on a Debian ARM box and have hacked together a publishing workflow with a web server and webhooks, but now maybe it’s time for something slightly more robust? I’ve been looking at Cockpit, and it seems like a decent choice?
jeremych_ joined the channel
I feel like we had some people playing with this …
What is contentful?
It looks like we don't have a page for "contentful" yet. Would you like to create it? (Or just say "contentful is ____", a sentence describing the term)
we had a camp in their offices :D
Yeah, and I was pretty sure atleast the (co-)organiser had their website on that stack. But apparently never documented.
Also feel like some people were talking about using Drupal as a storage but rendering a static site infront? But also do not see that documented on /Drupal :(
Looks like Contentful is pretty amazing, but maybe not possible for a self-hosted install? I should have said that my site runs local on a raspberry pi, and I’d like to keep all I need there.
yeah, contentful is just a service
Zegnat: didn't you look at some headless thing too recently, but decide it wasn't for you?
I was looking into both Cockpit (https://getcockpit.com/) and Directus (https://directus.io/). I think I ended up putting the most time in Directus and that one ended up as not for me, as I was unable to change schemas in production (or something)
Do not offhand remember where I landed on Cockpit
I’ll look at Directus too. Thank you!
[Murray] joined the channel
I've used Directus in the past, as well as playing around with Cockpit and currently use Craft fully headless 🙂
I liked Directus but it felt like they were prioritising dev workflow over content workflow, which was great for initial setup but then just made actually using the thing slightly, shall we say, quirky
Cockpit feels like one of the closest experiences to Contentful whilst retaining control of your content, personally I think it's a really solid solution, but I've yet to find any CMS with a content workflow as smooth as Craft
That’s super helpful feedback, thank you [Murray].
Publishing on Craft to a static site is pretty simple if you have webhooks set up, as there's a (I believe first-class) plugin for triggering outgoing hooks. If you host on Netlify there's a third-party plugin which is incredibly easy
KartikPrabhu joined the channel
FYI in case you haven't come across it yet, https://headlesscms.org/ is a really useful resource for comparing. I remember Strapi was a contender for a while too form me, can't remember why I gave up on it though 😄
jeremych_, [tw2113], KartikPrabhu, internerd and [grantcodes] joined the channel
Yeah strapi looks pretty nice too
I guess I'm running a headless cms now. But I don't have a UI it's all micropub
Is that headless and footless? 🙃
but is it serverless?
forgot the /s
dckc, KartikPrabhu, lahacker and [tantek] joined the channel
⚠️ Starting in 90 Minutes ⚠️ Did you know that Webmentions let you pull tweets, other blogs, and other activity from around the web into your site? In this episode, @waterproofheart teaches us how to add it to a Next.js site! Details Here! ⬇️ https://buff.ly/3j7W90P
[calumryan], swentel, [James_Gallaghe], [tw2113], [schmarty] and KartikPrabhu joined the channel
How likely is it that Twitter will disable its oembed as Facebook did?
it’d be hanging itself if it did, imho
what else does it have to offer?
it wouldn't hbe
*wouldn't be
people will convert over to those Twitter-provided embeds
I just switched, because Tweets require javascript to see, to oembed for replies...sort of.
i have a weird sense of doom about these oembed shutdowns
jamietanna joined the channel
what is twitter provided embed?
It looks like we don't have a page for "twitter provided embed" yet. Would you like to create it? (Or just say "twitter provided embed is ____", a sentence describing the term)
!tell lexly I've used https://www.netlifycms.org/ for Hugo, but I'd recommend seing if you can get a Micropub endpoint running, because then you can use any of the Micropub clients :D
Ok, I'll tell them that when I see them next
[schmarty]: that fate has been looking for a long while though, given oembed is an iframe in most cases.
petermolnar: it's a good point! i don't actually like or use oembed because it is ultimately so weird.
but i feel like it is widely used e.g. by wordpress sites and their announcement seemed very much like an afterthought.
[fluffy] joined the channel
okay THIS is a great post https://next-netlify-webmention.com/post/demo-post-1 (we're still learning about Webmention!)
thanks [jamietanna], I was just looking at the netlify CMS (and craft CMS and cockpit CMS too). What I'm realizing is that even simple CMS's are more than what I need today. Supporting even part of the micropub spec and using one of the many nifty clients (or writing my own) looks to be the best lightweight solution for my little pi server.
lexly: jamietanna left you a message 13 minutes ago: I've used https://www.netlifycms.org/ for Hugo, but I'd recommend seing if you can get a Micropub endpoint running, because then you can use any of the Micropub clients :D
[sebsel] and nickodd joined the channel
that sounds great lexly - https://indieweb.org/nanopub may be an option :)
KartikPrabhu, [snarfed] and peterrother joined the channel; nickodd left the channel
[manton] does micro.blog have a "Do Not Track" policy page akin to https://help.medium.com/hc/en-us/articles/213690167-Medium-s-Do-Not-Track-Policy ?
[manton] joined the channel
[tantek] No, just a privacy policy page. I hadn’t seen Medium’s DNT page… Seems like a good idea.
I figure if Medium can brag about such things, micro.blog ought to as well 🙂
fauno joined the channel
Day 16 of #100DaysOfCode Attended a great episode of Learn with @jlengstorf: Webmention + Next.js with @waterproofheart Attended @eggheadio Talks by @thisismahmoud_ and @Mappletons Continued with #PHP. Form validation in PHP is really easy, and you can use the ternary operation!
i figured if i needed to spawn a virtual screen to spawn a headless browser then i should be able to just send clicks to x,y coordinates
alice's post is POSSE'd to twitter upon every rerun of the notebook; in implementing bob's reply i finally understand the design of u-syndication
we'll see how long alice, bob and carol test twitter accounts stay active :)
[schmarty] joined the channel