#dev 2020-09-30

2020-09-30 UTC
[schmarty], cat1 and ludovicchabant joined the channel
[catvscode], [chrisbergr], geoffo, jamietanna[m], nekr0z, khimaros[m]1, mayakate[m], JK_na, Salt[m], voxpelli, peterrother, themaxdavitt, mattl, genehack, dietricha, myfreeweb, Kongaloosh_, dopplergange, [tantek], KartikPrabhu, imsky, globbot, [jeremycherfas], nickodd, [fluffy] and [James_Gallaghe] joined the channel
Interesting W3C standard (recommendation state) that lets you send/receive notifications about any URL. Perfect fit for building open platforms https://daily-dev-tips.com/posts/goodbye-comments-welcome-webmentions-%F0%9F%99%8B%F0%9F%8F%BC%E2%80%8D%E2%99%82%EF%B8%8F/
jeremycherfas, KartikPrabhu, dckc, swentel, [catvscode], moppy, [Ana_Rodrigues], [Rose] and gxt joined the channel
KartikPrabhu, [chrisbergr], [Rose]1, Loqi, jeremych_, [Chaitanya], gxt, imsky, geoffo, dckc, nickodd and [manton] joined the channel
We launched a bunch of Micro.blog improvements this week in a “2.0” update, and it also includes some recent Micropub and IndieAuth changes. Support for the Micropub “channels” proposal, IndieAuth “profile” responses, and other tweaks to the token endpoint based on recent discussions.
Plus a new feature to archive any web page that is bookmarked. The clients all use Micropub’s bookmark-of now when talking to Micro.blog.
[manton]++ wow awesome!
[manton] has 24 karma in this channel over the last year (63 in all channels)
imsky and [snarfed] joined the channel
maton has 1 karma over the last year
argh manton++
manton has 25 karma in this channel over the last year (64 in all channels)
lahacker, swentel, nickodd, [fluffy], [schmarty], KartikPrabhu and [tantek] joined the channel; imsky left the channel
manton++ woohoo!
manton has 26 karma in this channel over the last year (65 in all channels)
[snarfed] joined the channel
hey [manton], on a related note, how’s webmention interop with external sites coming along?
swentel joined the channel
congrats manton++
manton has 27 karma in this channel over the last year (66 in all channels)
[manton] joined the channel
[snarfed] No changes recently… In theory everything should be working well. Every once in a while I hear from someone who doesn’t see webmentions on their site, but not sure if that’s a Micro.blog bug or something else.
oh! that’s great news! sounds like we can drop the caveat on https://indieweb.org/web_hosting#Custom_domain_silos then?
(“The one caveat is webmentions to/from external sites. As of 2019-02-01, they’re still in progress, particularly sending outbound webmentions from original posts.“)
[EdwardHinkle] #75 Adding support for cross-site replies
[snarfed] Reviewing that… Yes, I think that disclaimer is out of date now. The only limitation I’m aware of is that Micro.blog still doesn’t support Bridgy because Micro.blog doesn’t have a way to show Twitter/Instagram users in the timeline.
great news! feel free to remove that disclaimer
re bridgy, interesting. bridgy tries hard not to be a “normal” webmention sender and not need any special cased support. do you mean that you want to special case it for silo users?
Yeah, the problem is everything in Micro.blog has a “username”. For incoming Webmentions, the username is the domain name, e.g. @manton.org instead of [manton]. But for Twitter users, using @twitter.com for everyone wouldn’t really make sense. So I have that disabled until I have a better solution.
ahhh i see
the naive approach is to special case twitter and IG and include the first element after the path. but i’m sure you’ve thought about it much more deeply. lmk if i can help!
[Ana_Rodrigues] joined the channel
Thanks! That is definitely one possibility. It’s a bit of a can of worms… If I show the real Twitter username, what happens if someone replies in Micro.blog to that post, etc. The nice thing about using domain names for usernames is that there is no conflict with existing Micro.blog usernames.
oh yeah you’d definitely use the domain + username, eg @twitter.com/schnarfed, or something similar
i’ll back away slowly now though, i know you’ve thought all this through!
yeah also a question of how to even reply on twitter at all
probably the answer is the reply doesn't get sent to twitter, in which case it'd just go into a void
Yeah, that is partially a problem now with other sites… You can @-mention a domain name and it will attempt to send that reply via Webmention, but if the site doesn’t support Webmention, the reply goes into the avoid (but still appears on Micro.blog).
it's a little more reasonable with websites because there's at least a chance it will work, and there's also a way for the person being mentioned to make it work if they wanted
Into the “void”, too. Of course, when more blogs support Webmention this problem goes away. 🙂
Right, exactly.
For Twitter, in theory I could forward things to Twitter via the Twitter API too, but it starts to make Micro.blog like a weird Twitter client which I’d like to avoid.
like if people connected their twitter account?
nickodd left the channel
Yeah. Some people connect their Twitter account already to cross-post their regular blog posts.
ah gotcha
[calumryan] joined the channel
Has anything changed with @hacktoberfest this year, because it seems like everyone is suddenly getting flooded with pointless, trivial pull requests and it's not even October yet.
apparently hacktoberfest recommends using an "invalid" or "spam" label (although I think you can delete PRs too?), in case that hits some of our repos
[tw2113] joined the channel
“Here’s a period where one was missed” and that’s the PR
and it counts cause it contributed
evidently they’re giving away swag if you file four PRs: https://hacktoberfest.digitalocean.com/#rules
right. has been a thing for a long time
and every year it causes a wave of extremely low-effort or spam contributions in random repos
but normally only in october, not before :D
timezones. *magic*
meh. this is why we can't have nice things. I hate spam. ._.
provided a Gitlab instance for fun. Had to tighten it up because bots started to upload warez
[tantek] joined the channel
i do enough GH contributions to code through my dayjob that I don’t feel much need to participate
let others get the swag
hmm [snarfed], am I reading this right that you don't verify signatures in fed.bridgy in the inbox?
(I'm pretty sure actually, but just want to verify :)
prohobo joined the channel
[snarfed], oh, no problem, I'm actually struggling on to verify them on an inbox follow request in my drupal plugin
but I'm going to skip that verification now as well
since for now I'm only interested in follow -> do accept, or unfollow/delete
getting close
discovery worked immediately when searching my profile
so I'm almost switching to my own domain
just to figure out how we can migrate fed.brid.gy/realize.be
(if necessary at all)
mastodon has several AS extensions like alsoKnownAs and movedTo, so that might do the trick
but, first things first, need to be able to send an accept now :)
oh, I'm looking at the code locally :)
that's where I suddenly saw that signature todo hehe
and I was like, right, why all the hassle for a follow :)
hah yes!
[Emma_Humphries] joined the channel